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  1.  46
    Effect of Narcissism, Psychopathy, and Machiavellianism on Entrepreneurial Intention—The Mediating of Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy.Wenqing Wu, Hongxin Wang, Chundong Zheng & Yenchun Jim Wu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  2.  46
    The Positive Effect of Authoritarian Leadership on Employee Performance: The Moderating Role of Power Distance.Honglei Wang & Bichen Guan - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  3.  37
    How Machiavellianism, Psychopathy, and Narcissism Affect Sustainable Entrepreneurial Orientation: The Moderating Effect of Psychological Resilience.Wenqing Wu, Hongxin Wang, Hsiu-Yu Lee, Yu-Ting Lin & Feng Guo - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  4.  67
    Asian Transnational Corporations and Labor Rights: Vietnamese Trade Unions in Taiwan-invested Companies.Hong-zen Wang - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 56 (1):43-53.
    According to the reports in the past decade, some Asian subcontractors, mainly Taiwan, Hong Kong and Korea transnational corporations, tend to be labor abusive in their overseas investment destinations like China or Southeast Asia. Taking Vietnam as an example, this paper raises questions as to why Taiwanese transnational companies can control workplace unions in a trade-union-supportive regime. Given the government s constraint of political rights, and the individualized workplace unions, the function of trade unions in Vietnam is destined to be (...)
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  5.  23
    Negative Emotion Arousal and Altruism Promoting of Online Public Stigmatization on COVID-19 Pandemic.Xi Chen, Chenli Huang, Hongyun Wang, Weiming Wang, Xiangli Ni & Yujie Li - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:652140.
    The outbreak of COVID-19 is a public health crisis that has had a profound impact on society. Stigma is a common phenomenon in the prevalence and spread of infectious diseases. In the crisis caused by the pandemic, widespread public stigma has influenced social groups. This study explores the negative emotions arousal effect from online public stigmatization during the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact on social cooperation. We constructed a model based on the literature and tested it on a sample of (...)
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  6.  63
    Event-Based Time Varying Formation Control for Multiple Quadrotor UAVs with Markovian Switching Topologies.Zhen Zhou, Hongbin Wang & Zhongquan Hu - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-15.
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  7. Unconsciously learning task-irrelevant perceptual sequences.Xiuyan Guo, Shan Jiang, Hongyi Wang, Lei Zhu, Jinghua Tang, Zoltan Dienes & Zhiliang Yang - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (1):203-211.
    We demonstrated unconscious learning of task-irrelevant perceptual regularities in a Serial Reaction Time task in both visual and auditory domains. Participants were required to respond to different letters or syllables which occurred in random order. Unbeknownst to participants, the color of the two letters or the tone of the syllables varied according to certain rules. Reaction times indicated that people indeed learnt both the color and tonal regularities indicating that task-irrelevant sequence structure can be learned perceptually. In a subsequent prediction (...)
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  8.  27
    Effect of Alexithymia on Internet Addiction Among College Students: The Mediating Role of Metacognition Beliefs.Hongge Luo, Yanli Zhao, Jiangyue Hong, Hong Wang, Xiujun Zhang & Shuping Tan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Previous studies have found that alexithymia plays an important role in the pathogenesis of Internet addiction. However, the effect of alexithymia on both metacognition and Internet addiction has yet to be examined.Methods: The Toronto Alexithymia Scale, Metacognition Questionnaire, and Internet Addiction Test were used to assess a sample of 356 college students. A parallel mediator effect analysis was applied to test the hypothesis that metacognition mediates the relationship between alexithymia and Internet addiction.Results: The parallel multiple mediator models showed that (...)
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  9.  15
    The Review on the Role of Ambiguity of Tolerance and Resilience on Students’ Engagement.Miao Yu, Hongliang Wang & Guoping Xia - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Due to the arrival of positive psychology in the development of teaching, the construct of engagement has been thrived and got a notable function in the educational arena. Alternatively, numerous individual differences, containing ambiguity of tolerance, have been taken into consideration as a result of the key role they can play in the process of learning, and thus, on different facets of the learners’ engagement. Furthermore, resilience is recommended to be an alternate and effective way of engaging English as a (...)
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  10.  96
    How Children Feel Matters: Teacher–Student Relationship as an Indirect Role Between Interpersonal Trust and Social Adjustment.Yan Dong, Hongfei Wang, Fang Luan, Zheneng Li & Li Cheng - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Previous studies have demonstrated positive correlations between children’s interpersonal trust and social adjustment. However, the psychological mechanism underlying this effect is still unclear. The current study tested the indirect roles of teacher–student relationships from both students’ and teachers’ perspectives in a Chinese context. In total, 709 pupils from grade three to grade five, and their 17 head teachers from a Chinese public primary school participated in this study. The Children’s Generalized Trust Beliefs Scale, Social Adjustment Scale for Children and Adolescents, (...)
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  11.  52
    Informed consent practices of Chinese nurse researchers.Douglas P. Olsen, Honghong Wang & Samantha Pang - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (2):179-187.
    Nursing research in China is at an early stage of development and little is known about the practices of Chinese nurse researchers. This interview study carried out at a university in central China explores the informed consent practices of Chinese nurse researchers and the cultural considerations of using a western technique. Nine semistructured interviews were conducted in English with assistance and simultaneous translation from a Chinese nurse with research experience. The interviews were analyzed by one western and two Chinese researchers (...)
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  12.  17
    Daily Challenge/Hindrance Demands and Cognitive Wellbeing: A Multilevel Moderated Mediation Model.Huangen Chen, Hongyan Wang, Mengsha Yuan & Shan Xu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Based on the challenge-hindrance stressor model, this study explored the mechanism of how challenge/hindrance demands affect cognitive wellbeing on a daily basis. Specifically, we examined the mediating effect of work–family enrichment on the relationship between challenge/hindrance demands and cognitive wellbeing. In addition, we tested the moderating effect of overqualification on the relationship between challenge/hindrance demands and work–family enrichment on a daily basis. Finally, we examined the moderated mediation effect of perceived overqualification in a multilevel model. To capture changes in work–family (...)
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  13.  18
    A Nonviolent Approach to Social Justice Education.Hongyu Wang - 2013 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 49 (6):485-503.
  14.  12
    Examining the within-person effects of abusive supervision on multifoci deviance: Ethical climate as a moderator.Hongqing Wang & Jiuling Xiao - 2021 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 30 (4):784-800.
    Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, EarlyView.
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  15.  32
    Removing Vacant Chairs: Does Independent Directors’ Attendance at Board Meetings Matter?Huilong Liu, Hong Wang & Liansheng Wu - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 133 (2):375-393.
    In this paper we investigate whether independent directors’ attendance at board meetings enhances investor protection using a difference-in-difference approach. We find that independent directors’ attendance alleviates tunneling. This effect is more pronounced in non-state-owned enterprises than in state-owned enterprises. The reinforcement of external supervision substitutes for the role of independent directors’ attendance and this substitution effect is more significant in non-SOEs. Together, these results imply that independent directors’ attendance at board meetings can play an important role in protecting investors, especially (...)
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  16.  13
    Negotiating national identities in conflict situations: The discursive reproduction of the Sino-US trade war in China’s news reports.Yunfeng Ge & Hong Wang - 2020 - Discourse and Communication 14 (1):65-83.
    The force of globalization has greatly challenged people’s conceptualization of national identity. The traditional definition of national identity as being distinct, stable and generated by such internal factors as ethnic, religion, citizenship and so on, has been replaced by the understanding that national identity is invested with more dynamic and complex features and is actually constructed differently in different situations. By following Van Dijk’s socio-cognitive perspective in critical discourse analysis and drawing on the 47 news reports collected on the websites (...)
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  17. Bottom-up recognition learning: a compilation-based model of limited-lookahead learning.Todd R. Johnson, Jiajie Zhang & Hongbin Wang - 1994 - In Ashwin Ram & Kurt Eiselt (eds.), Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society: August 13 to 16, 1994, Georgia Institute of Technology. Erlbaum. pp. 469--474.
  18.  18
    A Heuristic Algorithm for Optimal Service Composition in Complex Manufacturing Networks.Yinan Wu, Gongzhuang Peng, Hongwei Wang & Heming Zhang - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-20.
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  19. Isomorphic representations lead to the discovery of different forms of a common strategy with different degrees of generality.Jiajie Zhang, T. Johnson & Hongbin Wang - 1998 - In Morton Ann Gernsbacher & Sharon J. Derry (eds.), Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Lawerence Erlbaum.
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  20.  18
    Occurrence and nonoccurrence of random sequences: Comment on Hahn and Warren (2009).Yanlong Sun, Ryan D. Tweney & Hongbin Wang - 2010 - Psychological Review 117 (2):697-703.
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  21.  23
    Postscript: Untangling the gambler’s fallacy.Yanlong Sun, Ryan D. Tweney & Hongbin Wang - 2010 - Psychological Review 117 (2):704-705.
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  22.  14
    From the parade child to the king of chaos: the complex journey of William Doll, teacher educator.Hongyu Wang - 2016 - New York: Peter Lang.
    From the Parade Child to the King of Chaos depicts the pedagogical life history of an extraordinary teacher educator and internationally renowned curriculum scholar, William E. Doll, Jr. It explores how his life experiences have contributed to the formation and transformation of a celebrated teacher educator. From the child who spontaneously led a parade to the king of chaos who embraces complexity in education, complicated tales of Doll’s journey through his childhood, youth, and decades of teaching in schools and in (...)
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  23.  90
    Behavioral and Brain Reactivity Associated With Drug-Related and Non-Drug-Related Emotional Stimuli in Methamphetamine Addicts.Xiawen Li, Yu Zhou, Guanghui Zhang, Yingzhi Lu, Chenglin Zhou & Hongbiao Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:894911.
    BackgroundMethamphetamine addicts can experience severe emotional processing disorders, with abnormal responses to emotional and drug-related stimuli. These aberrant behaviors are one of the key factors leading to relapse. Nevertheless, the characteristics of addicts’ responses to drug-related stimuli and their responses to emotional stimuli remain controversial.Methods52 methamphetamine addicts from China passively viewed three different categories of images: Drug-related; positive emotional; and negative emotional. In the first task, participants completed a 9-point Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM) scale, rating the valence of each image. In (...)
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  24.  93
    How daily supervisor abuse and coworker support affect daily work engagement.Hongqing Wang & Tianzhen Tang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The purpose of this study was to explore the dynamic and intervention mechanisms of daily abusive experience affecting daily work engagement. Drawing on conservation of resources theory, we examine the effect of daily abusive supervision on daily work engagement through daily negative emotions from the resource consumption perspective, and the moderation effect of coworker support from the resource provision perspective. Using a daily diary approach and based on a sample of 73 employees for 5 consecutive days in China. The results (...)
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  25.  10
    Die noetischen Horizontarten des Wahrnehmens nach Husserl unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des praktischen und szenisch-phantasmatischen Horizonts.Honghe Wang - 2024 - Studia Phaenomenologica 24:235-262.
    Following Husserl, horizonality is a fundamental aspect of inten­tional acts, making the horizon a crucial element in consciousness across all subjective experiences. This article aims to provide a comprehensive exploration of various forms of the noetic horizon in perceiving. It not only considers the well-known inner and outer horizons, as well as the horizon of the kinesthetic “I-can,” but also explores the practical horizon, which has been somewhat over­looked in Husserl’s phenomenology. Furthermore, the original contribution of this study lies in (...)
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  26.  42
    A multilevel approach to modeling human cognition.Hongbin Wang, Todd R. Johnson & Jiajie Zhang - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (5):626-627.
    Although we agree with Newell and Anderson & Lebiere (A&L) that a unified theory of cognition is needed to advance cognitive science, we disagree on how to achieve it. A hybrid system can score high in the Newell Test but may not offer a veridical and coherent theory of cognition. A multilevel approach, involving theories at both psychological and brain levels, is suggested.
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  27.  75
    The relation between order effects and frequency learning in tactical decision making.Jiajie Zhang, Todd R. Johnson & Hongbin Wang - 1998 - Thinking and Reasoning 4 (2):123-145.
    This article presents three experiments that examine the relation between order effects and frequency learning, with the following results. First, when frequencies of occurrence are presented as sequences of real events, base rates can be learned and used with a high degree of accuracy. However, conditional probabilities for multiple sequentially presented evidence items cannot be completely learned, due to the distortion of a recency order effect for actual decisions. Second, there is also a recency order effect for belief evaluations, which (...)
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  28.  4
    Philosophical Reflections on Music Education: Cross-Cultural Perspectives and the Spiritual Dimensions of Teaching Methods in Different Traditions.Hongliang Wang - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 17 (1):97-112.
    This comparative study of music education in Germany, the United States, and China revealed significant cross-cultural variations in core values, teaching methodologies, learning environments, musical philosophies, and performance practices. A common thread across all three countries was the recognition of music's importance in education, though its role and implementation differed markedly. German music education emphasized holistic development (Bildung), with a strong focus on music theory, formal analysis, and historical performance practices. The teacher-student relationship was collaborative, and assessment was holistic. In (...)
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  29. On Quantum Models of the Human Mind.Hongbin Wang & Yanlong Sun - 2014 - Topics in Cognitive Science 6 (1):98-103.
    Recent years have witnessed rapidly increasing interests in developing quantum theoretical models of human cognition. Quantum mechanisms have been taken seriously to describe how the mind reasons and decides. Papers in this special issue report the newest results in the field. Here we discuss why the two levels of commitment, treating the human brain as a quantum computer and merely adopting abstract quantum probability principles to model human cognition, should be integrated. We speculate that quantum cognition models gain greater modeling (...)
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  30.  42
    Flexible Intimacies in the Global Intimate Economy: Evidence from Taiwan's Cross-Border Marriages.Mei-Hua Chen & Hong-zen Wang - 2021 - Feminist Studies 47 (2):258-275.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:258 Feminist Studies 47, no. 2. © 2021 by Feminist Studies, Inc. Mei-Hua Chen and Hong-zen Wang Flexible Intimacies in the Global Intimate Economy: Evidence from Taiwan’s Cross-Border Marriages When Lin Ping was interviewed by the first author of this article at a detention center in the southern city of Tainan, Taiwan, in September 2006, she was forty-three. At that time, she had been married to a Taiwanese man (...)
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  31. Foreign Direct Investment and Corruption in China.Hongying Wang - forthcoming - The Iris.
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  32.  26
    Nihilismus zwischen traditioneller Metaphysik und Post‑Metaphysik. Kritische Untersuchung von Heideggers Nietzsche‑Interpretation.Hongjian Wang - 2022 - Studia Phaenomenologica 22:237-254.
    In his interpretation of Nietzsche, Heidegger on the one hand acknowledges the anti‑metaphysical orientation of Nietzsche’s nihilism, but on the other hand considers Nietzsche to be the ultimate metaphysician. This location is based firstly on Heidegger’s reflections on the relationship between metaphysics and nihilism. By revealing the origin and end of metaphysics, it is to be shown that nihilism and metaphysics are two aspects of the same thing. Moreover, Heidegger expands the meaning of metaphysics by ascribing to it the distinction (...)
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  33.  32
    Balancing self‐renewal and differentiation by asymmetric division: Insights from brain tumor suppressors in Drosophila neural stem cells.Kai Chen Chang, Cheng Wang & Hongyan Wang - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (4):301-310.
    Balancing self‐renewal and differentiation of stem cells is an important issue in stem cell and cancer biology. Recently, the Drosophila neuroblast (NB), neural stem cell has emerged as an excellent model for stem cell self‐renewal and tumorigenesis. It is of great interest to understand how defects in the asymmetric division of neural stem cells lead to tumor formation. Here, we review recent advances in asymmetric division and the self‐renewal control of Drosophila NBs. We summarize molecular mechanisms of asymmetric cell division (...)
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  34.  12
    Adaptive Algorithm Recommendation and Application of Learning Resources in English Fragmented Reading.Jinyu Cheng & Hong Wang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-11.
    This paper firstly designs a five-dimensional model of learners’ characteristics and a three-dimensional model of English reading resources’ characteristics in a fragmented learning environment through literature research. At the same time, to make the learning resources meet the characteristics of fragmented learning time and space, the English Level 4 reading resources are reasonably designed and segmented to adapt to the needs of learners’ mobile fragmented learning. Then, combined with machine learning algorithms, an adaptive recommendation model of learning resources in English (...)
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  35.  50
    Publication Trends for Alzheimer's Disease Worldwide and in China: A 30-Year Bibliometric Analysis.Rui Dong, Hong Wang, Jishi Ye, Mingshan Wang & Yanlin Bi - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  36.  35
    Nurse researchers’ perspectives on research ethics in China.Can Gu, Man Ye, Xiaomin Wang, Min Yang, Honghong Wang & Kaveh Khoshnood - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (3):798-808.
    Background: In China, research ethics is a subject of increasingly formal regulation. However, little is known about how nursing researchers understand the concept of research ethics and the ways in which they can maintain ethical standards in their work. Aim: The aim of this study is to examine nursing researchers’ perspectives on research ethics in China. Research design: We conducted a descriptive qualitative study. Qualitative research methods enabled us to gain an in-depth understanding of nursing researchers’ views on research ethics. (...)
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  37.  8
    Dian zi zheng ju fa yan jiu.Jiahong He, Pinxin Liu & Hongyan Wang (eds.) - 2002 - Beijing Shi: Fa lü chu ban she.
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  38.  17
    Representation and Display of Digital Images of Cultural Heritage: A Semantic Enrichment Approach.Xilong Hou, Hongyu Wang, Xiaoguang Wang, Xiaoxi Luo & Xu Tan - 2021 - Knowledge Organization 48 (3):231-247.
    Digital images of cultural heritage (CH) contain rich semantic information. However, today’s semantic representations of CH images fail to fully reveal the content entities and context within these vital surrogates. This paper draws on the fields of image research and digital humanities to propose a systematic methodology and a technical route for semantic enrichment of CH digital images. This new methodology systematically applies a series of procedures including: semantic annotation, entity-based enrichment, establishing internal relations, event-centric enrichment, defining hierarchy relations between (...)
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  39.  8
    Zhi ye dao de zong heng tan.Zhaoqi Huang & Hongze Wang (eds.) - 1987 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing.
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  40. Skill Acquisition: Models.Todd R. Johnson, Hongbin Wang & Jiajie Zhang - 2003 - In L. Nadel (ed.), Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Nature Publishing Group.
  41.  11
    Automatic control of computer application data processing system based on artificial intelligence.Ashima Kukkar, Amit Sharma, Lixia Hao & Hong Wang - 2022 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 31 (1):177-192.
    To shorten the travel time and improve comfort, the automatic train driving system is considered to replace manual driving. In this article, an automatic control method of computer application data-processing system based on artificial intelligence is proposed. An automatic train operation (ATO) introduced the structure and function of an autopilot system (train), optimized the train running on the target curve, introduced the basic principle of fuzzy generalized predictive control (PC) algorithm, and combined with the characteristics of ATO system design the (...)
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  42.  23
    Microstructure and mechanical properties of a large-dimensional bulk nanocrystalline-based Fe–Al–Cr alloy prepared by an aluminothermic reaction casting and followed annealing at 1000°C.Peiqing La, Hongding Wang, Xuemei Liu, Yupeng Wei & Huisheng Jiao - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (17):2207-2218.
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  43.  16
    Corrigendum: Behavioral and brain reactivity associated with drug-related and non-drug-related emotional stimuli in methamphetamine addicts.Xiawen Li, Yu Zhou, Guanghui Zhang, Yingzhi Lu, Chenglin Zhou & Hongbiao Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:1032007.
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  44.  15
    Dynamic Large-Scale Server Scheduling for IVF Queuing Network in Cloud Healthcare System.Yafei Li, Hongfeng Wang, Li Li & Yaping Fu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-15.
    As one of the most effective medical technologies for the infertile patients, in vitro fertilization has been more and more widely developed in recent years. However, prolonged waiting for IVF procedures has become a problem of great concern, since this technology is only mastered by the large general hospitals. To deal with the insufficiency of IVF service capacity, this paper studies an IVF queuing network in an integrated cloud healthcare system, where the two key medical services, that is, egg retrieval (...)
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  45.  52
    Research on UUV Obstacle Avoiding Method Based on Recurrent Neural Networks.Changjian Lin, Hongjian Wang, Jianya Yuan, Dan Yu & Chengfeng Li - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-16.
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  46.  27
    The Prevalence of Psychological Status During the COVID-19 Epidemic in China: A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis.Wei Li, Huijuan Zhang, Caidi Zhang, Jinjing Luo, Hongyan Wang, Hui Wu, Yikang Zhu, Huiru Cui, Jijun Wang, Hui Li, Zhuoying Zhu, Yifeng Xu & Chunbo Li - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The COVID-19 is creating panic among people around the world and is causing a huge public mental health crisis. Large numbers of observational studies focused on the prevalence of psychological problems during the COVID-19 pandemic were published. It is essential to conduct a meta-analysis of the prevalence of different psychological statuses to insight the psychological reactions of general population during the COVID-19 epidemic in China. Sixty six observational studies about the psychological statuses of people during the COVID-19 were included, searching (...)
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  47.  10
    Mediating Role of Resourcefulness in the Relationship Between Illness Uncertainty and Poststroke Depression.Jing Liu, Hongxia Wang, Beibei Lin, Liuqiao Ning, Danman Liu & Jufang Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectivesTo examine the association between illness uncertainty, resourcefulness, and poststroke depression and identifies whether stroke patients’ resourcefulness plays a mediating role in the relationship between illness uncertainty and PSD.MethodsA cross-sectional study was conducted from September 2020 to April 2021. A convenience sample of 355 stroke patients was recruited. A general characteristic questionnaire, the Mishel Uncertainty in Illness Scale, the Resourcefulness Scale, and the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 were used to obtain data. Descriptive analysis, Student’s t-test, Mann–Whitney U-test, chi-squared test, hierarchical regression (...)
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  48.  16
    Co-occurrence Pattern of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Depression in People Living With HIV: A Latent Profile Analysis.Jingjing Meng, Chulei Tang, Xueling Xiao, Maritta Välimäki & Honghong Wang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: The comorbidity of posttraumatic stress disorder and depression is common among people living with the HIV. Given the high prevalence and serious clinical consequences of the comorbidity of these two disorders, we conducted a latent profile analysis to examine the co-occurrence pattern of PTSD and depression in PLWH.Methods: The data for this cross-sectional study of PLWH were collected from 602 patients with HIV in China. A secondary analysis using latent profile analysis was conducted to examine HIV-related PTSD and depression (...)
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  49.  59
    Base-rate neglect and coarse probability representation.Yanlong Sun & Hongbin Wang - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (3):282-282.
    We believe that when assessing the likelihood of uncertain events, statistically unsophisticated people utilize a coarse internal scale that only has a limited number of categories. The success of the nested sets hypothesis may lie in its ability to provide an appropriate set structure of the problem by reducing the computational demands.
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  50.  20
    Contact Heat Evoked Potentials in China: Normal Values and Reproducibility.Bo Sun, Hongfen Wang, Zhaohui Chen, Fang Cui, Fei Yang & Xusheng Huang - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Background: Contact heat evoked potentials is used to diagnose small fiber neuropathy. We established the normal values of CHEPs parameters in Chinese adults, optimized the test technique, and determined its reproducibility.Methods: We recruited 151 healthy adults. CHEPs was performed on the right forearm to determine the optimal number of stimuli, and then conducted at different sites to establish normal values, determine the effects of demographic characteristics and baseline temperature, and assess the short- and long-term reproducibility. N2 latency/height varied with age (...)
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