Докса 2 (
Our study reveal a final list of the influence of totalitarian cultural space on the emergence of the phenomenon of “Soviet balconies” in Ukraine. 1) Lack of personal space, fear, and desire to protect yourself from the world, the state, and adverse weather conditions. Snowfalls and other factors that contribute to the desire to glaze the balcony, there are in other European countries, but there they are not perceived catastrophically against the background of the fact that the state works to help residents and in case of a dangerous situation will solve problems. Also, state regulation of heating becomes one of the reason that if a person does not want to freeze with other disenfranchised people in the state, it has a glazed balcony. To regulate this issue, it is necessary to reform the principles of public policy so that people feel more secure. 2) Lack of practice of self-control, external locus control and attempts to do something only for fear of punishment. To solve the problem, it is necessary to introduce examples of positive motivation, to popularize the achievements of stakeholders. 3) Lack of culture of public communication for the development of urban space. To solve this problem, it is necessary to popularize the experience of solving problems by society. A good example is the recent festival of Odessa yards, and the ethno-festival of the Krasnoselka community “Chumatsky Shlyakh”. 4) False aesthetic standards that are a sign of success are large rooms, in particular a large balcony. This problem has already been solved with the help of social networks that allow you to assert yourself without the help of a balcony. But this does not solve the problem of already built balconies.