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  1.  61
    The Subjective Brain, Identity, and Neuroethics.Grant R. Gillett - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (9):5-13.
    The human brain is subjective and reflects the life of a being-in-the-world-with-others whose identity reflects that complex engaged reality. Human subjectivity is shaped and in-formed (formed by inner processes) that are adapted to the human life-world and embody meaning and the relatedness of a human being. Questions of identity relate to this complex and dynamic reality to reflect the fact that biology, human ecology, culture, and one's historic-political situation are inscribed in one's neural network and have configured its architecture so (...)
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  2.  59
    Persons and Personality: A Contemporary Inquiry.Arthur R. Peacocke & Grant R. Gillett (eds.) - 1987 - New York, NY, USA: Blackwell.
  3.  37
    Concepts, structures, and meanings.Grant R. Gillett - 1987 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 30 (March):101-112.
    Concepts are basic elements of thought. Piaget has a conception of the nature of concepts as informational or computational operations performed in an inner milieu and enabling the child to understand the world in which it lives and acts. Concepts are, however, not merely logico?mathematical but are also conceptually linked to the mastery of language which itself involves the appropriate use of words in social and interpersonal settings. In the light of Vygotsky's work on the social and interactive nature of (...)
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  4.  47
    Representations and cognitive science.Grant R. Gillett - 1989 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 32 (September):261-77.
    'Representation' is a concept which occurs both in cognitive science and philosophy. It has common features in both settings in that it concerns the explanation of behaviour in terms of the way the subject categorizes and systematizes responses to its environment. The prevailing model sees representations as causally structured entities correlated on the one hand with elements in a natural language and on the other with clearly identifiable items in the world. This leads to an analysis of representation and cognition (...)
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  5.  42
    Consciousness and brain function.Grant R. Gillett - 1988 - Philosophical Psychology 1 (3):325-39.
    Abstract The language of consciousness and that of brain function seem vastly different and incommensurable ways of approaching human mental life. If we look at what we mean by consciousness we find that it has a great deal to do with the sensitivity and responsiveness shown by a subject toward things that happen. Philosophically, we can understnd ascriptions of consciousness best by looking at the conditions which make it true for thinkers who share the concept to say that one of (...)
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  6. Brain bisection and personal identity.Grant R. Gillett - 1986 - Mind 95 (April):224-9.
    It has been argued that 'brain bisection' data leads us to abandon our traditional conception of personal identity. Nagel has remarked: The ultimate account of the unity of what we call a single mind consists of an enumeration of the types of functional integration that typify it. We know that these can be eroded in different ways and to different degrees. The belief that even in their complete version they can be explained by the presence of a numerically single subject (...)
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  7.  90
    (1 other version)The neurophilosophy of pain.Grant R. Gillett - 1991 - Philosophy 66 (April):191-206.
    The ability to feel pain is a property of human beings that seems to be based entirely in our biological natures and to place us squarely within the animal kingdom. Yet the experience of pain is often used as an example of a mental attribute with qualitative properties that defeat attempts to identify mental events with physiological mechanisms. I will argue that neurophysiology and psychology help to explain the interwoven biological and subjective features of pain and recommend a view of (...)
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  8. Multiple personality and the concept of a person.Grant R. Gillett - 1986 - New Ideas in Psychology 4:173-84.
  9. Free will and events in the brain.Grant R. Gillett - 2001 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 22 (3):287-310.
    Free will seems to be part of the romantic echo of a world view which predates scientific psychology and, in particular, cognitive neuroscience. Findings in cognitive neuroscience seem to indicate that some form of physicalist determinism about human behavior is correct. However, when we look more closely we find that physical determinism based on the view that brain events cause mental events is problematic and that the data which are taken to support that view, do nothing of the kind. In (...)
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  10.  22
    Sense and Moral Sensibility in Vegetative States.Grant R. Gillett - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 6 (2):42-44.
    Patients with covert awareness who present as being vegetative raise the question of moral status and clinical decisions about those who have suffered major brain injuries. When the idea of moral s...
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  11.  35
    Long-term survival with unfavourable outcome: a qualitative and ethical analysis.Stephen Honeybul, Grant R. Gillett, Kwok M. Ho, Courtney Janzen & Kate Kruger - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (12):963-969.
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  12. Moral responsibility, consciousness and psychiatry.John McMillan & Grant R. Gillett - 2005 - Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 39 (11):1018-1021.
  13. Disembodied persons.Grant R. Gillett - 1986 - Philosophy 61 (237):377-386.
    In discussing Disembodied Persons we need to confront two problems: A. Under what conditions would we consider that a person was present in the absence of the normal bodily cues? B. Could such circumstances arise? The first question may be regarded as epistemic and the second as metaphysical.
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  14.  57
    Social causation and cognitive neuroscience.Grant R. Gillett - 1993 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 23 (1):27–45.
  15. Humpty dumpty and the night of the triffids: Individualism and rule-following.Grant R. Gillett - 1995 - Synthese 105 (2):191-206.
  16. A discursive account of multiple personality disorder.Grant R. Gillett - 1997 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 4 (3):213-22.
  17. Brain, mind and soul.Grant R. Gillett - 1985 - Zygon 20 (December):425-434.
    We view a human being as a mental and spiritual entity and also as having a physical nature. The essence of a person is revealed in our thinking about personal identity, quality of life, and personal responsibility. These conceptions do not fare well in a Cartesian or dualist picture of the person as there are deep problems with the idea that the mind is an inner realm. I argue that it is only as we see the thoughts, actions, and interactions (...)
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  18.  36
    Consciousness, intentionality and internalism: A philosophical perspective on Velmans and his critics.Grant R. Gillett - 1992 - Philosophical Psychology 5 (2):173-179.
  19. Consciousness, thought, and neurological integrity.Grant R. Gillett - 1995 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 16 (3):215-33.
    The problematic features of the cognitive function of patients with brain damage are often taken to indicate that such persons have split or dual consciousness. An intentional or cognitive theory of consciousness which focuses on the structure and contents of conscious experience makes this thesis look quite unattractive. Consciousness is active and directed toward objects and in the human case it shows an internally reflective structure based on the abilities required to grasp and use concepts. On this view, consciousness is (...)
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  20.  35
    Learning to do no harm.Grant R. Gillett - 1993 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 18 (3):253-268.
    The legalisation of euthanasia creates a certain tension when it is compared with those traditional medical principles that seem to embody respect for the sanctity of life. It also creates a real need for us to explore what we mean by harm in relation to dying patients. When we consider that we must train physicians so that they not only understand ethical issues but also show the virtues in their clinical practice, it becomes important for us to strive to train (...)
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  21.  52
    Neuropsychology and meaning in psychiatry.Grant R. Gillett - 1990 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 15 (1):21-39.
    The relationship between "causal" and "meaningful" (Jaspers) influences on behavior is explored. The nature of meaning essentially involves rules and the human practices in which they are imparted to a person and have a formative influence on that person's thinking. The meanings that come to be discerned in life experience are then important in influencing the shape of that person's conduct. The reasoning and motivational structures that develop on this basis are realized by the shape of the neural processing networks (...)
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  22. Reasoning about persons.Grant R. Gillett - 1987 - In Arthur R. Peacocke & Grant R. Gillett (eds.), Persons and Personality: A Contemporary Inquiry. New York, NY, USA: Blackwell.
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  23.  29
    Responses to Open Peer Commentaries on “The Subjective Brain, Identity, and Neuroethics”.Grant R. Gillett - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (9):1-4.
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  24.  12
    Surgical Innovation and Research.Grant R. Gillett - 2008 - In Ezekiel J. Emanuel (ed.), The Oxford textbook of clinical research ethics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 367.
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  25. The Philosophy of Psychiatry: A Companion.Grant R. Gillett - 2004 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  26.  15
    The Rhythms of Virtue.Grant R. Gillett - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 12 (2-3):110-112.
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  27.  32
    Unpacking the Black box of cognition.Grant R. Gillett - 1992 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 35 (3-4):463-472.
  28.  6
    10 Women and children first.Grant R. Gillett - 1994 - In K. W. M. Fulford, Grant Gillett & Janet Martin Soskice (eds.), Medicine and Moral Reasoning. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 3--131.
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  29.  36
    Work and talk: handedness and the stuff of life.Grant R. Gillett - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (2):222-223.
    Wittgenstein shifted from a picture theory of meaning to a use-based theory of meaning in his philosophical work on language. The latter picture is deeply congenial to the view that language and the use of our hands in practical activity are closely related. Wittgenstein's theory therefore offers philosophical support for Corballis's suggestion that the development of spoken language is the basis of dominance phenomena.
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  30. Are mental events preceded by their physical causes?Christopher D. Green & Grant R. Gillett - 1995 - Philosophical Psychology 8 (4):333-340.
    Libet's experiments, supported by a strict one-to-one identity thesis between brain events and mental events, have prompted the conclusion that physical events precede the mental events to which they correspond. We examine this claim and conclude that it is suspect for several reasons. First, there is a dual assumption that an intention is the kind of thing that causes an action and that can be accurately introspected. Second, there is a real problem with the method of timing the mental events (...)
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