Noûs 50 (4):740-58 (
Different formal tools are useful for different purposes.
For example, when it comes to modelling degrees of belief,
probability theory is a better tool than classical logic;
when it comes to modelling the truth of mathematical claims,
classical logic is a better tool than probability theory.
In this paper I focus on a widely used formal tool and argue
that it does not provide a good model of a phenomenon of
which many think it does provide a good model: I shall argue
that while supervaluationism may provide a model of
probability of truth, or of assertability, it cannot provide
a good model of truth -- supertruth cannot be truth. The
core of the argument is that an adequate model of truth must
render certain connectives truth-functional (at least in
certain circumstances) -- and supervaluationism does not do
so (in those circumstances).