An alternative approach to analyze the nonrelativistic quantum dynamics of a rigid and extended charged particle taking into account the radiation reaction is discussed with detail. Interpretation of the field operators as annihilation and creation ones, theory of perturbations and renormalization are not used. The analysis is carried out in the Heisenberg picture with the electromagnetic field expanded in a complete orthogonal basis set of functions which allows the electromagnetic field to satisfy arbitrary boundary conditions. The corresponding coefficients are the field operators which satisfy the usual commutation relations. A nonlinear equation of motion for the charged particle is obtained. A careful consideration of the quantum effects allows the derivation of a linear equation of motion which is free of both runaway solutions and preacceleration, even for a point charge. Also, the electromagnetic mass, which is defined as the coefficient of the acceleration operator, vanishes for a point particle. However, this does not mean that the results are free of ambiguities which are exhibited and discussed.