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  1.  72
    Revolution in psychology: alienation to emancipation.Ian Parker - 2007 - Ann Arbor, MI: Pluto Press.
    Psychology is meant to help people cope with the afflictions of modern society. But how useful is it? Ian Parker argues that current psychological practice has become part of the problem rather than the solution. Ideal for undergraduates, this book unravels the discipline to reveal the conformist assumptions that underlie its theory and practice. Psychology focuses on the happiness of "the individual." Yet it neglects the fact that personal experience depends on social and political surroundings. Parker argues that a new (...)
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    Slavoj Zizek: a critical introduction.Ian Parker - 2004 - Sterling, Va.: Pluto Press.
    Yugoslavia-to Slovenia -- Enlightenment-with Hegel -- Psychoanalysis-from Lacan -- Politics-repeating Marx -- Culture-acting out.
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  3.  27
    Against relativism in psychology, on balance.Ian Parker - 1999 - History of the Human Sciences 12 (4):61-78.
    Relativism in psychology unravels the truth-claims and oppressive\npractices of the discipline, but simply relativizing psychological knowledge\nhas not been sufficient to comprehend and combat the discipline\nas part of the ‘psy-complex’. For that, a balanced review of the contribution\nand problems of relativism needs to work dialectically, and so\nthis article reviews four problematic rhetorical balancing strategies in\nrelativism before turning to the contribution of critical realism. Critical\nrealism exposes positivist psychology’s pretensions to model itself\non what it imagines the natural sciences to be, and it grounds (...)
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  4.  39
    'Social representations': Social psychology's (mis)use of sociology.Ian Parker - 1987 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 17 (4):447–469.
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    Deconstructing psychotherapy.Ian Parker (ed.) - 1999 - Thousand Oaks, [Calif.]: Sage Publications.
    This book takes the discursive and postmodern turn in psychotherapy a significant step forward and will be of interest to all those working in mental health who want to work wiht clients in ways that will facilitate challenges to oppression and processes of emancipation. It achieves this by: · reflecting on the role of psychotherapy in contemporary culture · developing critiques of language in psychotherapy that unravel its claims to personal truth · the reworking of a place in the transforative (...)
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  6. Discourse: Definitions and contradictions.Ian Parker - 1990 - Philosophical Psychology 3 (2 & 3):187 – 204.
    With the question “What is ' discourse?' “ as the starting point, this paper addresses ways of identifying particular discourses, and attends to how these discourses should be distinguished from texts. The emergence of discourse analysis within psychology, and the continuing influence of linguistic and post-structuralist ideas on practitioners, provide the basis on which discourse -analytic research can be developed fruitfully. This paper discusses the descriptive, analytic and educative functions of discourse analysis, and addresses the cultural and political questions which (...)
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  7.  21
    Cyberpsychology.Ian Parker & Ángel J. Gordo-López (eds.) - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    On a basic level, "cyberpsychology" refers to the comparison of the mind with different kinds of machines. This multidisciplinary collection brings together essays by leading psychologists and cultural theorists working in the spheres of technology and psychology to explore links between popular culture, technoscience, feminism and politics. Tracing historical and contemporary lines of argument around the fascination between different forms of psychological and machine culture, contributors articulate "cyberpsychological" reflections on contemporary crises in psychology with emerging technologies of the self. The (...)
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  8.  16
    Genealogies of Difference.Ian Parker - 2007 - Contemporary Political Theory 6 (1):112-113.
  9.  7
    Lacanian Psychoanalysis: Revolutions in Subjectivity.Ian Parker - 2010 - Routledge.
    Jacques Lacan's impact upon the theory and practice of psychoanalysis worldwide cannot be underestimated. _Lacanian Psychoanalysis_ looks at the current debates surrounding Lacanian practice and explores its place within historical, social and political contexts. The book argues that Lacan’s elaboration of psychoanalytic theory is grounded in clinical practice and needs to be defined in relation to the four main traditions: psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy and spirituality. As such topics of discussion include: the intersection between psychoanalysis and social transformation a new way (...)
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  10.  30
    Madness and justice.Ian Parker - 2014 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 34 (1):28-40.
  11.  6
    Pathology and Creativity: Asinthomatic Reading of Lacan's Seminar XXIII.Ian Parker - 2013 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 14 (2):233-246.
    Jacques Lacan's innovative development of Freudian psychoanalysis entails a differentiation between registers of the "symbolic," "imaginary," and "real," and then an analysis of the way these three registers are held together as three rings of the "Borromean knot." This work is taken a significant step further in his 1975-76 Seminar XXIII, and is sometimes thought to mark the shift to a "later Lacan.,, The seminar shifts its focus from "symptom" (as a coded message to the Other, repetitively sent even unbeknownst (...)
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    Psychology after the unconscious: from Freud to Lacan.Ian Parker - 2014 - London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Ian Parker has been a leading light in the fields of critical and discursive psychology for over 25 years. The Psychology After Critique series brings together for the first time his most important papers. Each volume in the series has been prepared by Ian Parker and presents a newly written introduction and focused overview of a key topic area. Psychology After the Unconscious is the fifth volume in the series and addresses three central questions: - Why is Freud's concept of (...)
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  13.  24
    Real things: Discourse, context and practice.Ian Parker - 1990 - Philosophical Psychology 3 (2 & 3):227 – 233.
  14.  24
    Slavoj Zizek: Live Theory.Ian Parker - 2006 - Contemporary Political Theory 5 (3):348-349.
  15.  47
    The place of transference in psychosocial research.Ian Parker - 2010 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 30 (1):17-31.
    Psychoanalysis provides a complex discursive matrix for making sense of, or unraveling the existing sense of, textual material in social research. However, the relationship between psychoanalytic work in the clinic and psychoanalytic social research poses a series of questions for those working in each domain. The relationship opened up new fields of enquiry, of empirical and theoretical research, but it also now gives rise to empirical and theoretical problems. This paper is concerned with the elaboration of clinical concepts in the (...)
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  16.  28
    The quintessentially academic position.Ian Parker - 1999 - History of the Human Sciences 12 (4):89-91.
    Potter et al.’s (1999) response to my ‘Against Relativism in Psychology, on Balance’ (Parker, 1999) neatly summarizes what they take a ‘critical realist’ position to be and how ‘relativists’ should defend themselves. Their response also illustrates why the version of critical realism I elaborated is more thoroughly critically relativist than Potter et al. assume and how their version of relativism actually rests on a rather uncritical subscription to realism.
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    Vertiginous Technology: Towards a Psychoanalytic Genealogy of Technique.Carlos Soldevilla Pérez & Ian Parker - 1999 - In Ian Parker & Ángel J. Gordo-López (eds.), Cyberpsychology. New York: Routledge.
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  18.  86
    Reviews : Kurt Danziger, Constructing the Subject: historical origins of psychologi cal research. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. £25.00, ix + 254 pp. [REVIEW]Ian Parker - 1992 - History of the Human Sciences 5 (1):111-114.