New York, NY: Routledge (
This book provides beginners with a sense of the questions and methods that make up the philosophy of language. The first four chapters develop the idea that language is a system that allows us to exchange information with each other, and the second four chapters the idea that language is a tool we can use to perform actions, like promising, insulting, and socially positioning ourselves. The first part of the book traces an arc connecting questions like: What is linguistic meaning? Where does meaning come from? How do we use meanings to send messages to each other? The second part of the book takes up questions like: Does pornography silence women? What is offensive about slurs? What do we lose when languages go extinct? With a glossary of key terms, questions for reflection, and suggestions for further reading, Philosophy of Language: The Basics is the place to start for anyone who is or knows someone who is curious about how high the seas of language rise.