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  1. Dignity and Animals. Does it Make Sense to Apply the Concept of Dignity to all Sentient Beings?Federico Zuolo - 2016 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 19 (5):1117-1130.
    Although the idea of dignity has always been applied to human beings and although its role is far from being uncontroversial, some recent works in animal ethics have tried to apply the idea of dignity to animals. The aim of this paper is to discuss critically whether these attempts are convincing and sensible. In order to assess these proposals, I put forward two formal conditions that any conception of dignity must meet and outline three main approaches which might justify the (...)
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    Disagreement, Peerhood, and Compromise.Federico Zuolo & Giulia Bistagnino - 2018 - Social Theory and Practice 44 (4):593-618.
    This paper addresses the problem of pluralism in democratic societies, by exploiting some insights from the debate about the epistemology of disagreement. First, by focusing on the permissibility of experiments on nonhuman animals for research purposes, we provide an epistemic analysis of deep normative disagreements. We understand that to mean disagreements in which epistemic peers disagree about both the substantive content of an ethical issue and the correct justificatory reasons for their contrary claims. Second, we argue for a compromise solution (...)
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  3. Equality, its Basis and Moral Status: Challenging the Principle of Equal Consideration of Interests.Federico Zuolo - 2017 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 25 (2):170-188.
    The principle of equal consideration of interests is a very popular principle in animal ethics. Peter Singer employs it to ground equal treatment and solve the problem of the basis of equality, namely the problem of why we should grant equal treatment despite the variability of people’s features. In this paper, I challenge Singer’s argument because ECOI does not provide plausible grounds to presume that the interests of diverse individuals are actually equal. Analyzing the case of pain and the interest (...)
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    (2 other versions)A Matter of Respect: On Majority‐Minority Relations in a Liberal Democracy.Emanuela Ceva & Federico Zuolo - 2013 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 30 (3):239-253.
    In this article, we engage critically with the understanding of majority-minority relations in a liberal democracy as relations of toleration. We make two main claims: first, that appeals to toleration are unable to capture the procedural problems concerning the unequal socio-political participation of minorities, and, second, that they do not offer any critical tool to establish what judgements the majority is entitled to consider valid reasons for action with respect to some minority. We suggest supplementing the reference to toleration with (...)
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  5.  41
    Individuals, Species and Equality. A Critique of McMahan’s Intrinsic Potential Account.Federico Zuolo - 2016 - Journal of Value Inquiry 50 (3):573-592.
    Jeff McMahan has recently provided a forceful defense of methodological anti-speciesism against speciesists’ claim that species standard is a meaningful criterion to assess the value of lives and the nature of deprivation. In this paper I discuss McMahan’s favored account (the Intrinsic Potential Account) to assess the value of life and the nature of deprivation and challenge its overall ethical and methodological tenability. I level three charges against the Intrinsic Potential Account. I argue, first, that it cannot be consistent with (...)
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  6.  53
    Platone e l'efficacia: realizzabilità della teoria normativa.Federico Zuolo - 2009 - Sankt Augustin: Academia.
    Plato's political thought gave rise to a number of concepts and issues - such as the idea of a normative theory, the philosophical foundation of politics, the philosopher-kings, the standard of utopian theory - which have played a significant role on Western political and philosophical thought. -/- This volume aspires to bring out Plato's concept of efficacy in a normative theory. -/- By efficacy, the author means the way in which the theory conceives of its practical realization. If in the (...)
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  7.  16
    Making sense of feasibility constraints. An agent-centered account.Federico Zuolo - forthcoming - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy.
    The concept of feasibility has received a significant amount of scrutiny in recent years. Despite the diversity of accounts, all agree on the assumption that feasibility considerations have a practical function in guiding action. However, the two most important accounts (by Gilabert and Lawford-Smith, and by Wiens) seem to scarcely speak to this practical function because they provide a third-personal reconstruction of feasibility constraints. In this paper, I argue that, to understand feasibility constraints in a way that matters for guiding (...)
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    On Justice and Other Values: G.A. Cohen's Political Philosophy and the Problem of Trade-offs.Michele Bocchiola & Federico Zuolo - 2013 - Philosophical Papers 42 (1):1 - 24.
    (2013). On Justice and Other Values: G.A. Cohen's Political Philosophy and the Problem of Trade-offs. Philosophical Papers: Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 1-24. doi: 10.1080/05568641.2013.774721.
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  9. The challenges of dietary pluralism.Emanuela Ceva, Chiara Testino & Federico Zuolo - 2016 - In Mary C. Rawlinson & Caleb Ward (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Food Ethics. London: Routledge. pp. 93--102.
  10.  16
    Nature and morals: solving the riddle of spinoza’s metaethics.Federico Zuolo - 2016 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 141 (1):23.
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    What's the Point of Self-consciousness? A Critique of Singer's Arguments against Killing (Human or Non-human) Self-conscious Animals.Federico Zuolo - 2016 - Utilitas 28 (4):465-487.
    Singer has argued against the permissibility of killing people on the grounds of the distinction between conscious and self-conscious animals. Unlike conscious animals, which can be replaced without a loss of overall welfare, there can be no substitution for self-conscious animals. In this article, I show that Singer's argument is untenable, in the cases both of the preference-based account of utilitarianism and of objective hedonism, to which he has recently turned. In the first case, Singer cannot theoretically exclude that a (...)
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    How to Do Things with Normative Political Theories: The Performative Nature of Political Philosophy.Federico Zuolo - forthcoming - Philosophical Papers:1-37.
    Recently, there has been much debate about the role and nature of political theories. Jeremy Waldron has argued that we misconstrue a theory’s purpose if we summarize it in terms of ‘What Plato Would Allow’, because a normative theory is a conceptual exploration and should not be reduced to a policy wish list. To make sense of such phrases beyond Waldron’s critique, this paper provides some conceptual tools to clarify the practical purpose of normative political theories. First, it draws on (...)
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  13. Frontiers of toleration and respect: non-moral approaches and groups' relations.Federico Zuolo - 2013 - European Journal of Political Theory 12 (3):219-222.
  14.  47
    The Legitimacy of the Supranational Regulation of Local Systems of Food Production: A Discussion Whose Time Has Come.Emanuela Ceva, Chiara Testino & Federico Zuolo - 2015 - Journal of Social Philosophy 46 (4):418-433.
    By reference to the illustrative case of the supranational regulation of local systems of food production, we aim to show the importance of identifying issues of international legitimacy as a discrete component – alongside issues of global distributive justice – of the liberal project of public justification of supranational collective decisions. Therefore, we offer the diagnosis of a problem but do not prescribe the therapy to cure it.
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    Beyond Moral Efficiency: Effective Altruism and Theorizing about Effectiveness.Federico Zuolo - 2020 - Utilitas 32 (1):19-32.
    In this article I provide a conceptual analysis of an underexplored issue in the debate about effective altruism: its theory of effectiveness. First, I distinguish effectiveness from efficiency and claim that effective altruism understands effectiveness through the lens of efficiency. Then, I discuss the limitations of this approach in particular with respect to the charge that it is incapable of supporting structural change. Finally, I propose an expansion of the notion of effectiveness of effective altruism by referring to the debate (...)
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    How groups matter: challenges of toleration in pluralistic societies.Magali Bessone, Gideon Calder & Federico Zuolo - 2014 - Routledge.
    When groups feature in political philosophy, it is usually in one of three contexts: the redressing of past or current injustices suffered by ethnic or cultural minorities; the nature and scope of group rights; and questions around how institutions are supposed to treat a certain specific identity/cultural/ethnic group. What is missing from these debates is a comprehensive analysis of groups as both agents and objects of social policies. While this has been subject to much scrutiny by sociologists and social psychologists, (...)
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  17. Durkheim and Weber: Methodological Reflections for Management and Business Studies.Alfredo D'angelo & Federico Zuolo - 2009 - Philosophy for Business 54.
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  18. Manuale di filosofia Politica.Olivia Guaraldo, Andrea Salvatore & Federico Zuolo (eds.) - 2022 - Quodlibet.
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    A Theory of Justice for Animals. Animal Rights in a Nonideal World. By Robert Garner.Federico Zuolo - 2015 - Constellations 22 (3):473-475.
  20.  28
    Cooperation with Animals? What Is and What Is Not.Federico Zuolo - 2020 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 33 (2):315-335.
    The idea of cooperation has been recently used with regard to human–animal relations to justify the application of an associative theory of justice to animals. In this paper, I discuss some of these proposals and seek to provide a reformulation of the idea of cooperation suitable to human–animal relations. The standard idea of cooperation, indeed, presupposes mental capacities that probably cannot be found in animals. I try to disentangle the idea of cooperation from other cognate notions and distinguish it from (...)
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  21.  11
    Etica e animali: come è giusto trattarli e perché.Federico Zuolo - 2018 - Bologna: Il mulino.
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  22.  13
    Ideal Discussants, Real Food: Questioning the Applicability of Public Reason Approach in Healthy Eating Policies.Federico Zuolo - 2022 - Food Ethics 7 (2):1-10.
    Healthy eating policies have become a hot and thorny domain of public concern because they affect people’s liberties, life prospects, and public expenditures. However, what policies state institutions may legitimately enforce is a controversial matter. Is state paternalism for the sake of public health permissible? Could people be incentivized to eat in a healthier manner? Barnhill and Bonotti’s recent book tackle these issues in a manner that seeks to combine the liberal values of state neutrality and antipaternalism, as well as (...)
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    (1 other version)Il progresso morale in Kant Impossibilità ontologica e necessità pratica.Federico Zuolo - 2009 - Rivista di Filosofia 100 (3):373-396.
    This article examines the notion of moral progress in Kant's moral system. Moral progress is required (and it is recognized as a duty of virtue in the "Metaphysics of Morals") insofar as it is a consequence of the assumption that human beings are responsible for their moral characters. Nevertheless, moral progress is metaphysically impossible, since individual "Gesinnung" is placed in a noumenical dimension, which, by definition, is independent of both time and empirical conditions. This leads Kant to conclude, in his (...)
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  24.  14
    On the ambiguity of democracy in Plato's statesman.Federico Zuolo - 2011 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 7:25-36.
  25.  99
    Toleration and informal groups: How does the formal dimension affect groups' capacity to tolerate?Federico Zuolo - 2013 - European Journal of Political Theory 12 (3):288-305.
    The ‘agents’ of toleration can be divided into three categories: public institutions, groups and individuals. If it is mostly accepted that both public institutions and individuals are capable of toleration, it is not clear that such a capacity can be attributed to groups, although in daily discourse we seem ready to say that a certain social group is (in)tolerant. This article aims to address this issue by investigating the relationship between collective agency and social groups. Formal groups (e.g. corporations) have (...)
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    The Priority of Suffering Over Life. How to Accommodate Animal Welfare and Religious Slaughter.Federico Zuolo - 2014 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 9 (3):162-183.
    Federico Zuolo | : Most contemporary Western laws regarding the treatment of animals in livestock farming and animal slaughter are primarily concerned with the principle that animal suffering during slaughter should be minimized, but that animal life may be taken for legitimate human purposes. This principle seems to be widely shared, intuitively appealing and capable of striking a good compromise between competing interests. But is this principle consistent? And how can it be normatively grounded? In this paper I discuss critically (...)
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    Sentientist politics: A theory of global inter‐ species justice. Alasdair Cochrane. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, pp. vii+162. [REVIEW]Federico Zuolo - 2020 - Constellations 27 (1):164-166.