Results for 'Aspects of Meaning'

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  1.  12
    Aspects of Meaning in Thai Nominals.Thomas Scovel & Thomas W. Gething - 1974 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 94 (2):260.
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  2. Value Disagreement and Two Aspects of Meaning.Erich Rast - 2017 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 17 (51):399-430.
    The problem of value disagreement and contextualist, relativist and metalinguistic attempts of solving it are laid out. Although the metalinguistic account seems to be on the right track, it is argued that it does not sufficiently explain why and how disagreements about the meaning of evaluative terms are based on and can be decided by appeal to existing social practices. As a remedy, it is argued that original suggestions from Putnam's 'The Meaning of "Meaning"' ought to be (...)
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    Aspects of Meaning in Words Related to Happiness.Christine Storm - 1996 - Cognition and Emotion 10 (3):279-302.
  4. Mental spaces: aspects of meaning construction in natural language.Gilles Fauconnier - 1994 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Mental Spaces is the classic introduction to the study of mental spaces and conceptual projection, as revealed through the structure and use of language. It examines in detail the dynamic construction of connected domains as discourse unfolds. The discovery of mental space organization has modified our conception of language and thought: powerful and uniform accounts of superficially disparate phenomena have become available in the areas of reference, presupposition projection, counterfactual and analogical reasoning, metaphor and metonymy, and time and aspect in (...)
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  5. Gilles Fauconnier, Mental Spaces: Aspects of Meaning Construction in Natural Language.B. Abbott - 1996 - Minds and Machines 6:239-242.
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  6. Pragmatically determined aspects of meaning: Explicature, impliciture or implicature.Kepa Korta - manuscript
    In this paper we present a modest contribution to the debate on the treatment of the pragmatically determined aspects of utterance meaning. Different authors (Bach 1994, Carston 1988 and 1998, Recanati 1989, Sperber and Wilson 1986, Levinson 2000) have defended different notions (explicature, impliciture, and implicature) to account for the phenomena labeled as Generalized Conversational Implicatures (GCI) by Grice (1989). We offer some arguments for treating some of these examples as implicitures, and for a better characterization of the (...)
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    Two Aspects of Activation: Arousal and Subjective Significance – Behavioral and Event-Related Potential Correlates Investigated by Means of a Modified Emotional Stroop Task.Kamil Imbir, Tomasz Spustek, Gabriela Bernatowicz, Joanna Duda & Jarosław Żygierewicz - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  8. The operational aspect of meaning.P. W. Bridgman - 1949 - Synthese 8 (1):251 - 259.
  9.  54
    Education and some aspects of meaning: A background study.R. D. Bramwell - 1972 - British Journal of Educational Studies 20 (1):12-26.
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    An Aspect of Philosophy of Law in Wittgenstein’s Theory of the Meaning.Rafał Patryn - 2008 - Dialogue and Universalism 18 (1-3):115-119.
    Wittgenstein’s philosophy endeavored to define the role of language as communicative. Language became an original “code” of multifarious meanings and designations but it is also a code which entails emotions and different sorts of internal and external reactions of an individual. The mechanism of penalty and the notion of penalty have invariably raised emotions and meaningful reactions. The analysis focuses on a short derivation of the notion of penalty. It considers its functions, basic tasks and external impact—a short word revealing (...)
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    Philosophic Aspects of the Problem of Meaning and Sense.M. V. Popovich - 1963 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 1 (4):23-31.
    The problem of meaning and sense is one of the questions of contemporary logic which have long since ceased to be confined within the strict limits of that field, and which have become the object of general philosophical discussion. The elaboration of the concepts involved makes it possible to refine and concretize certain principles of the theory of knowledge and of dialectical logic. The present article will examine — in terms of these concepts — two questions in the theory (...)
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    A Puzzle about the Illocutionary Aspect of Meaning.J. R. Cameron - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 3:9-14.
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    (1 other version)Aspects of the metamorphosis of meaning.P. F. Irvine - 1933 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 11 (4):285 – 292.
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    Aspects of the micro-structure of word meanings.D. Alan Cruse - 2000 - In Yael Ravin & Claudia Leacock (eds.), Polysemy: theoretical and computational approaches. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 30--51.
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    Dual-Aspect Monism and the Deep Structure of Meaning.Harald Atmanspacher & Dean Rickles - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by Dean Rickles.
    This book investigates the metaphysical position of dual-aspect monism, with particular emphasis on the concept of meaning as a fundamental feature of the fabric of reality.
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  16. Happiness and Meaning: Two Aspects of the Good Life.Susan Wolf - 1997 - Social Philosophy and Policy 14 (1):207.
    The topic of self-interest raises large and intractable philosophical questions–most obviously, the question “In what does self-interest consist?” The concept, as opposed to the content of self-interest, however, seems clear enough. Self-interest is interest in one's own good. To act self-interestedly is to act on the motive of advancing one's own good. Whether what one does actually is in one's self-interest depends on whether it actually does advance, or at least, minimize the decline of, one's own good. Though it may (...)
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  17. The Many Meanings/Aspects of Emotion: Definitions, Functions, Activation, and Regulation.Carroll E. Izard - 2010 - Emotion Review 2 (4):363-370.
    Many psychological scientists and behavioral neuroscientists affirm that “emotion” influences thinking, decision-making, actions, social relationships, well-being, and physical and mental health. Yet there is no consensus on a definition of the word “emotion,” and the present data suggest that it cannot be defined as a unitary concept. Theorists and researchers attribute quite different yet heuristic meanings to “emotion.” They show considerable agreement about emotion activation, functions, and regulation. The central goal of this article is to alert researchers, students, and other (...)
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  18. Aspects of New Survey on Oral Heritage in the Alps of Savoy.Stéphane Henriquet - 2017 - Iris 38:9-42.
    Cette nouvelle enquête sur le patrimoine narratif de tradition orale dans les Alpes de la Savoie s’est inscrite dans la continuité des enquêtes de Charles Joisten, commencées dès les années 1950 et qui ont donné les recueils de contes et de récits de croyance rendus disponibles au tournant de ce siècle. Seul ce type d’enquête directe s’est révélé capable de nous permettre — en tirant parti des moyens disponibles de nos jours, notamment d’enregistrement — de donner le jour à de (...)
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    Investigating Puzzling Aspects of the Quantum Theory by Means of Its Hydrodynamic Formulation.A. S. Sanz - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (10):1153-1165.
    Bohmian mechanics, a hydrodynamic formulation of the quantum theory, constitutes a useful tool to understand the role of the phase as the mechanism responsible for the dynamical evolution displayed by quantum systems. This role is analyzed and discussed here in the context of quantum interference, considering to this end two well-known scenarios, namely Young’s two-slit experiment and Wheeler’s delayed choice experiment. A numerical implementation of the first scenario is used to show how interference in a coherent superposition of two counter-propagating (...)
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  20. On Wittgenstein's notion of meaning-blindness: Its subjective, objective and aesthetic aspects.Christian Helmut Wenzel - 2009 - Philosophical Investigations 33 (3):201-219.
    Wittgenstein in his later years thought about experiences of meaning and aspect change. Do such experiences matter? Or would a meaning- or aspect-blind person not lose much? Moreover, is this a matter of aesthetics or epistemology? To get a better perspective on these matters, I will introduce distinctions between certain subjective and objective aspects, namely feelings of our inner psychological states versus fine-tuned objective experiences of the outer world. It seems to me that in his discussion of (...)
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    Aspects of a critical concept of aesthetical aura.Agustín Lucas Prestifilippo - 2019 - Alpha (Osorno) 49:148-165.
    Resumen: Las reflexiones de la teoría crítica de la sociedad respecto de la diferenciación moderna de la razón le otorgan al arte -y a su experiencia- una singularidad que se presenta bajo un modo de resistencia. Un momento ejemplar de estas indagaciones se expresa en la discusión acerca del concepto de aura para dar cuenta de la diferencia artística. En este escrito nos proponemos reconstruir los aspectos de un concepto crítico de aura estética a partir de la interpretación de su (...)
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  22.  28
    Directival Theory of Meaning Resurrected.Paweł Grabarczyk - 2017 - Studia Semiotyczne—English Supplement 29 (1):62-81.
    The first aim of this paper is to remind the reader of a very original theory of meaning which in many aspects has not been surpassed by subsequent theories. The theory in question is Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz’s Directival Theory of Meaning. In the first section I present a version of this theory which, I trust, retains the gist of the original but loses its outdated language. In the second section I analyze some problematic consequences of the directival theory (...)
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  23.  40
    Wittgenstein on the Experience of Meaning: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives.Michel ter Hark - 2013 - Philosophy Study 3 (10).
    This paper discusses a neglected theme in Wittgenstein’s writings on meaning and psychology from the early 1930s until 1949. Throughout this period Wittgenstein deals with aspects of meaning of words and pictures that cannot be accounted for in dispositional terms but have to be related to experience and perception. Wittgenstein’s reading of William James, I argue, has sharpened his eye for the many pitfalls in coming to terms with this experiential notion of meaning. James’s treatment of (...)
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  24. Aspects of Psychologism: Précis and Reply to Critics.Tim Crane - 2016 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 7 (1):96-98.
    Aspects of Psychologism is a collection of essays unified around a philosophical approach to the mind that is non-reductive and yet compatible (or continuous) with scientific psychology. The essays in the book, published over a period of twenty years, investigate the phenomena of intentionality and consciousness, with a special emphasis on perceptual phenomena. The central theme which unites the essays is an approach to the mind which I call ‘psychologism about the psychological’. Psychologism about the psychological, as I understand (...)
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    Aspects of alterity: Levinas, Marcel, and the contemporary debate.Brian Treanor - 2006 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    "Every other is truly other, but no other is wholly other." This is the claim that Aspects of Alterity defends. Taking up the question of otherness that so fascinates contemporary continental philosophy, this book asks what it means for something or someone to be other than the self. Levinas and those influenced by him point out that the philosophical tradition of the West has generally favored the self at the expense of the other. Such a self-centered perspective never encounters (...)
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    (1 other version)Ethical Aspects of Climate Engineering. Karlsruhe.Gregor Betz & Sebastian Cacean - 2012 - KIT Scientific Publishing.
    This study investigates the ethical aspects of deploying and researching into so-called climate engineering methods, i.e. large-scale technical interventions in the climate system with the objective of offsetting anthropogenic climate change. The moral reasons in favour of and against R&D into and deployment of CE methods are analysed by means of argument maps. These argument maps provide an overview of the CE controversy and help to structure the complex debate.
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    Some Aspects of Touch.F. J. J. Buytendijk - 1970 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 1 (1):99-122.
    1. The most important aspect of touch is its relation to time and space, a relation which is established by the movement of touching itself. Referring to the ideas of E. Straus, the distinction between touching and being touched is elaborated in light of experiments done by us with animals. 2. Touching is: being in one's own limits and at the same time going beyond these limits, a situation in which the touched object is felt at the same time as (...)
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  28. A proof-theoretic defence of meaning-invariant logical pluralism.Bogdan Dicher - 2016 - Mind 125 (499):727-757.
    In this paper I offer a proof-theoretic defence of meaning-invariant logical pluralism. I argue that there is a relation of co-determination between the operational and structural aspects of a logic. As a result, some features of the consequence relation are induced by the connectives. I propose that a connective is defined by those rules which are conservative and unique, while at the same time expressing only connective-induced structural information. This is the key to stabilizing the meaning of (...)
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    Psychological Aspects of Individualized Choice and Reproductive Autonomy in Prenatal Screening.Jenny Hewison - 2014 - Bioethics 29 (1):9-18.
    Probably the main purpose of reproductive technologies is to enable people who choose to do so to avoid the birth of a baby with a disabling condition. However the conditions women want information about and the ‘price’ they are willing to pay for obtaining that information vary enormously. Individual women have to arrive at their own prenatal testing choices by ‘trading off’ means and ends in order to resolve the dilemmas facing them. We know very little about how individuals make (...)
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  30. Ontological aspects of measurement.Holger Andreas - 2008 - Axiomathes 18 (3):379-394.
    The concept of measurement is fundamental to a whole range of different disciplines, including not only the natural and engineering sciences, but also laboratory medicine and certain branches of the social sciences. This being the case, the concept of measurement has a particular relevance to the development of top-level ontologies in the area of knowledge engineering. For this reason, the present paper is concerned with ontological aspects of measurement. We are searching for a list of concepts that are apt (...)
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    Philosophical aspect of the lexeme "fortune" in Anthony Radivilovsky’s texts.Volodymyr Spivak - 2018 - Sententiae 37 (1):30-46.
    The article contains the historico-philosophical analysis of the lexical and conceptual aspects of the concept of “fortuna” in the texts of Antoniy Radyvylovs’kyj (further A.R.). This problem has not been studied by historians of philosophy yet. The analysis is carried out in the context of Ukrainian moral thought of the Baroque period (1610 - 1680-s). -/- The author proposes the historico-philosophical interpretation of A.R.’s use of the lexeme fortuna and its doublets on the basis of Vilen Gorsky’s methodology. For (...)
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    Medium-specific aspects of digital reading and their impact on reading comprehension.Zuzana Petrová - 2022 - Human Affairs 32 (2):134-144.
    The paper analyses empirical research results comparing the impact of the medium (traditional, paper-based vs. screen-based) on the reading process and text comprehension. It focuses on two analytical approaches—the first looks at the construction of cognitive maps of texts and the other the material aspects of the medium – which enable readers to orientate themselves and to explore and interpret the text more comprehensively. The paper discusses differences in how readers approach textual meaning according to experience of using (...)
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    Well‐Hidden Regularities: Abstract Uses of in and on Retain an Aspect of Their Spatial Meaning.Anja Jamrozik & Dedre Gentner - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (8):1881-1911.
    Prepositions name spatial relationships. But they are also used to convey abstract, non-spatial relationships —raising the question of how the abstract uses relate to the concrete spatial uses. Despite considerable success in delineating these relationships, no general account exists for the two most frequently extended prepositions: in and on. We test the proposal that what is preserved in abstract uses of these prepositions is the relative degree of control between the located object and the reference object. Across four experiments, we (...)
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    Shin Chaeho's theory; aspects of seeking the modern community in Korea and its meaning - focusing on the main points of the overcoming of Social Darwinism and the change of National identity -.Bosung Jin - 2021 - EPOCH AND PHILOSOPHY 32 (3):111-148.
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    Ecosemiotic aspects of zoomorphic metaphors.Ariel Gomez Ponce - 2016 - Sign Systems Studies 44 (1-2):231-247.
    Through history, predatory features are used to constructs when constructing textual representations on the human/animal frontier. The predatory act has remained a recurring motif that emerges from a metaphoric system in cultural imagination. An ecosemiotic approach to this topic allows us to understand how specific predatory behaviours constitute a source of meaning: in other words, how an alleged “animal tendency” is appropriated (translated) into various cultural texts through metaphors, creating a rhetorical order. To illustrate this, some features of metaphors (...)
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    Psychological Aspects of the Study of Gender Sphere of Concept in the Media.Myroslava Chornodon, Nataliia Leonova, Tetyana Doronina, Olha Yadlovska, Ellina Tsykhovska & Viktoriia Zarva - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (1):103-130.
    The changes that have affected all spheres of society have also affected the existing stereotypes of gender behaviour, so the issue of the place and role of men and women in society focuses on research on the aspirations, interests and preferences of both sexes. Gender issues are studied in an interdisciplinary aspect, so recently there have been many studies in which the subject of discussion concerns different fields of science - psychology, philosophy, linguistics, journalism, sociology, political science and many others. (...)
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    Pragmatic Aspects of Human Communication.Colin Cherry (ed.) - 1974 - Reidel.
    'Human Communication' is a field of interest of enormous breadth, being one which has concerned students of many different disciplines. It spans the imagined 'gap' between the 'arts' and the 'sciences', but it forms no unified academic subject. There is no commonly accepted terminology to cover aU aspects. The eight articles comprising this book have been chosen to illustrate something of the diversity yet, at the same time, to be comprehensible to readers from different academic disciplines. They cannot pretend (...)
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    How iconic gestures and speech interact in the representation of meaning: Are both aspects really integral to the process?Judith Holler & Geoffrey Beattie - 2003 - Semiotica 2003 (146):81-116.
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  39. Some Aspects of Polanyi’s Version of Realism.Dale Cannon - 1999 - Tradition and Discovery 26 (3):51-61.
    This essay attempts to clarify certain aspects of Polanyi’s version of comprehensive realism: the irreducible role of responsible personal commitment as transcending human subjectivity in any meaningful reference to transcendent reality, and thus for any coherent realism; realism as a fundamental presupposition of intellectual responsibility in the humanities and in the sciences; a conception of intrinsic meaning characterizing real things, in greater and lesser degrees; a conception of embodied tacit knowing as a relational, acquaintance knowing that achieves contact (...)
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    The architectonics of meaning: foundations of the new pluralism.Walter Watson - 1985 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    The Architectonics of Meaning is a lucid demonstration of the purposes, methods, and implications of philosophical semantics that both supports and builds on Richard McKeon's and other noted pluralists' convictions that multiple philosophical approaches are viable. Watson ingeniously explores ways to systematize these approaches, and the result is a well-structured instrument for understanding texts. This book exemplifies both general and particular aspects of systematic pluralism, reorienting our understanding of the realms of knowing, doing, and making.
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    Artistic Aspects of Embodiment of Postmodern Theater Practices in the Context of COVID-19 Pandemic.Yuliya Bekh, Liliya Romankova, Viktor Vashkevych, Alla Yaroshenko & Mykola Lipin - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (1Sup1):313-322.
    At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. When integrated into the European art space, the countries of Eastern Europe take the path of creating a new model of cultural development in a post-pandemic society. Added to the world of theater innovations and, in particular, post-modern theater practices, it makes it necessary to search for new types of communication with the audience, creating such a balance between the actor and the audience that would meet new historical realities, shape its (...)
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  42. Phenomenological Aspects of Wittgenstein's Philosophy.Byong-Chul Park - 1996 - Dissertation, Boston University
    In his writings around 1930, Wittgenstein relates his philosophy to the idea of phenomenology. He indicates that his main philosophical project had earlier been the construction of a purely phenomenological language, and even after having given up this project he believed that "the world we live in is the world of sense-data," that is, of phenomenological objects. However, a problem is posed by the fact that he does not appear to have given a full, explicit account of what he means (...)
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    Aspects of the concept of theo-logy in the Old Testament: A discussion on J. Gericke.Christo Lombaard - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (4).
    In this contribution, an aspect of the research of one of the more distinct voices in South African theology, Jaco Gericke, is contextualised and outlined. Although Old Testament Theology is an oft-enough reflected on topic by South African Bible scholars, such a theology is never written by South African scholars. However, Gericke’s work tends in this direction. His work on God-talk, theo-logy, is the more important for our time, because it often relates to the kind of ideas popularly related to (...)
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  44. Multiple aspects of agency.Shaun Gallagher - 2010 - New Ideas in Psychology.
    Recent significant research in a number of disciplines centers around the concept of the sense of agency. Because many of these studies cut across disciplinary lines there is good reason to seek a clear consensus on what ‘sense of agency’ means. In this paper I indicate some complexities that this consensus might have to deal with. I also highlight an important phenomenological distinction that needs to be considered in any discussion of the sense of agency, regardless of how it gets (...)
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    The Normativity of Meaning: Guidance and Justification.Matthew Jones - 2015 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 23 (3):425-443.
    The thesis that meaning is normative has come under much scrutiny of late. However, there are aspects of the view that have received comparatively little critical attention which centre on meaning’s capacity to guide and justify linguistic action. Call such a view ‘justification normativity’. I outline Zalabardo’s account of JN and his corresponding argument against reductive-naturalistic meaning-factualism and argue that the argument presents a genuine challenge to account for the guiding role of meaning in linguistic (...)
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    Aspects of Aristotelian statics in Galileo's dynamics.J. De Groot - 2000 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 31 (4):645-664.
    This paper examines geometrical arguments from Galileo's Mechanics and Two New Sciences to discern the influence of the Aristotelian Mechanical Problems on Galileo's dynamics. A common scientific procedure is found in the Aristotelian author's treatment of the balance and lever and in Galileo's rules concerning motion along inclined planes. This scientific procedure is understood as a development of Eudoxan proportional reasoning, as it was used in Eudoxan astronomy rather than simply as it appears in Euclid's Elements. Topics treated include the (...)
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    Sociocultural Aspects of Technological Change: The Rise of the Swiss Electricity Supply Economy.David Gugerli - 1995 - Science in Context 8 (3):459-486.
    The ArgumentThe impressive growth of the Swiss electricity supply industry in the late nineteenth cestury has usually been explained by Switzerland's abundant waterpower resouces, its well-equipped financial markets, and the mechanical skills of its Swiss workers and engineers. This article does not aim to deny the importance of these factors. Rather it seeks to explain how they developed synergetic effects and how they were knit together. The argument is put forward in three steps: First, I show the importance of the (...)
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    Some Problematic Aspects of the Promotion of the Regulation of Labour Relations by Means of Collective Agreements (article in Lithuanian).Rytis Krasauskas - 2011 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 18 (2):613-630.
    The Lithuanian success of implementing international obligation in order to encourage the regulation of labour relations by means of collective agreements is analyzed in this article. It is emphasized that development of social partnership is too slow, coverage of regulation of labour relations by means of collective agreement also is low-level and collective agreements basically are made at the plant level. It is noticed that, because of the need to find a suitable balance between implementing the international obligation to encourage (...)
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    Normative aspects of the human body.Ludwig Siep - 2003 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 28 (2):171 – 185.
    In cultural history the human body has been the object of a great variety of opposing valuations, ranging from "imago dei" to "the devil's tool". At present, the body is commonly regarded as a mere means to fulfill the wishes of its "owner". According to these wishes it can be technically improved in an unlimited way. Against this view the text argues for a conception of the human body as a valuable "common heritage". The "normal" human body as the result (...)
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  50. "Hinweise auf": Aspects of Contemporary American Philosophy; C. Brunner, Die Lehre von den Geistigen und vom Volk; K. Hemmerle, Franz von Baaders philosophischer Gedanke der Schöpfung; E. Husserl, Philosophie als strenge Wissenschaft; E. Kahler, The Meaning of History; F. Körner, Vom Sein und Sollen des Menschen; J. Moreau, Aristote et son École; F. Nietzsche, Aurora e Frammenti postumi ; Philosophy and Christianity; Collegium Philosophicum; L'Histoire de la Philosophie, ses problèmes, ses méthodes; Il problema filosofico del linguagio; H. D. Rankin, Plato and the Individual; J. E. Raeven, Plato's Thought in the Making; L. von Renthe Fink, Geschichtlichkeit-ihr terminologischer und begrifflicher Ursprung bei Hegel, Haym, Dilthey und Yorck; P. Roubiczek, Existentialism For and Against; M. F. Sciacca, Objektive Inwendigkeit; H. Schreckenberg, Anake; F. Selvaggi u. a., Teoria della Dimostrazione; Technik im technischen Zeitalter; Sir G. Vickers, The Art of Judgment; I. Wirth, Realismus un. [REVIEW]H. Kuhn - 1967 - Philosophische Rundschau 14:75-80.
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