Determining Elementary Pre-service Teachers' Problem Solving Performance and Skills through Sequential Explanatory Approach
Dissertation, Central Luzon State University (
The study determined the problem solving skill and performance of elementary pre-service teachers (EPTs). This was conducted in Benguet State University on the first semester of SY 2018-2019. The problem solving performance of the EPTs was ascertained through a problem set composed of word problems on number sense, measurement, geometry, algebra and probability. Verschaffel, Greer and De Corte’s (2000) Problem Solving Model was used to describe the EPTs’ problem solving skill.
Sequential-explanatory mixed method research design was used. One hundred thirty-one (131) EPTs participated in the study through purposive total population sampling. Big percentage of the elementary pre-service teachers preferred to teach other subjects than mathematics. EPTs who preferred math showed satisfactory performance while pre-service teachers who opted other subjects showed unsatisfactory performance. The EPTs’ unsatisfactory performance suggested the need for remediation to advance the mathematical content knowledge and to enrich the problem solving abilities of these future teachers of primary schools.
ANOVA and Regression Analysis showed that subject preference highly influenced and predicted the EPTs’ problem solving performance. EPTs who preferred to teach mathematics performed significantly better than their counterpart, hence, mathematics as a field of specialization in the Bachelor of Elementary Education program may be considered by teacher education institutions. Besides, majority of the EPTs especially those who preferred to teach other subjects displayed lacking problem solving skill in understanding the text, situation modeling, mathematical modeling, and analysis and derivation of result, thus, a Problem Solving subject is recommended for the EPTs.