CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 94 (
Contains the following contributions:
Ingvar Johansson: Ontologies and Concepts. Two Proposals
Christopher Menzel: Reference Ontologies - Application Ontologies: Either/Or or Both/And?
Luc Schneider: Foundational Ontologies and the Realist Bias
Guenther Goerz, Kerstin Buecher, Bernd Ludwig, Frank-Peter Schweinberger, and Iman Thabet: Combining a Lexical Taxonomy with Domain Ontology in the Erlangen Dialogue System
Vim Vandenberghe, Burkhard Schafer, John Kingston: Ontology Modelling in the Legal Domain - Realism Without Revisionism
A Proposed Methodology for the Development of Application-Based Formal Ontologies
Eric Little