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Alan Jotkowitz [38]Alan B. Jotkowitz [7]
  1.  73
    Allocation of scarce resources during the COVID-19 pandemic: a Jewish ethical perspective.Amy Solnica, Leonid Barski & Alan Jotkowitz - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (7):444-446.
    The novel COVID-19 pandemic has placed medical triage decision-making in the spotlight. As life-saving ventilators become scarce, clinicians are being forced to allocate scarce resources in even the wealthiest countries. The pervasiveness of air travel and high rate of transmission has caused this pandemic to spread swiftly throughout the world. Ethical triage decisions are commonly based on the utilitarian approach of maximising total benefits and life expectancy. We present triage guidelines from Italy, USA and the UK as well as the (...)
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  2.  47
    The Case of Samuel Golubchuk and the Right to Live.Alan Jotkowitz, Shimon Glick & Ari Z. Zivotofsky - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (3):50-53.
    Samuel Golubchuk was unwittingly at the center of a medical controversy with important ethical ramifications. Mr. Golubchuk, an 84-year-old patient whose precise neurological level of function was open to debate, was being artificially ventilated and fed by a gastrostomy tube prior to his death. According to all reports he was neither brain dead nor in a vegetative state. The physicians directly responsible for his care had requested that they be allowed to remove the patient from life support against the wishes (...)
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  3. A case against justified non-voluntary active euthanasia (the groningen protocol).Alan Jotkowitz, S. Glick & B. Gesundheit - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (11):23 – 26.
    The Groningen Protocol allows active euthanasia of severely ill newborns with unbearable suffering. Defenders of the protocol insist that the protocol refers to terminally ill infants and that quality of life should not be a factor in the decision to euthanize an infant. They also argue that there should be no ethical difference between active and passive euthanasia of these infants. However, nowhere in the protocol does it refer to terminally ill infants; on the contrary, the developers of the protocol (...)
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  4.  34
    A Jewish Response to the Vatican's New Bioethical Guidelines.Ari Zivotofsky & Alan Jotkowitz - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (11):26-30.
    The Vatican recently published directives regarding “beginning of life” issues that explain the Catholic Church's position regarding new technologies in this area. We think that it is important to develop a response that presents the traditional Orthodox Jewish position on these same issues in order to present an alternative, parallel system. There are many points of commonality between the Vatican document and traditional Jewish thought as well as several important issues where there is a divergence of opinion. The latter include (...)
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  5.  39
    The healthcare worker at risk during the COVID-19 pandemic: a Jewish ethical perspective.Amy Solnica, Leonid Barski & Alan Jotkowitz - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (7):441-443.
    The current COVID-19 pandemic has raised many questions and dilemmas for modern day ethicists and healthcare providers. Are physicians, nurses and other healthcare workers morally obligated to put themselves in harm’s way and treat patients during a pandemic, occurring a great risk to themselves, their families and potentially to other patients? The issue was relevant during the 1918 influenza epidemic and more recently severe acute respiratory syndrome epidemic in 2003. Since the risk to the healthcare workers was great, there was (...)
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  6.  52
    Multiculturalism and end-of-life care: The new israeli law for the terminally III patient.Alan Jotkowitz & Avraham Steinberg - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (5):17 – 19.
  7.  91
    Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID) and the Limits of Autonomy.Alan Jotkowitz & Ari Zivotofsky - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (1):55-56.
  8. Executive autonomy, multiculturalism and traditional medical ethics.Yohanna Barth-Rogers & Alan Jotkowitz - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (2):39 – 40.
  9.  20
    Ethical Caring and the Treatment of Terrorists.Alan Jotkowitz & Shaul Sofer - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (10):55-56.
  10.  22
    We Reject the “Equivalence Thesis”.Alan Jotkowitz & Shimon Glick - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (3):53-54.
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  11.  19
    Withholding Treatment From the Dying Patient: The Influence of Medical School on Students’ Attitudes.Aviad Rabinowich, Iftach Sagy, Liane Rabinowich, Lior Zeller & Alan Jotkowitz - 2019 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 16 (2):217-225.
    Purpose: To determine motives and attitudes towards life-sustaining treatments by clinical and preclinical medical students. Methods: This was a scenario-based questionnaire that presented patients with a limited life expectancy. The survey was distributed among 455 medical students in preclinical and clinical years. Students were asked to rate their willingness to perform LSTs and rank the motives for doing so. The effect of medical education was then investigated after adjustment for age, gender, religion, religiosity, country of origin, and marital status. Results: (...)
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  12.  16
    In Defense of Religious Bioethics.Judah Goldberg & Alan Jotkowitz - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (12):32-34.
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  13.  36
    New models for increasing donor awareness: The role of religion.Alan Jotkowitz - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (4):41 – 42.
  14.  19
    Vulnerability from a Global Medicine Perspective.Alan B. Jotkowitz - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (3):62-63.
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  15.  30
    Ethics and Research in the Service of Asylum Seekers.Rael D. Strous & Alan Jotkowitz - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (2):63-65.
  16.  27
    Response to: ‘Why medical professionals have no moral claim to conscientious objection accommodation in liberal democracies’ by Schuklenk and Smalling.Shimon M. Glick & Alan Jotkowitz - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (4):248-249.
    The recent essay by Schuklenk and Smalling opposing respect for physicians’ conscientious objections to providing patients with medical services that are legally permitted in liberal democracies is based on several erroneous assumptions. Acting in this manner would have serious harmful effects on the ethos of medicine and of bioethics. A much more nuanced and balanced position is critical in order to respect physicians’ conscience with minimal damage to patients’ rights.
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  17.  34
    Jewish and Catholic Ethics of Reproduction: Converging or Standing Apart?Ari Zivotofsky & Alan Jotkowitz - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (11):1-2.
    The Vatican recently published directives regarding “beginning of life” issues that explain the Catholic Church's position regarding new technologies in this area. We think that it is important to develop a response that presents the traditional Orthodox Jewish position on these same issues in order to present an alternative, parallel system. There are many points of commonality between the Vatican document and traditional Jewish thought as well as several important issues where there is a divergence of opinion. The latter include (...)
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  18.  24
    Compromise and dialogue in bioethical disputes.Shimon Glick & Alan Jotkowitz - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (10):36 – 38.
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  19.  31
    Ethics consultation: Whose ethics?Alan B. Jotkowitz - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (2):41 – 42.
  20.  31
    Is There Life Not Worthy of Living?Alan Jotkowitz - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (6):62-63.
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  21.  13
    Feeding Patients with Advanced Dementia: A Jewish Ethical Perspective.Alan Jotkowitz - 2004 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 15 (4):346-349.
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  22. To Repent or To Rationalize: Three Physicians Exchange Letters on the Ethics of Experimentation in Postwar Medicine.Bram P. Wispelwey & Alan B. Jotkowitz - 2013 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 56 (2):236-243.
    On the 50th anniversary of the Willowbrook experiment's inception, in which Dr. Saul Krugman intentionally infected cognitively disabled children with hepatitis, it is worth reflecting on how our attitude toward research ethics of the past informs our current practices. In examining ethical violations in postwar medicine, we frequently turn to examples that shock and appall, thereby offering concomitant comfort as we measure their safe distance from our own medical context. And yet, which modern medical student has not heard a variation (...)
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  23.  29
    Endoscopy During a Missile Attack: A Military Dilemma for Civilians.Stephen Malnick, Orit Faraj & Alan Jotkowitz - 2012 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 23 (4):345-347.
    In modern warfare, civilian populations may find themselves under immediate personal danger with very little warning. While there are ways to minimize this danger, there is a paucity of literature discussing this modern dilemma, and it is therefore important to try to address these situations in advance both logistically and ethically. Discussion of this case includes several relevant ethical principles.
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  24.  58
    Willingness to treat infectious diseases: what do students think?Dan Zeharia Milikovsky, Renana Ben Yona, Dikla Akselrod, Shimon M. Glick & Alan Jotkowitz - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (1):22-26.
    Introduction Outbreaks of serious communicable infectious diseases remain a major global medical problem and force healthcare workers to make hard choices with limited information, resources and time. While information regarding physicians’ opinions about such dilemmas is available, research discussing students’ opinions is more limited. Methods Medical students were surveyed about their willingness to perform medical procedures on patients with communicable diseases as students and as physicians. Students were asked about their opinions regarding the duty to treat in such cases. Results (...)
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  25.  32
    Good Ethics Begins With Sound Medicine: Prostate Cancer Screening and Chemoprevention.Ronald Ennis & Alan Jotkowitz - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (12):26-27.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 11, Issue 12, Page 26-27, December 2011.
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  26.  41
    Reversing the Brain Drain: The Role of Medical Schools.Inbal Fuchs & Alan Jotkowitz - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (5):42-43.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 12, Issue 5, Page 42-43, May 2012.
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  27.  18
    Maimonides Reincarnated.Shimon M. Glick & Alan B. Jotkowitz - 2014 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 57 (4):495-499.
    A few years ago, a Yemenite patient came to Maimonides Hospital in Brooklyn. The friendly, diminutive gentleman apologized for visiting the clinic in the first place because, as he explained, he was a devotee of Maimonides and invariably used the medical treatments recommended by him rather than current Western medicine. But for this patient’s problem, Maimonides had prescribed garlic. The patient told his doctor that if he ingested garlic, his wife would refuse contact with him. So, having no alternative, he (...)
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  28.  36
    The Ethics of PGD: What About the Physician?Michelle Goldsammler & Alan Jotkowitz - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (4):28-29.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 12, Issue 4, Page 28-29, April 2012.
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  29.  22
    Education in professionalism should never end.Alan Jotkowitz & Shimon Glick - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (4):27 – 28.
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  30.  21
    End-of-Life Treatment Decisions: The Opportunity to Care.Alan Jotkowitz - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (4):59-60.
    Cochrane (2009) presents a fairly typical case of an elderly woman (Mrs. H), who had previously expressed her wishes not to be functionally dependent, who suffers a disabling stroke. As in many rea...
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  31.  25
    Health literacy, access to care and outcomes of care.Alan Jotkowitz & Avi Porath - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (11):25 – 27.
  32.  33
    Medical Education, Managed Care and the Doctor-Patient Relationship.Alan Jotkowitz - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (1):46-47.
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  33.  24
    Stranger at the consultation: Increasing the diversity in research ethics consultation.Alan Jotkowitz & Ari Z. Zivotofsky - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (3):25 – 26.
  34.  22
    The Professionalism Movement: A More Optimistic View.Alan B. Jotkowitz & Shimon Glick - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (2):45-46.
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  35.  31
    The Seminal Contribution of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein to the Development of Modern Jewish Medical Ethics.Alan Jotkowitz - 2014 - Journal of Religious Ethics 42 (2):285-309.
    The purpose of this essay is to show how, on a wide variety of issues, Rabbi Moshe Feinstein broke new ground with the established Orthodox rabbinic consensus and blazed a new trail in Jewish medical ethics. Rabbi Feinstein took power away from the rabbis and let patients decide their treatment, he opened the door for a Jewish approach to palliative care, he supported the use of new technologies to aid in reproduction, he endorsed altruistic living organ donation and recognized brain (...)
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  36.  32
    The Secret of Caring for Mr. Golubchuk.Alan Jotkowitz, Shimon Glick & Ari Z. Zivotofsky - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (3):6-7.
    Samuel Golubchuk was unwittingly at the center of a medical controversy with important ethical ramifications. Mr. Golubchuk, an 84-year-old patient whose precise neurological level of function was open to debate, was being artificially ventilated and fed by a gastrostomy tube prior to his death. According to all reports he was neither brain dead nor in a vegetative state. The physicians directly responsible for his care had requested that they be allowed to remove the patient from life support against the wishes (...)
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  37.  21
    Medical students positions regarding resource allocation in times of crisis.Daniel Minkin Levy, Iftach Sagy, Margaret Johansson Lipinski Lubianiker & Alan Jotkowitz - 2022 - Clinical Ethics 17 (4):432-441.
    Objective To compare the perspectives of medical students in the preclinical and clinical phases of medical training on the issue of rationing scarce medical resources in times of crisis. Methods Questionnaire-based cross-sectional study. Results A total of 201 participants took part in the study, with 100 participants in the preclinical phase group, and 101 in the clinical phase group. A multivariable analysis found that just 14.9% (n = 34) of the clinical phase students were willing to give a short-supplied blood (...)
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  38.  39
    The Israeli abortion committees' process of decision making: an ethical analysis.Nitzan Rimon-Zarfaty & Alan Jotkowitz - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (1):26-30.
    The Israeli law of abortions (1977) legally authorises hospital committees to decide upon women's requests for selective abortion. One of the law's clauses determines that abortions can be approved in cases of an embryopathy. However, the law does not provide any clear definitions of those fetal ‘physical or mental defects’ in terms of severity and/or likelihood, which remain open to interpretation by the committee members. This paper aimed to determine which ethical methodologies are used by committee members and advisors as (...)
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  39.  21
    Autonomy, altruism and authority in medical ethics: essays in honor of professor Shimon Glick.Shifra Shvarts, Alan Jotkowitz & Shimon Glick (eds.) - 2015 - Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers.
    In this volume, written in honour of the eightieth birthday of Professor Shimon Glick, world renowned experts in the field of medical ethics struggle with the question of how to weigh the respective values of autonomy, altruism and authority in dealing with real life bioethical dilemmas.
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  40. Revisiting medical oaths: how student-driven ethical codes reflect changing values.Michael Stein, Shaun Evan Gruenbaum & Alan Jotkowitz - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    BackgroundMedical oaths and ethical codes play a crucial role in guiding physicians through their professional responsibilities. This study extends prior research on ethical codes created by students at the Medical School for International Health (MSIH) by analysing codes from the years 2007 to 2022.ObjectiveThe objective of this study is to evaluate changes in the ethical principles emphasised by MSIH students over time and to compare these with previous cohorts.MethodsEthical codes from MSIH classes (2007–2022) were analysed using the framework developed by (...)
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  41.  31
    The Ethics of Public Health Laws, and the Special Case of the New "Model Law".Sharon Steinberg & Alan Jotkowitz - 2016 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 59 (2):206-212.
    In 2012, a law against hiring models with a BMI below 18.5 was passed in Israel. In addition, every photoshopped advertisement must have a visible subtitle that indicates that the picture was photoshopped. Dr. Rachel Adatto, the initiator of the law, states that the law is “a beginning of a revolution against the anorectic beauty model ideal,” and that its aim is to prevent eating disorders that may lead to death in the aspiration to lose weight, especially among the general (...)
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  42.  32
    The transplantation of solid organs from HIV-positive donors to HIV-negative recipients: ethical implications.Bram P. Wispelwey, Ari Z. Zivotofsky & Alan B. Jotkowitz - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (5):367-370.
  43.  31
    Fetal Risks and Religious Obligations.Ari Z. Zivotofsky & Alan B. Jotkowitz - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (2):28-30.
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  44.  30
    Implantable Radiofrequency Identification (RFID) Tags are not Tattoos.Ari Z. Zivotofsky, Naomi T. S. Zivotofsky & Alan Jotkowitz - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (8):52-53.
  45.  48
    Prenatal Diagnosis and Abortion Are Not in Conflict in Israel.Ari Z. Zivotofsky & Alan Jotkowitz - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (8):58-60.
    Ballantyne and colleagues (2009) cogently present the conflict that arises in jurisdictions in which prenatal diagnosis (PND) is available and abortions are prohibited. They primarily focus on two...
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