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  1.  44
    DNA is not an ontologically distinctive developmental cause.Davide Vecchi - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 81 (C):101245.
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    A relational-constructionist account of protein macrostructure and function.Gil Santos, Gabriel Vallejos & Davide Vecchi - 2020 - Foundations of Chemistry 22 (3):363-382.
    One of the foundational problems of biochemistry concerns the conceptualisation of the relationship between the composition, structure and function of macromolecules like proteins. Part of the recent philosophical literature displays a reductionist bias, that is, the endorsement of a form of microstructuralism mirroring an out-dated biochemical conceptualisation. We shall argue that such microstructuralist approaches are ultimately committed to a potentialist form of micro-predeterminism whereby the macrostructure and function of proteins is accounted for solely in terms of the intrinsic properties and (...)
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  3.  33
    From Assessing to Conserving Biodiversity: Conceptual and Practical Challenges.Elena Casetta, Jorge Marques da Silva & Davide Vecchi - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This open access book features essays written by philosophers, biologists, ecologists and conservation scientists facing the current biodiversity crisis. Despite increasing communication, accelerating policy and management responses, and notwithstanding improving ecosystem assessment and endangered species knowledge, conserving biodiversity continues to be more a concern than an accomplished task. Why is it so?The overexploitation of natural resources by our species is a frequently recognised factor, while the short-term economic interests of governments and stakeholders typically clash with the burdens that implementing conservation (...)
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  4.  40
    Species are, at the same time, kinds and individuals: a causal argument based on an empirical approach to species identity.Elena Casetta & Davide Vecchi - 2019 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 12):3007-3025.
    After having reconstructed a minimal biological characterisation of species, we endorse an “empirical approach” based on the idea that it is the peculiar evolutionary history of the species at issue—its peculiar origination process, its peculiar metapopulation structure and the peculiar mixture and strength of homeostatic processes vis à vis heterostatic ones—that determines species’ identity at a time and through time. We then explore the consequences of the acceptance of the empirical approach in settling the individuals versus kinds dispute. In particular, (...)
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  5.  56
    From Biological Determination to Entangled Causation.Davide Vecchi, Paul-Antoine Miquel & Isaac Hernández - 2019 - Acta Biotheoretica 67 (1):19-46.
    Biologists and philosophers often use the language of determination in order to describe the nature of developmental phenomena. Accounts in terms of determination have often been reductionist. One common idea is that DNA is supposed to play a special explanatory role in developmental explanations, namely, that DNA is a developmental determinant. In this article we try to make sense of determination claims in developmental biology. Adopting a manipulationist approach, we shall first argue that the notion of developmental determinant is causal. (...)
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  6.  25
    The Interactive Construction of Biological Individuality Through Biotic Entrenchment.Isaac Hernández & Davide Vecchi - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  7.  49
    A soul of truth in things erroneous: Popper’s “amateurish” evolutionary philosophy in light of contemporary biology.Davide Vecchi & Lorenzo Baravalle - 2015 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 36 (4):525-545.
    This paper will critically assess Popper’s evolutionary philosophy. There exists a rich literature on the topic with which we have many reservations. We believe that Popper’s evolutionary philosophy should be assessed in light of the intriguing theoretical insights offered, during the last 10 years or so, by the philosophy of biology, evolutionary biology and molecular biology. We will argue that, when analysed in this manner, Popper’s ideas concerning the nature of selection, Lamarckism and the theoretical limits of neo-Darwinism can be (...)
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  8.  43
    The road from evidence to policies and the erosion of the standards of democratic scrutiny in the COVID-19 pandemic.Davide Vecchi & Giorgio Airoldi - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (2):1-5.
    The COVID-19 pandemic poses extraordinary public health challenges. In order to respond to such challenges, most democracies have relied on so-called ‘evidence-based’ policies, which supposedly devolve to science the burden of their justification. However, the biomedical sciences can only provide a theory-laden evidential basis, while reliable statistical data for policy support is often scarce. Therefore, scientific evidence alone cannot legitimise COVID-19 public health policies, which are ultimately based on political decisions. Given this inevitable input on policy-making, the risk of arbitrariness (...)
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  9.  38
    A Mechanistic Account of Biological Computation.Lorenzo Baravalle & Davide Vecchi - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
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  10.  34
    Beyond blindness: On the role of organism and environment in trial generation.Lorenzo Baravalle & Davide Vecchi - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 60 (C):25-34.
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  11.  30
    Herd Immunity: History, Concepts, and Ethical Rationale.Davide Vecchi & Giorgio Airoldi - 2023 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 66 (1):38-57.
    Abstractabstract:Public health emergencies are fraught by epistemic uncertainty, which raises policy issues of how to handle that uncertainty and devise sustainable public health responses. Among such responses, a herd immunity policy might be an option. Particularly before the development of vaccines, the current COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the polarized nature of the political debate concerning the ethical feasibility of herd immunity strategies. This article provides a conceptual framework tailored to uncover the ethical rationale behind such strategies. Clarity on this issue (...)
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  12.  14
    A Framework for Mapping Mechanistic Perspectives.João L. Cordovil, Gil Santos & Davide Vecchi - 2023 - In João L. Cordovil, Gil Santos & Davide Vecchi (eds.), New Mechanism Explanation, Emergence and Reduction. Springer. pp. 1-7.
    This edited book is the outcome of a conference that was planned to take place in Lisbon at the Centro de Filosofia das Ciências (CFCUL) of the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa. It was originally organized in the usual on-site form to which we were accustomed before the start of the Covid pandemic. The conference was postponed many times, with the hope to hold it on-site, to no avail. After many postponements, to our disappointment, the conference had unfortunately (...)
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  13.  13
    Searching for Protein Folding Mechanisms: On the Insoluble Contrast Between Thermodynamic and Kinetic Explanatory Approaches.Gabriel Vallejos-Baccelliere & Davide Vecchi - 2023 - In João L. Cordovil, Gil Santos & Davide Vecchi (eds.), New Mechanism Explanation, Emergence and Reduction. Springer. pp. 109-137.
    The protein folding problem is one of the foundational problems of biochemistry and it is still considered unsolved. It basically consists of two main questions: what are the factors determining the stability of the protein’s native structure and how does the protein acquire it starting from an unfolded state. Since its first formulation, two main explanatory approaches have dominated the field of protein folding research: a thermodynamic approach focused on energetic features and a kinetic approach focused on the temporal development (...)
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  14.  30
    From Assessing to Conserving Biodiversity.Elena Casetta, Davide Vecchi & Jorge Miguel Luz Marques da Silva (eds.) - 2019 - Springer.
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  15.  42
    New Mechanism Explanation, Emergence and Reduction.João L. Cordovil, Gil Santos & Davide Vecchi (eds.) - 2023 - Springer.
    This Open Access book addresses the epistemological and ontological significance as well as the scope of new mechanism. In particular, this book addresses the issues of what is "new" about new mechanism, the epistemological and ontological reasons underlying the adoption of mechanistic instead of other modelling strategies as well as the possibility of mechanistic explanation to accommodate a non-trivial notion of emergence. Arguably, new mechanism has been particularly successful in making sense of scientific practice in the molecular life sciences. But (...)
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  16.  28
    (1 other version)Collective individuation and emergence of organismality.Isaac Hernández & Davide Vecchi - 2019 - Humanities Journal of Valparaiso 14:335-362.
    In this article we focus on the emergence of biological individuality by association, trying to formulate some theoretical conditions to think about the process of collective individualization. The starting point of our analysis is the notion of “major evolutionary transition.” A major evolutionary transition is the result of the integration of a multiplicity of initially independent biological entities that, by managing to organize their interactions, become a collective of components having an identity oriented towards a common goal. When biological organisms (...)
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  17.  17
    The Multi-Causal Basis of Developmental Potential Construction.Gil Santos & Davide Vecchi - 2023 - Acta Biotheoretica 71 (1):1-31.
    In this article we analyse the issue of what accounts for developmental potential, i.e., the possible phenotypes a developing organism can manifest during ontogeny. We shall argue in favour of two theses. First, although the developing organism is the unit of development, the complete causal basis for its potential to develop does neither lie entirely in itself as a whole nor in any specific part of itself (such as its genome). Thus, the extra-organismal environment must be counted as one of (...)
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  18.  32
    De humanos y líquenes.Davide Vecchi - 2014 - Scientiae Studia 12 (2):331-357.
    La versión estadística del concepto de naturaleza humana sigue siendo un concepto central en muchas ramas de las ciencias humanas. La clave del concepto es que existe un núcleo de fenotipos específicos que caracteriza a las especies biológicas, incluyendo la nuestra. Llamo a esta perspectiva esencialismo estadístico. Voy a sugerir que la tipicidad y la uniformidad fenotípica se consideran supuestos legítimos en muchas ciencias humanas, ya que el desarrollo biológico se interpreta como un proceso inherentemente conservador que utiliza sólo recursos (...)
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  19.  60
    Epigenesis and pre-formationism: radiography of an inconclusive antinomy.Davide Vecchi & Isaac Hernández - 2015 - Scientiae Studia 13 (3):577-597.
    RESUMENEl desarrollo embriológico es un fenómeno que ha inspirado la especulación filosófica desde temprano en la historia del pensamiento. Desde los tiempos de Aristóteles dos modelos conceptuales antitéticos se han utilizado tradicionalmente para comprender la embriogénesis: o el embrión posee ya una forma o estructura, o ésta se forma de nuevo en cada generación. Nuestro objetivo en este artículo es mostrar que el contraste entre la posición preformacionista y epigenética persiste a pesar de los formidables avances teóricos y experimentales de (...)
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  20.  9
    Organismality grounds species collective responsibility.Davide Vecchi - 2020 - Rivista di Estetica 75:52-71.
    It is frequently claimed that our species is responsible for climate change, for a new impending mass extinction, for destabilising ecosystems dynamics etc. These claims might be interpreted literally as meaning that it is our species, not merely its constituent organisms, that is causing climate change, biodiversity loss and ecosystem upheaval. Such literal interpretation depends on what kind of answer is given to the general theoretical question concerning whether supra-organismal biological entities such as groups, populations and species can be morally (...)
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  21. Taking biology seriously : neo-Darwinism and its many challenges.Davide Vecchi - 2011 - In Martin Brinkworth & Friedel Weinert (eds.), Evolution 2.0: implications of Darwinism in philosophy and the social and natural sciences. New York: Springer.
  22.  36
    The Trouble with Natural Genetic Engineering: James A. Shapiro: Evolution: A View from the 21st Century. FT Press Science, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2011, 272 pp., $27.99 hbk, $27.99 ebook, ISBN 978-0-13-278093-3.Davide Vecchi - 2013 - Biological Theory 7 (1):80-88.
  23.  74
    Risky Business: What Darwin Got Wrong Jerry Fodor and Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2010. [REVIEW]Davide Vecchi - 2010 - Biological Theory 5 (2):187-193.