  1. Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm.Edward W. Glowienka - 2014
    Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Widely hailed as a universal genius, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz was one of the most important thinkers of the late 17th and early 18th centuries. A polymath and one of the founders of calculus, Leibniz is best known philosophically for his metaphysical idealism; his theory that reality is composed of spiritual, non-interacting … Continue reading Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm →.
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    David Hume: Unwitting Cosmopolitan?Edward W. Glowienka - 2015 - Diametros 44:153-172.
    If Hume is considered cosmopolitan in his ethics at all, he is said to be so through his anti-mercantilist approach to commerce. Prevailing commercial interpretations attribute to Hume a cosmopolitanism that is best described as instrumental and supervenient. I argue that Hume’s principles lead to a cosmopolitan ethic that is more demanding than commercial interpretations recognize. Hume’s cosmopolitanism is more than merely supervenient and its instrumentality is such that cosmopolitan regard becomes inseparable from healthy patriotic concern. I show sympathy and (...)
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    Leibniz and the Two Sophies: The Philosophical Correspondence (review).Edward W. Glowienka - 2012 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 50 (4):617-618.