Results for 'Biosafety '

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  1.  96
    Biosafety Act 2007: Does It Really Protect Bioethical Issues Relating To GMOS. [REVIEW]Siti Hafsyah Idris, Lee Wei Chang & Azizan Baharuddin - 2013 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26 (4):747-757.
    Despite the (serious) global concerns about the safety and genetic stability of genetically modified organisms, the Malaysian National Biosafety Board (NBB) has recently approved the field testing for genetically modified (GM) male mosquitoes. With this development, bioethical issues, which in some respect could adversely impinge on the social, economic and environmental aspects of the society, have surfaced, and these concerns must be addressed by the authorities concerned. In reviewing this application, the National Biosafety Board has followed the requirements (...)
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    Biosafety, biosecurity, and bioethics.David B. Resnik - 2024 - Monash Bioethics Review 42 (1):137-167.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of biosafety in the biomedical sciences. While it is often assumed that biosafety is a purely technical matter that has little to do with philosophy or the humanities, biosafety raises important ethical issues that have not been adequately examined in the scientific or bioethics literature. This article reviews some pivotal events in the history of biosafety and biosecurity and explores three different biosafety topics that generate significant ethical concerns, (...)
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    Against the neoliberal steamroller? The Biosafety Protocol and the social regulation of agricultural biotechnologies.Daniel Lee Kleinman & Abby J. Kinchy - 2007 - Agriculture and Human Values 24 (2):195-206.
    Through a discursive and organizational analysis we seek to understand the Biosafety Protocol and the place of socioeconomic regulation of agricultural biotechnology in it. The literature on the Protocol has been fairly extensive, but little of it has explored debates over socioeconomic regulation during the negotiation process or the regulatory requirements specified in the final document. This case is especially important at a time when the spread of neoliberalism is increasingly associated with deregulation, because it sheds light on the (...)
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  4. Beyond Biosafety: Biosecurity and the dual-use dilemma as ethical concerns.Michael Barr - 2008 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 18 (3):71-73.
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    Environmental biosafety in the age of Synthetic Biology: Do we really need a radical new approach?Victor de Lorenzo - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (11):926-931.
  6.  34
    Biosafety, Ethics, and Regulation of Transgenic Animals.Raymond Anthony & Paul B. Thompson - 2004 - In . Humana Press. pp. 183-206.
    Transgenic animals—animals with genes added to their deoxyribonucleic acid —will no longer be limited by the gene pool of their parents. Such animals are slated to be created expressly to provide vital and novel benefits for human beings. These animals can have desirable characteristics or traits from virtually any gene pool and may also possess properties not present in nature or available through conventional breeding. They will be created for the production of new medical and pharmaceutical products and to enhance (...)
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    Conditioning Factors for Biosafety Practice in Health Personnel: Integrative Review.Soledad Zelmira Quispe-Condor, Sonia Marlene Quispe-Condor, Elmer Robert Torres-Gutiérrez, Karla Sadith Santa Cruz – Vargas, Juana Dolores Castro-Rivera, Juana Dolores & Yuly Susan - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1316-1335.
    In their attention to patients of different specialties, health personnel are the most vulnerable to contagion, which has been evidenced by the COVID-19 pandemic. The working conditions or factors for biosafety practices in health personnel worldwide will make it possible to detect the necessary and less treated lines of investigation, deficiencies and to draw up lines of work for their solution. It should be noted that it is estimated that 2.78 million workers die because of occupational accidents and 374 (...)
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    Institutional Biosafety Committees and the Inadequacies of Risk Regulation.Philip L. Bereano - 1984 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 9 (4):16-34.
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    The ethics of biosafety considerations in gain-of-function research resulting in the creation of potential pandemic pathogens: Table 1.Nicholas Greig Evans, Marc Lipsitch & Meira Levinson - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (11):901-908.
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    Xenobiology: A new form of life as the ultimate biosafety tool.Markus Schmidt - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (4):322-331.
    Synthetic biologists try to engineer useful biological systems that do not exist in nature. One of their goals is to design an orthogonal chromosome different from DNA and RNA, termed XNA for xeno nucleic acids. XNA exhibits a variety of structural chemical changes relative to its natural counterparts. These changes make this novel information‐storing biopolymer “invisible” to natural biological systems. The lack of cognition to the natural world, however, is seen as an opportunity to implement a genetic firewall that impedes (...)
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    Law, Bioethics and Biosafety Regulations.Carlos M. Romeo-Casabona - 2004 - Global Bioethics 17 (1):119-124.
    The risks of uncontrolled dissemination of GMOs has made it clear that biosafety is a very relevant matter that goes beyond the State boundaries. This approach has had its corresponding reflection at the policy level, which reveals that the public powers and the legislators have been sensitive to this existing preoccupation in ever-growing sectors of society. From the European regulations, one can deduce a set of principles, which must guide the decisions of the public powers in matters related to (...)
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  12.  29
    Exploring the Impact of Tensions in Stakeholder Norms on Designing for Value Change: The Case of Biosafety in Industrial Biotechnology.Vitor A. P. Martins dos Santos, Linde F. C. Kampers, Zoë Robaey & Enrique Asin-Garcia - 2023 - Science and Engineering Ethics 29 (2):1-28.
    Synthetic biologists design and engineer organisms for a better and more sustainable future. While the manifold prospects are encouraging, concerns about the uncertain risks of genome editing affect public opinion as well as local regulations. As a consequence, biosafety and associated concepts, such as the Safe-by-design framework and genetic safeguard technologies, have gained notoriety and occupy a central position in the conversation about genetically modified organisms. Yet, as regulatory interest and academic research in genetic safeguard technologies advance, the implementation (...)
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    In the Shadow of Biological Warfare: Conspiracy Theories on the Origins of COVID-19 and Enhancing Global Governance of Biosafety as a Matter of Urgency.Jing-Bao Nie - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (4):567-574.
    Two theories on the origins of COVID-19 have been widely circulating in China and the West respectively, one blaming the United States and the other a highest-level biocontainment laboratory in Wuhan, the initial epicentre of the pandemic. Both theories make claims of biological warfare attempts. According to the available scientific evidence, these claims are groundless. However, like the episodes of biological warfare during the mid-twentieth century, the spread of these present-day conspiracy theories reflects a series of longstanding and damaging trends (...)
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  14. Bioethics in Property Rights and Biosafety of Biotech-governance: Role of Behaviourome Mapping.Dipankar Saha & Darryl Macer - 2005 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 15 (3):76-82.
    In understanding the implicative resonance of biotech applications research and development, it is necessary to apply the intricate consonance of bioethics studies like behaviourome studies in the form of mental mapping in diverse groups of society for trying to resolve moral issues such as IPR or biosafety. Social perception analysis being the subjective domain of bioethics and related biotechnological issues are the functional epitome in ensuring benevolent biotechnological entrepreneurship development. In this pursuit studies of social genomics can ascertain the (...)
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    (1 other version)Dealing with the outer reaches of synthetic biology biosafety, biosecurity, IPR, and ethical challenges of chemical synthetic biology.M. Schmidt, M. Dando, Anna Deplazes, C. Chiarabelli & P. L. Luisi - 2011 - In . pp. 321-342.
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  16. Schmidt, M; Dando, M; Deplazes, Anna (2011). Dealing with the outer reaches of synthetic biology biosafety, biosecurity, IPR, and ethical challenges of chemical synthetic biology. In: Chiarabelli, C; Luisi, P L. Chemical Synthetic Biology. New York: John.M. Schmidt, M. Dando, Anna Deplazes, C. Chiarabelli & P. L. Luisi (eds.) - 2011
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    Global trade in GM food and the cartagena protocol on biosafety: Consequences for china. [REVIEW]Dayuan Xue & Clem Tisdell - 2002 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 15 (4):337-356.
    The UN Cartagena Protocol onBiosafety adopted in Montreal, 29 January, 2000and opened for signature in Nairobi, 15–26 May,2000 will exert a profound effect oninternational trade in genetically modifiedorganisms (GMOs) and their products. In thispaper, the potential effects of variousarticles of the Protocol on international tradein GMOs are analyzed. Based on the presentstatus of imports of GMOs and domestic researchand development of biotechnology in China,likely trends in imports of foreign GM food andrelated products after China accedes to WTO isexplored. Also, China's (...)
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  18. Oran R. young, W. bradnee Chambers, joy A. Kim and Claudia ten have (eds): Institutional interplay: Biosafety and trade. [REVIEW]Keelie L. E. Murdock - 2009 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 22 (6):599-603.
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    Consequentialism and the Synthetic Biology Problem.Patrick Heavey - 2017 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 26 (2):206-229.
    :This article analyzes the ethics of synthetic biology from a consequentialist perspective, examining potential effects on food and agriculture, and on medicine, fuel, and the advancement of science. The issues of biosafety and biosecurity are also examined. A consequentialist analysis offers an essential road map to policymakers and regulators as to how to deal with synbio. Additionally, the article discusses the limitations of consequentialism as a tool for analysing synbioethics. Is it possible to predict, with any degree of plausibility, (...)
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  20.  51
    The bioterrorism threat and dual-use biotechnological research: An israeli perspective.David Friedman, Bracha Rager-Zisman, Eitan Bibi & Alex Keynan - 2008 - Science and Engineering Ethics 16 (1):85-97.
    Israel has a long history of concern with chemical and biological threats, since several hostile states in the Middle East are likely to possess such weapons. The Twin-Tower terrorist attacks and Anthrax envelope scares of 2001 were a watershed for public perceptions of the threat of unconventional terror in general and of biological terror in particular. New advances in biotechnology will only increase the ability of terrorists to exploit the burgeoning availability of related information to develop ever-more destructive bioweapons. Many (...)
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  21.  96
    Oversight framework over oocyte procurement for somatic cell nuclear transfer: Comparative analysis of the Hwang Woo Suk case under south korean bioethics law and U.s. Guidelines for human embryonic stem cell research.Mi-Kyung Kim - 2009 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 30 (5):367-384.
    We examine whether the current regulatory regime instituted in South Korea and the United States would have prevented Hwang’s potential transgressions in oocyte procurement for somatic cell nuclear transfer, we compare the general aspects and oversight framework of the Bioethics and Biosafety Act in South Korea and the US National Academies’ Guidelines for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research, and apply the relevant provisions and recommendations to each transgression. We conclude that the Act would institute centralized oversight under governmental auspices (...)
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    Traditional Mexican Agricultural Systems and the Potential Impacts of Transgenic Varieties on Maize Diversity.Mauricio R. Bellon & Julien Berthaud - 2006 - Agriculture and Human Values 23 (1):3-14.
    The discovery of transgenes in maize landraces in Mexico, a center of diversity for this crop, raises questions about the potential impact of transgene diffusion on maize diversity. The concept of diversity and farmers’ role in maintaining diversity is quite complex. Farmers’ behavior is expected to have a significant influence on causing transgenes to diffuse, to be expressed differently, and to accumulate within landraces. Farmers’ or consumers’ perceptions that transgenes are “contaminants” and that landraces containing transgenes are “contaminated” could cause (...)
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  23.  44
    An Update of Public Perceptions of Synthetic Biology: Still Undecided?Mirko Ancillotti, Virgil Rerimassie, Stefanie B. Seitz & Walburg Steurer - 2016 - NanoEthics 10 (3):309-325.
    The discourse on the fundamental issues raised by synthetic biology, such as biosafety and biosecurity, intellectual property, environmental consequences and ethical and societal implications, is still open and controversial. This, coupled with the potential and risks the field holds, makes it one of the hottest topics in technology assessment today. How a new technology is perceived by the public influences the manner in which its products and applications will be received. Therefore, it is important to learn how people perceive (...)
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    Ethical considerations in the testing of biopharmaceuticals for adventitious agents.Richard S. Woodward - 1995 - Science and Engineering Ethics 1 (3):273-282.
    Safety testing of biological pharmaceuticals is often carried out by contract testing laboratories which perform these tests on behalf of the drug’s developer. These laboratories are confronted with a number of ethical issues related to selling their services, maintaining confidentiality, and the handling of results. This paper outlines these issues, and, by way of illustration, discusses how one such laboratory addresses them.
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    The dawn of active genetics.Valentino M. Gantz & Ethan Bier - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (1):50-63.
    On December 18, 2014, a yellow female fly quietly emerged from her pupal case. What made her unique was that she had only one parent carrying a mutant allele of this classic recessive locus. Then, one generation later, after mating with a wild‐type male, all her offspring displayed the same recessive yellow phenotype. Further analysis of other such yellow females revealed that the construct causing the mutation was converting the opposing chromosome with 95% efficiency. These simple results, seen also in (...)
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  26. Playing God and the Intrinsic Value of Life: Moral Problems for Synthetic Biology?Hans-Jürgen Link - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (2):435-448.
    Most of the reports on synthetic biology include not only familiar topics like biosafety and biosecurity but also a chapter on ‘ethical concerns’; a variety of diffuse topics that are interrelated in some way or another. This article deals with these ‘ethical concerns’. In particular it addresses issues such as the intrinsic value of life and how to deal with ‘artificial life’, and the fear that synthetic biologists are tampering with nature or playing God. Its aim is to analyse (...)
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  27. Could We Really Be Made of Swiss Cheese? Xenobiology as an Engineering Epistemology for Biological Realization.Rami Koskinen - 2020 - ChemBioChem 21.
    Besides having potential medical and biosafety applications, as well as challenging the foundations of biological engineering, xenobiology can also shed light on the epistemological and metaphysical questions that puzzle philosophers of science. This paper reviews this philosophical aspect of xenobiology, focusing on the possible multiple realizability of life. According to this hypothesis, what ultimately matters in understanding life is its function, not its particular building blocks. This is because there should, in theory, be many different ways to build the (...)
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    Gain-of-Function Research: Ethical Analysis.Michael J. Selgelid - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (4):923-964.
    Gain-of-function research involves experimentation that aims or is expected to increase the transmissibility and/or virulence of pathogens. Such research, when conducted by responsible scientists, usually aims to improve understanding of disease causing agents, their interaction with human hosts, and/or their potential to cause pandemics. The ultimate objective of such research is to better inform public health and preparedness efforts and/or development of medical countermeasures. Despite these important potential benefits, GOF research can pose risks regarding biosecurity and biosafety. In 2014 (...)
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    Confronting the WTO: Intervention Strategies in GMO Adjudication.Saul Halfon - 2010 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 35 (3):307-329.
    The World Trade Organization has been the target of social justice activists since its inception in 1994, with many seeking to reshape or rescind the WTO agreements. This article instead explores possible interventions into WTO adjudication by compelling the reinterpretation of existing WTO documents. Such an approach can take several forms: mobilizing professional expertise, engaging technical standards, and constructing companion regimes. Using the recent United States/european Community genetically modified organisms case as a reference point, this article explores opportunities for implementing (...)
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    (1 other version)A Personalist Ontological Approach to Synthetic Biology.Lucía Gómez-Tatay, José Miguel Hernández-Andreu & Justo Aznar - 2015 - Bioethics 30 (6):397-406.
    Although synthetic biology is a promising discipline, it also raises serious ethical questions that must be addressed in order to prevent unwanted consequences and to ensure that its progress leads toward the good of all. Questions arise about the role of this discipline in a possible redefinition of the concept of life and its creation. With regard to the products of synthetic biology, the moral status that they should be given as well as the ethically correct way to behave towards (...)
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    Ethics briefings.Rebecca Mussell, Natalie Michaux & Molly Gray - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (10):721-722.
    The Nuffield Council on Bioethics (NCOB) is delighted to pick up the mantel of the Ethics briefings. For readers less familiar with the NCOB’s work, we are a leading independent policy and research centre, and the foremost bioethics body in the UK. We identify, analyse and advise on ethical issues in biomedicine and health so that decisions in these areas benefit people and society.1 Established in 1991, the NCOB has tackled a wide range of bioethics and medical ethics issues over (...)
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    A Study of How Experts and Non-Experts Make Decisions on Releasing Genetically Modified Plants.Glenda Morais Rocha Braña, Ana Luisa Miranda-Vilela & Cesar Koppe Grisolia - 2012 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 25 (5):675-685.
    Abstract The introduction of genetically modified plants into the environment has been marked by different positions, either in favor of or against their release. However, the problem goes well beyond such contradictory positions; it is necessary to take into account the legislation, ethics, biosafety, and the environment in the considerations related to the release of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). To this end, the Brazilian Committee of Biosafety (CTNBio), a consultative and deliberative multidisciplinary collegiate, provides technical and advisory support (...)
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    Bioethics: select laws and issues from around the world.Marshall Breslau & Paige Feldman (eds.) - 2013 - New York: Nova Science Publishers.
    This book examines the field of bioethics from an international and regional legal perspective. It focuses on major international law documents such as the United Nations Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights and UNESCO declarations on human cloning and the human genome. Coverage of regional legal instruments includes the Council of Europe Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine (the Oviedo Convention) and its Protocols on cloning, transplantation, and research with human beings. Work on surrogacy issues by the Hague Conference (...)
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    Biopreserving Pathogens: Promise & Peril.Justyna Jaskiewicz, Susan M. Wolf, Mehmet Toner & Rebecca D. Sandlin - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (3):624-636.
    The development of technologies for the biopreservation of infectious organisms requires careful analysis of benefits and risks. This article reviews the regulatory landscape and oversight responsibilities in the United States in respect to pathogen biopreservation. Focused on two globally significant pathogens, Cryptosporidium and Plasmodium, the article explores advantages and potential risks of biopreservation concerning biosafety, biosecurity and biocontainment.
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    How to Address the Policy and Ethical Issues Emerging with New Technology. The Case of Synthetic Biology in a Small Country.Franc Mali - 2018 - NanoEthics 12 (1):61-73.
    Synthetic biology is rather a new field of science and technology. Societal, regulatory, legal, ethical, safety and security aspects of this field have already been analysed in much detail and discussed very widely in recent years. There is, however, a dearth of empirical studies on the points of view of relevant stakeholders in countries where SB is still in the process of emergence. Slovenia is one of them, and accordingly, the article analyses the situation of SB in this small country, (...)
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    A Study of Bioethical Knowledge and Perceptions in Korea.Young-Joon Park, Sujin Kim, Aeree Kim, H. A. Seung-Yeon & L. E. E. Young-Mee - 2010 - Bioethics 24 (6):309-322.
    This study assessed the knowledge and perception of human biological materials (HBM) and biorepositories among three study groups in South Korea. The relationship between the knowledge and the perception among different groups was also examined by using factor and regression analyses. In a self‐reporting survey of 440 respondents, the expert group was found more likely to be knowledgeable and positively perceived than the others. Four factors emerged: Sale and Consent, Flexible Use, Self‐Confidence, and Korean Bioethics and Biosafety Action restriction (...)
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    Ethics of Dissent: A Plea for Restraint in the Scientific Debate About the Safety of GM Crops.Ruth Mampuys & Frans W. A. Brom - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (5):903-924.
    Results of studies that cast doubt on the safety of genetically modified crops have been published since the first GM crop approval for commercial release. These ‘alarming studies’ challenge the dominant view about the adequacy of current risk assessment practice for genetically modified organisms. Subsequent debates follow a similar and recurring pattern, in which those involved cannot agree on the significance of the results and the attached consequences. The standard response from the government—a reassessment by scientific advisory bodies—seems insufficient to (...)
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    The Social Risks of Science.Jonathan Herington & Scott Tanona - 2020 - Hastings Center Report 50 (6):27-38.
    Many instances of scientific research impose risks, not just on participants and scientists but also on third parties. This class of social risks unifies a range of problems previously treated as distinct phenomena, including so-called bystander risks, biosafety concerns arising from gain-of-function research, the misuse of the results of dual-use research, and the harm caused by inductive risks. The standard approach to these problems has been to extend two familiar principles from human subjects research regulations—a favorable risk-benefit ratio and (...)
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    How should China set ethical guardrails for medical research?Jingyi Xu, Zhongxuan Liu, Jiayou Shi & Yue Wang - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (11):744-748.
    ‘Ethics first’ reform in China significantly changes the governance framework for the research of emerging technologies. The misapplication of human genome editing technology reflects the urgent need to reform the governance framework. Strengthening ethics governance in medical research has become a consensus in China, where legal and ethical reforms are proceeding in parallel. The protection of human dignity, the prevention of biosafety risks, as well as the regulation of technological crimes are at the core of the legal system, which (...)
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    (1 other version)Exploring the ethics of tuberculosis human challenge models.Abie Rohrig, Josh Morrison, Gavriel Kleinwaks, Jonathan Pugh, Helen McShane & Julian Savulescu - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    We extend recent conversation about the ethics of human challenge trials to tuberculosis (TB). TB challenge studies could accelerate vaccine development, but ethical concerns regarding risks to trial participants and third parties have been a limiting factor. We analyse the expected social value and risks of different challenge models, concluding that if a TB challenge trial has between a 10% and a 50% chance of leading to the authorisation and near-universal delivery of a more effective vaccine 3–5 years earlier, then (...)
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    Navigating the Nexus of Bioethics and Geopolitics: Implications for Global Health Security and Scientific Collaboration.Alexandra Klimovich-Mickael, Mariusz Sacharczuk & Michel Edwar Mickael - forthcoming - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry:1-8.
    Bioethics plays a pivotal role in guiding ethical decision-making within the realm of medical research and healthcare. However, the influence of geopolitics on bioethical considerations, particularly regarding bioweapons research, remains an underexplored area. This study delves into the uncharted territory of how international political interests can intersect with bioethical principles, potentially shaping collaborative efforts and global health policies related to bioweapons research. Through a hypothetical scenario involving a hypothetical pathogen, a collaborative effort between unspecified countries, we examine the implications of (...)
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  42. In the belly of the whale: Some thoughts on preserving the integrity of the new bioethics commission.F. Daniel Davis - 2010 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 20 (3):291-297.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:In the Belly of the Whale:Some Thoughts on Preserving the Integrity of the New Bioethics CommissionF. Daniel Davis (bio)10 July 2010. Washington, D.C. President Obama's Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues has just concluded its inaugural meeting, designed as a primer—the first of three that it plans to hold—on synthetic biology. As a topic for deliberation by a national bioethics commission, "synbio" is ideal. A cloud of (...)
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    Smarter regulations commentary on “responsible conduct by life scientists in an age of terrorism”.Victoria Sutton - 2009 - Science and Engineering Ethics 15 (3):303-309.
    In the United States a rapidly increasing regulatory burden for life scientists has led to questions of whether the increased burden resulting from the Select Agent Program has had adverse effects on scientific advances. Attention has focussed on the regulatory “fit” of the Program and ways in which its design could be improved. An international framework convention to address common concerns about biosecurity and biosafety is a logical next step. Keywords Biosafety - Biosecurity law - Biosecurity regulations - (...)
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    Precise Precaution Versus Sloppy Science.Hartmut Meyer - 1999 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 19 (2):91-95.
    The Convention on Biological Diversity opens the possibility to negotiate a legally binding Biosafety Protocol to assess and minimize risks in the field of transboundary transfer, handling, and use of organisms modified by genetic engineering. Two principles— the Precautionary Principle and the Principle of Familiarity—guiding the risk assessment as basis of import decisions on such organisms are discussed. Developing and European industrialized countries favor the Precautionary Principle. The U.S., Australia, Japan, and some others call for the Principle of Familiarity. (...)
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    Analysing biodiversity: The necessity of interdisciplinary trends in the development of ecological theory.Broder Breckling & Hauke Reuter - 2004 - Poiesis and Praxis 3 (s 1-2):83-105.
    Technological advancement has an ambivalent character concerning the impact on biodiversity. It accounts for major detrimental environmental impacts and aggravates threads to biodiversity. On the other hand, from an application perspective of environmental science, there are technical advancements, which increase the potential of analysis, detection and monitoring of environmental changes and open a wider spectrum of sustainable use strategies.The concept of biodiversity emerged in the last two decades as a political issue to protect the structural and functional basis of earthbound (...)
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    The alien replicon: Artificial genetic constructs to direct the synthesis of transmissible self‐replicating RNAs.Alex V. Kochetov - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (12):1204-1212.
    Artificial genetic constructs that direct the synthesis of self‐replicating RNA molecules are used widely to induce gene silencing, for bioproduction, and for vaccination. Interestingly, one variant of the self‐replicon has not been discussed in the literature: namely, transgenic organisms that synthesise alien replicons. For example, plant cells may be easily genetically modified to produce bacteriophages or insect viruses. Alien replicon‐producing organisms (ARPOs) may serve as a unique tool for biocontrol or to selectively influence the characteristics of a target organism. The (...)
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    Locating Responsible Research and Innovation Within Access and Benefit Sharing Spaces of the Convention on Biological Diversity: the Challenge of Emerging Technologies.Sarah A. Laird & Rachel P. Wynberg - 2016 - NanoEthics 10 (2):189-200.
    This paper reviews the location of Responsible Research and Innovation approaches within the access and benefit sharing policy spaces of the Convention on Biological Diversity and Nagoya Protocol. We describe how a range of dialogues on ethical research practices found a home, almost inadvertently, within the ABS policy process. However, more recent RRI dialogues around emerging technologies have not been similarly absorbed into ABS policy, due in part to the original framing of ABS and associated definitional and scope issues. Consideration (...)
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  48.  58
    A study of bioethical knowledge and perceptions in korea.Young-Joon Park, K. I. M. Sujin, K. I. M. Aeree, H. A. Seung-Yeon, L. E. E. Young-mee, Bong-Kyung Shin, L. E. E. Hyun-joo, Soojin Park & K. I. M. Han-Kyeom - 2010 - Bioethics 24 (6):309-322.
    This study assessed the knowledge and perception of human biological materials (HBM) and biorepositories among three study groups in South Korea. The relationship between the knowledge and the perception among different groups was also examined by using factor and regression analyses. In a self-reporting survey of 440 respondents, the expert group was found more likely to be knowledgeable and positively perceived than the others. Four factors emerged: Sale and Consent, Flexible Use, Self-Confidence, and Korean Bioethics and Biosafety Action restriction (...)
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  49.  70
    A Study of Bioethical Knowledge and Perceptions in Korea.Young-Joon Park, Sujin Kim, Aeree Kim, Seung-Yeon Ha, Young-mee Lee, Bong-Kyung Shin, Hyun-joo Lee, Soojin Park & Han-Kyeom Kim - 2010 - Bioethics 24 (6):309-322.
    This study assessed the knowledge and perception of human biological materials (HBM) and biorepositories among three study groups in South Korea. The relationship between the knowledge and the perception among different groups was also examined by using factor and regression analyses. In a self‐reporting survey of 440 respondents, the expert group was found more likely to be knowledgeable and positively perceived than the others. Four factors emerged: Sale and Consent, Flexible Use, Self‐Confidence, and Korean Bioethics and Biosafety Action restriction (...)
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  50.  33
    Synthetic polymers and their potential as genetic materials.Vitor B. Pinheiro, David Loakes & Philipp Holliger - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (2):113-122.
    DNA and RNA are the only known natural genetic materials. Systematic modification of each of their chemical building blocks (nucleobase, sugar, and phosphate) has enabled the study of the key properties that make those nucleic acids genetic materials. All three moieties contribute to replication and, significantly, all three moieties can be replaced by synthetic analogs without loss of function. Synthetic nucleic acid polymers capable of storing and propagating information not only expand the central dogma, but also highlight that DNA and (...)
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