Results for 'Deanna Wilkes-Gibbs'

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  1.  79
    Referring as a collaborative process.Herbert H. Clark & Deanna Wilkes-Gibbs - 1986 - Cognition 22 (1):1-39.
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    Distinguishing Practical and Theoretical Reasoning: A Critique of Deanna Kuhn's Theory of Informal Argument.Matthew Wilks Keefer - 1996 - Informal Logic 18 (1).
    Deanna Kuhn's theory of informal argumentation (1991) evaluates arguments according to a theory/evidence model where subjects first articulate a theory and then must provide critical testing of alternatives on the basis of evidence. Using this model, Kuhn reports that many subjects fail to supply adequate evidence for their 'theories' and are often unable or unwilling to generate alternatives. In this paper an account of practical reasoning is provided that suggests an alternate interpretation for Kuhn's subjects' poor perfonnance. It is (...)
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    More Brain Lesions: Kathleen V. Wilkes.Kathleen V. Wilkes - 1980 - Philosophy 55 (214):455 - 470.
    As philosophers of mind we seem to hold in common no very clear view about the relevance that work in psychology or the neurosciences may or may not have to our own favourite questions—even if we call the subject ‘philosophical psychology’. For example, in the literature we find articles on pain some of which do, some of which don't, rely more or less heavily on, for example, the work of Melzack and Wall; the puzzle cases used so extensively in discussions (...)
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    Coordinating own and other perspectives in argument.Deanna Kuhn & Wadiya Udell - 2007 - Thinking and Reasoning 13 (2):90 – 104.
    What does it take to argue well? The goal of this series of studies was to better understand the cognitive skills entailed in argument, and their course of development, isolated from the verbal and social demands that argumentive discourse also entails. Findings indicated that young adolescents are less able than adults to coordinate attention to both positions in an argument, an age-related pattern that parallels one found in discourse. Contributing to this weakness was inattention to the opposing position (in both (...)
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  5. Cognition in schizophrenia: core psychological and neural mechanisms.Deanna M. Barch & Alan Ceaser - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (1):27-34.
  6.  31
    Pragmatic complexity in metaphor interpretation.Raymond W. Gibbs - 2023 - Cognition 237 (C):105455.
  7. Reasoning about multiple variables: Control of variables is not the only challenge.Deanna Kuhn - 2007 - Science Education 91 (5):710-726.
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  8.  17
    Making preferences more active.Yorick Wilks - 1978 - Artificial Intelligence 11 (3):197-223.
  9.  51
    In on the Joke: The Ethics of Humor and Comedy.Thomas Wilk & Steven Gimbel - 2024 - De Gruyter.
    Who is morally permitted to tell jokes about Jews? Poles? Women? Only those in the group? Only those who would be punching up? Anyone, since they are just jokes? All of the standard approaches are too broad or too narrow. In on the Joke provides a more sophisticated approach according to which each person possesses "joke capital" that can serve as "comic insurance" covering certain jokes in certain contexts. When Bob tells a joke about Jews, we can never know exactly (...)
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  10. (2 other versions)Real people. Personal identity without thought experiments.Kathleen V. Wilkes - 1989 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 179 (4):632-633.
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    A Kernel of Truth: Outlining an Epistemology of Jokes.Thomas Wilk - 2023 - The Philosophy of Humor Yearbook 4 (1):227-246.
    I propose the Shared Presupposition Norm of Joking (SPNJ) as a constitutive norm of joke-telling. This norm suggests that a person should only tell a joke if they believe their audience shares the presuppositions—both explicit beliefs and implicit inferential connections—upon which the joke turns. Without this shared understanding, the audience would lack the necessary comprehension to appreciate the joke. I defend this norm in an analogous way to Williamson’s defense of the Knowledge Norm of Assertion by demonstrating that it explains (...)
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  12.  16
    On the Presburger fragment of logics with multiteam semantics.Richard Wilke - 2022 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 173 (10):103120.
  13.  32
    Inferring Pragmatic Messages from Metaphor.Raymond Gibbs, Markus Tendahl & Lacey Okonski - 2011 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 7 (1):3-28.
    When speakers utter metaphors, such as "Lawyers are also sharks," they often intend to communicate messages beyond those expressed by the metaphorical meaning of these expressions. For instance, in some circumstances, a speaker may state "Lawyers are also sharks" to strengthen a previous speaker's negative beliefs about lawyers, to add new information about lawyers to listeners to some context, or even to contradict a previous speaker's positive assertions about lawyers. In each case, speaking metaphorically communicates one of these three social (...)
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  14. Metaphor interpretation as embodied simulation.Raymond W. Gibbs - 2006 - Mind and Language 21 (3):434–458.
    Cognitive theories of metaphor understanding are typically described in terms of the mappings between different kinds of abstract, schematic, disembodied knowledge. My claim in this paper is that part of our ability to make sense of metaphorical language, both individual utterances and extended narratives, resides in the automatic construction of a simulation whereby we imagine performing the bodily actions referred to in the language. Thus, understanding metaphorical expressions like ‘grasp a concept’ or ‘get over’ an emotion involve simulating what it (...)
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  15.  27
    Correlations in Rosenzweig and Levinas.Robert Gibbs - 1994 - Princeton University Press.
    Robert Gibbs radically revises standard interpretations of the two key figures of modern Jewish philosophy--Franz Rosenzweig, author of the monumental Star of Redemption, and Emmanuel Levinas, a major voice in contemporary intellectual life, who has inspired such thinkers as Derrida, Lyotard, Irigaray, and Blanchot. Rosenzweig and Levinas thought in relation to different philosophical schools and wrote in disparate styles. Their personal relations to Judaism and Christianity were markedly dissimilar. To Gibbs, however, the two thinkers possess basic affinities with (...)
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  16.  30
    Children and adults as intuitive scientists.Deanna Kuhn - 1989 - Psychological Review 96 (4):674-689.
  17.  72
    : Developing reason.Deanna Kuhn, Jared B. Katz & David Dean Jr - 2004 - Thinking and Reasoning 10 (2):197 – 219.
    We argue in favour of the general proposition that the nature of reasoning is best understood within a context of its origins and development. A major dimension of what develops in the years from childhood to adulthood, we propose, is increasing meta-level monitoring and management of cognition. Two domains are examined in presenting support for these claims—multivariable causal reasoning and argumentive reasoning.
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    Irony in Talk Among Friends.Raymond Gibbs - 2000 - Metaphor and Symbol 15 (1):5-27.
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  19. Science as argument: Implications for teaching and learning scientific thinking.Deanna Kuhn - 1993 - Science Education 77 (3):319-337.
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  20. (1 other version)Correlations in Rosenzweig and Levinas.Robert Gibbs - 1993 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 98 (4):569-570.
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    Time to Say ‘Good Buy’ to the Passive Consumer? A Conceptual Review of the Consumer in the Bioeconomy.Ulrich Wilke, Michael P. Schlaile, Sophie Urmetzer, Matthias Mueller, Kristina Bogner & Andreas Pyka - 2021 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 34 (4):1-35.
    Successful transitions to a sustainable bioeconomy require novel technologies, processes, and practices as well as a general agreement about the overarching normative direction of innovation. Both requirements necessarily involve collective action by those individuals who purchase, use, and co-produce novelties: the consumers. Based on theoretical considerations borrowed from evolutionary innovation economics and consumer social responsibility, we explore to what extent consumers’ scope of action is addressed in the scientific bioeconomy literature. We do so by systematically reviewing bioeconomy-related publications according to (...)
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  22.  10
    School of the Americas - Ausbildungsstätte für Menschenrechtsverletzungen.Deanna Aguirre - 2005 - Jahrbuch Menschenrechte 2006 (jg):159-165.
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    Disordered Cognitive Control: A Cognitive Neuroscience Perspective.Deanna M. Barch - 2002 - In Donald T. Stuss & Robert T. Knight (eds.), Principles of Frontal Lobe Function. Oxford University Press. pp. 428.
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    Where the rubber meets the road: The importance of implementation.Deanna M. Barch & Todd S. Braver - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (1):83-84.
    Phillips & Silverstein argue that a range of cognitive disturbances in schizophrenia result from a deficit in cognitive coordination attributable to NMDA receptor dysfunction. We suggest that the viability of this hypothesis would be further supported by explicit implementation in a computational framework that can produce quantitative estimates of the behavior of both healthy individuals and individuals with schizophrenia.
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    Attitudes towards unethical behaviours in organizational settings: an empirical study.Daniela Carvalho Wilks - 2011 - Ethics.
    Employee misconduct is prevalent in organizations and may be counterproductive in social and material terms. It is thus important to better understand how misconduct is construed by employees and the factors that determine its ethical acceptability in specific cases. This study explores attitudes towards unethical and minor deviant behaviours by examining the degree of acquiescence towards them in a sample of employees. Based on previous studies it was hypothesized that both organizational commitment and job satisfaction would be negatively related to (...)
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    1990 Business Ethics Awards.Deanna Nord - 1990 - Business Ethics: The Magazine of Corporate Responsibility 4 (6):18-22.
  27. The integrative model of personal epistemology development: theoretical underpinnings and implications for education.Deanna C. Rule & Lisa D. Bendixen - 2010 - In Lisa D. Bendixen & Florian C. Feucht (eds.), Personal epistemology in the classroom: theory, research, and implications for practice. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    The furnaces and thermometers of cornelis drebbel.F. W. Gibbs - 1948 - Annals of Science 6 (1):32-43.
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  29. " ci ci" and" pa pa": Script, mimicry, and mediation in Isabella d'Este's letters.Deanna Shemek - 2003 - Rinascimento 43:75-91.
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  30. Nnotra.Elvia Wilk & Jenna Stutela - 2020 - In Lucia Pietroiusti, Fernando García-Dory & Karen Michelle Barad (eds.), Microhabitable. Madrid: Matadero Madrid.
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    War v. Justice: Terrorism Cases, Enemy Combatants, and Political Justice in U.S. Courts.Christiane Wilke - 2005 - Politics and Society 33 (4):637-669.
    What mechanisms led to the intractable legal situation of “enemy combatants” detained by the U.S. government in Guantánamo Bay and elsewhere? And what does the role of the judiciary in the enemy combatants cases suggest about politically contentious court cases in general? This article develops a two-stage theory of political justice that is based on the U.S. post-9/11 terrorism cases. It demonstrates mechanisms by which politically contentious cases turn into political justice. Political justice in these cases is mainly the result (...)
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  32. (1 other version)The good man and the good for man in Aristotle's ethics.Kathleen V. Wilkes - 1978 - Mind 87 (348):553-571.
    It is notorious that Aristotle gives two distinct and seemingly irreconcilable versions of man's eudaimonia in the Nicomachean Ethics. These offer conflicting accounts not only of what the good man should do, but also of what it is good for a man to do. This paper discusses the incompatibility of these two pictures of eudaimonia, and explores the extent to which the notions of 'the life of a good man' and 'the life good for a man' can be successfully united (...)
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  33.  21
    Visible Social Interactions Do Not Support the Development of False Belief Understanding in the Absence of Linguistic Input: Evidence from Deaf Adult Homesigners.Deanna L. Gagne & Marie Coppola - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    “No One Should See What They Have to Do”: Military Children and Media Representations of War.Brian Gibbs & Jeremy Hilburn - 2021 - Journal of Social Studies Research 45 (2):130-149.
    The primary objective of this article is to describe how the children of soldiers critiqued and examined media representations of war. Taken from a more extensive qualitative case study involving eight teachers, this article examines one social studies teacher and her students’ perspectives on media coverage of war through two Socratic Seminar discussions focused on two wars: the American Civil War and Gulf War. Data was collected through interviews, focus groups, and classroom observations. Students leveled a specific set of critiques (...)
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  35.  57
    Claudia Rozas Gómez, Paul Gibbs and Petra Mikulan on Peter Roberts and Herner Saeverot’s Education and the limits of reason: Reading Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Nabokov, with a response from the authors, Roberts, P., & Saeverot, H.Paul Gibbs, Claudia Alejandra Rozas Gomez & Petra Mikulan - forthcoming - Educational Philosophy and Theory:1-11.
  36.  53
    Divine dna? “Secular” and “religious” representations of science in nonfiction science television programs.Will Mason-Wilkes - 2020 - Zygon 55 (1):6-26.
    Through analysis of film sequences focusing on DNA in two British Broadcasting Corporation nonfiction science television programs, Wonders of Life and Bang! Goes the Theory, first broadcast in 2013, contrasting “religious” and “secular” representations of science are identified. In the “religious” portrayal, immutable scientific knowledge is revealed to humanity by nature with minimal human intervention. Science provides a creation story, “explanatory omnicompetence,” and makes life existentially meaningful. In the “secular” portrayal, scientific knowledge is changeable; is produced through technical skill in (...)
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    Coming out and crossing over: Identity formation and proclamation in a transgender community.Deanna Mcgaughey, Richard Tewksbury & Patricia Gagné - 1997 - Gender and Society 11 (4):478-508.
    Drawing on data from interviews with 65 masculine-to-feminine transgenderists, the authors examine the coming-out experiences of transgendered individuals. Drawing on the literature that shows gender to be an inherent component of the social infrastructure that at an individual level is accomplished in interaction with others, they demonstrate that interactional challenges to gender are insufficient to challenge the system of gender. Whereas many transgenderists believe that their actions and identities are radical challenges to the binary system of gender, in fact, the (...)
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    A Role for Reasoning in a Dialogic Approach to Critical Thinking.Deanna Kuhn - 2018 - Topoi 37 (1):121-128.
    We note the development of the widely employed but loosely defined construct of critical thinking from its earliest instantiations as a measure of individual ability to its current status, marked by efforts to better connect the construct to the socially-situated thinking demands of real life. Inquiry and argument are identified as key dimensions in a process-based account of critical thinking. Argument is identified as a social practice, rather than a strictly individual competency. Yet, new empirical evidence is presented documenting a (...)
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    Trust, Communities, and the Standing To Hold Accountable.Thomas Wilk - 2017 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 27 (S2):1-22.
    Who are you to tell me what I should do? What gives you the right to order me around? How dare you call me a racist!? Many of us have heard these refrains over the course of the 2016 US Presidential campaign and since the election of Donald Trump. We try to talk to Trump supporters—family, former classmates, home-town friends, and online acquaintances—about the racism, xenophobia, sexism, transphobia, ableism, and authoritarianism that some of us have judged to be endemic to (...)
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    Precipitation in the Fe-Mo and Fe-Au systems. Higgins & P. Wilkes - 1972 - Philosophical Magazine 25 (3):599-623.
    A general hypothesis of atom size effects for G.P. zone formation is discussed in this paper and results are presented of precipitation in the systems Fe-Au and Fe-Mo. Techniques used are resistivity measurements and electron microscopy. In the Fe-Mo system it is shown that after initial cluster formation during the early stages of ageing after the quench, further growth ceases and vacancies anneal out into dislocation loops. The activation energy for the initial clustering was 1·3 ev whilst the excess vacancy (...)
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  41.  64
    Mental causation and double prevention.S. C. Gibb - 2013 - In Sophie Gibb, E. J. Lowe & Rögnvaldur Ingthorsson (eds.), Mental Causation and Ontology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 193.
  42.  14
    In the shadow of the base:Teaching war to the children of soldiers.Brian Gibbs & Jeremy Hilburn - 2022 - Journal of Social Studies Research 46 (3):209-222.
    The primary objective of this article is to detail how two teachers in the same school site, in the American Southeast, taught war to the children of soldiers. Taken from an extensive qualitative case study involving eight teachers, this article examines the pedagogies engaged in by two teachers who expressed a desire to teach war more critically to their students. Critically here means but is not exclusive to raising student consciousness to issues of war not typically taught including investigating how (...)
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  43. Functionalism, psychology and the philosophy of mind.Kathleen V. Wilkes - 1981 - Philosophical Topics 12 (1):147-67.
  44.  34
    Pós-verdade, fake news e outras drogas.Valéria Cristina Lopes Wilke - 2020 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 7 (1):8-27.
    O advento da sociedade em rede promoveu mudanças significativas na experiência-com-o-mundo. Observa-se nos últimos anos a crescente toxidade no ambiente informacional, marcado tanto pela vivência tóxica da informação que circula legalmente nas redes sociais como por informações que intoxicam os indivíduos e grupos. O objetivo é discutir, em tempos de pós-verdade e da sociedade non-stop, o aspecto tóxico da informação, que ao tornar o ambiente informacional tóxico, adoece indivíduos e também as sociedades democráticas, ao esmaecer a empatia para com os (...)
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  45. Yishi, duh, um and consciousness.Kathleen V. Wilkes - 1988 - In Anthony J. Marcel & Edoardo Bisiach (eds.), Consciousness in Contemporary Science. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Temporal Unfolding of Conceptual Metaphoric Experience.Raymond W. Gibbs Jr & Malaika J. Santa Cruz - 2012 - Metaphor and Symbol 27 (4):299-311.
    Conceptual metaphor theory (CMT) has become prominent in metaphor scholarship because of its explanation of the relations between people's metaphoric thoughts and their use of metaphoric discourse. Our aim in this article is to explore the temporal characteristics of how conceptual metaphors shape verbal metaphor use. We argue that cognitive linguistics and psycholinguistics mostly adopt simplistic, and psychologically implausible, views of how conceptual metaphors are activated and then constrain people's comprehension of metaphoric language. But more contemporary ideas on how cognitive (...)
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  47.  33
    The ‘Whole’ Truth about Biological Individuality in Kant’s Account of Living Nature.Anna Frammartino Wilks - 2023 - Kantian Review 28 (3):429-446.
    Given the central place organisms occupy in Kant’s account of living nature, it might seem unlikely that his claims about biological wholes could be relevant to current debates over the problem of biological individuality. These debates acknowledge the multiple realizability of biological individuality in vastly different forms, including parts of organisms and complex groups of organisms at various levels of the biological hierarchy, sparking much controversy in attempts to characterize a biological individual. I argue that, far from being irrelevant to (...)
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  48. The problem of mental causation and the nature of properties.S. C. Gibb - 2004 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 82 (3):464-75.
    Despite the fact that the nature of the properties of causation is rarely discussed within the mental causation debate, the implicit assumption is that they are universals as opposed to tropes. However, in recent literature on the problem of mental causation, a new solution has emerged which aims to address the problem by appealing to tropes. It is argued that if the properties of causation are tropes rather than universals, then a psychophysical reductionism can be advanced which does not face (...)
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  49. Religious and Sexual Identities: A Multi Faith Exploration of Young Adults.J. J. Gibbs & J. T. Goldbach - unknown
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    Designing Women: Cultural Hegemony and the Exercise of Power among Women Who Have Undergone Elective Mammoplasty.Deanna Mcgaughey & Patricia Gagné - 2002 - Gender and Society 16 (6):814-838.
    This article draws on Foucault's concept of the exercise of power and Gramsci's concept of hegemony to examine how women used cosmetic surgery to exercise power over their bodies and lives. The analysis is rooted in two feminist perspectives on cosmetic surgery. The first argues that women who elect to have their bodies surgically altered are victims of false consciousness whose bodies are disciplined by the hegemonic male gaze. The second asserts that women who undergo elective cosmetic surgery exercise free (...)
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