Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India: (
This research is roughly around 3000+ pages (split across 8 volumes) is honestly speaking, a humble yet sincere attempt on an unbiased holistic inter-disciplinary research involving traditional schools of philosophies (oriental and occidental) and modern science in unravelling the mysteries of nature and discovering the परब्रह्म (parabrahma – supreme divinity) which is the अनेकविमा शुद्धकेवलाद्वैत एकत्व (anekavimā śuddhakevalādvaita ekatva –infinite dimensional pure absolute non-dualstic singularity) that underlies the infinite varieties observed not only in the phenomenal world, but is also the अन्तिम सत्य (antima satya – ultimate truth) hidden behind all the तर्कविद्यसंबन्धिन् दृशिकानि (tarkavidyasaṃbandhin dṛśikāni - philosophical perspectives). The key focus areas of this research, include the following topics .
# Topic
A What is me?
A1 Fragments of Confession
A2 My Spiritual Beginnings
B A critical look at Religion
B1 History of Religion
B2 Religious Belief Systems
B3 पुरुषार्थ (puruṣārtha – Soul’s purpose)
B4 वर्ण आश्रम (varṇa āśrama – Class & phase)
B5 The Pitfalls
B6 Tribute to the Holy Scriptures
B7 गुरु वैभव (guru vaibhava – glory of preceptor)
B8 Hindu Philosophical Doctrines – quick analysis
B9 Apparent Differences and Beyond
C Understanding ब्रह्मत्वं (brahmatvaṁ - Divinity)
C1 Reality of God
C2 இறைவன் (iṛaivan - The Immanent Divinty)
C3 ईश्वर तत्त्व (īśvara tattva – Divine Personality)
D ब्रह्म उपासन (brahma upāsana – Divine Contemplation)
D1 यज्ञ साधन (sādhana yajña – Sacrificial Rite)
D2 திவ்ய தேசம் (divya dEsam - Sacred Space)
E पवित्र देश काल (pavitra deśa kāla – Sacred SpaceTime)
E1 Religious उत्सव (utsava - festival) - A closer look
E2 Occult Realm of Time - Fate & Free Will
F Becoming of the Being - Ontology of माया (māyā)
F1 Taxonomy of Divine Manifestations
F2 शून्य कैवल्यं (śūnya kaivalyam –Vaccum Singularity)
F3 पर शिवशक्ति तत्त्व (para śivaśakti tattva - Primary Polarization)
F4 पञ्च महा कृत्य (pañca mahā kṛtya – Five Cosmic acts)
G Becoming of the Being - Ontology of माया (māyā)
G1 महा माया (mahā māyā - Cosmic Censorship)
G2 प्रकारः अविद्यायाः (prakāraḥ avidyāyāḥ - modes of nescience)
G3 सत्यस्य सत्यं (satyasya satyaṁ - from truth to higher truth)
G4 अस्थिशास्त्र मायायाः (asthiśāstra māyāyāḥ – ontology of illusion)
G5 पञ्चविध कञ्चुकाः (pañcavidha kañcukāḥ – fivefold cloaks)
G6 पुरुष तत्त्व (puruṣa tattva – Soul /Anthropic Principle)
G7 प्रकृति (prakṛti - Matter / Nature)
H Divine Cosmology - अन्नमय कोश (annamaya kośa – Food Sheath)
H1 भौतिक व्रत (bhautika vrata – physical realm)
H2 द्रव्य (dravya - substance)
H3 शारीरभूतलोकस्य (śārīrabhūtalokasya – anatomy of physical world)
H4 भूतस्य अवस्थाः (bhūtasya avasthāḥ - states of matter)
I Divine Cosmology - प्राणमय कोश (prāṇamaya kośa – Vital Sheath)
I1 प्राण तत्त्व (prāṇa tattva - Life Principle)
I2 A quick at the critical stages in life
J Divine Cosmology - मनोमयकोश(manomayakośa – Mind Sheath)
J1 मनोमय कोश (manomaya kośa – mind predominant sheath)
J2 प्रमाणविज्ञान (pramāṇavijñāna – epistemology)
J3 जीव पिण्ड अवस्था (jīva piṇḍa avasthā – Internal Phases in Vital Plane)
K Divine Cosmology - विज्ञानमय कोश (vijñāṇamaya kośa – The Gnostic Sheath)
K1 मन्त्र शक्ति (mantra śakti – Potency of Sonic formula)
K2 कुण्डलिनी शक्ति (kuṇḍalinī śakti - Conserved Energy)
L The Divine Cosmology - आनन्दमय कोश (ānandamaya kośa –Bliss Sheath)
L1 अध्याचर आनन्दस्य (adhyācara ānandasya – domain of bliss)
L2 भक्ति योग (bhakti Yoga – Devotional Communion)
L3 Exceptional Kinds of भक्ति (bhakti – Devotion)
M The Divine Cosmology - आनन्दमय कोश (ānandamaya kośa –Bliss Sheath)
M1 परमुक्ति विद्या (paramukti vidyā – soteriology)
M2 मोक्षस्य प्रकारः (mokṣasya prakāraḥ – types of liberation)
M3 अमृत मुक्ति (amṛta mukti – immortal liberation)
M4 अन्तिमात्मावस्था (antimātmāvasthā – ultimate soul state)
N My final thoughts
N1 In a nutshell thus have I learnt
N2 The Pilgrims Progress
Formally speaking the above topics of research is centered around the following branches formal academic domains.
Religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Judaism, Christianity & Islam
Key Metaphysical Domains: Epistemology, Ontology, Soteriology, Eschatology
Key Philosophies: नादान्तदर्शन (nādāntadarśana – final sonic philosophy), शब्दाद्वैतदर्शन (śabdādvaitadarśana – sonic nondualstic philosophy), केवलाद्वैतदर्शन (kevalādtvaitadarśana – absolute nondualstic philosophy), विशिष्टाद्वैतदर्शन (viśiṣṭādvaitadarśana – qualified nondualistic philosophy), द्वैतदर्शन (dvaitadarśana – dualsitic philosophy), सिद्धान्त दर्शनाः (siddhānta darśanāḥ - final accomplishment philosophy), शुद्धाद्वैतशैवसिद्धान्तदर्शन (śuddhādvaita śaiva siddhānta darśana – pure nondualstic auspicious final accomplishment philosophy)
पराद्वैतत्रिकशैवदर्शन (parādvaita trika śaiva darśana – transcendent nondualstic auspicious triad philosophy), जीन दर्शनाः (jīna darśanāḥ - Jain Philosophies), शून्यवाद / माध्यमक महायन दर्शन (śūnyavāda / mādhyamaka mahāyana darśana – emptiness doctrine / middle school of greater vehicle philosophy), चित्तमात्रवाद योगचार / महायन दर्शन (cittamātravāda yogacāra mahāyana darśana – mind only school of greater vehicle philosophy), Anient Greek Philosophy, Medieval European Philosophy, Taoism
Soteriological: Liturgical / Ritualistic Means, Devotional Means, Yogic Means
Science Domains: Cosmology/Cosmography, Cognitive Science, Relativity, Quantum Physics, Mathematics, Bio-Centrism, Newtonian Physics