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Anne Sheppard [60]Anne D. R. Sheppard [3]
  1.  94
    Proclus' Attitude to Theurgy.Anne Sheppard - 1982 - Classical Quarterly 32 (01):212-.
    Theurgy, the religious magic practised by the later Neoplatonists, has been commonly regarded as the point at which Neoplatonism degenerates into magic, superstition and irrationalism.1 A superficial glance at the ancient lives of the Neoplatonists, and in particular at Eunapius’ Lives of the Sophists, reveals a group of people interested in animating statues, favoured with visions of gods and demons, and skilled in rain-making. But when we look more closely at the works of the Neoplatonists themselves, rather than the stories (...)
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  2. Aesthetics: an introduction to the philosophy of art.Anne D. R. Sheppard - 1987 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Why do people read novels, go to the theater, or listen to beautiful music? Do we seek out aesthetic experiences simply because we enjoy them--or is there another, deeper, reason we spend our leisure time viewing or experiencing works of art? Aesthetics, the first short introduction to the contemporary philosophy of aesthetics, examines not just the nature of the aesthetic experience, but the definition of art, and its moral and intrinsic value in our lives. Anne Sheppard divides her work into (...)
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  3. Aesthetics: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Art.Anne Sheppard - 1990 - Philosophy 65 (251):113-114.
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  4.  55
    The influence of hermias on Marsilio Ficino's doctrine of inspiration.Anne Sheppard - 1980 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 43 (1):97-109.
  5. Literary Theory and Aesthetics.Anne Sheppard - 2016 - In Pieter D'Hoine & Marije Martijn (eds.), All From One: A Guide to Proclus. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    After introducing the main Platonic issues in the field of literary theory and aesthetics, the author discusses Proclus’ relationship to the study of literature in late antiquity; his own literary theory and his use of allegorical interpretation; and the wider context of Proclus’ Neoplatonist aesthetics. She shows how his aesthetics pans out in his view of visual art, as referring to higher realities via Homer’s poetry, and of music, including a form of inspired music. The author then moves on to (...)
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  6. Phantasia and Mental Images: Neoplatonist Interpretations of De anima, 3.3.Anne Sheppard - 1991 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy:165-173.
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  7.  27
    The Role of Imagination in Aesthetic Experience.Anne Sheppard - 1991 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 25 (4):35.
  8. Rhetoric, Drama and Truth in Plato's "Symposium".Anne Sheppard - 2008 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 2 (1):28-40.
    This paper draws attention to the Symposium's concern with epideictic rhetoric. It argues that in the Symposium, as in the Gorgias and the Phaedrus, a contrast is drawn between true and false rhetoric. The paper also discusses the dialogue's relationship to drama. Whereas both epideictic rhetoric and drama were directed to a mass audience, the speeches in the Symposium are delivered to a small, select group. The discussion focuses on the style of the speeches delivered by Aristophanes, Agathon, Socrates and (...)
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  9.  31
    Greek and Roman Aesthetics.Oleg V. Bychkov & Anne Sheppard (eds.) - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This anthology of philosophical texts by Greek and Roman authors brings together works from the late fifth century BC to the sixth century AD that comment on major aesthetic issues such as the perception of beauty and harmony in music and the visual arts, structure and style in literature, and aesthetic judgement. It includes important texts by Plato and Aristotle on the status and the role of the arts in society and in education, and Longinus' reflections on the sublime in (...)
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  10. Brill Online Books and Journals.Peter Kingsley, Fabio Morales, Paula Gottlieb, Kelly Rogers, Richard Bett, Bob Sharples & Anne Sheppard - 1994 - Phronesis 39 (3).
  11.  16
    Ancient approaches to Plato's Republic.Anne D. R. Sheppard (ed.) - 2013 - London: Institute of Classical Studies, University of London.
  12.  16
    Gersh on Ficino on Plotinus.Anne Sheppard - 2020 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 14 (1):59-64.
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  13.  10
    Image and Analogy in Later Neoplatonism.Anne Sheppard - 2002 - In Theo Kobusch & Michael Erler (eds.), Metaphysik und Religion: Zur Signatur des spätantiken Denkens / Akten des Internationalen Kongresses vom 13.-17. März 2001 in Würzburg. München: De Gruyter. pp. 639-647.
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  14. Iamblichus on inspiration : De mysteriis 3.4-.Anne Sheppard - 1993 - In H. J. Blumenthal & Gillian Clark (eds.), The divine Iamblichus: philosopher and man of gods. London: Bristol Classical Press.
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  15.  58
    (1 other version)Jean-Claude Fraisse: L'Intériorité sans retrait: Lectures de Plotin. Pp. 201. Paris: Vrin, 1985. Paper, 120 frs.Anne Sheppard - 1988 - The Classical Review 38 (2):428-428.
  16.  58
    Phantasia Gerard Watson: Phantasia in Classical Thought. Pp. xiii + 176. Galway: Galway University Press, 1988. £14.95.Anne Sheppard - 1994 - The Classical Review 44 (01):79-81.
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  17.  18
    Proclus. Commentary on Plato’s, edited and translated by Dirk Baltzly, John F. Finamore and Graeme Miles.Anne Sheppard - 2020 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 14 (1):105-108.
  18.  87
    Philosophical Eclecticism.Anne Sheppard - 1990 - The Classical Review 40 (01):74-.
  19.  35
    Procli in Platonis Parmenidem commentaria Vol. III.Anne Sheppard - 2011 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 5 (1):172-174.
  20. Proclus' place in the reception of Plato's Republic.Anne Sheppard - 2013 - In Anne D. R. Sheppard (ed.), Ancient approaches to Plato's Republic. London: Institute of Classical Studies, University of London.
  21.  81
    Review. Empedoclea. Ancient philosophy, mystery and magic: Empedocles and Pythagorean tradition. P Kingsley.Anne Sheppard - 1996 - The Classical Review 46 (2):269-271.
  22.  62
    Review. The poetics. Essays on Aristotle's poetics. A Oksenberg Rorty (ed).Anne Sheppard - 1996 - The Classical Review 46 (2):256-257.
  23.  29
    Studies in Hermias’ Commentary on Plato’s Phaedrus, edited by John F. Finamore, Christina-Panagiota Manolea and Sarah Klitenic Wear.Anne Sheppard - 2020 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 14 (2):207-209.
  24.  25
    Two Notes on Proclus.Anne Sheppard - 1981 - Classical Quarterly 31 (02):470-.
  25.  13
    The poetics of Phantasia: imagination in ancient aesthetics.Anne D. R. Sheppard - 2014 - London: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Introduction: Aristotle's phantasia and the ancient concept of imagination -- Visualization, vividness (enargeia) and realism -- Mathematical projection, copying and analogy -- Prophecy, inspiration and allegory -- Conclusion: ancient and modern imagination.
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  26.  56
    Neoplatonism.Anne Sheppard - 1994 - Phronesis 39 (1):111-112.
  27.  18
    Ancient Philosophical Poetics , written by Malcolm Heath.Anne Sheppard - 2016 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 10 (2):240-242.
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  28.  73
    Michael J. B. Allen: Marsilio Ficino and the Phaedran Charioteer. Pp. 274. Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: University of California Press, 1981. £18.50. [REVIEW]Anne Sheppard - 1983 - The Classical Review 33 (1):158-158.
  29.  70
    B. L. van der Waerden: Die gemeinsame Quelle der erkenntnistheoretischen Abhandlungen von Iamblichos und Proklos. (Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften. Phil.-hist. Kl. 1980, 12.) Pp. 30. Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1980. Paper, DM. 14. [REVIEW]Anne Sheppard - 1983 - The Classical Review 33 (1):142-142.
  30.  94
    Two Aristotelian Commentators on the Intellect. [REVIEW]Anne Sheppard - 1994 - Ancient Philosophy 14 (2):434-435.
  31.  65
    Werner Beierwaltes: Marsilio Ficinos Theorie des Schönen im Kontext des Platonismus. (Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil.-hist. Kl, Jahrgang 1980, 11. Abhandlung.) Pp. 56. Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1980. Paper, DM. 18. [REVIEW]Anne Sheppard - 1982 - The Classical Review 32 (1):119-119.
  32.  82
    (11 other versions)Neoplatonism. [REVIEW]Anne Sheppard - 1993 - Phronesis 38 (2):227 - 228.
  33.  68
    Annick Charles-Saget: L'Architecture du divin: Mathématique et philosophic chez Plotin et Proclus. Pp. 345. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1982. Paper. [REVIEW]Anne Sheppard - 1984 - The Classical Review 34 (01):136-137.
  34.  59
    A. Ph. Segonds: Proclus. Sur le premier Alcibiade de Platon, Tome II. (Collection des Universitiés de France (Budé).) Pp. 260 (text double). Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1986. [REVIEW]Anne Sheppard - 1988 - The Classical Review 38 (01):150.
  35.  35
    Classical Theories of Allegory and Christian Culture. [REVIEW]Anne Sheppard - 1983 - The Classical Review 33 (1):139-140.
  36.  73
    H. Tredennick, H. Tarrant (trs.): Plato, The Last Days of Socrates: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Phaedo. Pp. xxxi+237. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1993 (original translation, 1954). Paper, £5.99. [REVIEW]Anne Sheppard - 1995 - The Classical Review 45 (01):159.
  37.  62
    (1 other version)I. Hadot: Simplicius. Commentaire sur le Manuel d’Épictète. Tome I . Pp. clxxii + 184. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2001. Cased, frs. 380. ISBN: 2-251-00493-9. [REVIEW]Anne Sheppard - 2002 - The Classical Review 52 (2):377-378.
  38.  57
    James M. P. Lowry: The Logical Principles of Proclus' ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΩΣΙΣ ΖΕΟΛΟΓΙΚΗ as Systematic Ground of the Cosmos. (Elementa. Schriften zur Philosophic und ihrer Problemgeschichte, 13.) Pp. x and 118. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1980. Paper, fl. 30. [REVIEW]Anne Sheppard - 1981 - The Classical Review 31 (2):303-303.
  39.  47
    lamblichus and the Theory of the Vehicle of the Soul. [REVIEW]Anne Sheppard - 1987 - The Classical Review 37 (1):104-105.
  40.  65
    Marino di Neapoli, Vita di Proclo: Testo critico, introduzione, traduzione e commentario. [REVIEW]Anne Sheppard - 1988 - The Classical Review 38 (2):408-409.
  41.  50
    Neoplatonic Allegory of Homer. [REVIEW]Anne Sheppard - 1988 - The Classical Review 38 (2):288-290.
  42.  13
    OLYMPIODORUS ON PLATO - (B.) Bohle Olympiodors Kommentar zu Platons Gorgias. (Studien zu Literatur und Erkenntnis 11.) Pp. 274. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2020. Cased, €52. ISBN: 978-3-8253-6809-8. [REVIEW]Anne Sheppard - 2022 - The Classical Review 72 (1):68-70.
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  43.  13
    Phantasia. [REVIEW]Anne Sheppard - 1994 - The Chesterton Review 44 (1):79-81.
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  44.  14
    PROCLUS AND PLATO - (D.) Muhsal (trans.) Der Homerische Mythos und die Grundlagen neuplatonischer Theologie. Proklos’ Traktat über die Dichtung Homers [in R. I 69–205]. Übersetzung und Kommentar. (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 405.) Pp. xiv + 363. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2022. Cased, £91, €99.95, US$114.99. ISBN: 978-3-11-078728-3. [REVIEW]Anne Sheppard - 2023 - The Classical Review 73 (2):488-490.
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  45.  41
    Philo and the Timaeus – David T. Runia: "Philo of Alexandria and the Timaeus of Plato". (Philosophia Antiqua, 44.) Pp. xii + 617. Leiden: Brill, 1986. fl. 216. [REVIEW]Anne Sheppard - 1987 - The Classical Review 37 (02):222-224.
  46. Potted Platonism: A Review of Alcinous: The Handbook of Platonism, trans. with Introduction and Commentary by John Dillon. [REVIEW]Anne Sheppard - 1996 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 14:291-301.
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  47.  23
    (1 other version)Review: Iamblichus:< it> De anima. [REVIEW]Anne Sheppard - 2005 - The Classical Review 55 (1):96-97.
  48.  56
    Raymond Klibansky: The Continuity of the Platonic Tradition during the Middle Ages, together with Plato's Parmenides in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. (Second edition.) Pp. 81; ix + 55; 5 plates. Munich/Millwood, N.Y.: Kraus International Publications, 1981. $32. [REVIEW]Anne Sheppard - 1983 - The Classical Review 33 (1):157-157.
  49.  38
    Zeugung als Denkform in Platons geschriebener Lehre. Die stilistische und ontologische Bedeutung des Verbs γενναν und anderer biologischer Metaphern in Platons erhaltenen Werken. [REVIEW]Anne Sheppard - 1981 - The Classical Review 31 (2):300-301.