Results for 'Erwann Jacquot'

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  1.  17
    Emersiology in Sport Science: The Unconscious Living Body in the Case of Corporeal Non-Property.Marie Agostinucci, Claire Liné, Erwann Jacquot, Juliette Vincent, Edmna Manis, Aline Paintendre, Mary Schirrer & Bernard Andrieu - 2023 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 18 (1):67-80.
    The implicit activities of the living body in sports (such as heart rate, involuntary gestures, stress, reflex, emotional regulation and interaction expressions) emerge in the consciousness of the lived body without our voluntary control. We demonstrate physiological emersion, and how, including in dramaturgical perception, physiological flows and processes collide with the image of a whole body. In this paper, we introduce corporeal non-property as the missing (?) link between phenomenology and neuroscience, renewed by research on the cerebral unconscious and the (...)
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  2.  38
    Unconscious odor detection could not be due to odor itself.Laurence Jacquot, Julie Monnin & Gérard Brand - 2004 - Brain Research 1002 (1):51-54.
  3.  76
    Awe and the Experience of the Sublime: A Complex Relationship.Margherita Arcangeli, Marco Sperduti, Amélie Jacquot, Pascale Piolino & Jérôme Dokic - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Awe seems to be a complex emotion or emotional construct characterized by a mix of positive (contentment, happiness), and negative affective components (fear and a sense of being smaller, humbler or insignificant). It is striking that the elicitors of awe correspond closely to what philosophical aesthetics, and especially Burke and Kant, have called “the sublime.” As a matter of fact, awe is almost absent from the philosophical agenda, while there are very few studies on the experience of the sublime as (...)
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    (1 other version)Sir Charles Cavendish and his learned friends.Jean Jacquot - 1952 - Annals of Science 8 (1):13-27.
  5.  11
    L’énigme du textiel littéraire.Clémence Jacquot & Marc Jahjah - 2020 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
    Nous travaillons la notion de « textualité numérique » à partir d’un corpus d’œuvres littéraires conçues par la maison d’édition Dans une démarche ancrée, communicationnelle et stylistique, nous relions trois niveaux pour mettre au jour les enjeux de cette textualité, d’un point de vue social, technique et cognitif. Nous montrons notamment que ces dispositifs mettent en tension les acteurs qui les conçoivent et les obligent à expliciter leur projet, sans lequel le lecteur se trouverait dérouté. Disséminés dans l’espace de (...)
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    Source unreliability decreases but does not cancel the impact of social information on metacognitive evaluations.Amélie Jacquot, Terry Eskenazi, Edith Sales-Wuillemin, Benoît Montalan, Joëlle Proust, Julie Grèzes & Laurence Conty - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Bioéthique: les enjeux du progrès scientifique - France, Allemagne - (colloque, Nancy, 7 mars 1998).Françoise Furkel, François Jacquot & Heike Jung (eds.) - 2000 - Bruxelles: Bruylant.
    " La science avance plus vite que l'homme ". La formule de François Mitterrand se révèle, chaque jour davantage en matière de bioéthique, d'une étonnante actualité! Alors qu'il est encore bien malaisé de porter un jugement éthique et juridique sur le développement des biotechnologies, chacun s'interroge sur la justification et les risques des techniques les plus récentes, les perspectives qu'elles ouvrent à l'homme, mais également leur compatibilité avec la dignité de la personne. Lors d'un colloque pluridisciplinaire et international organisé par (...)
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    Étude des répercussions de la séparation parentale à partir du test de l'arbre généalogique.André Mariage, Patrice Cuynet & Mélanie Jacquot - 2006 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 171 (1):103-115.
    Lors de la séparation des parents, l’enfant est confronté à leur demande implicite de confirmer leur généalogie. Au travers d’une étude de situation, nous montrerons l’intérêt de l’utilisation du test de l’arbre généalogique, comme outil de compréhension de la dynamique conflictuelle et des enjeux de la transmission de la filiation.
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  9. (1 other version)Toward a new risk architecture: The question of catastrophe risk calculus.Erwann O. Michel-Kerjan - 2008 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 75 (3):819-854.
    This paper examines the challenge of the calculus of risk while arguing for the necessity of new risk architecture. The field of catastrophe risk management today is faced with disasters of a totally new nature and scale as well recent important events that pose significant challenges to the established paradigm. This paper proposes a new risk architecture based around the following six central features: Growing interdependencies/globalization; change in scale from local to global risks; extreme costs, extreme benefits ; confusing distribution (...)
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  10.  45
    Les voies de la creation theatrale.J. F., J. Jacquot, D. Bablet, B. Brecht, M. Frisch, P. Weiss, A. Cesaire, J. Cabral, Melo Neto, J. Genet, E. Schwarz, John Reed, A. Miller, E. O'Neill, H. Pinter, S. Mrozek, J. Arden & S. Beckett - 1977 - Substance 6 (18/19):226.
  11.  21
    Thoughts and sensations, twin galaxies of the inner space: The propensity to mind-wander relates to spontaneous sensations arising on the hands.George A. Michael, Isabelle Tapiero, Germán Gálvez-García & Laurence Jacquot - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 55:223-231.
  12.  8
    French Vividness of Olfactory Imagery Questionnaire: A Potential Tool for Diagnosing Olfactory Loss by Assessing Olfactory Imagery?Luca Fantin, Hadrien Ceyte, Zhor Ramdane-Cherif, Muriel Jacquot & Gabriela Hossu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Several studies have shown a significant relationship between smelling and olfactory imagery abilities. The primary aim of the present study was to validate a French version of the Vividness of Olfactory Imagery Questionnaire. The secondary aim was to investigate its capability to differentiate individuals with smell loss from healthy individuals. After having elaborated a French translation of the VOIQ, we evaluated olfactory imagery abilities of 387 French participants who anonymously self-completed the fVOIQ: 121 pathologic individuals, 244 normosmic individuals, and 22 (...)
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  13.  35
    Tragic Symposium Le Théâtre tragique. Études réunies et présentées par Jean Jacquot. Pp. 539. Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (Service des Publications), 1962. Boards, 46 fr. [REVIEW]Charles Garton - 1964 - The Classical Review 14 (01):22-23.
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    Thomas White’s ‘De Mundo’ Examined. [REVIEW]B. J. - 1978 - Review of Metaphysics 32 (2):361-363.
    The Latin manuscript of Hobbes’s critique of White’s De mundo dialogi tres was discovered among the Mersenne papers in the Bibliothèque Nationale by Jean Jacquot and published by Jacquot and Jones. The present English translation makes generally available a text that, while following the disposition of White’s, goes beyond commentary to constitute a work of philosophy in its own right and a significant addition to the Hobbesian corpus.
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