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Charles S. Chihara [36]Charles Seiyo Chihara [2]
  1. Constructibility and mathematical existence.Charles S. Chihara - 1990 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book is concerned with `the problem of existence in mathematics'. It develops a mathematical system in which there are no existence assertions but only assertions of the constructibility of certain sorts of things. It explores the philosophical implications of such an approach through an examination of the writings of Field, Burgess, Maddy, Kitcher, and others.
  2. Ontology and the vicious-circle principle.Charles S. Chihara - 1973 - Ithaca [N.Y.]: Cornell University Press.
  3. Operationalism and ordinary language: A critique of Wittgenstein.Charles S. Chihara & Jerry A. Fodor - 1965 - American Philosophical Quarterly 2 (4):281-95.
    This paper explores some lines of argument in wittgenstein's post-Tractatus writings in order to indicate the relations between wittgenstein's philosophical psychology, On the one hand, And his philosophy of language, His epistemology, And his doctrines about the nature of philosophical analysis on the other. The authors maintain that the later writings of wittgenstein express a coherent doctrine in which an operationalistic analysis of confirmation and language supports a philosophical psychology of a type the authors call "logical behaviorism." they also maintain (...)
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  4. Some problems for bayesian confirmation theory.Charles S. Chihara - 1987 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 38 (4):551-560.
  5. On the possibility of completing an infinite process.Charles S. Chihara - 1965 - Philosophical Review 74 (1):74-87.
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    Wittgenstein's analysis of the paradoxes in his lectures on the foundations of mathematics.Charles S. Chihara - 1977 - Philosophical Review 86 (3):365-381.
  7. A Gödelian Thesis Regarding Mathematical Objects: Do They Exist? And Can We Perceive Them?Charles S. Chihara - 1982 - Philosophical Review 91 (2):211-227.
  8. On alleged refutations of mechanism using Godel's incompleteness results.Charles S. Chihara - 1972 - Journal of Philosophy 69 (September):507-26.
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    The many persons problem.Charles S. Chihara - 1994 - Philosophical Studies 76 (1):45 - 49.
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  10. Our ontological commitment to universals.Charles S. Chihara - 1968 - Noûs 2 (1):25-46.
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    A simple type theory without platonic domains.Charles S. Chihara - 1984 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 13 (3):249 - 283.
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    Priest, the liar, and gödel.Charles S. Chihara - 1984 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 13 (2):117 - 124.
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    An interchange on the Popper-Miller argument.Charles S. Chihara & Donald A. Gillies - 1988 - Philosophical Studies 54 (1):1 - 8.
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    Davidson's extensional theory of meaning.Charles S. Chihara - 1975 - Philosophical Studies 28 (1):1 - 15.
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    Olin, Quine, and the surprise examination.Charles S. Chihara - 1985 - Philosophical Studies 47 (2):191 - 199.
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    Truth, meaning, and paradox.Charles S. Chihara - 1976 - Noûs 10 (3):305-311.
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    The mystery of Julius: A paradox in decision theory.Charles S. Chihara - 1995 - Philosophical Studies 80 (1):1 - 16.
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    What dreams are made of.Charles S. Chihara - 1965 - Theoria 31 (3):145-58.
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    Burgess's `scientific' arguments for the existence of mathematical objects.Charles S. Chihara - 2006 - Philosophia Mathematica 14 (3):318-337.
    This paper addresses John Burgess's answer to the ‘Benacerraf Problem’: How could we come justifiably to believe anything implying that there are numbers, given that it does not make sense to ascribe location or causal powers to numbers? Burgess responds that we should look at how mathematicians come to accept: There are prime numbers greater than 1010That, according to Burgess, is how one can come justifiably to believe something implying that there are numbers. This paper investigates what lies behind Burgess's (...)
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  20.  8
    Cardinality and Number Theory.Charles S. Chihara - 1990 - In Constructibility and mathematical existence. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The fundamentals of cardinality theory are laid out within the framework of the Constructibility Theory. Finite cardinality theory is developed along the lines described by Frege in his Foundations of Arithmetic, and applications of theory are discussed.
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  21.  8
    Constructibility and Open‐Sentences.Charles S. Chihara - 1990 - In Constructibility and mathematical existence. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Since the constructibility quantifiers, used in the mathematical system to be developed, will all assert the constructibility of open sentences, an explanation is given of the kinds of open sentences that will be asserted to be constructible. Each of these open sentences will be assigned to a specific ‘level’, depending on the kind of objects or open sentences that can satisfy it, thus providing the basis for the Simple Type Theoretical characteristic of the system to be developed. The satisfaction relation (...)
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  22.  38
    Cohen's defense of cook.Charles S. Chihara - 1976 - Philosophical Studies 29 (5):353 - 355.
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  23.  8
    Deflationism and Mathematical Truth.Charles S. Chihara - 1990 - In Constructibility and mathematical existence. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Takes up Field's version of Logicism—a position that he calls ‘deflationism’. Unlike traditional Logicists, Field does not analyse mathematical propositions into purely logical ones, but he does analyse mathematical knowledge into logical knowledge. Several objections are raised to deflationism, revolving around Field's contention that mathematics consists mostly of falsehoods. Contends that, although mathematics, literally and platonically construed, is not true, it does convey genuine information.
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  24.  85
    Horwich's justification of induction.Charles S. Chihara - 1985 - Philosophical Studies 48 (1):107 - 110.
  25.  6
    Kitcher's Ideal Agents.Charles S. Chihara - 1990 - In Constructibility and mathematical existence. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Compares and contrasts Philip Kitcher's Ideal Agent account of mathematics with the constructibility view of this work. Raises a variety of doubts about the cogency of Kitcher's account and points out several weaknesses in the account.
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  26.  69
    Mathematical discovery and concept formation.Charles S. Chihara - 1963 - Philosophical Review 72 (1):17-34.
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  27.  5
    Measurable Quantities and Analysis.Charles S. Chihara - 1990 - In Constructibility and mathematical existence. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Briefly sketches a standard form of the development of analysis within the Constructibility Theory. Then develops an axiomatized theory of lengths, in terms of which a system of rational and real numbers is specified. These developments are used to provide the basis for a theory of functions of real and complex variables.
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  28.  5
    Mathematical Structuralism.Charles S. Chihara - 1990 - In Constructibility and mathematical existence. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The first of six chapters in which rival views are critically evaluated and compared with the Constructibility view described in earlier chapters. The views considered here are those of Stewart Shapiro and Michael Resnik. A number of difficulties with these two views are detailed and it is explained how the Constructibility Theory is not troubled by the problems that Structuralism was explicitly developed to resolve.
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  29.  7
    Maddy's Solution to the Problem of Reference.Charles S. Chihara - 1990 - In Constructibility and mathematical existence. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Penelope Maddy has attempted to develop a form of realism in mathematics that is not plagued by the sort of epistemological problems that beset traditional Platonism. Maddy advances the radical doctrine that we can and do causally interact with sets. We can see them, feel them, smell them, and even taste them. This chapter raises a series of objections to Maddy's version of realism.
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  30. Operationalism and Ordinary Language a Critique of Wittgenstein.Charles Seiyo Chihara & Jerry A. Fodor - 1965 - Bobbs-Merrill.
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  31.  8
    Science Without Numbers.Charles S. Chihara - 1990 - In Constructibility and mathematical existence. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Focuses on Hartry Field's Instrumentalism. The ‘Conservation Theorems’, upon which Field bases so much of his form of Instrumentalism, are examined in detail, as is Field's attempt to ‘nominalize’ physics. Doubts are raised about the adequacy of Field's views of mathematics and physics, and a detailed comparison with the Constructibility Theory is presented.
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  32.  11
    The Constructibility Quantifiers.Charles S. Chihara - 1990 - In Constructibility and mathematical existence. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Sketches the basic idea for the approach taken. A mathematical system is to be developed in which the existential theorems of traditional mathematics are to be replaced by constructibility theorems: where, in traditional mathematics, it is asserted that such and such exists, it will be asserted in this system that something or other can be constructed. Thus, constructibility quantifiers are introduced in this chapter as logical constants of formal systems. The logic of the constructibility quantifier is explained in each case (...)
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  33.  8
    The Deductive System.Charles S. Chihara - 1990 - In Constructibility and mathematical existence. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The promised mathematical system—the Constructibility Theory—is presented as an axiomatized deductive theory formalized in a many‐sorted first‐order logical language. The axioms of the theory are specified and a justification for each of the axioms is given. Objections to the theory are considered.
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  34.  8
    The Problem of Existence in Mathematics.Charles S. Chihara - 1990 - In Constructibility and mathematical existence. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Concerns the ‘problem of existence’ in mathematics: the problem of how to understand existence assertions in mathematics. The problem can best be understood by considering how Mathematical Platonists have understood such existence assertions. These philosophers have taken the existential theorems of mathematics as literally asserting the existence of mathematical objects. They have then attempted to account for the epistemological and metaphysical implications of such a position by putting forward arguments that supposedly show how humans can come to know of the (...)
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  35.  60
    The Wright-wing defense of Wittgenstein's philosophy of logic.Charles S. Chihara - 1982 - Philosophical Review 91 (1):99-108.
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    Wittgenstein and Logical Compulsion.Charles S. Chihara - 1960 - Analysis 21 (6):136 - 140.
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    Why Burgess Is a Moderate Realist.Charles S. Chihara - 1990 - In Constructibility and mathematical existence. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Concerns an attempted refutation of nominalism put forward by John Burgess in the form of a dilemma argument. Argues that Burgess's argument is based upon a false dilemma.
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