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Aeon J. Skoble [21]Aeon James Skoble [5]
  1.  35
    The Simpsons and Philosophy : the D'oh! of Homer.William Irwin, Mark T. Conard & Aeon J. Skoble - unknown
    This unconventional and lighthearted introduction to the ideas of the major Western philosophers examines The Simpsons — TV’s favorite animated family. The authors look beyond the jokes, the crudeness, the attacks on society — and see a clever display of irony, social criticism, and philosophical thought. The writers begin with an examination of the characters. Does Homer actually display Aristotle’s virtues of character? In what way does Bart exemplify American pragmatism? The book also examines the ethics and themes of the (...)
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    The Simpsons and Philosophy: The D'oh! of Homer.William Irwin, Mark Conrad & Aeon J. Skoble - 2001 - Open Court Publishing.
    Here we can find out about irony and the meaning of life, the politics of the nuclear family, Marxism in Springfield, the elusiveness of happiness, popular parody as a form of tribute, and why we need animated TV shows. As if all that weren't enough, this book actually contains the worst philosophy essay ever.
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    Reality, Reason, and Rights: Essays in Honor of Tibor R. Machan.Douglas B. Rasmussen, Aeon J. Skoble & Douglas J. Den Uyl (eds.) - 2011 - Lexington Books.
    This collection of essays seeks to explore Tibor R. Machan’s philosophical ideas by considering some of the basic issues with which he has been concerned throughout his long and highly productive career.
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  4. Assessing the prospects for norms of liberty.Aeon J. Skoble - 2008 - In Reading Rasmussen and Den Uyl: Critical Essays on Norms of Liberty. Lexington Books.
  5. Freedom, Authority, and Social Order: The Legitimacy of State Coercion in Anarchist and Minimalist Theory.Aeon James Skoble - 1994 - Dissertation, Temple University
    Although libertarians typically eschew coercion as a means to political ends, many theorists cannot avoid endorsing the coercion that is entailed by even minimal states when addressing the concerns of individualist anarchists. The dissertation first identifies distinct approaches to libertarian theory, then examines the arguments justifying the minimal level of coercion necessary for the state. I argue that minimal state libertarians implicitly appeal to a particular set of concerns that, despite the general presumption against the state, are taken to justify (...)
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    Illustrated Rand: Three Recent Graphic Novels.Aeon J. Skoble - 2020 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 20 (1):146-150.
    The author reviews two adaptations of Anthem as a graphic novel and a third book, The Age of Selfishness, that combines a biography of Rand with an account of the financial crisis of the early twenty-first century and her putative responsibility for it. The graphic novels are both enjoyable versions of Rand's thought-provoking science-fiction novella, to different degrees; the nonfiction book is filled with distortions, polemic, and caricature.
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    Liberty, Policy, and Natural Disasters.Aeon J. Skoble - 2000 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 10 (4):475-488.
    Le rôle de l’Etat face aux catastrophes naturelles est examiné en fonction des critères d’ efficacité et de liberté. Les bureaucraties d’assistance face aux désastres ont des points communs, mais aussi d’importantes différences, avec celles de la santé publique. Certains programmes gouvernementaux faits pour assister les victimes de catastrophes naturelles ont des effets pervers en créant plus de souffrance, et d’autres entretiennent activement les comportements irresponsables. Le rôle de l’Etat en tant que coordinateur des efforts d’assistance est justifié, mais il (...)
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  8. Nicholas Rescher, Public Concerns: Philosophical Studies of Social Issues Reviewed by.Aeon James Skoble - 1997 - Philosophy in Review 17 (1):54-56.
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    On Ayn Rand.Aeon J. Skoble - 2000 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 2 (1).
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    On the Pragmatic Turn in Political Philosophy.Aeon J. Skoble - 2020 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 26 (1).
    Imagine some policy P about which a scholar said “The best way to help people escape from poverty would be P.” Is this a claim about political philosophy or economics? On the one hand, it seems to be an empirical statement, but there is a normative component as well. Besides the obvious normativity of “best,” there is the tacit implication that poverty is bad and that this is at least some reason to endorse P. But the fact that one can (...)
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    Philosophy of TV Noir.Aeon J. Skoble & Steven M. Sanders - unknown
    Film noir reflects the fatalistic themes and visual style of hard-boiled novelists and many émigré filmmakers in 1940s and 1950s America, emphasizing crime, alienation, and moral ambiguity. In The Philosophy of TV Noir, Steven M. Sanders and Aeon J. Skoble argue that the legacy of film noir classics such as The Maltese Falcon, Kiss Me Deadly, and The Big Sleep is also found in episodic television from the mid-1950s to the present. In this first-of-its-kind collection, contributors from philosophy, film studies, (...)
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    Political Philosophy: Essential Selections.Aeon J. Skoble & Tibor R. Machan - 2007 - Pearson Education India.
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    Rationality and Choice in “Nick of Time”.Aeon J. Skoble - 2009 - In Noël Carroll & Lester H. Hunt (eds.), Philosophy in the Twilight Zone. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 147–154.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Freedom and Constraint What were you Thinking? Style and Substance Acknowledgment Notes.
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    Radical Freedom and Social Living.Aeon James Skoble - unknown
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    Reading Rasmussen and Den Uyl: Critical Essays on Norms of Liberty.Aeon J. Skoble (ed.) - 2008 - Lexington Books.
    The volume contains a reply essay by Rasmussen and Den Uyl.
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  16.  37
    Two Errors in the Most Recent Edition of peter of Spain's "Summulae Logicales.Aeon James Skoble - 1997 - Modern Schoolman 74 (3):249-253.
  17.  49
    Woody Allen and Philosophy: You Mean My Whole Fallacy Is Wrong?Aeon J. Skoble & Mark T. Conard (eds.) - 2004 - Chicago: Open Court.
    In fifteen witty essays, fifteen philosophers answer the questions of what writer, director, actor, comedian, musician, and deep thinker Woody Allen is trying to say and why anyone should care. Original.
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  18. Albert A. Anderson, Steven V. Hicks, and Lech Witkowski, eds., Mythos and Logos. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2004, 268 pp.(indexed). ISBN 90-420-1020, $73.00 (pb). Kevin Bales, Disposable People. Berkley, Calif.: University of California Press, 2004, 298 pp.(indexed). ISBN 0-520-24384-6, $17.95 (pb). [REVIEW]Mark Coeckelbergh, Mark T. Conard, Aeon J. Skoble, William Lane Craig & Walter Sinnott-Armstrong - 2005 - Journal of Value Inquiry 39:139-141.
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  19.  35
    The Virtue of Liberty. [REVIEW]Aeon James Skoble - 1995 - Review of Metaphysics 49 (1):142-144.
    Tibor Machan's latest book The Virtue of Liberty represents the newest instance of an increasing trend toward naturalist defenses of libertarianism. This is a different sort of defense than the traditional natural-rights conception, such as might be found in Locke, or the various consequentialist approaches, such as might be found in Mill or Hayek. The sort of naturalist defense that has been becoming increasingly prominent is based on a neo-Aristotelian conception of human flourishing, and on the necessity of political freedom (...)
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