I. J. Good [45]Paul Good [19]Tom Good [13]James A. Good [12]
Deirdre Good [11]Irving John Good [10]T. Good [9]Ron Good [8]

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  1.  52
    Good Thinking: The Foundations of Probability and its Applications.Irving John Good - 1983 - Univ Minnesota Pr.
    ... Press for their editorial perspicacity, to the National Institutes of Health for the partial financial support they gave me while I was writing some of the chapters, and to Donald Michie for suggesting the title Good Thinking.
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  2. On the principle of total evidence.Irving John Good - 1966 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 17 (4):319-321.
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  3. Probability and the Weighing of Evidence.I. J. Good - 1950 - Philosophy 26 (97):163-164.
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  4. A causal calculus (I).Irving John Good - 1961 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 11 (44):305-318.
  5. The white shoe is a red Herring.I. J. Good - 1966 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 17 (4):322.
  6. Speculations concerning the first ultraintelligent machine.I. J. Good - 1965 - In F. Alt & M. Ruminoff (eds.), Advances in Computers, volume 6. Academic Press.
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  7. The white shoe qua Herring is pink.I. J. Good - 1968 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 19 (2):156-157.
  8. (1 other version)A causal calculus (II).I. J. Good - 1961 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 12 (45):43-51.
  9.  17
    Subjectivity: Ethnographic Investigations.João Guilherme Biehl, Byron Good & Arthur Kleinman (eds.) - 2007 - University of California Press.
    This innovative volume is an extended intellectual conversation about the ways personal lives are being undone and remade today. Examining the ethnography of the modern subject, this preeminent group of scholars probes the continuity and diversity of modes of personhood across a range of Western and non-Western societies. Contributors consider what happens to individual subjectivity when stable or imagined environments such as nations and communities are transformed or displaced by free trade economics, terrorism, and war; how new information and medical (...)
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  10. The Estimation of Probabilities: An Essay on Modern Bayesian Methods.I. J. Good, Ian Hacking, R. C. Jeffrey & Håkan Törnebohm - 1966 - Synthese 16 (2):234-244.
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  11. Corroboration, explanation, evolving probability, simplicity and a sharpened razor.I. J. Good - 1968 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 19 (2):123-143.
  12. (1 other version)The paradox of confirmation.I. J. Good - 1960 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 11 (42):145-149.
  13.  42
    Phenomenology, psychoanalysis, and subjectivity in Java.Byron J. Good - 2012 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 40 (1):24-36.
  14.  46
    A Search for Unity in Diversity : The "Permanent Hegelian Deposit" in the Philosophy of John Dewey.James Allan Good - 2005 - Lexington Books.
    This study demonstrates that Dewey did not reject Hegelianism during the 1890s, as scholars maintain, but developed a humanistic/historicist reading that was indebted to an American Hegelian tradition. Scholars have misunderstood the "permanent Hegelian deposit" in Dewey's thought because they have not fully appreciated this American Hegelian tradition and have assumed that his Hegelianism was based primarily on British neo-Hegelianism. ;The study examines the American reception of Hegel in the nineteenth-century by intellectuals as diverse as James Marsh and Frederic Henry (...)
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  15.  11
    Probability and the Weighing of Evidence.Irving John Good - 1950 - Charles Griffin & Company Limited: London.
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  16. A little learning can be dangerous.Irving John Good - 1974 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 25 (4):340-342.
  17.  67
    Perceptual differences of sales practitioners and students concerning ethical behavior.J. B. DeConinck & D. J. Good - 1989 - Journal of Business Ethics 8 (9):667 - 676.
    This study investigates specific behavioral perceptual differences of ethics between practitioners and students enrolled in sales classes. Respondents were asked to indicate their beliefs to issues related to ethics in sales. A highly significant difference was found between mean responses of students and sales personnel. Managers indicated a greater concern for ethical behavior and less attention to sales than did the students. Students indicated a strong desire for success regardless of ethical constraints violated.
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  18.  25
    Nature-of-science literacy in benchmarks and standards: Post-modern/relativist or modern/realist?Ron Good & James Shymansky - 2001 - Science & Education 10 (1-2):173-185.
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  19. The Scientist Speculates.I. J. Good (ed.) - 1961 - Heineman.
  20.  56
    Testing the repression hypothesis: Effects of emotional valence on memory suppression in the think – No think task.Anthony J. Lambert, Kimberly S. Good & Ian J. Kirk - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (1):281-293.
    It has been proposed that performance in the think – no think task represents a laboratory analogue of the voluntary form of memory repression. The central prediction of this repression hypothesis is that performance in the TNT task will be influenced by emotional characteristics of the material to be remembered. This prediction was tested in two experiments by asking participants to learn paired associates in which the first item was either emotionally positive or emotionally negative . The second word was (...)
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  21. Godel's theorem is a red Herring.I. J. Good - 1968 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 19 (February):357-8.
  22. The philosophy of exploratory data analysis.I. J. Good - 1983 - Philosophy of Science 50 (2):283-295.
    This paper attempts to define Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) more precisely than usual, and to produce the beginnings of a philosophy of this topical and somewhat novel branch of statistics. A data set is, roughly speaking, a collection of k-tuples for some k. In both descriptive statistics and in EDA, these k-tuples, or functions of them, are represented in a manner matched to human and computer abilities with a view to finding patterns that are not "kinkera". A kinkus is a (...)
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  23.  23
    Beyond Warm Glow: The Risk-Mitigating Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility.Abhi Bhattacharya, Valerie Good, Hanieh Sardashti & John Peloza - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 171 (2):317-336.
    Corporate social responsibility positively impacts relationships between firms and customers. Previous research construes this as an outcome of customers’ warm glow that results from supporting firms’ benevolence. The current research demonstrates that beyond warm glow, CSR positively impacts firms’ sales through mitigating their customers’ perceptions of purchase risk. We demonstrate this effect across three conditions in which customers’ perceived risk of purchase is heightened, using both secondary data and two lab experiments. Under conditions of greater purchase risk, CSR positively impacts (...)
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  24.  75
    Moral Judgment and its Impact on Business-to-Business Sales Performance and Customer Relationships.Charles H. Schwepker & David J. Good - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 98 (4):609-625.
    For many years, researchers and practitioners have sought out meaningful indicators of sales performance. Yet, as the concept of performance has broadened, the understanding of what makes up a successful seller, has become far more complicated. The complexity of buyer–seller relationships has changed therefore as the definition of sales performance has expanded, cultivating a growing interest in ethical/unethical actions since they could potentially have impacts on sales performance. Given this environment, the purpose of this study is to explore the impact (...)
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  25.  70
    Nurses' Voices: policy, practice and ethics.Mila A. Aroskar, D. Gay Moldow & Charles M. Good - 2004 - Nursing Ethics 11 (3):266-276.
    This article deals with nurses’ ethical concerns raised by the consequences of changes in governmental and institutional policies on nursing practice and patient care. The aims of this project were to explore perspectives of registered nurses who provide or manage direct patient care on policies that affect nursing and patient care, and to provide input to policy makers for the development of more patient-centred policies. Four focus groups were conducted with a total of 36 registered nurse participants. The project team (...)
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  26. Trust as a commodity.D. Good - 1988 - In Diego Gambetta (ed.), Trust: Making and Breaking Cooperative Relations. Blackwell. pp. 31--48.
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  27. (1 other version)Human and machine logic.I. J. Good - 1967 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 18 (August):145-6.
  28.  68
    The Moral Metacognition Scale: Development and Validation.Joan M. McMahon & Darren J. Good - 2016 - Ethics and Behavior 26 (5):357-394.
    Scholars have advocated for the inclusion of metacognition in our understanding of the ethical decision making process and in support of moral learning. An instrument to measure metacognition as a domain-specific capacity related to ethical decision making is not found in the current literature. This research describes the development and validation of the 20-item Moral Metacognition Scale. Psychometric properties of the scale were assessed by exploration and confirmation of the factor structure, and the demonstration of convergent, discriminant, and predictive validity. (...)
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  29. Free will and speed of computation.I. J. Good - 1971 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 22 (1):48-50.
  30. Students' conceptual ecologies and the process of conceptual change in evolution.Sherry S. Demastes, Ronald G. Good & Patsye Peebles - 1995 - Science Education 79 (6):637-666.
  31.  24
    Deformation-induced anisotropy of the critical current in single crystal niobium.Jeremy A. Good & Edward J. Kramer - 1970 - Philosophical Magazine 22 (176):329-357.
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  32.  26
    1. Front Matter Front Matter.Jim Good, Jim Garrison, Leemon McHenry, Corey McCall, Susan Dunston, Zach VanderVeen, Melvin L. Rogers, James A. Dunson Iii, Mary Magada-Ward & Michael Sullivan - 2010 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 24 (2):158-170.
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  33.  69
    Mutualism in the human sciences: Towards the implementation of a theory.Arthur Still & James M. M. Good - 1992 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 22 (2):105–128.
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  34.  13
    Being While Doing: An Inductive Model of Mindfulness at Work.Christopher J. Lyddy & Darren J. Good - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  35.  62
    Design as communication: exploring the validity and utility of relating intention to interpretation.Nathan Crilly, David Good, Derek Matravers & P. John Clarkson - unknown
    This explores the role of intention in interpreting designed artefacts. The relationship between how designers intend products to be interpreted and how they are subsequently interpreted has often been represented as a process of communication. However, such representations are attacked for allegedly implying that designers' intended meanings are somehow ‘contained’ in products and that those meanings are passively received by consumers. Instead, critics argue that consumers actively construct their own meanings as they engage with products, and therefore that designers' intentions (...)
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  36.  39
    A reinstatement, in response to Gillies, of Redhead's argument in support of induction.I. J. Good - 1987 - Philosophy of Science 54 (3):470-472.
  37.  74
    Explicativity, corroboration, and the relative odds of hypotheses.Irving John Good - 1975 - Synthese 30 (1-2):39 - 73.
  38.  39
    The paradox of confirmation.L. J. Good - 1960 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 11 (42):145-145.
  39.  23
    Museums as Mentor Texts: Preservice Teachers Analyze Informational Text Structures and Features Present in a Historical Museum.Brian Kissel, Erin Miller, Erik Byker, Amy Good & Paul Fitchett - 2019 - Journal of Social Studies Research 43 (4):343-360.
    The purpose of this study was to examine how elementary preservice teachers ( n = 35) experienced museums as potential sites for K-5 students to read museums using two lenses: to learn the history of the place in which they live and examine how museum authors craft texts to tell those stories. Along with exploring historical content, preservice teachers studied the museum as an informational text. Through this experience, preservice teachers discovered: 1) the five informational text structures museum authors used (...)
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  40.  98
    John Dewey's "Permanent Hegelian Deposit" and the Exigencies of War.James Allan Good - 2006 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44 (2):293-313.
    From 1882 to 1903, Dewey explicitly espoused a Hegelian philosophy. Until recently, scholars agreed that he broke from Hegel no later than 1903, but never adequately accounted for what he called the "permanent deposit" that Hegel left in his mature thought. I argue that Dewey never made a clean break from Hegel. Instead, he drew on the work of the St. Louis Hegelians to fashion a non-metaphysical reading of Hegel, similar to that championed by Klaus Hartmann and other Hegel scholars (...)
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  41.  50
    Studying mental illness in context: Local, global, or universal?Byron J. Good - 1997 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 25 (2):230-248.
  42. Why are chemists 'turned off' by philosophy of science?Robert J. Good - 1999 - Foundations of Chemistry 1 (2):65-95.
    The most immediate reason why chemists are unenthusiastic about the philosophy of science is the historic hostility of important philosophers, to the concept of atoms. (Without atoms, discovery in chemistry would have proceeded with glacial slowness, if at all, in the last 200 years.) Other important reasons include the anti-realist influence of the philosophical dogmas of logical positivism, instrumentalism, of strict empiricism. Though (as has been said) these doctrines have recently gone out of fashion, they are still very influential.A diagram (...)
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  43.  56
    Postmodernism and Science Education: An Appraisal.Jim Mackenzie, Ron Good & James Robert Brown - 2014 - In Michael R. Matthews (ed.), International Handbook of Research in History, Philosophy and Science Teaching. Springer. pp. 1057-1086.
    Over the past 50 years, postmodernism has been a progressively growing and influential intellectual movement inside and outside the academy. Postmodernism is characterised by rejection of parts or the whole of the Enlightenment project that had its roots in the birth and embrace of early modern science. While Enlightenment and ‘modernist’ ideas of universalism, of intellectual and cultural progress, of the possibility of finding truths about the natural and social world and of rejection of absolutism and authoritarianism in politics, philosophy (...)
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  44. Dewey, Hegel, and Causation.Jim Good & Jim Garrison - 2010 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 24 (2):101-120.
    [Cause and effect], if they are distinct, are also identical. Even in ordinary consciousness that identity may be found. We say that a cause is a cause, only when it has an effect, and vice versa. Both cause and effect are thus one and the same content: and the distinction between them is primarily only that the one lays down, and the other is laid down.1In the quote above, Hegel claims that cause and effect are only distinct from a particular (...)
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  45. Errata and corrigenda.I. J. Good - 1962 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 13 (49):88-88.
  46.  26
    Asian Medical Systems: A Comparative Study.Byron J. Good & Charles Leslie - 1980 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 100 (3):383.
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  47.  85
    Comments on David Miller.I. J. Good - 1975 - Synthese 30 (1-2):205 - 206.
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  48.  88
    The Assembly of Geophysics: Scientific Disciplines as Frameworks of Consensus.Gregory A. Good - 2000 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 31 (3):259-292.
    What makes any investigative field a scientific discipline? This article argues that disciplines are ever-changing frameworks within which scientific activity is organised. Moreover, disciplinarity is not a yes or no proposition: scientific activities may achieve degrees of identity development. Degree of consensus is the key, and consensus on many questions (conceptual, methodological, institutional, and social) varies among sciences. Lastly, disciplinary development is non-teleological. Disciplines pass through no regular stages on their way from immature to mature status, designations articulated within the (...)
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  49.  15
    (1 other version)Using Interpersonal Dimensions of Personality and Personality Pathology to Examine Momentary and Idiographic Patterns of Alliance Rupture.Xiaochen Luo, Christopher J. Hopwood, Evan W. Good, Joshua E. Turchan, Katherine M. Thomas & Alytia A. Levendosky - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The Alternative Model of Personality Disorders integrates several theoretical models of personality functioning, including interpersonal theory. The interpersonal circumplex dimensions of warmth and dominance can be conceptualized as traits similar to those in AMPD Criterion B, but interpersonal theory also offers dynamic hypotheses about how these variables that change from moment to moment, which help to operationalize some of the processes alluded to in AMPD Criterion A. In the psychotherapy literature, dynamic interpersonal behaviors are thought to be critical for identifying (...)
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  50.  15
    Remedial Training of the Less-Impaired Arm in Chronic Stroke Survivors With Moderate to Severe Upper-Extremity Paresis Improves Functional Independence: A Pilot Study.Candice Maenza, David A. Wagstaff, Rini Varghese, Carolee Winstein, David C. Good & Robert L. Sainburg - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    The ipsilesional arm of stroke patients often has functionally limiting deficits in motor control and dexterity that depend on the side of the brain that is lesioned and that increase with the severity of paretic arm impairment. However, remediation of the ipsilesional arm has yet to be integrated into the usual standard of care for upper limb rehabilitation in stroke, largely due to a lack of translational research examining the effects of ipsilesional-arm intervention. We now ask whether ipsilesional-arm training, tailored (...)
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