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  1.  63
    Phenomenology of the Alien: Basic Concepts.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2011 - Northwestern University Press.
    Introduction : facets of the alien -- The human as a liminal being -- Between pathos and response -- Response to the alien -- Corporeal experience between selfhood and otherness -- Thresholds of attention -- Between cultures.
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    Das leibliche Selbst. Vorlesungen zur Phänomenologie des Leibes.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2000 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp. Edited by Regula Giuliani.
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    Antwortregister.Bernhard Waldenfels - 1994 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Das Zwischenreich des Dialogs: Sozialphilosophische Untersuchungen in Anschluss an Edmund Husserl.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2013 - Springer Verlag.
    Die Rede von einem Zwischenreich des Dialogs deutet hin auf den intermedHi. ren Charakter des Dialogs, in dem zwischen uns zustande kommt, was keiner fur sich zustande brachte. Stehen wir immer schon im Dialog, so ist fur jeden der Weg zu sich selbst nicht der kurzeste, sondern der langste, er ginge durch die Welt sowohl wie durch die Andern. Dieser Gesichtspunkt ist keines wegs selbstverstandlich, doch selbst dort, wo er sich Geltung ver schafft, wird er vielfach verdunkelt durch die Verwandlung (...)
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    The Question of the Other.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2007 - State University of New York Press.
    Introduces the phenomenology of the Other, taking into account the work of Husserl, Merleau-Ponty, Levinas, Schutz, and Derrida, but mostly going back to things themselves.
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    Hyperphänomene: Modi hyperbolischer Erfahrung.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2012 - Berlin: Suhrkamp.
  7.  14
    Phänomenologie der Aufmerksamkeit.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2004 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
  8.  8
    Schattenrisse der Moral.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2006 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
  9.  19
    Erfahrung, die zur Sprache drängt: Studien zur Psychoanalyse und Psychotherapie aus phänomenologischer Sicht.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2019 - Berlin: Suhrkamp.
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    Die Krisis des europäischen Menschentums und die Philosophie.Edmund Husserl & Bernhard Waldenfels - 1995
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  11. Bodily experience between selfhood and otherness.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2004 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 3 (3):235-248.
    In opposition to traditional forms of dualism and monism, the author holds that our bodily self includes certain aspects of otherness. This is shown concerning the phenomenological issues of intentionality, of self-awareness and of intersubjectivity, by emphasizing the dimension of pathos. We are affected by what happens to us before being able to respond to it by acts or actions. Every sense, myself and others are born out of pathos. The original alienness of our own body, including neurological processes, creates (...)
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    Der Stachel des Fremden.Bernhard Waldenfels - 1990
    Die in diesem Band enthaltenen Beiträge gehören in den Umkreis von Waldenfels' 1987 erschienenem Buch Ordnung im Zwielicht. Der dort vorgelegte Grundriß wird hier auf mannigfache Weise ausgeführt und fortgeführt - ein Materialienband also zu Ordnung im Zwielicht, doch gleichzeitig ein Vorbereitungsband zur Behandlung dessen, was Waldenfels dort responsive Rationalität genannt hat.
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    Ortsverschiebungen, Zeitverschiebungen: Modi leibhaftiger Erfahrung.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2009 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
    Wiederkehr des Raumes?. Topologisches Paradigmen ; Rückkehr zum gelebten Raum ; Raumkonzepte und Raumpraktiken ; Regionale oder fundamentale Räumlichkeit ; Zweideutigkeiten und Paradoxien der Lebenswelt -- Polarität von Ort und Raum. Phänomenologische Topik ; Wo-Frage im Schatten der Was-Frage ; Ortsbestimmung als Antwort auf eine Wo-Frage ; Fremde und eigene Wo-Frage ; Hier als Standort : Grund und Boden ; Woher und Wohin : Wegstrecken ; Worin : offene und geschlossene Räume ; Ringsum : Umgebung, Umwelt und Welt ; Wie (...)
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    Das Zwischenreich des Dialogs.Bernhard Waldenfels - 1972 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 33 (2):291-292.
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  15. In den Netzen der Lebenswelt.Bernhard Waldenfels - 1986 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 40 (4):649-651.
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    Order in the Twilight.Bernhard Waldenfels & David J. Parent - 1996 - Ohio University Press.
    In this seminal work, acclaimed philosopher Bernhard Waldenfels deals with the problem of the nature of order after the “shattering of the world,” and the loss of the idea of a universal or fundamental order._ _ Order in the Twilight__ unites phenomenological methodology with recent work on the theory of order, normativity, and dialogue, as well as structuralism and Gestalt theory. Philosophically stringent, it expresses a more optimistic attitude than much modern philosophy, especially deconstruction._ Waldenfels passes the question of order (...)
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  17. Vielstimmigkeit der Rede.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2000 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 62 (3):612-613.
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  18. Phänomenologie in Frankreich.Bernhard Waldenfels - 1985 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 39 (2):326-328.
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    Ordnung im Zwielicht.Bernhard Waldenfels - 1987 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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  20. From Intentionality to Responsivity.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2003 - In Rudolf Bernet & Daniel J. Martino (eds.), Phenomenology Today: The Schuwer Spep Lectures, 1998-2002. Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center, Duquesne University. pp. 23-37.
    First two paragraphs of the article, in lieu of an abstract: “What I am going to discuss in terms of response and responsivity is not just a special1kind of behavior with respect to the Other. Responding has rather to be understood as the genuine way in which we encounter the alien as alien. It will be shown that the experience of the Other, i.e., what Husserl calls Fremderfahrung, requires a new sort of responsive phenomenology. This kind of responsive phenomenology goes (...)
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    Responsive Ethics.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2012 - In Dan Zahavi (ed.), The Oxford handbook of contemporary phenomenology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter covers the traditional role of responsibility, and the possible connections between response and responsibility. These connections are explored through the advance of trust and the surplus of the extraordinary in relation to the Third Party. The idea of responsibility comes from the sphere of juridical law, and has a theological touch. The classical conception presented suffers from a permanent erosion that is reinforced by systemic constraints. Trust is a natural element of every community that is together applied by (...)
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    Metamorphoses of Violence.Bernhard Waldenfels & Amalia Trepca - 2019 - Studia Phaenomenologica 19:19-35.
    Based on the argument that violence has a parasitic quality rather than an essence of its own, this article seeks to bring to light the conversion processes through which violence crystallises out of, as well as into, various phenomena. Violence is first examined in terms of the relation between perpetrator and victim with, however, an emphasis on the fact that violence cannot be reduced to the intention or the act of the perpetrator. On the contrary, violence is shown to have (...)
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  23. Levinas and the face of the other.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2002 - In Robert Bernasconi & Simon Critchley (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Lévinas. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 63--81.
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    Zeichen.Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Barbara Schmitz, Hans Werner Arndt & Bernhard Waldenfels - 2013 - Meiner, F.
    Zwischen der Veröffentlichung der "Phänomenologie der Wahrnehmung" im Jahr 1945 und dem Tod Merleau-Pontys im Jahr 1961 liegen gerade einmal 16 Jahre. In dieser Zeitspanne nimmt Merleau-Ponty das Projekt einer Ausweitung und Grundlegung seiner Überlegungen auf, indem er zum einen das Phänomen der Expressivität in den unterschiedlichsten kulturellen Dimensionen erkundet, um vom Ausdrucksverhalten her eine Kulturphilosophie eigenen Typs zu entwickeln, und um zum anderen ein ontologisches Fundament der ästhetischen Stellung des Menschen in der Welt freizulegen. Diese Projekte konnte Merleau-Ponty aufgrund (...)
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    Deutsch-französische Gedankengänge.Bernhard Waldenfels - 1995 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Verfremdung der Moderne: Phänomenologische Grenzgänge.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2001 - Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag.
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    Attention suscitée et dirigée.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2010 - Alter: revue de phénoménologie 18:33-44.
    Il est évident que l’attention ne fait pas partie des grands thèmes de la philosophie occidentale en tant que celle-ci s’occupe de l’être, du temps, de l’espace, de la liberté ou du sujet. Une telle réserve donne à penser. Il me semble qu’elle s’explique par quelques points faibles, inhérents aux interprétations traditionnelles. Premièrement, l’attention se réduit à une étape préparatoire, à une double fonction : il faut ouvrir les yeux et dresser les oreilles, et le reste viendra. Deuxièmeme...
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    Flüchtlinge als Gäste in Not.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2017 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 65 (1):89-105.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie Jahrgang: 65 Heft: 1 Seiten: 89-105.
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    Fenomenología de la experiencia en Edmund Husserl.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2017 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 29 (2):409-426.
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    Responsive Ethik zwischen Antwort und Verantwortung.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2010 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 58 (1):71-81.
    Responsive ethics stands out against every sort of communicative ethics merely orientated towards common aims, general norms, and utility calculation. It is based on a clear contrast between being responsible for what one has done and responding to the Other′s appeal and claim. The logic of response includes aspects like temporal delay, inevitability, gifts and freedom arising from elsewhere. Both – being responsible for and responding to – meet through the Third Party which intervenes in terms of habits and rules, (...)
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  31. Experience of the alien in Husserl's phenomenology.Bernhard Waldenfels & Anthony J. Steinbock - 1990 - Research in Phenomenology 20 (1):19-33.
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    The groundlessness of sense: a critique of Husserl’s idea of grounding.Bernhard Waldenfels, Charles Driker-Ohren & Mohsen Saber - 2024 - Continental Philosophy Review 57 (1):1-15.
    This article critiques Husserl’s idea of grounding through an exploration of his notion of the lifeworld. First, it sketches different senses of the lifeworld in the Crisis and explains in what sense it is taken to be a universal foundation of all sense-formation. Second, it criticizes Husserl’s idea of grounding and shows that it fails because the alleged foundation—namely, the lifeworld as a perceptual world, or rather lifeworldly experience as perception—is inadequately determined. Perception cannot function as a universal foundation because (...)
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  33. In place of the Other.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2011 - Continental Philosophy Review 44 (2):151-164.
    This paper outlines the basic traits of a responsive phenomenology by focusing on the issue of originary substitution. On the one hand, a phenomenology of alienness or otherness and an ethics of the other in the sense of Levinas will prove to be closely bound up with this sort of substitution. On the other side, this substitution can be concretised by transitional figures such as the advocate, the therapist, the translator, the witness, or the field researcher; they all intervene from (...)
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  34. (1 other version)The role of the lived-body in feeling.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2008 - Continental Philosophy Review 41 (2):127-142.
    Feelings not only have a place, they also have a time. Today, one can speak of a multifaceted renaissance of feelings. This concerns philosophy itself, particularly, ethics. Every law-based morality comes up against its limits when morals cease to be only a question of legitimation and begin to be a question of motivation, since motives get no foothold without the feeling of self and feeling of the alien. As it is treated by various social theories and psychoanalysis, the self is (...)
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  35. Das Problem der Leiblichkeit bei Merleau-Ponty.Bernhard Waldenfels - 1968 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 75 (2):347.
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    Normalité et normativité.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2005 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 1 (1):57-67.
    À contre-courant des querelles fratricides qui opposèrent structuralistes et phénoménologues, l’auteur rappelle, tout d’abord, les motifs centraux qui dominent le débat entre les deux courants, avant de dégager une problématique nouvelle dans laquelle les perspectives phénoménologiques et structuralistes s’entrecroisent. Il s’agit de la problématique de la normalisation, entendue comme processus d’incarnation et de genèse des normes, qui thématise de façon centrale la différence entre l’ordinaire et l’extraordinaire.
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    The Birth of Ethos out of Pathos.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2024 - Critical Hermeneutics 8.
    An ethical epoché is required to leave the terrain of a self-evident morality and question its origin. In particular, four fundamental motifs of the ethical dimension are identified: pathos, to be thematised as an alternative to the persistent activist unilateralism; response, which always involves body and soul; diastasis with its stumbles and subtractions; and finally coaffection, in which the social dimension of experience is announced. Ethical behaviour feeds on the magma of pathos, which in turn would be blind and directionless (...)
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    Werdegang und Wirkungsfelder der Phänomenologie.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2024 - Philosophische Rundschau 71 (2):126.
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    The Birth of Ἦθος out of Πάθος.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2016 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 37 (1):133-149.
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    Interrogative thinking: Reflections on Merleau-Ponty's later philosophy.Bernhard Waldenfels - 1993 - In Patrick Burke and Jan van Der Veken (ed.), Merleau-Ponty in Contemporary Perspective. pp. 3--12.
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  41. Perception and Structure in Merleau-Ponty.Bernhard Waldenfels - 1980 - In John Sallis (ed.), Merleau-ponty: Perception, structure, language: A collection of essays. Humanities Press. pp. 21-38.
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    Der Leib als Urmedium und der Körper als Vehikel der Technik.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2024 - Critical Hermeneutics 8.
    Living corporeity is the intermediate element between nature and culture, which must be thought of as a reciprocal interconnection, since as corporeal beings we always move on a threshold. In the reflection of the bodily self, a doubling between the living body as a functioning subject and as a material object is revealed; after all, even one's own body sometimes takes on the features of a foreign body, as is the case in the experience of illness. In the technical instrument, (...)
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  43. Strangeness, Hospitality, and Enmity.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2011 - In Nathan Eckstrand & Christopher Yates (eds.), Philosophy and the return of violence: studies from this widening gyre. London: Continuum International Publishing Group.
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    Breakpoints of a Diachronic Experience.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2024 - Critical Hermeneutics 8.
    Experience is investigated according to those breaking points where the unexpected surfaces and the surprise of the extraordinary and the alien breaks through. What happens is always in the postponement between pathos and response; this represents the fundamental agreement of a responsive phenomenology: it is never a quiet succession, but always something arriving too early or too late. Threshold experiences such as hesitation, delay, waiting, pausing, stumbling are investigated in this framework.
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    The Body as Original Medium and Vehicle of Technique.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2024 - Critical Hermeneutics 8.
    Living corporeity is the intermediate element between nature and culture, which must be thought of as a reciprocal interconnection, since as corporeal beings we always move on a threshold. In the reflection of the bodily self, a doubling between the living body as a functioning subject and as a material object is revealed; after all, even one's own body sometimes takes on the features of a foreign body, as is the case in the experience of illness. In the technical instrument, (...)
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    Bruchstellen einer diachronen Erfahrung.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2024 - Critical Hermeneutics 8.
    Experience is investigated according to those breaking points where the unexpected surfaces and the surprise of the extraordinary and the alien breaks through. What happens is always in the postponement between pathos and response; this represents the fundamental agreement of a responsive phenomenology: it is never a quiet succession, but always something arriving too early or too late. Threshold experiences such as hesitation, delay, waiting, pausing, stumbling are investigated in this framework.
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    The Unconscious as the Alien.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2024 - Critical Hermeneutics 8.
    Through a comparison of the phenomenological motif of the alien and the psychoanalytic motif of the unconscious, a critique is advanced against Cartesian dualism, which recurs today in the natural sciences and in the split of the contemporary individual, divided between spirit and nature, the proper world and the alien world, the inner sphere and the outer sphere. It is a matter of thinking of an original subtraction, an absent presence that begins with ourselves, in a slippage that achieves no (...)
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    Myśleć obce.Bernhard Waldenfels & Filip Borek - 2019 - Etyka 58 (1):15-26.
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  49. Time lag: Motifs for a phenomenology of the experience of time.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2000 - Research in Phenomenology 30 (1):107-119.
  50.  13
    Das Unbewußte als Fremdes.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2024 - Critical Hermeneutics 8.
    Through a comparison of the phenomenological motif of the alien and the psychoanalytic motif of the unconscious, a critique is advanced against Cartesian dualism, which recurs today in the natural sciences and in the split of the contemporary individual, divided between spirit and nature, the proper world and the alien world, the inner sphere and the outer sphere. It is a matter of thinking of an original subtraction, an absent presence that begins with ourselves, in a slippage that achieves no (...)
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