New York: Routledge (
This volume provides a clear and accessible overview of central concepts, positions, and arguments in virtue ethics. While it focuses primarily on Aristotelian virtue ethics, it also includes discussion of alternative forms of virtue ethics and competing normative theories. The first six chapters are organized around central questions in normative ethics that are of particular concern to virtue ethicists and their critics:
What is virtue ethics?
What makes a trait a virtue?
Is there a link between virtue and happiness?
What is involved in being well-motivated?
What is practical wisdom?
What makes an action right?
The last four chapters focus on important challenges or objections to virtue ethics:
Can virtue ethics be applied to particular moral problems?
Does virtue ethics ultimately rely on moral principles?
Can it withstand the situationist critique?
What are the prospects for an environmental virtue ethics?
With useful Summaries and Further Reading sections at the end of each chapter, the book is written for advanced undergraduates, but should also be useful to graduate students, professional philosophers, and anyone interested in normative ethics, applied ethics, moral psychology, or moral education.