Results for 'Eleonora Cugini'

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  1.  9
    La libertà che si realizza: critica immanente e seconda natura a partire da Hegel.Eleonora Cugini - 2022 - Napoli: Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici Press.
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    Heart is deceitful above all things: Threat expectancy induces the illusory perception of increased heartrate.Eleonora Parrotta, Patric Bach, Mauro Gianni Perrucci, Marcello Costantini & Francesca Ferri - 2024 - Cognition 245 (C):105719.
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    Marketing strategy, product safety, and ethical factors in consumer choice.Eleonora Curlo - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 21 (1):37 - 48.
    Firms that wish to be morally responsible in providing products that meet a high standard of safety may face problems competing against firms that make unsafe products and sell these products at cheap prices; these problems may be compounded when consumers do not accurately process information about safety and risk. This paper presents a conceptual argument that the tort system may serve to promulgate information which makes it feasible for firms to market safe products even in the face of these (...)
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    High School Student Burnout: Is Empathy a Protective or Risk Factor?Eleonora Farina, Veronica Ornaghi, Alessandro Pepe, Caterina Fiorilli & Ilaria Grazzani - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  5. La corporalidad del yo y la interioridad del otrom en la Filosofía de Merleau-Ponty.Eleonora Ahrensburg - 2009 - Apuntes Filosóficos 18 (35):149-160.
    En este artículo buscamos indagar el sentido y alcance de unos términos que se entrelazan en las acciones y modos de relacionarnos en un medio, no sólo existencial, sino social. Centraremos el enfoque a partir de la lectura de algunos textos de Merleau-Ponty para presentar así su peculiar modo de abordar ciertos temas desde una perspectiva fenomenológica situada. Palabras clave: corporalidad; interioridad; exterioridad; conciencia; fenomenología. The Corporality of the Self and the Interiority of the Other, in Merlau-Ponty’s philosophyIn this paper (...)
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    How DNA became an important molecule.Eleonora Cresto - 2011 - In Oscar Nudler (ed.), Controversy Spaces: A Model of Scientific and Philosophical Change. John Benjamins. pp. 14.
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  7. Charles Péguy e la scristianizzazione del mondo moderno.P. Cugini - 1996 - Studium 92 (4):525-536.
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  8. L'empirismo radicale di W. James.Umberto Cugini - 1925 - Napoli [etc.]: F. Perrella.
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    L'ontologia del" De musica".Eleonora Fortin - 2010 - Doctor Virtualis 10:45-65.
    Nel sesto libro del De musica Agostino pone il problema della natura del conoscere a partire da una descrizione, che si potrebbe definire fenomenologica, dei movimenti ritmici di cui il soggetto fa esperienza. Inizia così un percorso conoscitivo, che prendendo le mosse dalle tracce dei numeri arriva a indagare le condizioni di possibilità della conoscenza, rilanciando continuamente l’indagine su molteplici livelli. Con questo articolo si intende comprendere le più rilevanti implicazioni del paradigma conoscitivo agostiniano, il quale non appare riducibile a (...)
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  10. La didascalie del teatro di Samuel Beckett.Eleonora Ottaviani - 2005 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia. Università di Macerata 38:243-268.
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  11. Concepciones de los docentes de Ciencias Sociales sobre la naturaleza del pensamiento crítico.Eleonora Ardila Segura - 2010 - Revista Aletheia 2 (1).
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  12. Error left me and fear came in its place" : the arrested sublime of the giants in Divine Comedy, Canto XXXI.Eleonora Stoppino - 2010 - In C. Stephen Jaeger (ed.), Magnificence and the sublime in Medieval aesthetics: art, architecture, literature, music. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Using science, making policy: what should we worry about?Eleonora Montuschi - 2017 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 7 (1):57-78.
    How does science enter policy making, and for what purpose? Surely consulting scientific facts in making policy is done with a view to making policy decisions more reliable, and ultimately more objective. In this paper I address the way/s by which science contributes to achieving objectivity in policy making and social debate, and argue that objectivity is not exhausted by what scientific evidence contributes to either. In policy making and social debates, scientific evidence is taken into account alongside other relevant (...)
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  14. Scientific objectivity.Eleonora Montuschi - 2014 - In Nancy Cartwright & Eleonora Montuschi (eds.), Philosophy of Social Science: A New Introduction. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
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  15. On Reasons and Epistemic Rationality.Eleonora Cresto - 2010 - Journal of Philosophy 107 (6):326-330.
  16.  23
    Changes in White-Matter Connectivity in Late Second Language Learners: Evidence from Diffusion Tensor Imaging.Eleonora Rossi, Hu Cheng, Judith F. Kroll, Michele T. Diaz & Sharlene D. Newman - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Files for Fiction.Eleonora Orlando - 2017 - Acta Analytica 32 (1):55-71.
    In this essay, I appeal to the mental file approach in order to give an anti-realist semantic analysis of statements containing fictional names. I claim that fictive and parafictive uses of them express conceptual, though not general, propositions constituted by mental files, anchored in the conceptual world of the corresponding fictional story. Moreover, by positing a referential shift determined by the presence of a simulative referential intention characteristic of those uses, it is possible to take them to be true with (...)
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    The Right to be an Exception to Predictions: a Moral Defense of Diversity in Recommendation Systems.Eleonora Viganò - 2023 - Philosophy and Technology 36 (3):1-25.
    Recommendation systems (RSs) predict what the user likes and recommend it to them. While at the onset of RSs, the latter was designed to maximize the recommendation accuracy (i.e., accuracy was their only goal), nowadays many RSs models include diversity in recommendations (which thus is a further goal of RSs). In the computer science community, the introduction of diversity in RSs is justified mainly through economic reasons: diversity increases user satisfaction and, in niche markets, profits.I contend that, first, the economic (...)
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    Metaphor in science.Eleonora Montuschi - 2000 - In W. Newton-Smith (ed.), A companion to the philosophy of science. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 277-282.
    It is widely acknowledged that metaphors are used in science. Great scientists, such as Darwin and Einstein, believed that the use of metaphors is vital to the development of scientific ideas. The history of science is full of examples of scientific metaphors as tools at the forefront of discoveries of new facts and new concepts.
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    Foreseeing the Future in Unexpected Events: The Case of the Liber introductorius of Michael Scot.Eleonora Andriani - 2023 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 89 (1):7-33.
    Le but de cet article est de contribuer au débat sur la relation entre les pratiques prédictives et l’orthodoxie religieuse, telle qu’elle est exposée dans le Liber introductorius de Michel Scot. Au cœur de ce travail se trouve l’étude de la discussion de l’interprétation des signes inhabituels et des événements inattendus par Michel Scot, à la fois dans le Liber quatuor distinctionum et le Liber particularis. L’analyse de nouvelles preuves textuelles, jusque là passées inaperçues, permettra par ailleurs la réévaluation de (...)
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    The Temporal Prediction of Stress in Speech and Its Relation to Musical Beat Perception.Eleonora J. Beier & Fernanda Ferreira - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  22.  14
    História de uma maldição.Paolo Cugini - 2023 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 32 (63):59-80.
    O presente trabalho quer oferecer uma reflexão atualizadas sobre alguns temas do debate da teologia feminista, que estão provocando positivamente a teologia e o Magistério oficial da Igreja. Os estudos exegéticos e históricos das teólogas elaborados nos últimos anos permitiram um olhar diferente, uma saída do centro, pra ver melhor, um olhar que não fosse influenciado pelo pensamento único e manipulador usado por quem detém o poder. O processo de desmascaramento e desmitificação dos papéis sociais exercidos pela estrutura paternalista e (...)
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    Not Just an Inferior Virtue, nor Self-Interest: Adam Smith on Prudence.Viganò Eleonora - 2017 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 15 (1):125-143.
    This paper focuses on the treatment of prudence by Adam Smith. Smith was one of the few philosophers to conceive of it as a moral virtue. Smithian prudence is the care of one's own happiness that is limited and ennobled, respectively, by the sense of justice and that of self-command. A reconstruction of Smith's view of prudence helps to clarify three central points in his thought: the interaction between the agent's economic and moral dimensions, the relationship between the self and (...)
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  24. Darwinism in metaethics: What if the universal acid cannot be contained?Eleonora Severini & Fabio Sterpetti - 2017 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 39 (3):1-25.
    The aim of this article is to explore the impact of Darwinism in metaethics and dispel some of the confusion surrounding it. While the prospects for a Darwinian metaethics appear to be improving, some underlying epistemological issues remain unclear. We will focus on the so-called Evolutionary Debunking Arguments (EDAs) which, when applied in metaethics, are defined as arguments that appeal to the evolutionary origins of moral beliefs so as to undermine their epistemic justification. The point is that an epistemic disanalogy (...)
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  25.  13
    Dieu est rien: la métaphysique matérialiste de Dom Deschamps.Eleonora Alfano - 2020 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Aperçu historiographique et méthodologique -- Notes sur le corpus deschampsien -- La double monade. Un matérialisme au-delà du système moniste de Spinoza et du système physique de d'Holbach ; Formes de totalité dans la tradition platonicienne et néoplatonicienne ; Dialectique de un et multiple -- Métaphysique et théologie négative. Réflexion sur les idées que nous avons foncièrement de Dieu ; Contre la raison du temps ; Dieu non-créateur ; Dieu créateur; Les concepts dionysiens de Théarchie et [suressentialité] ; La connaissance (...)
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  26.  16
    The Elucidarium of Honorius Augustodunensis in the Prohemium of the Liber Introductorius of Michael Scot.Eleonora Andriani - 2017 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 59:57-77.
    This article examines the use of Honorius Augustodunensis’s Elucidarium in the Prohemium of a three-part introduction to the astrological sciences, namely the Liber introductorius by Michael Scot. The investigation into the adoption of the Elucidarium in the Prohemium not only reveals the work of Honorius Augustodunensis as a major source of the Prohemium but, more importantly, challenges the recent consensus on the relation between the two versions in which the Liber quatuor distinctionum—the first book of the Liber introductorius—has been transmitted. (...)
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  27. Norma in Alessandro Passerin d'Entrèves.Eleonora Bassi - 2011 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 88 (3):419-447.
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    Estetica e traduzione: il pensiero tra senso e sensibile.Eleonora Caramelli & Francesco Cattaneo - 2022 - Studi di Estetica 22.
    Contemporary debate explores and enhances the relationship between philosophy and translation from various perspectives and cultural traditions. Nevertheless, there seems to be a lack of reflection on the aesthetic significance of the relation- ship between philosophy and translation and the specificity of the translation of philosophical texts. After attempting to explore the reasons for this, the paper aims at showing how philosophy reveals the aesthetic side of conceptual production when it is confronted with the problem of translation, both as a (...)
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    Conocimiento y entendimiento: discusiones sobre el concepto de valor epistémico.Eleonora Cresto - 2011 - Dianoia 56 (66):165-177.
    En este trabajo se ofrece un comentario al artículo de Miguel Ángel Fernández sobre el veritismo y el valor del entendimiento publicado en Diánoia 65. En primer lugar, se observa que el veritismo descansa en una definición de valor epistémico que amenaza con trivializar toda la discusión. Luego se procede a examinar los argumentos de Fernández con cierto detalle. In this paper I comment on M.Á. Fernández's paper on veritism and the value of understanding. I begin by observing that veritism (...)
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  30. Justificar, interpretar y otros asuntos pragmáticos.Eleonora Cresto - 2003 - Dianoia 48 (51):151-158.
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    Diálogos estéticos.Roberto Cugini - 1924 - Buenos Aires,: Est. gráfico J. Estrach.
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    The City as Cultural Space.Eleonora Diamanti - 2010 - Semiotics:63-71.
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    I mondi che siamo: nel tempo delle ritornanze.Eleonora Fiorani - 2016 - Milano: Lupetti.
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    Sguardi nel tempo delle tecnologie.Eleonora Fiorani - 2017 - Milano: Lupetti.
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    Introduction to the special issue on art and science: Studies from the world academy of art and science.Eleonora Barbieri Masini - 1994 - World Futures 40 (1):1-1.
    (1994). Introduction to the special issue on art and science: Studies from the world academy of art and science. World Futures: Vol. 40, Art and Science: Studies from the World Academy of Art and Science, pp. 1-1.
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    Aspects of social ontology.Eleonora Montuschi - 2004 - Oltrecorrente 9.
  37.  16
    Modi del riferimento nell'epistemologia lockiana.Eleonora Montuschi - 1990 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 45 (2):225.
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    Pluralism: a curse or a blessing for social order?Eleonora Montuschi - 2011 - Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science, London School of Economics and Political Science.
    There is a sense in which pluralism needs no advocate. It is enough to take a quick look at contemporary science to realise that pluralism is common currency. It is a ‘fact’ that scientific disciplines entail a plurality of approaches, methods, styles of inquiry. It is equally easy to acknowledge how the referents of scientific investigation require a concert of disciplines and a variety of explanatory strategies. So pluralism seems to have both an epistemological and an ontological backing.1 Nor is (...)
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  39. Scientific Metaphor and Theoretical Explanation: an Inquiry Into the Constructive Language of Postulation.Eleonora Montuschi - 1988 - Dissertation, Oxford University
  40. Termini teorici E moDelli Del significato.Eleonora Montuschi - 1990 - Epistemologia 13 (1):101-122.
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    El ataque de Putnam al realismo metafísico.Eleonora Orlando - 2000 - Critica 32 (94):3-27.
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  42. La era de la ética electrónica-digital. Tierra de todos, tierra de nadie.Eleonora Parra - 2001 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1 (5):165-176.
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    Cervelli e carrelli: il confine fra moralità lenta e moralità veloce nei processi decisionali.Eleonora Signorini - 2019 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 10 (1):78-93.
    Riassunto: L’indagine sui fondamenti neurali del giudizio morale è uno dei principali ed attuali temi di ricerca della Neuroscienza, il quale si intreccia inevitabilmente con tematiche relative all’Intelligenza Artificiale, al futuro dei trasporti e alla Filosofia della Mente. Gli esseri umani sono naturalmente dotati di un innato senso della morale, il quale è governato dalle intuizioni, ma sono anche provvisti di alcuni principi razionali. Il giudizio e il comportamento morale sono il risultato dell’integrazione fra le emozioni e i processi razionali, (...)
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  44. Belief and contextual acceptance.Eleonora Cresto - 2010 - Synthese 177 (1):41-66.
    I develop a strategy for representing epistemic states and epistemic changes that seeks to be sensitive to the difference between voluntary and involuntary aspects of our epistemic life, as well as to the role of pragmatic factors in epistemology. The model relies on a particular understanding of the distinction between full belief and acceptance , which makes room for the idea that our reasoning on both practical and theoretical matters typically proceeds in a contextual way. Within this framework, I discuss (...)
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    Mind and Body: Italian Validation of the Postural Awareness Scale.Eleonora Topino, Alessio Gori & Holger Cramer - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  46. Lost in translation: unknowable propositions in probabilistic frameworks.Eleonora Cresto - 2017 - Synthese 194 (10):3955-3977.
    Some propositions are structurally unknowable for certain agents. Let me call them ‘Moorean propositions’. The structural unknowability of Moorean propositions is normally taken to pave the way towards proving a familiar paradox from epistemic logic—the so-called ‘Knowability Paradox’, or ‘Fitch’s Paradox’—which purports to show that if all truths are knowable, then all truths are in fact known. The present paper explores how to translate Moorean statements into a probabilistic language. A successful translation should enable us to derive a version of (...)
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    Slurs, Stereotypes and Insults.Eleonora Orlando & Andrés Saab - 2020 - Acta Analytica 35 (4):599-621.
    This paper is about paradigmatic slurs, i.e. expressions that are prima facie associated with the expression of a contemptuous attitude concerning a group of people identified in terms of its origin or descent, race, sexual orientation, ethnia or religion, gender, etc. Our purpose is twofold: explaining their expressive meaning dimension in terms of a version of stereotype semantics and analysing their original and most typical uses as insults, which will be called with a neologism ‘insultive’, in terms of a speech (...)
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  48. (1 other version)Does socialism need fraternity? On Axel Honneth’s The Idea of Socialism.Eleonora Piromalli - 2017 - European Journal of Political Theory 1 (3):375-395.
    In this article, after retracing the main lines of Honneth’s The Idea of Socialism, I address two objections to it. Firstly, I question the marked substantiality of Honneth’s proposed socialist ‘co...
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    General terms and rigidity: another solution to the trivialization problem.Eleonora Orlando - 2014 - Manuscrito 37 (1):49-80.
    In this paper I am concerned with the problem of applying the notion of rigidity to general terms. In Naming and Necessity, Kripke has clearly suggested that we should include some general terms among the rigid ones, namely, those common nouns semantically correlated with natural substances, species and phenomena, in general, natural kinds -'water', 'tiger', 'heat'- and some adjectives -'red', 'hot', 'loud'. However, the notion of rigidity has been defined for singular terms; after all, the notion that Kripke has provided (...)
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  50.  33
    Epistemology.Eleonora Cresto - 2009 - In Susana Nuccetelli, Ofelia Schutte & Otávio Bueno (eds.), A Companion to Latin American Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 468–481.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Porchat Pereira and the Neo‐Pyrrhonian School Knowledge and Skepticism: The Legacy of Ezequiel de Olaso Luis Villoro and the Beginnings of Systematic Studies in Analytic Epistemology Current Analytic Epistemology in Latin America Acknowledgments References Further Reading.
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