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  1.  15
    Science Unfettered: Philosophical Study in Sociohistorical Ontology.James E. Mcguire & Barbara Tuchanska - 2000 - Athens, OH: Ohio University Press. Edited by Barbara Tuchańska.
    A contribution to ongoing debates in the philosophy of science, aiming to reconceptualize the orientation of the subject. Mobilizing the literature, the authors seek to transform their insights into a new epistemological and ontological basis for studying the enterprise of science.
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  2. Introduction: Polish Philosophical Revisionists in Marxism.Barbara Tuchanska - 2017 - Hybris. Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny 37:I-XV.
    Who and how revised Marxism in Poland? The simple answer is that it was done by young intellectuals seeing themselves as obligated to social and political activity, eager to participate in the process of the constitution of a new postwar Communist society. Marxism was for them a philosophical world-view and a political program rising hopes for a better socio-economic reality. Revisionists were committed Communists and their attitude toward Marxism was almost religious. Marxism, Promethean and scientific at the same time, was (...)
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    Abstracts.James Bono, Ofer Gal, John McEvoy, Alan Shapiro & Barbara Tuchanska - unknown
    These are the abstracts of papers for the conference, History Unveiled Science Unfettered: A Conference in Celebration of James E. McGuire University of Pittsburgh, January 19, 2002.
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  4. Science Unfettered: A Philosophical Study in Sociohistorial Ontology.J. E. Mcguire & Barbara Tuchańska - 2001 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 40 (4):438-441.
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    More Fetters to unfetter: A reply to Depew and Schmaus.J. E. Mcguire & Barbara Tuchanska - 2002 - Social Epistemology 16 (4):399 – 409.
    This is a response to two reviews of our book "Science Unfettered: A Philosophical Study of Sociohistorical Ontology." We clarify the relationship between the ontological and the ontic, the key phrases: 'being-in-the-world,' the 'facticity' of human existence. We show where the sources of reviewers misunderstandings lie.
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    Obrona realizmu w filozofii nowożytnej i współczesnej.Tomasz Sieczkowski & Barbara Tuchańska - 2004 - Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego.
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  7. British Discussion of the Explanation of Science: The Sociological Strong Program versus Philosophical Rationalism.Barbara Tuchańska - 2001 - Hybris. Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny 1.
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    Clio meets minerva: Interrelations between history and philosophy of science.Barbara Tuchanska - 2002 - „Pantaneto Forum”,Http (issue 13).
    The idea that science is historical is almost a cliché nowadays. The historical dimensions of science have begun to be appreciated by philosophers of science, for some through the work of Kuhn, and for others through Popper and Lakatos. Does this mean that contemporary philosophy of science understands the historical nature of science? Let me begin with a provocative negative answer. My reason is not the obvious one, namely, that there are several competing models that address the historical development of (...)
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  9. (1 other version)Czy potrzebna nam jest opozycja aprioryczne – aposterioryczne?Barbara Tuchańska - 2011 - Filozofia Nauki 19 (4).
    I present modifications of the notion of the a priori knowledge (beliefs) or justification executed in the recent epistemological conceptions, and discuss difficulties raised in their empiricist criticisms. Next, I discuss a naturalist and a metaphysical extreme approaches to the a priori , and give arguments against the need for the acceptance of the a priori versus a posteriori opposition. My arguments refer to contemporary philosophical processes: the abandonment of the abstract concept of the cognizing subject, the rejection of the (...)
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    Can relativism be reconciled with realism and causalism?Barbara Tuchańska - 1990 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 4 (3):285 – 294.
  11. Fregowskie odróżnienie Sinn i Bedeutung.Barbara Tuchańska - 2001 - Principia.
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  12. Human Nature or Humanity: Between Genes and Values.Barbara Tuchańska - 2012 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A (19):001-032.
    We are within nature and culture, conditioned simultaneously by genes and meanings. This form of our self-understanding is the result of fundamental modifications that happened in modern philosophical anthropology and of the impact of the natural Science. In modern philosophy three types of approaches to the human situation were constituted at different times: the idealist, the naturalist, and the culturalist, and the problem of whether humanity is natural (biological) or cultural has begun to take precedence over the issue of human (...)
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  13. Kryteria naukowości. Nauka-nienauka czy raczej my-inni.Barbara Tuchańska - 2004 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 51 (3):97-112.
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  14. Kuhnowskie pojęcie paradygmatu a problem opisania rozwoju nauki.Barbara Tuchańska - 1987 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 23 (1).
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    (1 other version)Marxism as the foundation of philosophies of science.Barbara Tuchanska - 1991 - Studies in Soviet Thought 41 (1):1-17.
  16. Marksizm jako fundament filozoficznych koncepcji nauki (na przykładzie ontologii bytu społecznego G. Lukacsa).Barbara Tuchańska - 1986 - Studia Filozoficzne 252 (11).
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  17. Mity Rozumu, Analizy i Samopoznania.Barbara Tuchańska - 2002 - Hybris. Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny 2.
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  18. Newtonowskie odkrycie grawitacji.Barbara Tuchańska - 1989 - Studia Filozoficzne 283 (6).
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  19. Niearbitralne uwagi o Arbitralności filozofii Józefa Niżnika.Barbara Tuchańska - 2000 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 34 (2):207-210.
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    Ontologia kulturowa: Kulturowość bycia.Barbara Tuchańska - 2014 - Diametros 42:262-289.
    Constructing a cultural ontology I reject the primordiality of everydayness, presupposed by Heidegger, in order to reveal the cultural constitution of all ways of being, from everyday life to the most unusual activities of individuals and communities. The cultural constitution of being is displayed with the help of the idea that meanings, i.e., references, senses and values , are structures of all ways of being. In the following exposition the cultural constitution of being is analyzed in its interrelations with the (...)
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    Ontologia kulturowa: zarys konstrukcji.Barbara Tuchańska - 2014 - Diametros 41:127-151.
    My project of cultural ontology aims at a specific modification of Heidegger’s ontology of being, which enables the analysis of historical communal being and the cultural nature of all ways of being. In the first part I shall consider: the motives for using an expression ’cultural ontology,’ arguments for the necessity of overcoming phenomenological analysis toward ontological philosophizing, and reasons for going beyond the analytic of Dasein toward ontological analysis of communities and human history. A sociohistorical ontology must be, finally, (...)
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  22. On the Superiority of the Ordinary Day over the Holy Day: Relativism.Barbara Tuchańska - 2011 - Hybris. Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny 13.
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  23. Problem filozoficzności filozofii nauki.Barbara Tuchańska - 1989 - Studia Filozoficzne 278 (1).
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    Replacing Epistemology with a Socio-historical Hermeneutics of Cognition. A Project for Research and Teaching.Barbara Tuchańska - 2008 - Dialogue and Universalism 18 (7-8):29-41.
    I argue that philosophical reflection on cognition and knowledge should not be shaped into an epistemological theory in a strict sense. It ought to be understood as a hermeneutic study of the social and dynamic (historical) nature of cognition.
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    The Idea of Rationality of Human Actions in Marxism.Barbara Tuchańska - 1984 - Dialectics and Humanism 11 (2):373-379.
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    Thomas Kuhn e seus modificadores intercontinentais.Barbara Tuchanska - 2012 - Scientiae Studia 10 (3):505-534.
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    The Problem of Cognition as an Ontological Question.Barbara Tuchańska - 1988 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 6:31-42.
    Punktem wyjścia moich rozważań jest przekonanie, że poznanie nadal wymaga filozoficznego namysłu. Kantowski transcendentalizm i wyrastające z niego bezpośrednio lub pośrednio – filozofie Fichtego, Hegla, Marksa, Nietzschego, Husserla i Heideggera wyznaczają obszar teoretyczny, w którym pytanie o poznanie stawiane jest w nowy sposób, już nie w szacie naturalistycznej czy psychologistycznej. Ze względu na zawartość pojęciową tego obszaru i wypracowany w nim sposób filozofowania, problem poznania staje się w nim zagadnieniem ontologicznym, tzn. możliwe staje się pytanie o to, jaka jest ontyczna (...)
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    What is explained in science?Barbara Tuchańska - 1992 - Philosophy of Science 59 (1):102-119.
    The fundamental problem of what is explained in science should be considered and clarified since it determines the way of solving the problem of how something is explained as well as the entire view of explanation. In the first section after the introduction, Hempel's models of explanation are criticized for their narrow concern with logical reconstruction. In the next section a broader epistemological approach to explanation is presented, and in the last section an historical example of Newtonian explanation as epistemic (...)
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    Review of Newton C.A. Da Costa, Steven French, Science and Partial Truth: A Unitary Approach to Models and Scientific Reasoning[REVIEW]Barbara Tuchanska - 2004 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2004 (3).
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    Review of We Have Never Been Modern by Bruno Latour. [REVIEW]Barbara Tuchańska - 1995 - Philosophy of Science 62 (2):350-351.
    A review of Bruno Latour's "We Have Never Been Modern," characterized as a philosophical study on the world we are living in.
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