Results for 'Florence Aubourdy'

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  1.  11
    « L’enfant-dossier » : la bienveillance au risque de sa perversion.Florence Aubourdy - 2016 - Revue Phronesis 4 (4):2-12.
    Assessment, new techno-scientific muse, which pilots the structural system reform and the style of management in schools today with hope of a greater efficiency, withdraws humanity to pedagogical practices and develop a anxiety’s climate, not conducive to learning. This impasse of desire, by a « case-file child » logic, threatens the very symbolic structures and the construction of thought. This perverse cycle uncovers the obscure side to good intentions, echoing the historical past of the Occident.
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    Neuroplasticity as an Ecology of Mind A Conversation with Gregory Bateson and Catherine Malabou.Florence Chiew - 2012 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 19 (11-12):11-12.
    Neuroplasticity research marks a considerable shift in focus from localization theories of the brain to more holistic, or systemsoriented, theories of the body-brain-environment interrelation. In What Should We Do with Our Brain?, philosopher Catherine Malabou calls attention to the political significance of neuroplasticity for engaging questions of agency and accountability. This paper addressesMalabou's ethical concerns by way of anthropologist Gregory Bateson's ecological view of human agency. By redefining the individual mind as an ecological 'tangle', Bateson's perspectives offer an important provocation, (...)
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    Florence Dupré La Tour. Pucelle, tome 1 : Débutante. Dargaud, 2020.Florence Bécar - 2021 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 4:253-256.
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    Is Elite Sport (Really) Bad for You? Can We Answer the Question?Florence Lebrun & Dave Collins - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    L'avènement de la modernité.Florence Hulak - 2013 - Archives de Philosophie 76 (4):553-569.
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    Responsabilité pour autrui et savoir scientifique.Florence Piron - 2000 - Éthique Publique 2 (2).
    Cet article rend compte de l’expérience éthique suscitée par un terrain de doctorat en anthropologie mené auprès d’écoliers de Québec dans les années 1990. Les récits de vie réalisés à cette occasion ont pris valeur de véritables rencontres éthiques. Désirant produire un savoir sur ces jeunes qui réponde de manière satisfaisante aussi bien aux exigences de la communauté scientifique qu’à ses exigences éthiques, l’auteur fait le pari de ne pas effacer dans son écriture et dans ses conclusions « savantes » (...)
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    The Influence of the Immediate Manager on the Avoidance of Non-green Behaviors in the Workplace: A Three-Wave Moderated-Mediation Model.Florence Stinglhamber, Nicolas Raineri, Jorge H. Mejía Morelos & Pascal Paillé - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (3):723-740.
    Although it has been recognized that employees regularly engage in non-green behaviors, little research has been conducted to explain how these behaviors may be avoided. Using data from a three-wave study, this study tested a moderated-mediation model in which trust in the immediate manager was expected to increase the indirect effect of supervisory support for the environment on non-green behaviors through employee environmental commitment. While the findings showed, as predicted, that exchange relationships with the immediate manager reduce the tendency of (...)
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    Flawed reasoning on two dilemmas: a commentary on Baron and Dierckxsens.Florence Ashley - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (9):637-638.
    A recent paper by Teresa Baron and Geoffrey Dierckxsens argues that puberty blockers and hormone therapy should be disallowed before adulthood on prudential and consent-related grounds. This response contends that their argument fails because it is predicated on unsupported premises and misinterpretations of the available evidence. There is no evidence that a large proportion of pubertal and postpubertal youths later discontinue medical transition. Meaningful assent is a viable and commonly accepted alternative to meaningful consent in paediatric bioethics. And finally, the (...)
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  9. Gatekeeping hormone replacement therapy for transgender patients is dehumanising.Florence Ashley - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (7):480-482.
    Although informed consent models for prescribing hormone replacement therapy are becoming increasingly prevalent, many physicians continue to require an assessment and referral letter from a mental health professional prior to prescription. Drawing on personal and communal experience, the author argues that assessment and referral requirements are dehumanising and unethical, foregrounding the ways in which these requirements evidence a mistrust of trans people, suppress the diversity of their experiences and sustain an unjustified double standard in contrast to other forms of clinical (...)
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    La Ligue mondiale pour la réforme sexuelle : La science au service de l’émancipation sexuelle?Florence Tamagne - 2005 - Clio 22:101-121.
    Fondée en 1928 par Magnus Hirschfeld, la Ligue Mondiale pour la Réforme Sexuelle entendait rassembler médecins et « profanes » dans le but de diffuser dans l’opinion publique les acquis de la nouvelle « science sexuelle » et d’influencer les gouvernements dans un sens progressiste, sur des questions aussi variées que le contrôle des naissances, le mariage et le divorce, l’homosexualité, la prostitution ou l’eugénisme. Très vite pourtant, elle fut déchirée entre des tendances contradictoires, et dans l’incapacité de mener à (...)
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    Intergroup preference, not dehumanization, explains social biases in emotion attribution.Florence E. Enock, Steven P. Tipper & Harriet Over - 2021 - Cognition 216 (C):104865.
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    Rabelais and Le Vin Divin.Florence Weinberg - 2009 - Mediaevalia 30:95-103.
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    Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, Bergson: les phénoménologies existentialistes et leur heritage bergsonien.Florence Caeymaex - 2005 - New York: Georg Olms.
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    De la séduction littéraire.Florence Balique - 2009 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    " Les romans devraient être interdits par l'État " selon le professeur Kien, savant solitaire dans " Auto-da fé " d'Elias Canetti. En quoi la littérature est-elle dangereuse? Elle ne connaît de vérité que de passage. Elle se plaît à décliner les formes changeantes que l'imagination fait percevoir ou disparaître. Le charme qu'elle exerce menace ainsi l'identité. S'il est une séduction littéraire, elle réside dans l'invention d'une subjectivité impersonnelle: on ne parle pas de soi en littérature. Écrire procède d'un effort (...)
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  15. Women Who Knew Paul.Florence M. Gillman - 1992
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  16. Master-student medical dialogues: The evidence of London, british library, Sloane 2839.Florence Eliza Glaze - 2006 - Early Science and Medicine 11:275-301.
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    La part du spectateur: essai de philosophie à propos du cinéma.Florence Gravas - 2016 - Villeneuve d'Ascq, France: Presses du Septentrion.
    Quel type d'expérience faisons-nous quand " nous regardons un film "? Bien que cette formule consacrée ne prenne pas en compte la complexité du voir/entendre spectatoriel, elle souligne néanmoins une forme d'équivocité à propos de ce qu'on " regarde ", comme de ce qui est ainsi mis en jeu. Le présent essai s'efforce de rendre compte des différentes modalités d'appréhension d'un film par le spectateur. L'auteure a choisi de travailler au plus près de la texture filmique en analysant de courts (...)
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  18. Letter from Professor Alexander.Florence C. Lamont - 1917 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 14 (23):643.
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    Emotional Memory in Post-traumatic Stress Disorder: A Systematic PRISMA Review of Controlled Studies.Florence Durand, Clémence Isaac & Dominique Januel - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  20. Preaching as Testimony.Anna Carter Florence - 2007
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    God and me.Florence Parry Heide - 1975 - St. Louis: Concordia Pub. House. Edited by Ted Smith.
    There are many things we cannot see but know are there: the sun at night, the flower in the seed, birds inside their eggs--and so it is with God's presence.
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  22. Contrastive Linguistics Revisited: The Positive Effects of L1 on L2 in Second Language Acquisition.Florence Riegelhaupt - 1989 - Contrastes 18:11-23.
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  23. Decadal record of hydrological changes in subtropical South America of Central Argentina over the last 200 years.Florence Sylvestre - forthcoming - Laguna.
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    (1 other version)Interview de Martine Millet, pasteur de l'Église Réformée de France, par Florence Rochefort (Paris, le 15 juin 1995).Florence Rochefort - 1995 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 2:16-16.
    Introduction Les femmes n'ont eu véritablement accès au pastorat dans les Églises protestantes françaises qu'en l966. Certes, une femme avait été consacrée en 1948, mais à condition de rester célibataire et sans enfants. Celles qui dans les années suivantes exercèrent exceptionnellement la fonction pastorale ne furent pas consacrées. L'accès des femmes au ministère féminin vient couronner de succès les efforts de plusieurs générations de partisans de l'égalité des sexes au sein du pro..
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    ‘I Can Only Do My Best and Leave the Rest to God”: Religious/Spiritual Coping Strategies of African Nurses in the UK.Florence Karaba - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 194 (4):789-808.
    Research on racism in the workplace has long focused on organizational remedies for this moral problem. Given the acknowledged inadequacies of organizational solutions such as anti-racism training, attention is now turning to how immigrants manage their individual experiences of racism in a western context. Employing an agentic lens, this article describes a qualitative study of 43 African nurses in the UK in which their capacity for withstanding workplace racism is examined. It investigates how participants draw upon a range of religious (...)
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    Voluntary Disclosure of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Contrasting the Carbon Disclosure Project and Corporate Reports.Florence Depoers, Thomas Jeanjean & Tiphaine Jérôme - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 134 (3):445-461.
    As global warming continues to attract growing levels of attention, various stakeholders have put climate change on corporate agendas and expect firms to disclose relevant greenhouse gas information. In this paper, we investigate the consistency of the GHG information voluntarily disclosed by French listed firms through two different communication channels: corporate reports and the Carbon Disclosure Project. More precisely, we contrast the amounts of GHG emissions reported and the methodological explanations provided in each channel. Consistent with a stakeholder theory perspective, (...)
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    Learning From Elite Athletes’ Experience of Depression.Florence Lebrun, Àine MacNamara, Sheelagh Rodgers & Dave Collins - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  28. 1.3 Collective Intelligence and Business Enterprise 2.0.Florence Devouard - forthcoming - Common Knowledge: The Challenge of Transdisciplinarity.
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    Recherches sur la notion de système physique.Florence Aeschlimann - 1960 - Gauthier-Villars.
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  30. Uplift in economics.P. Sargant Florence - 1929 - London,: K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co..
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  31. Rhythm: the basis of art and education.Florence Fleming Noyes - 1923 - New York: The Noyes-group association. Edited by Wolstan Crocker Brown.
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  32. Questions sur la phénoménologie de l'image de Husserl.Florence Caeymaex - 1996 - Recherches Husserliennes 6:5-24.
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    The Power of Silence.Florence Ashley - unknown
    In conversation with Hortense Gallois’ recent essay on the importance of bioethicists participating in public discourse, I suggest that speaking up is as fraught as it is important. Focusing on the anti-trans movement’s misuse of expertise, I highlight the fine line between correcting misinformation and inadvertently causing harm through ill-timed speech. Drawing on the work of Eva Feder Kittay, I suggest that knowing when to speak up and when to stay silent starts with understanding the communities we speak about and (...)
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    Contentious Minds: How Talk and Ties Sustain Activism.Florence Passy & Gian-Andrea Monsch - 2020 - Oup Usa.
    This is an open access title available under the terms of a CC BY NC ND 4.0 International license. It is free to read at Oxford Scholarship Online and offered as a free PDF download from OUP and selected open access locations. In Contentious Minds, Florence Passy and Gian-Andrea Monsch explain how cognitive and relational processes allow activists participate in and sustain their commitment to activism. Based on a wide array of survey and interview data with activists engaged in (...)
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    Pouvoirs symboliques des États : souveraineté, territoire, empire.Florence Alazard & Paul-Alexis Mellet - 2012 - Astérion. Philosophie, Histoire des Idées, Pensée Politique 10 (10).
    L’étude de l’empire a connu récemment un regain d’intérêt, même si (et peut-être parce que) sa définition pose problème. Elle permet en effet d’étudier plusieurs aspects du pouvoir symbolique : les formes d’administration, les modes d’appropriation d’un territoire, les intensités de la souveraineté, les marquages spatiaux de la domination, etc. L’empire de Charles Quint représente de ce point de vue un modèle heuristique, dans la mesure où l’empereur s’est rapidement trouvé confronté au gouvernement de territoires éloignés, de statuts différents, mais (...)
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    Revisiting Moor's Towards a Theory of Privacy in the Information Age.Florence Appel - 2010 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 40 (2):31-34.
    Back in 1988, when my department chair encouraged me to pursue my interest in developing a course on the social and ethical impact of computing, I was thrilled at the prospect but had no idea how difficult it would be to find resources to support my teaching. I did some pre-Web digging and found two organizations that delivered on their promises to provide me with valuable sources of material: ACM SIGCAS and CPSR. I quickly joined each group, subscribed to each (...)
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    The Comprehensive Meaning of Life in Bergson.Florence Caeymaex - 2013 - In Scott M. Campbell & Paul W. Bruno (eds.), The Science, Politics, and Ontology of Life-Philosophy. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 47.
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    Rome ou l'altérité incluse.Florence Dupont - 2002 - Rue Descartes 37 (3):41-54.
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  39. Minuits et midis de Nietzsche: La parole poétique, avatar de la musique.Florence Fabre - 2003 - Kairos (Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail. Faculté de philosophie) 21:73-110.
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    Colour co-ordination.Mary Sargant Florence - 1940 - London,: John Lane.
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    Introduction to the Philosophy of Nature.Florence M. Hetzler - 1990 - Peter Lang Incorporated, International Academic Publishers.
    This commentary of Aquinas on the first book of the Physics of Aristotle is a summary of the thought of the Pre-Socratics and of Aristotle's approach to cosmology. A unit with all cross-references in English, it clarifies the thought of the ancients and of the medieval Aquinas with regard to the philosophy of nature; it presents all of this as a basis for subsequent philosophy of science. This work can be read by the layman; it can be used as a (...)
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  42. What Is It like to Have a Gender Identity?Florence Ashley - 2023 - Mind 132 (528):1053-1073.
    By attending to how people speak about their gender, we can find diverse answers to the question of what it is like to have a gender identity. To some, it is little more than having a body whereas others may report it as more attitudinal or dispositional—seemingly contradictory views. In this paper, I seek to reconcile these disparate answers by developing a theory of how individual gender identity comes about. In the simplest possible terms, I propose that gender identity is (...)
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    Leader Authenticity and Ethics: A Heideggerian Perspective.Florence Villesèche, Anders Klitmøller & Cathrine Bjørnholt Michaelsen - forthcoming - Business Ethics Quarterly:1-20.
    In the shadow of various business scandals and societal crises, scholars and practitioners have developed a growing interest in authentic leadership. This approach to leadership assumes that leaders may access and leverage their “true selves” and “core values” and that the combination of these two elements forms the basis from which they act resolutely, lead ethically, and benefit others. Drawing on Heidegger’s work, we argue that a concern for authenticity can indeed instigate a leadership ethic, albeit one that acknowledges the (...)
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    Cassandra and other selections from Suggestions for thought.Florence Nightingale - 1992 - New York: New York University Press. Edited by Mary Poovey.
    "An impressively reasoned and startlingly unorthodox treatise on religion." - Belles Lettres Florence Nightingale (1820-1920) is famous as the heroine of the Crimean War and later as a campaigner for health care founded on a clean environment and good nursing. Though best known for her pioneering demonstration that disease rather than wounds killed most soldiers, she was also heavily allied to social reform movements and to feminist protest against the enforced idleness of middle-class women. This original edition provides bold (...)
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    Women don't owe you pretty.Florence Given - 2020 - Kansas City, MO ;: Andrews McMeel Publishing.
    Feminism is going to ruin your life--in the best way possible--because society screams numerous messages every moment about how women must look, act, and speak in order to earn their right to be seen and heard. The only thing any human needs to do in order to earn their right to exist, however, is to exist. Break free of the insidious narratives that hold you back from being your most authentic self.
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  46. Le débat le Mercier de la rivière/mably, ou «l'économie politique despotique» contre Les lumières 1767-1768.Florence Gauthier - 2013 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 64:75-110.
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    La formulation contractuelle de l’intérêt général entre droits et intérêts particuliers.Perrin Florence - 2017 - Astérion. Philosophie, Histoire des Idées, Pensée Politique 17.
    En faisant du sujet de droit la prémisse anthropologique de la société, la modernité bouleverse la nature de l’intérêt général qui se mesure désormais à l’aune des aspirations individuelles. L’intérêt général est moins un principe qu’une notion relationnelle, qui articule, par le moyen du contrat, la composition des droits et des intérêts particuliers. Pourtant, la réciprocité initiale entre le droit et l’intérêt débouche sur une tension contrariant le projet de composer un intérêt général apte à les satisfaire également. L’étude conjointe (...)
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    L'interêt général et le libéralisme politique: entre droits et interêts particuliers (XVIIe-XIXe siècles).Florence Perrin - 2012 - Clermont-Ferrand: Fondation Varenne.
    Il est courant de déplorer la perte d’un horizon politique fédérateur apte à mobiliser les membres de nos sociétés dans la poursuite de l’intérêt général. Entre autres responsables de la dissolution du lien politique et de l’affaiblissement du devoir civique, est convoquée la philosophie libérale dont la portée individualiste aurait rendu inconcevable le sacrifice des intérêts particuliers au nom de l’intérêt général. Il s’agit d’éclaircir cette critique en montrant que la reformulation moderne du bien commun par le libéralisme a surtout (...)
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  49. The University, Cognitive Justice and Human Development.Florence Piron - 2021 - In Jean Godefroy Bidima & Laura Hengehold (eds.), African Philosophy for the Twenty-First Century: Acts of Transition. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
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  50. The Duality of Matthew Arnold.Florence R. Scott - 1950 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 31 (3):304.
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