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Howard Simmons [5]Howard J. Simmons [2]Howard L. Simmons [1]
  1. Why You Should One-box in Newcomb's Problem.Howard J. Simmons - manuscript
    I consider a familiar argument for two-boxing in Newcomb's Problem and find it defective because it involves a type of divergence from standard Baysian reasoning, which, though sometimes justified, conflicts with the stipulations of the Newcomb scenario. In an appendix, I also find fault with a different argument for two-boxing that has been presented by Graham Priest.
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  2. Sher on Blame.Howard Simmons - manuscript
    My subject is the theory of blame recently propounded by George Sher in his book, In Praise of Blame. I argue that although Sher has succeeded in capturing a number of genuine features of the concept of blame, there is an important element that he has omitted, which is the fact that necessarily, when A blames B for something and expresses this to B, A will realise that B is likely to find this unpleasant. The inclusion of the latter element (...)
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    Failures to obtain mediated generalization effects in eyelid conditioning.G. Robert Grice, Howard J. Simmons & John J. Hunter - 1963 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 65 (5):485.
  4. Expressivism: A Concise Defence.Howard Simmons - manuscript
    This book is a defense of the view that the distinctive feature of a normative statement is the expression of an attitude. Moral statements are a sub-class of normative statements: (roughly) those that express both an attitude AND the proposition that this attitude is of a certain type (the type conventionally classified as moral). Much attention is devoted to the 'Frege/Geach problem', and an 'inferentialist' approach is developed to deal with this. As far as the truth and falsity of normative (...)
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  5. Moral Desert: A Critique.Howard Simmons - 2010 - Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
    This book argues that moral desert should be excluded as a consideration in normative and applied ethics, as it is likely that no-one ever morally deserves anything for their actions and, if they do, it is in most cases impossible to know what. I also explain how moral deliberation in relation to punishment, distributive justice and personal morality can proceed without appeals to moral desert.
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  6. Nathan on Evidential Insatiability.Howard Simmons - 1988 - Analysis 48 (1):57 - 59.
    This is a response to a paper by N.M.L. Nathan in which he argues that the attempt to provide a global justification of our entire set of beliefs necessarily leads to an infinite regress, in contrast with cases of local uncertainty, which he thinks can be resolved without regress. I argue that if he is right about the local uncertainty case, then he should not fear a regress in the global case, as the two situations are more similar than he (...)
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    The progress of affirmative action: Accreditation and diversity. [REVIEW]Joseph B. Murphy, Sarah R. Blanshei, James F. Guyot, Howard L. Simmons, Joel Segall & Jim Sleeper - 1992 - Minerva 30 (4):531-552.
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    The progress of affirmative action: Accreditation and diversity. [REVIEW]Howard Simmons, Lamar Alexander & Scott Jaschik - 1992 - Minerva 30 (4):552-569.
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