Can Poetry Change The World? On Heidegger´s Confrontation With Marx And The Role Of Poetry In The Technical Era / Kann Die Poesie Die Welt Verändern? Über Heideggers Auseinandersetzung Mit Marx Und Die Rolle Der Dichtung Im Technischen Zeitalter
From the 1970es onwards, it becomes a characteristic trait of the Italian reception of Heidegger´s thinking to establish a link between Heidegger and Marx. A systematic reference to Marx is absent from Heidegger´s writing. However, Heidegger refers to Marx in a number of contexts and interprets several of the most prominent traits of Marx’s teaching. The present article establishes a connection between Heidegger and Marx mediated by the concept of alienation. In contrast to Marx, Heidegger sees a possibility to overcome alienation not by means of a political praxis, but through the capacity of poetry to see and to express the Being as a whole