Jacob Roman Parr has found a robust homomorphism between a collection of works and Deleuze and Guatarri's What is Philosophy[?] ; by asserting and defending the Minor Prophet books as being within their own ( idaontical ) genre Remonstration(s) and that W.i.P. is also an idaontical Remonstration for W.i.P.'s specific contexts ; thus through numerous shared functoral relations , or comports , does Jacob Roman Parr " discover " or ellucidate where 1970s-1980s Philosophy-at-large was ( projected ) vectorally .... More than 50% complete : file made available is a pretty-much-finished work-in-progress version accurate as of 08-01-2024 , which is today , the day i Jacob Roman Parr am typing this part to this abstract ; in all efficiency , i will leave the rest to be finished , but will say wip pg 207-210 seal the DG duo's book as donedeal as being a (meta-)philosophical Remonstration . Jacob Roman Parr .