Results for 'Emmanuel Schegloff'

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  1.  22
    Value Creation in Inter-Organizational Collaboration: An Empirical Study.Emmanuel Raufflet & Morgane Pennec - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (4):817-834.
    Over the last decade, businesses, policymakers, and researchers alike have advocated the need for value creation through inter-organizational collaboration. Researchers have widely argued that organizations that are engaged in collaborative processes create value. Because researchers have tended to focus on the identification of organizational motivations and on key success factors for collaboration, however, both the nature and processes of value creation in inter-organizational collaboration have yet to be examined. A recent theory by Austin and Seitanidi :726–758, 2012a; Nonprofit Volunt Sect (...)
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    Processing inferences at the semantics/pragmatics frontier: Disjunctions and free choice.Emmanuel Chemla & Lewis Bott - 2014 - Cognition 130 (3):380-396.
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    A simplicity principle in unsupervised human categorization.Emmanuel M. Pothos & Nick Chater - 2002 - Cognitive Science 26 (3):303-343.
    We address the problem of predicting how people will spontaneously divide into groups a set of novel items. This is a process akin to perceptual organization. We therefore employ the simplicity principle from perceptual organization to propose a simplicity model of unconstrained spontaneous grouping. The simplicity model predicts that people would prefer the categories for a set of novel items that provide the simplest encoding of these items. Classification predictions are derived from the model without information either about the number (...)
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    Suszko’s problem: Mixed consequence and compositionality.Emmanuel Chemla & Paul Égré - 2019 - Review of Symbolic Logic 12 (4):736-767.
    Suszko’s problem is the problem of finding the minimal number of truth values needed to semantically characterize a syntactic consequence relation. Suszko proved that every Tarskian consequence relation can be characterized using only two truth values. Malinowski showed that this number can equal three if some of Tarski’s structural constraints are relaxed. By so doing, Malinowski introduced a case of so-called mixed consequence, allowing the notion of a designated value to vary between the premises and the conclusions of an argument. (...)
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    From many-valued consequence to many-valued connectives.Emmanuel Chemla & Paul Egré - 2018 - Synthese 198 (S22):5315-5352.
    Given a consequence relation in many-valued logic, what connectives can be defined? For instance, does there always exist a conditional operator internalizing the consequence relation, and which form should it take? In this paper, we pose this question in a multi-premise multi-conclusion setting for the class of so-called intersective mixed consequence relations, which extends the class of Tarskian relations. Using computer-aided methods, we answer extensively for 3-valued and 4-valued logics, focusing not only on conditional operators, but also on what we (...)
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  6. Incremental vs. symmetric accounts of presupposition projection: an experimental approach.Emmanuel Chemla & Philippe Schlenker - 2012 - Natural Language Semantics 20 (2):177-226.
    The presupposition triggered by an expression E is generally satisfied by information that comes before rather than after E in the sentence or discourse. In Heim’s classic theory (1983), this left-right asymmetry is encoded in the lexical semantics of dynamic connectives and operators. But several recent analyses offer a more nuanced approach, in which presupposition satisfaction has two separate components: a general principle (which varies from theory to theory) specifies under what conditions a presupposition triggered by an expression E is (...)
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  7. The rules versus similarity distinction.Emmanuel M. Pothos - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (1):1-14.
    The distinction between rules and similarity is central to our understanding of much of cognitive psychology. Two aspects of existing research have motivated the present work. First, in different cognitive psychology areas we typically see different conceptions of rules and similarity; for example, rules in language appear to be of a different kind compared to rules in categorization. Second, rules processes are typically modeled as separate from similarity ones; for example, in a learning experiment, rules and similarity influences would be (...)
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  8.  29
    One or two dimensions in spontaneous classification: A simplicity approach.Emmanuel M. Pothos & James Close - 2008 - Cognition 107 (2):581-602.
  9.  72
    Can we Agree About agree?Emmanuel Chemla & B. R. George - 2016 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 7 (1):243-264.
    This squib attempts to constrain semantic theories of agree wh constructions by broadening the data set and collecting naive speakers’ intuitions. Overall, our data suggest relatively permissive truth-conditions for these constructions. They also suggest a previously undiscussed presupposition for agree wh and also indicate that agree wh is not straightforwardly reducible to agree that. Although some accounts suggest differences in truth conditions among different asymmetrical agree with constructions and symmetrical agree constructions, we do not find any indication of such truth-conditional (...)
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    Hermeneutical injustice and outsourced domestic girl-child labour.Dominic Effiong Abakedi, Emmanuel Kelechi Iwuagwu & Mary Julius Egbai - 2020 - Childhood and Philosophy 16 (36):01-24.
    We observed that despite international declarations on child-rights, outsourced domestic girl-child labour still persists. Raising the question whether outsourced domestic girl-child labour constitutes hermeneutical injustice, we respond affirmatively. Relying on two indigenous victimology-narratives that are newspaper reports, we expose some of the horrors that the victims of outsourced domestic girl-child labour suffer. Comparing these reports with other victimology-narratives of hermeneutical injustice as reported by Miranda Fricker and Hilkje Hänel, we argue that the victims of outsourced domestic girl-child labour suffer a (...)
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    Synchronization by the hand: the sight of gestures modulates low-frequency activity in brain responses to continuous speech.Emmanuel Biau & Salvador Soto-Faraco - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  12.  22
    Travail reproductif et exploitation : de Marx aux théories féministes de la reproduction.Emmanuel Renault - 2021 - Actuel Marx 70 (2):45-61.
    Cet article discute la manière dont les théories féministes de la reproduction ont conduit à entretenir et renouveler les discussions portant sur les meilleures manières de théoriser et de critiquer l’exploitation du travail au sein des sociétés capitalistes. Dans un premier temps, il remonte à Marx et à la manière dont Le Capital pose le problème de la reproduction de la force de travail sans l’associer à celui d’un travail reproductif. Dans un deuxième temps, il analyse la manière dont les (...)
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  13.  37
    Role of prior knowledge in implicit and explicit learning of artificial grammars.Eleni Ziori, Emmanuel M. Pothos & Zoltán Dienes - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 28:1-16.
  14.  24
    Should we Distinguish between French and German Approaches to Recognition?Emmanuel Renault - 2021 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 50:131-146.
    Cet article s’interroge sur le sens des termes « français » et « allemand » quand on distingue des caractéristiques françaises et allemandes à propos de la théorie de la reconnaissance. Deux manières de distinguer ces caractéristiques sont analysées : la première considère que la promotion philosophique du concept de reconnaissance est une opération allemande à laquelle rien ne correspond de ce côté-ci du Rhin, la seconde affirme que le propre des approches philosophiques françaises de la reconnaissance est de souligner (...)
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  15. La toque de Clementis sur la tête de Gottwald. Photographies truquées, mémoire manipulée et imaginaire littéraire.Marc-Emmanuel Mélon - 2009 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 122.
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    Politica ed educazione nel personalismo di Mounier: saggio critico con antologia del pensiero e della critica.Franco V. Lombardi & Emmanuel Mounier - 1980
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    (1 other version)Bridging Business and Society: The Abrinq Foundation in Brazil.Emmanuel Raufflet & Cecilia Gurgel Do Amaral - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 73 (1):119-128.
    This article presents the process of creation and expansion of the Fundação Abrinq pelos Direitos da Criança et do Adolescente (Abrinq Foundation for Rights of Children and Adolescents). Established in 1990 by a group of entrepreneurs from the Brazilian Toy Manufacturers’ Association (ABRINQ), the Fundação Abrinq has been successful at raising the issue of children in Brazilian society by bridging business and several other sectors of society. This article more particularly examines (1) the societal challenges related to the situation of (...)
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  18.  32
    Dewey, Hook et Mao : quelques affinités entre marxisme et pragmatisme.Emmanuel Renault - 2013 - Actuel Marx 54 (2):138.
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    (1 other version)Philosophy and Experience: A significant difference between the first and the last versions of Hegel’s Encyclopedia.Emmanuel Renault - 2019 - Hegel Jahrbuch 2019 (1):32-43.
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  20.  44
    Du fordisme au post-fordisme : Dépassement ou retour de l'aliénation?Emmanuel Renault - 2006 - Actuel Marx 39 (1):89-105.
    In contemporary political philosophy, the disqualification of the problematic of alienation has to a large extent rested on the conviction that the norms of democracy, justice, and the good life provide a sufficient framework within which to outline a social critique that is politically pertinent. The paradox is that, at the very moment when such a conviction was becoming widespread, its validity was being refuted by the historical reality. It would appear that the casting-off of the Fordist system has seen (...)
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  21. Immobile history : an interview with Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie.Alexander von Lünen & Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie - 2012 - In Alexander von Lünen & Charles Travis (eds.), History and GIS: epistemologies, considerations and reflections. Dordrecht: Springer.
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    (1 other version)The problem of evil and critical realism.Dominic Effiong Abakedi, Emmanuel Kelechi Iwuagwu & Mary Julius Egbai - forthcoming - Tandf: Journal of Critical Realism:1-15.
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  23. Conflicts of Interest.Dennis F. Thompson & E. Emmanuel - 2008 - In Ezekiel J. Emanuel (ed.), The Oxford textbook of clinical research ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Quantum principles in psychology: The debate, the evidence, and the future.Emmanuel M. Pothos & Jerome R. Busemeyer - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (3):310-327.
    The attempt to employ quantum principles for modeling cognition has enabled the introduction of several new concepts in psychology, such as the uncertainty principle, incompatibility, entanglement, and superposition. For many commentators, this is an exciting opportunity to question existing formal frameworks (notably classical probability theory) and explore what is to be gained by employing these novel conceptual tools. This is not to say that major empirical challenges are not there. For example, can we definitely prove the necessity for quantum, as (...)
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  25. Native over foreign speakers.Elizabeth S. Spelke & Emmanuel Dupoux - unknown
    Infants learn from adults readily and cooperate with them spontaneously, but how do they select culturally appropriate teachers and collaborators? Building on evidence that children demonstrate social preferences for speakers of their native language, Experiment 1 presented 10- month-old infants with videotaped events in which a native and a foreign speaker introduced two different toys. When given a chance to choose between real exemplars of the objects, infants preferentially chose the toy modeled by the native speaker. In Experiment 2, 2.5-year-old (...)
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  26. From fordism to post-fordism: Beyond or back to alienation?Emmanuel Renault - 2007 - Critical Horizons 8 (2):205-220.
    The evidence today is practically uncontested: about thirty years ago we left Fordism behind and entered a new phase of capitalism. That the structures of the post-Fordist social order call for new modes of social critique is also a prevalent idea. The category of alienation continues, however, to be discredited. Nevertheless it is not clear that the categories of democracy (as apparatuses of non-domination), justice and the good life are capable of bringing about the political effects that may be expected (...)
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  27.  18
    Le problème de la résistance ouvrière dansLe Capital.Emmanuel Renault - 2015 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 154 (4):513.
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    Radical democracy and an abolitionist concept of justice. A critique of Habermas' theory of justice.Emmanuel Renault - 2005 - Critical Horizons 6 (1):137-152.
    This paper asks whether or not normative political philosophy can face the challenge of the critique of the political. This question is addressed to theories of justice in general, but this paper considers Habermas' position in particular. It advances the thesis that the main theoretical and political problem of theories of justice is that they have not really taken the abolitionist dimension of the concept of justice into account. As a consequence, they run the risk of reproducing in themselves the (...)
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    Traces du passé, questions du présent : quelles transformations pour l’ingénierie de formation?Emmanuel Quenson - 2023 - Revue Phronesis 12 (4):25-42.
    Distancing itself from most of the works devoted to training engineering, which identify its beginnings in the 1980s, this article proposes a different interpretation, which situates the appearance of practices, methods, tools, and actors dedicated to this field in the industries of the interwar period. Training engineering is then at the service of the rationalization of production in order to train and stabilize qualified personnel. Since the 2000s, it has had to adjust to the new situation represented by the individualization (...)
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    Dieu, matrice de la métaphysique: nécessité spirituelle et religieuse, de Dieu, l'être et la relation.Paul-Emmanuel Stradda - 2012 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Ce volume est la première étape dans la question philosophique de l'existence de Dieu. Qu'est-ce qu'être intelligent sinon la capacité de rechercher et de recevoir la vérité? Il y a plus : la raison peut conduite à la fois, à Dieu. Et même, l'acte de foi est essentiellement un acte d'intelligence. La connaissance de Dieu vivifie la raison et la couronne. L'intelligence a été donnée par Dieu à l'homme et, avec elle, les idées dont l'être est l'âme et Dieu l'intelligence (...)
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    L'être et l'unité.Paul-Emmanuel Stradda - 2014 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Tome 1. L'être relationnel : essai d'ontologie hénologique -- tome 2. L'un multiple : essai d'ontologie hénologique.
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    Histoire des Sciences.Emmanuel Poulle, Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent & Goulven Laurent - 1988 - Revue de Synthèse 109 (2):355-363.
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    III. Der Phaidon über Wesen und Bestimmung des Menschen.Emmanuel Prüm - 1908 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 21 (1):30-49.
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    Biopolitics and social pathologies.Emmanuel Renault - 2006 - Critical Horizons 7 (1):159-177.
    The question of social medicine provides the opportunity to engage in a critical reading of Foucault's theory of biopower. The analyses dedicated by Foucault to `the birth of social medicine' represent one of the few examples of a thorough application of that theory. They allow Foucault to show the heuristic value of the biopolitical hypothesis at the level of the most concrete historical materiality, and not just at that of the general history of the forms of governmentality. These analyses, however, (...)
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  35.  39
    Comment Marx se réfère-t-il au travail et à la domination?Emmanuel Renault - 2011 - Actuel Marx 49 (1):15-31.
    How does Marx refer to Work and to Domination ? The interpretation of Marx’s references to work and to domination is a vexed question. Can we say that Marx criticises capitalism in terms of its effects on work ? Or does he criticise capitalism from the standpoint of those subject to domination, and with whom his position is one of solidarity ? Or does he elaborate a description of the unprecedented transformations brought about in the relations of power, which the (...)
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  36. Democratizar el trabajo para radicalizar la democracia.Emmanuel Renault & Sergio Vega Jiménez - 2025 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 14 (1):131-140.
    Apoyándose en el análisis crítico de discusiones clásicas y contemporáneas sobre democracia laboral, el artículo examina, en primer lugar, los argumentos que pueden formularse para sostener que la democratización del trabajo es posible y deseable, o, por el contrario, que es imposible o ilegítima. Se distinguen a continuación dos escenarios de democratización del trabajo: el primero piensa la democratización del trabajo como una democratización del gobierno corporativo; el segundo la concibe como una democratización de la participación en la actividad colectiva (...)
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    Fin de la politique et émancipation du travail : quand le réalisme rejoint l'utopie.Emmanuel Renault - 2014 - Cités 59 (3):33-44.
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    Le jeune Marx et la philosophie de l’histoire.Emmanuel Renault - 2017 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 41:31-47.
    La question de la philosophie de l’histoire compte parmi celles qui conditionnent l’interprétation de la position philosophique du jeune Marx, du sens de son rapport à Hegel et au jeune hégélianisme. La conception matérialiste de l’histoire se présente comme une théorie de l’histoire irréductible à une philosophie de l’histoire, mais on peut cependant identifier différents éléments de continuité si l’on remonte aux usages spécifiques que le jeune Marx faisait d’arguments relevant spécifiquement de la philosophie de l’histoire. Prendre au sérieux le (...)
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  39.  28
    L'invisibilità politica del lavoro e le sue eco filosofiche.Emmanuel Renault - 2009 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 22 (1):71-86.
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    Marx et sa conception déflationniste de la philosophie.Emmanuel Renault - 2009 - Actuel Marx 46 (2):137-149.
    Marx and his Deflationist Conception of Philosophy What is the status of philosophy in the Marxian project ? To answer this question, we must examinethe place of philosophy in the Marxian opus and we must qualify the nature of the philosophicalposition which can be attributed to Marx. The thesis put forward in the article is that the specificnature of the Marxian enterprise is less the result of its being a defence of a new philosophical principle , and more a case (...)
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  41.  24
    Marxism, Politics, and Social Experience.Emmanuel Renault - 2013 - In Rahel Jaeggi & Daniel Loick (eds.), Karl Marx - Perspektiven der Gesellschaftskritik. De Gruyter. pp. 285-296.
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  42.  47
    Postfordisme, marxisme et critique sociale en débat.Emmanuel Renault - 2006 - Actuel Marx 40 (2):156-168.
    The concepts of globalisation and of neoliberalism are symptomatic of the transformations which have taken place in the way the question of social critique has been addressed. The contemporary period has witnessed the emergence of a protocol of social analysis in which political inquiry is linked to historical diagnosis, drawing on the categories of historical periodisation and of economic analysis. The debate is thus, to a certain degree, shifted to the terrain of Marxism. As for the latter, it is confronted (...)
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  43.  17
    Philosophie politique ou critique de la politique?Emmanuel Renault - 2000 - Actuel Marx 28 (2):97.
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    Una concezione differenziata dell'alienazione.Emmanuel Renault - 2018 - Società Degli Individui 62:51-54.
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  45. La « Phénoménologie de l'Esprit » de Hegel.Martin Heidegger & D'emmanuel Martineau - 1987 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 177 (4):514-514.
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  46.  31
    Pain as the Perception of Someone: An Analysis of the Interface Between Pain Medicine and Philosophy.Emmanuel Bäckryd - 2019 - Health Care Analysis 27 (1):13-25.
    Based largely on the so-called problem of “asymmetry in concept application”, philosopher Murat Aydede has argued for a non-perceptual view of pain. Aydede is of course not denying basic neurobiological facts about neurons, action potentials, and the like, but he nonetheless makes a strong philosophical case for pain not being the perception of something extramental. In the present paper, after having stated some of the presuppositions I hold as a physician and pain researcher, and after having shortly described Aydede’s critique (...)
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  47.  17
    De la bienveillance dispositive.Emmanuel Belin - 1999 - Hermes 25:245.
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    Finding One’s Way Through Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations: New Essays on §§1-88.Emmanuel Bermon & Jean-Philippe Narboux (eds.) - 2017 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
    This volume sheds a new light on Philosophical Investigations, Ludwig Wittgenstein’s master opus, by taking a new approach to its first stretch, with special emphasis on its atypical opening. The methodological conviction that subtends the volume is that the highly unconventional form assumed by the book is internal to its content and crucial to its reconception of the relation between logic and language. This disconcerting form is dictated by the new modes of criticism deployed by Wittgenstein as he engages the (...)
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    Le Songe de Scipion dans la correspondance entre Saint Augustin et Nectarius de Calama.Emmanuel Bermon - 2011 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 99 (4):521.
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    Trois faces du sacré.Emmanuel Berl - 1971 - Paris,: B. Grasset.
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