23 found
  1.  10
    Political Theory and Global Climate Action: Recasting the Public Sphere.Idil Boran - 2018 - Routledge.
    From around the world, cities and regions, civil society networks and businesses, nongovernmental organizations and institutions for research and learning, and many others, are taking action on climate change. The role of these nonstate and substate actors is increasingly being recognized in the new facilitative climate regime. Political theory to date has been surprisingly silent about the scale and prospects of these actions for low-carbon, climate-resilient, and sustainable transformations. Idil Boran argues provocatively for the need for a widened scope of (...)
  2.  49
    Two Concepts of Wrongful Harm: A Conceptual Map for the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage.Idil Boran - 2017 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 20 (2):195-207.
    This paper is concerned with the moral concept of harm in the context of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage. This paper delineates between two concepts of wrongful harm: interactional versus architectural. It then examines these options with an eye toward developing a satisfactory normative approach for policy. While the interactional view of wrongful harm supports powerful arguments about moral responsibility, it has some clear limitations. This paper makes a case for the architectural view by underlining that it (...)
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  3. Benefits, Intentions, and the Principle of Fairness.Idil Boran - 2006 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 36 (1):95-115.
    In its simplest form, the principle of fairness tells us the following. If a number of people are producing a public good that we benefit from, it is not morally acceptable to free ride on their backs, enjoying the benefits without paying the costs. We owe them our fair share of the costs of the production of that good. The principle of fairness, defended by Rawls in A Theory of Justice and widely discussed subsequently, is sometimes invoked in various areas (...)
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  4.  88
    Attributing Weather Extremes to Climate Change and the Future of Adaptation Policy.Idil Boran & Joseph Heath - 2016 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 19 (3):239-255.
    Until recently, climate scientists were unable to link the occurrence of extreme weather events to anthropogenic climate change. In recent years, however, climate science has made considerable advancements, making it possible to assess the influence of anthropogenic climate change on single weather events. Using a new technique called ‘probabilistic event attribution’, scientists are able to assess whether anthropogenic climate change has changed the likelihood of the occurrence of a recorded extreme weather event. These advancements raise the expectation that this branch (...)
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  5.  32
    Principles of Public Reason in the UNFCCC: Rethinking the Equity Framework.Idil Boran - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (5):1253-1271.
    Since 2011, the focus of international negotiations under the UNFCCC has been on producing a new climate agreement to be adopted in 2015. This phase of negotiations is known as the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action. The goal has been to update the global effort on climate for long-term cooperation. In this period, various changes have been contemplated on the design of the architecture of the global climate effort. Whereas previously, the negotiation process consisted of setting mandated targets exclusively for (...)
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  6.  88
    Agent-centered restrictions and the ethics of space exploration.Dan McArthur & Idil Boran - 2004 - Journal of Social Philosophy 35 (1):148–163.
  7.  15
    COP 20 Lima: The ethical dimension of climate negotiations on the way to Paris–Issues, challenges, prospects.Kenneth Shockley & Idil Boran - 2015 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 18 (2):117-122.
    In December 2014, 196 Parties convened in Lima for the 20th session of the Conference of the Parties. The meeting in Lima was, in many respects, a turning point in the history of climate n...
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  8. Interview with Iris Marion Young.Neus Torbisco Casals & Idil Boran - 2008 - Hypatia 23 (3):173-181.
    Originally, the idea of interviewing Iris Marion Young in Barcelona came about after she accepted an invitation to give a public lecture at the Law School of Pompeu Fabra University in May 2002. I had first met Iris back in 1999, at a conference in Bristol, England, and I was impressed deeply by her personality and ideas. We kept in touch since then and exchanged papers and ideas. She was very keen to come to Spain (it seems that her mother (...)
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  9. Global linguistic diversity, public goods, and the principle of fairness.Idil Boran - 2003 - In Will Kymlicka & Alan Patten (eds.), Language Rights and Political Theory. Oxford University Press. pp. 189--209.
  10.  42
    Contra Moore: The dependency of identity on culture.Idil Boran - 2001 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 4 (2):26-44.
    In her article,?Beyond the Cultural Argument for Liberal Nationalism?, Margaret Moore provides a critique of this argument, and commends, as an alternative, an identity?based approach to liberal nationalism. Moore draws a distinction between identity and culture, and suggests that liberal nationalism should be founded on the former rather than the latter. This article argues, by contrast, that although identity and culture need to be distinguished, they are not as dissociable as Moore contends. It argues that the distinction between identity and (...)
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  11.  26
    Do Cosmopolitans Have Reasons to Object to Global Distributive Justice?Idil Boran - 2008 - American Philosophical Quarterly 45 (1):1 - 17.
  12.  16
    David Held and Pietro Maffettone , Global Political Theory. Reviewed by.Idil Boran - 2019 - Philosophy in Review 39 (1):20-22.
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  13.  33
    Le conséquentialisme et le problème de prédiction.Idil Boran - 2004 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 48:305-313.
    Le présent article examine une objection contre le conséquentialisme provenant de ce que l’on peut appeler « le problème de prédiction ». Le conséquentialisme nous demande de choisir l’action qui apporte la meilleure conséquence. Or, il n’est pas toujours facile, ou même possible, de prédire le futur et de savoir quelles seront exactement les conséquences de nos actions. Il n’est pas raisonnable d’attendre l’action juste de l’agent moral si le critère de justice requiert de celui-ci une prédiction qu’il n’est pas (...)
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  14.  48
    No Title available: Dialogue.Idil Boran - 2010 - Dialogue 49 (1):163-165.
  15.  52
    On distinguishing between types of impartiality.Idil Boran - 2004 - Journal of Value Inquiry 38 (3):333-339.
  16.  77
    Rawls and Carnap on doing philosophy without metaphysics.Idil Boran - 2005 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 86 (4):459–479.
    Some philosophers, such as Kai Nielsen, view Rawls's rejection of metaphysical claims, encapsulated in his method of avoidance, as being compatible with the "anti-philosophical" stance, the view that metaphysical debates are sterile and should be abandoned to be replaced by practically viable forms of thinking. This paper shows that this reading of the method of avoidance is incorrect and argues that the method of avoidance is in fact comparable to Carnap's higher-order standpoint of neutrality with regards to different frameworks. This (...)
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  17.  36
    Sur la portée des prérogatives personnelles.Idil Boran - 2005 - Philosophiques 32 (2):343-355.
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  18. Samuel Scheffler, Boundaries and Allegiances: Problems of Justice and Responsibility in Liberal Thought Reviewed by.Idil Boran - 2002 - Philosophy in Review 22 (2):141-143.
  19.  26
    The Circumstances of Global Justice.Idil Boran - 2008 - Public Affairs Quarterly 22 (4):335-352.
  20.  35
    Two Concepts of Wrongful Harm: A Response.Idil Boran - 2018 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 21 (3):396-399.
    ABSTRACTAs the window of opportunity to limit global average warming to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels is narrowing, the impacts of climate change are already being experienced around the world. No longer of merely theoretical interest, the issue of ‘loss and damage’ has become central to climate politics. Against this backdrop, old concepts of responsibility and wrongful harm are being revisited. Boran proposed moving away from an interactional conception of harm to an architectural one. The former supports the widely shared (...)
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  21. The Ethics and Politics of Linguistic Coexistence.Idil Boran - 2002 - Dissertation, Queen's University at Kingston (Canada)
    This dissertation offers a theoretical model to ground language rights, rooted in liberalism and the politics of difference. Many existing arguments for language rights apply what Raz has called an "interest theory of rights" to the issue of language rights, which implies that an interest important enough is grounds to hold others duty-bound. Different claims of interest regarding a particular language, such one's mother tongue, are assessed in light of liberal principles of justice and the politics of difference. A participation-based (...)
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  22.  42
    Alter ego. Les paradoxes de l'identité démocratiqueSylvie Mesure et Alain Renaut Collection «Alto» Paris, Aubier, 1999, 305 p. [REVIEW]Idil Boran - 2001 - Dialogue 40 (3):638-641.
  23. Joshua Gert, Brute Rationality: Normativity and Human Action. [REVIEW]Idil Boran - 2005 - Philosophy in Review 25:181-183.
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