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  1.  48
    Non-classical Elegance for Sequent Calculus Enthusiasts.Andreas Fjellstad - 2017 - Studia Logica 105 (1):93-119.
    In this paper we develop what we can describe as a “dual two-sided” cut-free sequent calculus system for the non-classical logics of truth lp, k3, stt and a non-reflexive logic ts which is, arguably, more elegant than the three-sided sequent calculus developed by Ripley for the same logics. Its elegance stems from how it employs more or less the standard sequent calculus rules for the various connectives and truth, and the fact that it offers a rather neat connection between derivable (...)
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  2. Logical Nihilism and the Logic of ‘prem’.Andreas Fjellstad - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy:1.
    As the final component of a chain of reasoning intended to take us all the way to logical nihilism, Russell (2018) presents the atomic sentence ‘prem’ which is supposed to be true when featuring as premise in an argument and false when featuring as conclusion in an argument. Such a sentence requires a non-reflexive logic and an endnote by Russell (2018) could easily leave the reader with the impression that going non-reflexive suffices for logical nihilism. This paper shows how one (...)
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  3. How a semantics for tonk should be.Andreas Fjellstad - 2015 - Review of Symbolic Logic 8 (3):488-505.
  4.  41
    Metainferential Reasoning on Strong Kleene Models.Andreas Fjellstad - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 51 (6):1327-1344.
    Barrio et al. (_Journal of Philosophical Logic_, _49_(1), 93–120, 2020 ) and Pailos (_Review of Symbolic Logic_, _2020_(2), 249–268, 2020 ) develop an approach to define various metainferential hierarchies on strong Kleene models by transferring the idea of distinct standards for premises and conclusions from inferences to metainferences. In particular, they focus on a hierarchy named the \(\mathbb {S}\mathbb {T}\) -hierarchy where the inferential logic at the bottom of the hierarchy is the non-transitive logic ST but where each subsequent metainferential (...)
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    Naive Modus Ponens and Failure of Transitivity.Andreas Fjellstad - 2016 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 45 (1):65-72.
    In the recent paper “Naive modus ponens”, Zardini presents some brief considerations against an approach to semantic paradoxes that rejects the transitivity of entailment. The problem with the approach is, according to Zardini, that the failure of a meta-inference closely resembling modus ponens clashes both with the logical idea of modus ponens as a valid inference and the semantic idea of the conditional as requiring that a true conditional cannot have true antecedent and false consequent. I respond on behalf of (...)
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  6.  39
    Omega-inconsistency without cuts and nonstandard models.Andreas Fjellstad - 2016 - Australasian Journal of Logic 13 (5).
    This paper concerns the relationship between transitivity of entailment, omega-inconsistency and nonstandard models of arithmetic. First, it provides a cut-free sequent calculus for non-transitive logic of truth STT based on Robinson Arithmetic and shows that this logic is omega-inconsistent. It then identifies the conditions in McGee for an omega-inconsistent logic as quantified standard deontic logic, presents a cut-free labelled sequent calculus for quantified standard deontic logic based on Robinson Arithmetic where the deontic modality is treated as a predicate, proves omega-inconsistency (...)
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  7.  38
    A Note on the Cut-Elimination Proof in “Truth Without Contra(di)Ction”.Andreas Fjellstad - 2020 - Review of Symbolic Logic 13 (4):882-886.
    This note shows that the permutation instructions presented by Zardini (2011) for eliminating cuts on universally quantified formulas in the sequent calculus for the noncontractive theory of truth IKTωare inadequate. To that purpose the note presents a derivation in the sequent calculus for IKTωending with an application of cut on a universally quantified formula which the permutation instructions cannot deal with. The counterexample is of the kind that leaves open the question whether cut can be shown to be eliminable in (...)
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  8.  56
    Structural proof theory for first-order weak Kleene logics.Andreas Fjellstad - 2020 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 30 (3):272-289.
    This paper presents a sound and complete five-sided sequent calculus for first-order weak Kleene valuations which permits not only elegant representations of four logics definable on first-order weak Kleene valuations, but also admissibility of five cut rules by proof analysis.
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    Infinitary Contraction‐Free Revenge.Andreas Fjellstad - 2018 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 7 (3):179-189.
    How robust is a contraction-free approach to the semantic paradoxes? This paper aims to show some limitations with the approach based on multiplicative rules by presenting and discussing the significance of a revenge paradox using a predicate representing an alethic modality defined with infinitary rules.
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    Herzberger’s Limit Rule with Labelled Sequent Calculus.Andreas Fjellstad - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (4):815-855.
    Inspired by recent work on proof theory for modal logic, this paper develops a cut-free labelled sequent calculus obtained by imitating Herzberger’s limit rule for revision sequences as a clause in a possible world semantics. With the help of two completeness theorems, one between the labelled sequent calculus and the corresponding possible world semantics, and one between the axiomatic theory of truth PosFS and a neighbourhood semantics, together with the proof of the equivalence between the two semantics, we show that (...)
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    Dialetheism and the countermodel problem.Andreas Fjellstad & Ben Martin - forthcoming - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research.
    According to some dialetheists, we ought to reject the distinction between object and meta‐languages. Given that dialetheists advocate truth‐value gluts within their object‐language, whether in order to solve the liar paradox or for some other reason, this rejection of the object‐/meta‐language distinction comes with the commitment to use a glutty metatheory. While it has been pointed out that a glutty metatheory brings with it expressive deficiencies, we highlight here another complication arising from the use of a glutty metatheory, this time (...)
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  12.  36
    Expressing logical disagreement from within.Andreas Fjellstad - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-33.
    Against the backdrop of the frequent comparison of theories of truth in the literature on semantic paradoxes with regard to which inferences and metainferences are deemed valid, this paper develops a novel approach to defining a binary predicate for representing the valid inferences and metainferences of a theory within the theory itself under the assumption that the theory is defined with a classical meta-theory. The aim with the approach is to obtain a tool which facilitates the comparison between a theory (...)
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  13.  11
    IKTω and Lukasiewicz-models.Andreas Fjellstad & Jan-Fredrik Olsen - 2021 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 62 (2):247 - 256.
    In this note, we show that the first-order logic IKω is sound with regard to the models obtained from continuum-valued Łukasiewicz-models for first-order languages by treating the quantifiers as infinitary strong disjunction/conjunction rather than infinitary weak disjunction/conjunction. Moreover, we show that these models cannot be used to provide a new consistency proof for the theory of truth IKTω obtained by expanding IKω with transparent truth, because the models are inconsistent with transparent truth. Finally, we show that whether or not this (...)
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