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  1.  38
    Coronavirus: A Contingency that Eliminates Contingency.Emmanuel Alloa - 2021 - Critical Inquiry 47 (S2):S73-S76.
  2. Differences in Becoming. Gilbert Simondon and Gilles Deleuze on Individuation.Emmanuel Alloa & Judith Michalet - 2017 - Philosophy Today.
    For a long time, Gilbert Simondon’s work was known only as either a philosophy restricted to the problem of technology or as an inspirational source for Gilles Deleuze’s philosophy of difference. As Simondon’s thinking is now finally in the process of being recognized in its own right as one of the most original philosophies of the twentieth century, this also entails that some critical work needs to be done to disentangle it from an all too hasty identification with Deleuzian categories. (...)
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  3.  32
    Leiblichkeit. Geschichte und Aktualität eines Begriffs.Emmanuel Alloa, Thomas Bedorf, Tobias Nikolaus Klass & Christian Grüny (eds.) - 2012 - Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck / UTB.
    Der Körper hat Konjunktur. Als ausgestellter, verfüg- und verführbarer begegnet er uns täglichim Übermaß. Es war nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis im Spiel der sich in den Wissenschafteneinander ablösenden turns auch ein corporeal (oder body) turn ausgerufen würde. Dabeibleibt im genannten turn der Gegenstand der Untersuchung nicht selten reduziert auf das, wasman im deutschen Sprachgebrauch »Körper« nennt: ein physisches Substrat, das wie ein Dingunter Dingen beschreibbar ist. Gegen diese Verkürzung stellt der Begri des »Leibes«,spätestens seit Edmund Husserl, eine präzise (...)
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  4.  26
    Merleau-Ponty and Contemporary Philosophy.Emmanuel Alloa, Rajiv Kaushik & Frank Chouraqui (eds.) - 2019 - Albany NY: SUNY Press.
    Maurice Merleau-Ponty is widely recognized as one of the major figures of twentieth-century philosophy. The recent publication of his lecture courses and posthumous working notes has opened new avenues for both the interpretation of his thought and philosophy in general. These works confirm that, with a surprising premonition, Merleau-Ponty addressed many of the issues that concern philosophy today. With the benefit of this fuller picture of his thought, Merleau-Ponty and Contemporary Philosophy undertakes an assessment of the philosopher's relevance for contemporary (...)
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  5.  6
    This Obscure Thing Called Transparency. Politics and Aesthetics of a Contemporary Metaphor.Emmanuel Alloa (ed.) - 2022 - University Press Leuven.
    The paradoxical logic of transparency and mediation Transparency is the metaphor of our time. Whether in government or corporate governance, finance, technology, health or the media – it is ubiquitous today, and there is hardly a current debate that does not call for more transparency. But what does this word actually stand for and what are the consequences for the life of individuals? Can knowledge from the arts, and its play of visibility and invisibility, tell us something about the paradoxical (...)
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    Undergoing an Experience. Sensing, Bodily Affordances and the Institution of the Self.Emmanuel Alloa - 2019 - In Emmanuel Alloa, Rajiv Kaushik & Frank Chouraqui (eds.), Merleau-Ponty and Contemporary Philosophy. Albany NY: SUNY Press. pp. 61-82.
  7. The Diacritical Nature of Meaning. Merleau-Ponty with Saussure.Emmanuel Alloa - 2013 - Chiasmi International 15:167-181.
    “What we have learned from Saussure” affirms Merleau-Ponty “is that, taken singly, signs do not signify anything, and that each one of them does not so much express a meaning as mark a divergence of meaning between itself and other signs.” While it has often been stressed that Merleau-Ponty was arguably among the earliest philosophical readers of Saussure, the real impact of this reading on Merleau-Ponty’s thinking has rarely been assessed in detail. By focusing on the middle period – the (...)
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  8.  44
    De quoi l’esthétisation est-elle le nom?Emmanuel Alloa & Christoph Haffter - 2021 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 28 (2):5-23.
    Derrière un seul et même mot – l’« esthétisation » – se cachent des constats que tout ou presque sépare. Peu étonnant que les différents débats autour de cette notion, en France, en Allemagne ou aux États-Unis, aient souvent engendré des incompréhensions mutuelles. Avant même de savoir si l’esthétisation du monde est un phénomène désirable ou condamnable, il faut éclairer les arrière-plans conceptuels qui orientent ce diagnostic, et qui lui confèrent un sens parfois diamétralement opposé. En ouverture du dossier, l’article (...)
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  9. Why Transparency has Little (if Anything) to do with the Age of Enlightenment.Emmanuel Alloa - 2022 - In This Obscure Thing Called Transparency. Politics and Aesthetics of a Contemporary Metaphor. University Press Leuven. pp. 167-188.
  10.  65
    Looking Through Images: A Phenomenology of Visual Media.Emmanuel Alloa - 2021 - New York: Columbia University Press. Edited by Nils F. Schott & Emmanuel Alloa.
    Images have always stirred ambivalent reactions. Yet whether eliciting fascinated gazes or iconoclastic repulsion from their beholders, they have hardly ever been seen as true sources of knowledge. They were long viewed as mere appearances, placeholders for the things themselves or deceptive illusions. Today, the traditional critique of the spectacle has given way to an unconditional embrace of the visual. However, we still lack a persuasive theoretical account of how images work. -/- Emmanuel Alloa retraces the history of Western attitudes (...)
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    Phasmid thinking: On Georges didi-huberman’s method.Christopher Woodall & Emmanuel Alloa - 2018 - Angelaki 23 (4):103-112.
    This article is an attempt to circumscribe Georges Didi-Huberman’s inimitable practice of theory. It argues that Didi-Huberman’s ethics of looking represents a decided shift away from the traditional position of the critic as a dispassionate, objective observer. A Copernican revolution looms, which inverts the Kantian one: no longer are things adapting to their conceptual scheme, no longer is it the adaequatio rei ad intellectum, but its opposite. Didi-Huberman’s “discourse on method” is to be found in the book Phasmes, where such (...)
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  12. The Most Sublime of All Laws: The Strange Resurgence of a Kantian Motif in Contemporary Image Politics.Emmanuel Alloa - 2014 - Critical Inquiry 41 (2):367-389.
    In recent years, the claim of the unrepresentability of the Shoah has stirred vivid debates, especially following the strong positions taken by the French filmmaker Claude Lanzmann and author of Shoah (1986). This claim of unrepresentability, it can be shown, draws part of its attraction from the fact that it oscillates undecidedly between a claim of logical impossibility (“the Shoah can’t be represented”) and a normative demand (“the Shoah shouldn’t be represented”). This essay analyzes the argumentative structure of the advocates (...)
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  13. Writing, Embodiment, Deferral: Merleau-Ponty and Derrida on The Origin of Geometry.Emmanuel Alloa - 2014 - Philosophy Today 58 (2):219-239.
    A simplistic image of twentieth century French philosophy sees Merleau-Ponty’s death in 1961 as the line that divides two irreconcilable moments in its history: existentialism and phenomenology, on the one hand, and structuralism on the other. The structuralist generation claimed to recapture the dimension of objectivity and impersonality, which the previous generation was supposedly incapable of. As a matter of fact, in 1962, Derrida’s edition of Husserl’s The Origin of Geometry was taken to be a turning point that announced the (...)
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    Partages de la perspective.Emmanuel Alloa - 2020 - Paris: Fayard.
    « C’est une question de point de vue… » On associe aujourd’hui la perspective à l’individualisme, à l’affirmation d’une vérité privée et indépassable. C’est oublier la tradition de la perspectiva communis, celle qui fait de la perspective le vecteur d’un horizon commun. Au croisement de la science, de l’art et de la philosophie, le livre exhume une tradition que l’on se doit de redécouvrir : le point de vue, ce n’est pas seulement ce qui divise, c’est aussi ce qui se (...)
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  15. Transparency, Privacy and Civil Inattention.Emmanuel Alloa - 2021 - In Cultures of Transparency: Between Promise and Peril. London/New York: pp. 171-191.
    The demand for more transparency is hardly ever questioned. When it is, it is generally questioned in the name of a protection of privacy. In a traditional liberal understanding, there is a non-alienable “right to privacy” (Warren/Brandeis, 1890). Many political struggles, however, involved ignoring such boundaries, and making public things that were meant to remain private (domestic violence, gender oppression, child abuse etc.). While holding that the distinction between private and public is necessary, it must remain mobile and subject to (...)
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  16. Transparency, privacy commons and civil inattention.Emmanuel Alloa - 2021 - In Cultures of Transparency: Between Promise and Peril. London/New York: pp. 171-192.
  17. (1 other version)Seeing-in, seeing-as, seeing-with: Looking through pictures.Emmanuel Alloa - 2010 - In Elisabeth Nemeth, Richard Heinrich & Wolfram Pichler (eds.), Image and Imaging in Philosophy, Science, and the Arts. Preproceedings of the 33rd International Wittgenstein Symposium. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society. pp. 179-190.
    In the constitution of contemporary image theory, Ludwig Wittgenstein’s philosophy has undoubtedly become a major conceptual reference. Rather than trying to establish what Wittgenstein’s own image theory could possibly look like, this paper would like to critically assess some of the advantages as well as some of the quandaries that arise when using Wittgenstein’s concept of ‘seeing-as’ for addressing the plural realities of images. While putting into evidence the tensions that come into play when applying what was initially a theory (...)
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  18.  25
    Getting in Touch. Aristotelian Diagnostics.Emmanuel Alloa - 2015 - In Richard Kearney & Brian Treanor (eds.), Carnal Hermeneutics. New York: Fordham. pp. 57-72.
  19.  80
    Iconic Turn: A Plea for Three Turns of the Screw.Emmanuel Alloa - 2015 - Culture, Theory, and Critique 56 (3).
    In the early 1990s, W.J.T. Mitchell and Gottfried Boehm independently proclaimed that the humanities were witnessing a ‘pictorial’ or ‘iconic turn’. Twenty years later, we may wonder whether this announcement was describing an event that had already taken place or whether it was rather calling forth for it to happen. The contemporary world is, more than ever, determined by visual artefacts. Still, our conceptual arsenal, forged during centuries of logocentrism, still falls behind the complexity of pictorial meaning. The essay has (...)
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  20. La chair comme diacritique incarné.Emmanuel Alloa - 2009 - Chiasmi International 11:249-262.
    In 20th century thinking, few concepts have provoked as many misunderstandings as Merleau-Ponty’s notion of ‘Flesh’. Such misunderstandings (of which the article sketches the outline of an archaeology) rest on the initial assumption that the Flesh has to be derived from the body. The article suggests that the dominant readings of the Flesh can be organized along what could respectively be called the scenario of propriety and the scenario of expansion, beyond which a third way comes into view which does (...)
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  21.  23
    Le premier livre de Merleau-Ponty, un roman.Emmanuel Alloa - 2019 - Chiasmi International 21:253-268.
    Dans son oeuvre tardive, Merleau-Ponty a souligné les convergences entre une pensée philosophique et une pensée s’exprimant par l’écriture littéraire, considérant que toutes deux répondent à une tâche commune liée à la description du monde. Ses premiers écrits théoriques – Simone de Beauvoir comme Jean-Paul Sartre l’ont souligné – sont quant à eux marqués par une distance plus nette vis-à-vis de la pratique littéraire. Pourtant, bien avant de publier ses premières monographies, Merleau-Ponty est l’auteur d’un livre écrit pour le compte (...)
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    Merleau-Ponty and Contemporary Philosophy.Emmanuel Alloa, Frank Chouraqui & Rajiv Kaushik - 2019 - In Emmanuel Alloa, Rajiv Kaushik & Frank Chouraqui (eds.), Merleau-Ponty and Contemporary Philosophy. Albany NY: SUNY Press. pp. 1-14.
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    Einleitung.Thomas Telios, Federica Gregoratto, Michael Festl & Emmanuel Alloa - 2019 - In Emmanuel Alloa, Michael G. Festl, Federica Gregoratto & Thomas Telios (eds.), Quertreiber des Denkens: Dieter Thomä - Werk und Wirken. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag. pp. 7-12.
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  24. Der Leib, ein 'merkwürdig unvollkommen konstituiertes Ding'.Emmanuel Alloa & Natalie Depraz - 2012 - In Emmanuel Alloa, Thomas Bedorf, Tobias Nikolaus Klass & Christian Grüny (eds.), Leiblichkeit. Geschichte und Aktualität eines Begriffs. Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck / UTB.
  25. Transparency: A magic concept of modernity.Emmanuel Alloa - 2018 - In Emmanuel Alloa & Dieter Thomä (eds.), Transparency, Society, Subjecticity. Critical Perspectives. London: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 21-55.
    This introductory chapter gives an overview of the emergent field of Critical Transparency Studies. Moreover, it traces some genealogical lines of how, from the eighteenth century onwards, what was known in Antiquity as an optical and aesthetic phenomenon—diaphaneity—came to stand for central concerns in self-knowledge, morality and politics. Such an analysis of the historical semantics of transparency highlights the irreducible plurality of the phenomenon. Against tendencies of seeing transparency as a means of achieving self-coincidence, unicity and self-stability, the chapter sketches (...)
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    Performing an Appearance. On the Performativity of Images.Emmanuel Alloa - 2023 - Paradigmi. Rivista di Critica Filosofica 41 (3):415–428.
    It is all the rage today to speak about the “power" of images. Yet while it seems hardly disputable that images generate fascination or repulsion and that they provoke laughter, tears or delight, it is by no means clear what it entails to grant them an agency of their own. The article sets out to chart the current literature on the topic, and to indicate why it is not the same to ask what it means for images to do things (...)
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  27.  68
    Phenomenologies of the Image.Emmanuel Alloa & Cristian Ciocan - 2023 - Studia Phaenomenologica 23:9-14.
  28.  10
    Resistance of the sensible world: an introduction to Merleau-Ponty.Emmanuel Alloa - 2017 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Introduction: Return to the obvious -- Perception -- Language -- Ontology of the visible -- Conclusion: Toward dia-phenomenology.
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  29. The madness of sight.Emmanuel Alloa - 2007 - In Karin Leonhard & Silke Horstkotte (eds.), Seeing Perception. Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 40--59.
  30. Bare exteriority. Philosophy of the Image and the Image of Philosophy in Martin Heidegger and Maurice Blanchot.Emmanuel Alloa - 2005 - Colloquy (10):69-82.
    The article explores the striking coincidences in Heidegger's and Blanchot's account of the image as death mask. The analysis of the respective theories of the image brings forth two radically divergent conceptions of thinking as "laying patent" (Heidegger) and of thinking as "laying bare" (Blanchot).
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    Introduction.Emmanuel Alloa & Judith Revel - 2017 - Chiasmi International 19:31-33.
  32.  33
    Merleau-Ponty à Madagascar.Emmanuel Alloa - 2017 - Chiasmi International 19:115-128.
    Si les analyses merleau-pontiennes sont aujourd’hui fréquemment utilisées dans les études postcoloniales, notamment les analyses du corps, on n’a toujours pas prêté suffisamment attention à l’importance qu’eut pour sa pensée la confrontation avec la réalité du colonialisme, au fil de divers voyages vers la moitié des années 1950. Dans l’article, il s’agit en particulier de faire émerger le rôle exemplaire qu’au pu avoir la confrontation avec la réalité de Madagascar, en 1957, et ses effets en retour sur un certain nombre (...)
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    Wann ist ein Bild? Bildwissenschaft als Symptomatologie.Emmanuel Alloa - 2020 - In Andreas Cremonini & Markus Klammer (eds.), Bild-Beispiele: zu einer pikturalen Logik des Exemplarischen. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink. pp. 49-73.
  34.  42
    Die ästhetische Differenz.Emmanuel Alloa - 2023 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 71 (5):752–768.
    Recent debates about aesthetics are characterized by a partly intentional, but also partly involuntary, vagueness. Whether it be aestheticisation or anesthetisation, articisation or desartification: what is upheld or deplored under one and the same label in fact designates rather different things. The paper makes a suggestion as to how the field could be reorganized. Taking heed of what political theory discusses as the “political difference” between “politics” and “the political”, the aim is to examine what would be gained by working (...)
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  35.  34
    Spaced-Out Time. On the Concept of Time-Axis Manipulation.Emmanuel Alloa - 2020 - In Spaced-out Time. On Time Axis Manipulation. Skira. pp. 55-72.
  36.  47
    Monde humain, monde animal, monde préhistorique.Edmund Husserl & Emmanuel Alloa - 2016 - Philosophie 131 (4):20.
    Les deux textes de Husserl que nous présentons ici en traduction, l’un daté vraisemblablement de 1932 et l’autre de septembre 1926, tournent autour du problème du monde et de son accès, de sa normalité ainsi que de ses variations possibles.
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    Invisibility: From Discrimination to Resistance.Emmanuel Alloa - 2023 - Critical Horizons 24 (4):1-14.
    The paper takes heed of the fact that, when evaluating normative issues through the semantics of visibility and invisibility, a transfer takes place from optical to political semantics which is not without consequences. The paper attempts a typology of the extremely diverse functions (in)visibility takes in current discourses, moving from the characterization of situations of discrimination to that of the resistance to it. In a first step, it analyses the affirmative uses of the notion of political visibilisation, whether of individuals, (...)
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  38.  30
    The Do It Yourself-Paradigm: An Inquiry into the Historical Roots of the Neglect of Testimony.Emmanuel Alloa - 2017 - Early Science and Medicine 22 (4):333 – 360.
    In contemporary social epistemology, the claim has been made that there is a traditional “neglect of testimonial knowledge,” and that in the history of epistemology, first-hand self-knowledge was invariably prioritised over secondary knowledge. While this paper acknowledges some truth in these statements, it challenges the given explanations: the mentioned neglect of testimonial knowledge is based not so much on a primacy of self-knowledge, but that of self-agency. This article retraces some crucial chapters of this ‘do-it-yourself’ paradigm: it considers the imperative (...)
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  39. Could Perspective ever be a Symbolic Form? Revisiting Panofsky with Cassirer.Emmanuel Alloa - 2015 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 2 (1):51-72.
    Erwin Panofsky’s essay “Perspective as Symbolic Form” from 1924 is among the most widely commented essays in twentieth-century aesthetics and was discussed with regard to art theory, Renaissance painting, Western codes of depiction, history of optical devices, psychology of perception, or even ophthalmology. Strangely enough, however, almost nothing has been written about the philosophical claim implicit in the title, i.e. that perspective is a symbolic form among others. The article situates the essay within the intellectual constellation at Aby Warburg’s Kulturwissenschaftliche (...)
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  40.  36
    L’arrêt de mort. Notes sur le temps photographique.Emmanuel Alloa - 2022 - Archives de Philosophie 85 (1):11-25.
    Promettant à la fois la capture de l’instant et son dépassement vers l’intemporel, le medium photographique voit son destin intimement lié à la catégorie du temps. L’article suggère cependant que cette inclusion du temps dans l’image s’est acquise, au cours de l’histoire de la photographie, au prix d’une essentialisation du momentané. À rebours d’une telle approche, il s’agit de repenser l’instantané photographique comme découlant de l’accident, si bien que la photo figure non plus l’instant fécond, mais bien le temps de (...)
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  41.  93
    Prégnances du devenir. Simondon et les images.Emmanuel Alloa - 2015 - Critique 816:356-371.
    Problématisation, individuation, (dés)adaptation L’inventivité du vivant : la « disparation » Mouvements à vide. La spontanéité selon Simondon La prégnance des images Ontogenèse, phylogenèse, eikogenèse. L’image comme médiation .
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  42.  58
    A Lesser Being. From Louis Marin to Simondon and Back.Emmanuel Alloa - 2021 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 30 (61-62):8-13.
    Contribution for the Nordic Journal of Aesthetics' Special Issue no. 30 on "The Changing Ontology of the Image". The image’s power is a power of appearing without fully being what it allows to appear. In its strange relationship to what is lacking, the image also and simultaneously displays a remarkable excess—a phenomenal excess.
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  43. Le monde existe-t-il sans nous? Le perspectivisme selon Husserl.Emmanuel Alloa - 2016 - Philosophie 1 (4):3-19.
  44.  18
    Der flektierte Leib oder: Über die Körperlichkeit der Sprache.Emmanuel Alloa - 2022 - In Leibverständnis und Leibvergessenheit. Interdisziplinäre Zugänge. Alber. pp. 11-32.
  45. Visual Studies in Byzantium. A pictorial turn avant la lettre.Emmanuel Alloa - 2013 - Journal of Visual Culture 12 (1):3-29.
    As Hegel once said, in Byzantium, between homoousis and homoiousis, the difference of one letter could decide the life and death of thousands. As this article seeks to argue, Byzantine thinking was not only attentive to conceptual differences, but also to iconic ones. The iconoclastic controversy (726-842 AD) arose from two different interpretations of the nature of images: whereas iconoclastic philosophy is based on the assumption of a fundamental 'iconic identity', iconophile philosophy defends the idea of'iconic difference'. And while the (...)
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    Die Hintergründigkeit des Alltags.Emmanuel Alloa - 2018 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2018 (1):8-26.
    In contemporary philosophy, many attempts were made to rehabilitate the everyday. However, such a reappraisal of the everyday is ambivalent, as it tends to objectify what is profoundly elusive due to its diffuse, ambient character. The two prevailing strategies (the,celebration‘ of the everyday and the,critique‘ of the everyday) both miss the everyday because they treat it as a positive entity. Whether by celebrating or by understanding it – in both cases they kill it. This article argues that part of the (...)
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  47. La phénoménologie comme science de l’homme sans l’homme.Emmanuel Alloa - 2010 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 72 (1):79-100.
    Husserlian phenomenology sets off as a fundamental rejection of those psychologisms and anthropologisms that deduce the structures of appearance from some preexisting essence of man. However, despite a clear rejection of all anthropological foundations of phenomenology, the examples of Husserl, Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty show that the question of man continues to haunt the phenomenological project and constitutes something like a ‘blind spot’. Relating these unspoken tensions to another historical ‘scene’ (the debate between the Sophists and Aristotle), the article argues why (...)
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    La Parole Oblique. Merleau-Ponty et les Enjeux d’une Éthique de L’indirect.Emmanuel Alloa - 2009 - Phainomenon 18-19 (1):157-174.
    Philosophical speech is required to reach the core of the things themselves, often at the risk of subsuming the individual thing under the law of a general concept and ruining its singularity. Is another approach available to philosophy at all? The question of the violence of the discourse has been raised by many thinkers in the 20th century. Just as Wittgenstein, Husserl demanded for a replacement of deduction by description which would let the things appear in their own light. Merleau-Ponty (...)
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  49. Produktiver Schein. Phänomenotechnik zwischen Wissenschaft und Ästhetik.Emmanuel Alloa - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 60 (2):169-182.
    The notion of ‘phenomenotechnique’ which Gaston Bachelard introduced in the 1930’s has enjoyed popularity among historians of science who used it in order to insist upon the technical and social mediateness of scientific facts. In the wake of the current triumphal return to epistemological ‘realism,’ the idea of phenomenotechnique has been dismissed as an alleged relic of ‘constructivism.’ The article advocates for a different reading of ‘phenomenotechnique,’ which, rather than insisting on the fabrication of the scientific fact, highlights the intrinsic (...)
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    Redeemable Savings, or How to Become Ascetic through Consumption.Emmanuel Alloa - 2017 - Substance 46 (3):3-15.
    During World War II, both the US and Canadian governments issued a series of propaganda posters aimed at reducing spending and redirecting private households’ financial expenditures into the general war effort. Many of those posters, developed by some of the cleverest advertisers of the time, drew on Puritanism’s most deeply rooted principle: self-restraint. One propaganda poster succinctly exemplifies the underlying logic: as an elegant couple looks up at a gigantic elephant for sale, the caption sternly reminds them to be thrifty: (...)
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