More than 20 years ago, the pioneering pediatric ethicist William
Bartholome wrote a fiery letter to the editor of this journal because he
thought a recently published statement on pediatric assent, from the
Committee on Bioethics of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP),
showed insufficient respect for children. That AAP statement, like its
2016 update, asserts that pediatric assent should be solicited only when
a child’s dissent will be honored. Bartholome objected that
pediatricians should always solicit children’s assent and that they should
acknowledge and apologize when they treat children over their
objections even when they must do so to promote children’s best
interests. We think Bartholome was right. In this brief commentary, we elaborate
on his perspective about the moral value of pediatric assent, and we
suggest improvements to the corresponding clinical guidance.