Results for 'David Malwitz'

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  1. Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research Integrity: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. 31 May - 3 June 2015.Lex Bouter, Melissa S. Anderson, Ana Marusic, Sabine Kleinert, Susan Zimmerman, Paulo S. L. Beirão, Laura Beranzoli, Giuseppe Di Capua, Silvia Peppoloni, Maria Betânia de Freitas Marques, Adriana Sousa, Claudia Rech, Torunn Ellefsen, Adele Flakke Johannessen, Jacob Holen, Raymond Tait, Jillon Van der Wall, John Chibnall, James M. DuBois, Farida Lada, Jigisha Patel, Stephanie Harriman, Leila Posenato Garcia, Adriana Nascimento Sousa, Cláudia Maria Correia Borges Rech, Oliveira Patrocínio, Raphaela Dias Fernandes, Laressa Lima Amâncio, Anja Gillis, David Gallacher, David Malwitz, Tom Lavrijssen, Mariusz Lubomirski, Malini Dasgupta, Katie Speanburg, Elizabeth C. Moylan, Maria K. Kowalczuk, Nikolas Offenhauser, Markus Feufel, Niklas Keller, Volker Bähr, Diego Oliveira Guedes, Douglas Leonardo Gomes Filho, Vincent Larivière, Rodrigo Costas, Daniele Fanelli, Mark William Neff, Aline Carolina de Oliveira Machado Prata, Limbanazo Matandika, Sonia Maria Ramos de Vasconcelos & Karina de A. Rocha - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (Suppl 1).
    Table of contentsI1 Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research IntegrityConcurrent Sessions:1. Countries' systems and policies to foster research integrityCS01.1 Second time around: Implementing and embedding a review of responsible conduct of research policy and practice in an Australian research-intensive universitySusan Patricia O'BrienCS01.2 Measures to promote research integrity in a university: the case of an Asian universityDanny Chan, Frederick Leung2. Examples of research integrity education programmes in different countriesCS02.1 Development of a state-run “cyber education program of research ethics” in (...)
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    The Enigma of the Aerofoil: Rival Theories in Aerodynamics, 1909-1930.David Bloor - 2011 - University of Chicago Press: Chicago.
    Why do aircraft fly? How do their wings support them? In the early years of aviation, there was an intense dispute between British and German experts over the question of why and how an aircraft wing provides lift. The British, under the leadership of the great Cambridge mathematical physicist Lord Rayleigh, produced highly elaborate investigations of the nature of discontinuous flow, while the Germans, following Ludwig Prandtl in Göttingen, relied on the tradition called “technical mechanics” to explain the flow of (...)
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    The Logician in the Archive: John Venn’s Diagrams and Victorian Historical Thinking.David E. Dunning - 2021 - Journal of the History of Ideas 82 (4):593-614.
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  4. Morality, Normativity, and Society.David Copp - 1997 - Philosophical Quarterly 47 (188):411-413.
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  5. Darwin's keystone : the principle of divergence.David Kohn - 2009 - In Michael Ruse & Robert J. Richards (eds.), The Cambridge companion to the "Origin of species". New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    1909—1924年德语世界对中国哲学史的书写 [The Historiography of Chinese Philosophy in the German-speaking World from 1909–1924].David Bartosch & Bei Peng - 2024 - Jianghai Xuekan 江海学刊 Jianghai Academic Journal 350 (2):39–47.
    20世纪初是德语世界正式出版关于中国哲学史著作的起点。1909—1924年之间德语世界出版了若干关于中国哲学史的论文和专著,通过调查作者们的教育背景和研究成果,以及其代表作的写作背景、内容框架及其影响 ,可以勾勒出这一时期德语学界中国哲学研究的概况。从分析当时德语学界对中国哲学的认识范围和中国哲学史框架构建的一般情况,可以看出欧洲对中国哲学和哲学史研究的一些核心问题所在。前现代中国哲学史在德语地区接 纳和传播的过程与方式,这一至今德国与中国学界尚未涉足的空白领域,值得研究并填补。[The beginning of the twentieth century was the starting point for the production of works on the history of Chinese philosophy in the German-speaking world. Between 1909 and 1924, a number of essays and monographs on the history of Chinese philosophy were published in the German-speaking contexts, and by investigating the educational backgrounds and research results of the authors, as well as the backgrounds of the authors, the frameworks for presenting the content, and the influence of these works, an overview (...)
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  7. Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous.David Hilbert & John Perry (eds.) - 2013 - Center for the Study of Language and Inf.
    Deeply original, inspiring to some, abhorrent to others, George Berkeley’s philosophy of immaterialism is still influential three hundred years after the publication of his most widely read book, _Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous. _Berkeley published the _Dialogues _because of the unenthusiastic reception of his _Principles of Human Knowledge _in 1710._ _He hoped the use of the_ _dialogue format would win a more favorable hearing, but unfortunately for Berkeley, the response was every bit as scathing as the reception of his (...)
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    The Good European: Nietzsche's Work Sites in Word and Image.David Farrell Krell & Donald L. Bates - 1997 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Donald L. Bates.
    Through photographs and translations of Friedrich Nietzsche's evocative writings on his work sites, David Farrell Krell and Donald L. Bates explore the cities and landscapes in which Nietzsche lived and worked.
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    The Epiphenomena Argument for Symmetry-to-Reality Inference.David John Baker - unknown
    A new argument is given for the thesis that only symmetry-invariant physical quantities are real. Non-invariant quantities are dynamically epiphenomenal in that they have no effect on the evolution of invariant quantities, and it is a significant theoretical vice to posit epiphenomenal quantities.
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    Education, knowledge, and truth: beyond the postmodern impasse.David Carr (ed.) - 1998 - New York: Routledge.
    Seeking to reinstate the importance of knowledge, truth and curriculum in contemporary intellectual debate, this book fills a major gap in the literature and greatly advances an exciting area of research.
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    Albert Camus.David Simpson - 2016 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    The Dynamics of Cultural Counterpoint in Asian Studies.David Jones & Michele Marion (eds.) - 2014 - Suny Press.
    Essays on a wide range of areas and topics in Asian studies for scholars looking to incorporate Asia into their worldview and teaching. Contributors give contemporary presence to Asian studies through a variety of themes and topics in this multidisciplined and interdisciplinary volume. In an era of globalization, scholars trained in Western traditions increasingly see the need to add materials and perspectives that have been lacking in the past. Accessibly written and void of jargon, this work provides an adaptable entrée (...)
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    Realism in the Social Sciences.David-Hillel Ruben - 1989 - In Hilary Lawson & Lisa Appignanesi (eds.), Dismantling Truth: Reality in the Post-modern World. London: Weidenfeld.
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    Testing Philosophical Claims about Science.David Hull - 1992 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1992:468 - 475.
    Relativism notwithstanding, evidence can be brought to bear on the sorts of empirical claims that scientists make. If progress is to be made in the study of science, comparable effort must be expended to interpret meta-level claims about science in such a way that evidence can be brought to bear on them as well. This endeavor requires us to get scientists to adopt our meta-level positions so that we can see the effects that such an adoption has on science.
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    Infinitism about cross-domain conflict.David Killoren - 2019 - Oxford Studies in Metaethics 14.
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  16. Words and Deeds: Problems in the Theory of Speech Acts.David Holdcroft - 1978 - Oxford University Press.
    The book presents a theory of illocutionary acts. It argues that the study of speech acts initiatied by Austin complements the truth theoretic approach to speaker meaning. It is shown that there are aspects of speaker meaning which cannot be explained by truth theoretic approaches. Though the nature of a speech act is partially determined by the semantic type of the the sentence uttered the speaker's intention and context of utterance are important also.
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    Expression in movement & the arts: a philosophical enquiry.David Best - 1974 - London: Lepus Books.
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  18. To Understand God Truly: What's Theological About a Theological School.David H. Kelsey - 1992
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    A definição de zenão da phantasia kataleptike.David Sedley - 2014 - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista 7 (15).
    Zenão de Cítio, o fundador do Estoicismo, introduziu como critério de verdade a impressão cognitiva, definida como “a partir do que é”. Esse “a partir” veio a ser interpretado por estoicos posteriores como causal, mas argumenta-se aqui que o próprio Zenão concebeu-o antes em um sentido “representacional”..
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    Divine Right and Democracy: An Anthology of Political Writing in Stuart England.David Wootton - 2003 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    The seventeenth century was England’s century of revolution, an era in which the nation witnessed protracted civil wars, the execution of a king, and the declaration of a short-lived republic. During this period of revolutionary crisis, political writers of all persuasions hoped to shape the outcome of events by the force of their arguments. To read the major political theorists of Stuart England is to be plunged into a world in which many of our modern conceptions of political rights and (...)
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  21. Thomas Kuhn and the psychology of scientific revolutions.David Kaiser - 2016 - In Robert J. Richards & Lorraine Daston (eds.), Kuhn's Structure of Scientific Revolutions at fifty: reflections on a science classic. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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    The children's God.David Heller - 1986 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Examines how forty children, Catholics, Baptists, Jews, and Hindus, picture God, and shows what factors influence their spiritual perceptions.
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    God in a single vision: integrating philosophy and theology.David Brown - 2016 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Christopher R. Brewer.
    In the ancient conversation between Western philosophy and Christian theology, powerful contemporary voices are arguing for monologue rather than dialogue. Instead of these two disciplines learning from and mutually informing each other, both philosophers and theologians are increasingly disconnected from, and thus unable to hear, what the other is saying, especially in Anglo-American scholarship. Some Christian philosophers are now found claiming methodological authority over doctrine, while some Christian theologians even deny that philosophy has its own integrity as a separate discipline. (...)
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    (2 other versions)Deliberation and the first person.David Owens - 2011 - In Anthony Hatzimoysis (ed.), Self-Knowledge. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Philosophers like Shoemaker and Burge argue that only self-conscious creatures can exercise rational control over their mental lives. In particular they urge that reflective rationality requires possession of the I-concept, the first person concept. These philosophers maintain that rational creatures like ourselves can exercise reflective control over belief as well as action. I agree that we have this sort of control over our actions and that practical freedom presupposes self-consciousness. But I deny that anything like this is true of belief.
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  25. Marx before Marxism.David Mclellan - 1971 - Science and Society 35 (3):378-380.
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    Automated Reasoning with Complex Ethical Theories--A Case Study Towards Responsible AI.David Fuenmayor & Christoph Benzmüller - unknown
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  27. A Captive Voice: The Liberation of Preaching.David Buttrick - 1994
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  28. Perseverance in Gratitude: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary on the Epistle “to the Hebrews”.David A. deSilva - 2000
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  29. Ritschl and Luther: A Fresh Perspective on Albrecht Ritschl's Theology in the Light of His Luther Study.David W. Lotz - 1974
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  30. 1 John, 2 John, 3 John.David Rensberger - 1997
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    Comparativism with Mixed Relations.David John Baker - unknown
    Comparativism--the view that comparative relations like mass ratios are fundamental and intrinsic values of quantities are not--faces a challenge from physics. In its standard form, comparativism predicts indeterminism in physical theories that are ordinarily understood as deterministic. I explore an option for saving comparativism from this objection: the introduction of "mixed" relations that compare values of unlike quantities. Although tenable, this revised version of comparativism lacks some of the theoretical virtues of the standard version.
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  32. Facing the Abusing God: A Theology of Protest.David R. Blumenthal - 1993
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    Boole's indefinite symbols re-examined.David Makinson - 2022 - Australasian Journal of Logic 19 (5):167–181.
    We show how one can give a clear formal account of Boole’s notorious “indefinite" (or “auxiliary”) symbols by treating them as variables that range over functions from classes to classes rather than just over classes while, at the same time, following Hailperin’s proposal of binding them existentially.
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  34. .David DeVidi & Herbert Korté - 2014 - De Gruyter.
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  35. Introduction.David Boucher & Paul Kelly - 2003 - In David Boucher & Paul Joseph Kelly (eds.), Political Thinkers: From Socrates to the Present. 2nd. ed, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  36. Part II. General epistemic concepts in the collective domain. How to tell if a group is an agent / Philip Pettit ; The Stoic epistemic virtues of groups / Sarah Wright ; Disagreement and public controversy.David Christensen - 2014 - In Jennifer Lackey (ed.), Essays in Collective Epistemology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  37. Purchase for value without notice.David Fox - 2018 - In Paul S. Davies, Simon Douglas & James Goudkamp (eds.), Defences in equity. New York: Hart.
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  38. Using apologetics in contemporary evangelism.David Geisler - 2016 - In Terry L. Miethe & Norman L. Geisler (eds.), I am put here for the defense of the Gospel: Dr. Norman L. Geisler: a festschrift in his honor. Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, an imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers.
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  39. Owning Up to Being an Animal": On the Ecological Virtues of Composure.David W. Jardine - 2020 - In Heesoon Bai, David Chang & Charles Scott (eds.), A book of ecological virtues: living well in the anthropocene. Regina, Saskatchewan: University of Regina Press.
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    Les existences moindres.David Lapoujade - 2017 - [Paris]: Les Éditions de Minuit.
    En 1938, lorsque le philosophe Étienne Souriau dresse l'inventaire des différents modes d'existence qui peuplent le monde, une classe d'êtres retient particulièrement son attention : les êtres virtuels. Ce sont toutes les potentialités qui accompagnent les existences comme des dimensions d'elles-mêmes, ce qu'elles pourraient être si... Ce ne sont pas de simples possibles, car les virtuels existent à leur manière. Le problème, c'est qu'ils manquent de réalité, comme s'il n'y avait pas de place pour eux dans le monde réel. Celui (...)
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    Conference Review of Self Awareness in Domesticated Animals: Proceedings of a Workshop held at Kebie College.David M. Rosenthal - unknown
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    Introduction to Albert’s Philosophical Work.David Twetten & Steven Baldner - unknown
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  43. Dialogues in the work of Michael Krausz.David B. Wong - 2018 - In Christine M. Koggel & Andreea Ritivoi (eds.), Interpretation, Relativism, and Identity: Essays on the Philosophy of Michael Krausz. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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  44. (1 other version)Inferential versus dynamical conceptions of physics.David Wallace - 2017 - In Olimpia Lombardi, Sebastian Fortin, Federico Holik & Cristian López (eds.), What is Quantum Information? New York, NY: CUP.
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  45. .David Allan - unknown
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  46. The Truth in Political Liberalism.David Estlund - 2010 - In Andrew Norris & Jeremy Elkins (eds.), Truth and Democratic Politics. University of Pennsylvania Press.
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    The knowledge landscapes of cyberspace.David Hakken - 2003 - New York: Routledge.
    How is knowledge produced and used in cyberspace? David Hakken--a key figure in the anthropology of science and technology studies-approaches the study of cyberculture through the venue of knowledge production, drawing on critical theory from anthropology, philosophy and informatics (computer science) to examine how the character and social functions of knowledge change profoundly in computer--saturated environments. He looks at what informational technologies offer, how they are being employed, and how they are tied to various agendas and forms of power. (...)
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  48. (1 other version)Information and Architecture.David Israel & John Perry - 1991 - In Jon Barwise, Jean Mark Gawron, Gordon Plotkin & Syun Tutiya (eds.), Situation Theory and its Applications Vol. CSLI Publications. pp. 147-160.
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  49. Index.David Lewis - 1969 - In David Kellogg Lewis (ed.), Convention: A Philosophical Study. Cambridge, MA, USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 209–213.
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  50. Thanatopsis: Death Literacy for the Living.David Greenwood & Margaret McKee - 2020 - In Heesoon Bai, David Chang & Charles Scott (eds.), A book of ecological virtues: living well in the anthropocene. Regina, Saskatchewan: University of Regina Press.
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