A Book of First Philosophy . Currently practically finished . Over 25000 words , around 125 pages . Baskerville font , not double spaced , around 11 pt font . Various margins , not as large print as Baumgarten's Aestetica , but could benefit from stylistic inclusions similar to Baumgarten's Astetica . The book posits a first philosophy grounded in sense -- and actually succeeds in its telos .
Bergson's books are printed with 2 paragraphs per leaf . i will report back with the length of my book if formatted in a similar way . : the book is roughly 170 pages when formatted similarly to Memory and Matter .
Update : the work is less than 1000 pages if including the refutations , which are all on https :/ / www . instagram . com /jacobromanparr . POLITICS is still not being written due to insufficient funding .