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  1. Empirismo trascendental. Génesis y desarrollo de la filosofía de Gilles Deleuze.Gonzalo Montenegro (ed.) - 2013 - Editorial Bonaventuriana.
    La presente investigación se propone mostrar la génesis y desarrollo de la tentativa matriz de la filosofía de Gilles Deleuze, el empirismo trascendental. Para ello, se realizará una revisión de las problemáticas por las que atraviesa dicha tentativa a lo largo de la obra de este pensador. Cuidadosa atención recibirán a propósito de la génesis del empirismo trascendental el problema del hábito y el de la constitución de la subjetividad, que Deleuze reconoce en Hume (Empirisme et subjectivité, 1953). A partir (...)
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  2. Deleuze em Diálogo com Frémont: tentativas de ler leibniz.Gonzalo Montenegro - 2016 - Deleuze Em Diálogo Com Frémont Artigos / Articles Trans/Form/Ação, Marília (n. 2, Abr./Jun., 2016):p. 147-174.
    Gilles Deleuze’s research during the 1980s focused on the 17th century German thinker G. W. Leibniz. In 1988, Deleuze published Le Pli, which forms part of a series of works on modern philosophy. This book displays Deleuze’s attention to the interpretations of contemporary commentators on modern philosophy, in this case, on Leibniz. In this context, there occurred a brief and important dialogue between Deleuze and Christiane Frémont, the French commentator and translator of Leibniz, with regard to their respective interpretations of (...)
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  3. Notas acerca de la locura en Foucault, Laing y Cooper.Gonzalo Montenegro - 2021 - Revista Psicologia e Transdisciplinaridade 1 (2):27-45.
    This paper presents some annotations on mental health, from the point of view of implicit notions of madness. To this end, we propose a distinction between the medical, phenomenological existential and socio-critical models. We focus in the latter two in order to achieve a critical approach about the subject, dominated by the medical perspective. According to Foucault's earliest works, this article begins by evaluating criteria of normality in terms of the historical genesis of madness concept. Then, we describe the medical (...)
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  4. Traços conceituais da repetição e do hábito em Gilles Deleuze.Gonzalo Montenegro - 2022 - In Alex Fabiano Correia Jardim (ed.), Deleuze e Guattari. Pensar em veredas que se bifurcam, Vol I, 2022. CRV. pp. 245-259.
    Considerando traços da conceptualização das noções de “repetição” e “hábito”, presentes em Empirisme et subjectivité (DELEUZE, 1953, em diante ES), esperamos fazer algumas anotações acerca do percurso que leva até Différence et répétition, tese que Deleuze apresenta em 1968 (doravante DR), cujo capítulo II se debruça na constituição da síntese do presente. Para tanto, será necessário estabelecermos duas etapas na determinação desse percurso. Na primeira etapa, abordaremos a forma em que Deleuze descreve o hábito como princípio complementar ao princípio de (...)
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  5. Multiplicidad e incomposibilidad en Deleuze. Antecedentes en Leibniz y Bergson.Gonzalo Montenegro - 2008 - Cuadrante Phi (Junio - Diciembre 2008).
    Comme Bergson clarifie, il est nécessaire de distinguer la multiplicité numérique, propred'éléments homogènes dans l'espace, de celle qui est intensive qui représente le déroulement de la durée ou temporalité (Essai sur les données immédiates de la conscience). Pour Deleuze, qui reprendre cette distinction (Différence et répétition, Logique du sens), l'intensité constitue cette différence radicale qui produit des séries de succession hétérogènes dont le déroulement détermine la forme du temps. De cette façon, une sérieintensive dans la succession temporaire engage son propre (...)
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  6. Cartas de amor. Dramatização deleuziana da relação entre Aristóteles e Marchant.Gonzalo Montenegro - 2017 - In Deleuze, desconstrução e alteridade. São Paulo: ANPOF. pp. 200-217.
  7. La problemática del cuerpo en Michel Foucault.Gonzalo Montenegro - 2008 - Alcances. Revista de Estudiantes de Filosofía (ISSN 0718–316X) (No 2).
    The Foucault’s conception of power, so as those instructions that lead to think the body as a surface or exteriority, enable to suppose that body transcends the restrictive context with the one usually associated with. For that, it’s necessary to inquire into the Foucault’s form to think about the exteriority; principally the one that persists between visibility and enunciation. This subject will be analyzed starting from the multiples forms with which they appear in the foucaultian’s proposition, especially about the clinic (...)
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  8. Deleuze y Merleau-Ponty. La carne del Mundo.Gonzalo Montenegro - 2010 - Polisemia (ISSN 1900-4648):45-55.
    Despite the distance between the philosophies of Merleau-Ponty and of Deleuze, it is possible to discover not only analogue complicity with regard to thecriticism addressed to Husserl. In the aesthetic, for example, we note that the last thoughtsof Merleau-Ponty, present mainly in The visible and the invisible, are a constant referencefor the works that Deleuze dedicates to the painter Francis Bacon. In the present researchwe expect to define the passages on account of the reading of Husserl, and to show thepoint (...)
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    Concepções de síntese no estudo deleuzeano de Hume/Conceptions of synthesis according to Deleuze's study on Hume.Hélio Rebello Cardoso Jr & Gonzalo Montenegro - 2013 - Natureza Humana 15 (2).
    In order to emphasize the leading role Hume plays in the work of Deleuze, especially in his philosophical production during the years 1950 and 1960, we will describe the main concepts of synthesis the French philosopher proposed in “Empiricism and Subjectivity”, in 1953. One of the questions that stimulate this research is the empirical origin of the self. Deleuze thinks this origin as being started by a sort of incomprehensible or empirical synthesis. Furthermore, we recognize the synthesis of time which (...)
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    (1 other version)Cristóbal Holzapfel. "Ser-Humano (Cartografía antropológica)". Revista Observaciones Filosóficas, N° 10, 2010.Gonzalo Montenegro - 2012 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 68:207-209.
    Fundado en un vasto conocimiento de la historia y cultura occidentales, Cristóbal Holzapfel describe el guión de acuerdo al cual se presentan las diferentes concepciones acerca de lo humano que rigen en la conformación de cada época.
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  11. Deleuze, desconstrução e alteridade.Gonzalo Montenegro (ed.) - 2017 - São Paulo: ANPOF.
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    Deleuze y Leibniz en juego.Gonzalo Montenegro - 2015 - Cuadernos de Arte 20:40-49.
    The aim of this paper is to review the game concept of the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995) in his books Logic of Sense (1969) and The fold (1988). As suggested by other authors of contemporary metaphysics, Deleuze's issue with game arises from the evaluation of the philosophical and historical importance that reason represents for Leibniz. In this sense, this article gets the notion of play of principles in which Deleuze attempted, in 1988, to characterize the concept of principle in (...)
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    Foucault y Deleuze: pensadores de nuestro tiempo.Gonzalo Montenegro & Mauricio Salgado - 2004 - Persona y Sociedad:337-358.
    Una potencia de libre pensamiento inigualada atraviesa la filosofía del siglo XX. De la mano con las filosofías nietzscheana y heideggeriana que tan profundamente marcan nuestra época, surgen dos filósofos franceses cuya obra llena de pasión incita a la reflexión incesante. Cabe agregar a ello la silenciosa complicidad con que llegan a las intuiciones más profundas de sus respectivos pensamientos. Surge, entonces, un arduo y fructífero camino para la investigación: la dilucidación de las importantes conexiones con que se desenvuelve la (...)
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    Ética profesional y rol docente en el mundo globalizado.Gonzalo Montenegro & César Peña - 2004 - Anuario de Pregrado, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad de Chile:1-18.
    Los cambios de la globalización imponen a la realidad educativa planteamientos que prevean la posibilidad de no separar a la educación de sus imperativos de formación en la cultura, el conocimiento y la ciudadanía actuales. De ahí que la necesidad de adaptación económica de los países al nuevo orden económico internacional es preciso que se vea acompañada de una reflexión profunda en los desafíos de formación valórica que toda pedagogía debiera tener por intención. Como reconocen diversos autores, en toda aproximación (...)
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