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  1.  32
    Beware of the handmaid scorned.Andrew Chrucky - manuscript
    St. Augustine's book, The City of God , suggests the fundamental problem for the philosophy of a liberal education. The basic problem is that there are two cities which beckon our allegiance: the secular city and the city of God. The role of philosophy is to examine critically the arguments of the contending parties and to adjudicate between them. A denominational college, by its nature, proclaims its allegiance to the city of God; so the place of philosophy as adjudicator becomes (...)
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  2.  61
    (2 other versions)C. D. broad: The default philosopher of the century.Andrew Chrucky - manuscript
    Charlie Dunbar Broad is one of the most important philosophers of this century. I know that this may sound like a very irresponsible -- even whimsical -- thing to say; so I better make a strong case for this assertion. Right away, philosophers who share other sympathies may start listing more famous philosophers as prima facie evidence against my apparently rash opinion.
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  3. Critique of Wilfrid Sellars' Materialism.Andrew Chrucky - 1990 - Dissertation, Fordham University
    This dissertation is a critical assessment of Wilfrid Sellars' Scientific Realism. ;The dissertation has ten chapters, whose topics are as follows: I classify Sellars' position as a variety of Non-Reductive Scientific Materialism. I discuss the Manifest/Scientific Image distinction. I reject the identification of the Manifest Image with a Common Sense Image on the ground that the Common Sense Image recognizes the existence of irreducible absolute processes, while the Manifest Image does not. I discuss the topic of ontological commitment. I propose (...)
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  4.  14
    Defense of core cuts rests upon administration mythology.Andrew Chrucky - manuscript
    Dennis Hutchinson, Master of the New Collegiate Division and Senior Lecturer in Law, delivered the annual "Aims of Education" lecture at Rockefeller Chapel on September 19, 1999. He took this occasion to defend the recent changes in the Core Curriculum, which have reduced the requirement from 21 courses to 18 or 15 (if language requirements are discounted). He did the same on the Milt Rosenberg radio program "Extension 720," on WGN Radio (720 AM), February 18, 1999, at which time he (...)
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  5.  34
    Endnotes for Chrucky, from page 9.Andrew Chrucky - 1992 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 9 (2):11-11.
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  6.  31
    Interview with David Chalmers (pt. 1).Andrew Chrucky - 1998 - Philosophy Now 21:7-9.
  7.  12
    Interview with David Chalmers.Andrew Chrucky - 1998 - Philosophy Now 21:42-42.
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  8.  65
    Milton Friedman's hidden anarchism in capitalism and freedom.Andrew Chrucky - unknown
    Milton Friedman's book Capitalism and Freedom (1962) is divided into two parts. In the first part, consisting of the first two chapters, he lays down his two explicit political principles, and in the second part -- the rest of the book -- he allegedly applies these principles to existing society.
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  9.  18
    Norman Finkelstein, DePaul, and U.s. Academia: Reductio ad absurdum of centralized universities.Andrew Chrucky - manuscript
    Norman Finkelstein, a prominent political scientist specializing in the Palestine-Israel conundrum, on which he has authored five highly praised books, was denied tenure at DePaul University by the President, Rev. Dennis H. Holtschneider, on June 8, 2007. After examining the particulars of the case, it strikes me as so obviously wrong to deny him tenure that the tenure procedure at DePaul constitutes a reductio ad absurdum of a university system which allows such a thing to happen.
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  10.  74
    (1 other version)On Tom Bridges' Rhetoric of Objectivity.Andrew Chrucky - 1992 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 9 (2):5-9.
    "At this point we are again at the beginning of a philosophical road too long to explore. One hint only: Words like "object" and "objective" are evidently shot through with deep ambiguities, and need to be applied with the greatest care.".
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  11.  27
    (1 other version)Refuting linguistic idealism.Andrew Chrucky - manuscript
    Ted Schick has written three essays on the role of the qualitative content of experience: the earliest essay is titled "Can Fictional Literature Communicate Knowledge?" 1; a more recent one is "The Semantic Role of Qualitative Content" 2; and his latest essay, the one Ted presented today, is titled "The Epistemic Role of Qualitative Content.
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  12.  29
    Success 101, according to John Balz.Andrew Chrucky - manuscript
    John Balz, in "Success 101," has written an accurate account of the recent history of the University of Chicago from a business point of view, and he has concluded correctly that the U of C business is a success. Yet, the whole piece leaves me profoundly dissatisfied. Why? Let me illustrate this with a fairy tale.
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  13.  90
    Sellars on language and thought.Andrew Chrucky - 1990 - In Critique of Wilfrid Sellars' Materialism. Http://Www.Ditext.Com/Chrucky/Chru-0.Html.
  14.  16
    Stalking the neglected philosophers.Andrew Chrucky - manuscript
    While reading philosophical literature, once in a while I come across passages which say that a particular essay or book is very good, and sometimes an additional remark is made that it is neglected. While reading such passages, I say to myself that I should take a look at this essay or book -- but then I forget to do so, or don't remember who or what was mentioned. Well, I have decided to start keeping..
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  15. The alleged fallacy of the sense-datum inference.Andrew Chrucky - 1992
    Sense-data, if they exist, could conceivably provide foundations for empirical knowledge. Those who are opposed to empirical foundationalism are therefore also prone to reject sense-data and arguments for their existence, e.g., Rorty, Bonjour; while foundationalists are prone to accept the existence of sense-data, e.g., Russell, Ayer, Broad, Price, Lewis. An exception to this is the position of Roderick Chisholm who accepts empirical foundationalism but rejects the existence of sense-data.
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  16. The aim of liberal education.Andrew Chrucky - manuscript
    Since 1961, there is a tradition at the University of Chicago to give an annual address to the incoming undergraduates on the Aims of Education. Three of these are available on the internet -- the addresses of John Mearsheimer, a political scientist (1997); Robert Pippin, a philosopher (2000); and Andrew Abbott, a sociologist (2002). My judgment is that none of them understands what liberal education is ultimately about. They all emphasize the usefulness of a University of Chicago education in the (...)
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  17.  43
    The greatest problem in the world.Andrew Chrucky - manuscript
    Charles Whitney correctly reports that I believe that the greatest problems facing humanity are the nuclear threat and overpopulation. Both situations can lead -- one directly and the other indirectly -- to massive self-destruction. But he apparently contends that these problems exist as a result of political policies, and that they require a political solution. And by this token, he thinks, the greater problem for humanity is political organization. He goes on to lament that we, as a people, have been (...)
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  18. The manifest image ≠ the commonsense conceptual framework (in the philosophy of Wilfrid sellars).Andrew Chrucky - manuscript
    Most readers of Sellars' philosophy learn about a Manifest-Scientific Image distinction, and because apparently nothing significant hinges on what at first sight seems just a neologistic labeling of a familiar distinction, it is henceforth wrongly associated with a pre-systematic commonsense/scientific framework distinction. The Manifest Image is not identical to the commonsense framework; nor is the Scientific Image identical to the scientific framework. In this paper I will concern myself only with arguing that the Manifest Image is not identical to the (...)
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  19.  23
    Trying to understand the program of educational reform through critical thinking across the disciplines.Andrew Chrucky - manuscript
    My paper is a reaction to the articles in the newsletter Inquiry, and additional articles by others, especially Mark Weinstein, the Acting Director of the Institute for Critical Thinking at Montclair State College. Weinstein and his colleagues are engaged in a most ambitious program, as they put it, of educational reform through critical thinking across the disciplines. Without doubt, the ideologue of this school is Weinstein, and it is on his writings that I have concentrated.
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  20.  37
    Teaching Validity with a Stanley Thermos.Andrew Chrucky - 1998 - Philosophy Now 22:22-23.
    I know that it is difficult for some students to distinguish the truth of premises from the validity of an argument. They think that a valid argument has all true statements, and an invalid one a false premise. Clearly, the teaching of validity requires introducing the idea of an argument form, for it is the form which is the vehicle of validity, not what is put in the form. An argument form does not contain statements (but statement forms), so there (...)
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  21. Wilfrid Sellars and linguistic idealism.Andrew Chrucky - unknown
    Wilfrid Sellars wrote: all awareness of sorts, resemblances, facts, etc., in short, all awareness of abstract entities -- indeed, all awareness even of particulars ~ is a linguistic affair. 1 This passage from Sellars' famous essay, "Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind" has caused, I suspect, some philosophers to view Sellars as committed to linguistic idealism -the view that all awareness is linguistically mediated.
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