The article attempts to re-think active citizenship both from the point of view of social practice and scientific perspective and from the standpoint of modern social philosophy. It is shown that globalization is one of the most used terms of modern socio-humanitarian discourse but simultaneously one of the most difficult to define. Any research related to the global is also related to the national because the reception of global influences is different in different cultures. From the perspective of 2022, the research shows a globalization crisis in the classical sense of the word. It is about the crisis of real and nominal political power, which are often incompatible with each other. In many countries, the desire for “strong statehood” is even stronger. It has been proven that the impact of globalization on society is actively mediated by civil society. In a philosophical sense, a developed civil society as a completed form of morally determined life is almost an ideal product of the history of civilization. The first trend of active citizenship transformation is economic liberalization. The second feature that determines changes in active citizenship is political pluralism. Active citizens control the basis of the activity of the modern state. In these conditions, the control function of the institution of citizenship becomes extremely important for the stable existence of political regimes and for achieving political stability. Another trend in the transformation of active citizenship is the growing role of the state in global processes. It was possible to distinguish two levels of transformation of active citizenship in the era of globalization. The first is interiorization, and the second is exteriorization. It has been proven that active citizenship is not only a social connection of people but also a way of existence characteristic of any civilized human community.