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Judy Lochhead [7]J. Lochhead [3]Judith Lochhead [2]Judith Irene Lochhead [2]
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    Hearing new music: Pedagogy from a phenomenological perspective.Judy Lochhead - forthcoming - Philosophy of Music Education Review.
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  2. Applied aesthetics.Judy Lochhead - 2016 - In Sally Macarthur, Judith Irene Lochhead & Jennifer Robin Shaw (eds.), Music's immanent future: the deleuzian turn in music studies. Burlington, VT, USA: Ashgate.
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    A Response to Responsibilities.J. Lochhead - 2016 - Constructivist Foundations 12 (1):104-105.
    Open peer commentary on the article “A Cybernetic Approach to Contextual Teaching and Learning” by Philip Baron. Upshot: The target article does an excellent job of describing the theoretical basis of a cybernetic approach to teaching at the university level. In addition, it also describes changes that must occur in the teacher’s perspective and attitude. Yet I am left wondering how any of this can actually happen.
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  4. Chaotic mappings.Judy Lochhead - 2016 - In Sally Macarthur, Judith Irene Lochhead & Jennifer Robin Shaw (eds.), Music's immanent future: the deleuzian turn in music studies. Burlington, VT, USA: Ashgate.
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  5. Ernst to Amherst, Massachusetts.J. Lochhead - 2007 - Constructivist Foundations 2 (2-3):39-40.
    Excerpt: In 1987 Ernst retired from the University of Georgia and moved to Amherst, Massachusetts... Ernst was a welcome addition to my research team at UMass; especially since I had a grant from NSF to develop an interdisciplinary science course based on an explicitly constructivist perspective. After three years and hundreds of hours of discussion a team of faculty from physics, chemistry, biology and science education discovered that while we all used the term "energy" in a mathematically common manner we (...)
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  6. Introduction.Judy Lochhead - 2002 - In Judith Irene Lochhead & Joseph Henry Auner (eds.), Postmodern music/postmodern thought. London: Routledge.
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  7. Musical becomings.Judy Lochhead - 2016 - In Sally Macarthur, Judith Irene Lochhead & Jennifer Robin Shaw (eds.), Music's immanent future: the deleuzian turn in music studies. Burlington, VT, USA: Ashgate.
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  8. Music theory and philosophy.Judy Lochhead - 2011 - In Theodore Gracyk & Andrew Kania (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Music. New York: Routledge.
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  9. Postmodern music/postmodern thought.Judith Irene Lochhead & Joseph Henry Auner (eds.) - 2002 - London: Routledge.
    What is postmodern music and how does it differ from earlier styles, including modernist music? What roles have electronic technologies and sound production played in defining postmodern music? Has postmodern music blurred the lines between high and popular music? Addressing these and other questions, this ground-breaking collection gathers together for the first time essays on postmodernism and music written primarily by musicologists, covering a wide range of musical styles including concert music, jazz, film music, and popular music. Topics include: the (...)
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    Sound and affect: voice, music, world.Judith Lochhead, Eduardo Mendieta & Stephen Decatur Smith (eds.) - 2021 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Studies of affect and emotions have blossomed in recent decades across the humanities, neurosciences, and social sciences. In music scholarship, they have often built on the discipline's attention to what music theorists since the Renaissance have described as music's unique ability to arouse passions in listeners. In this timely volume, the editors seek to combine this 'affective turn' with the 'sound turn' in the humanities, which has profitably shifted attention from the visual to the aural, as well as a more (...)
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    Sound and Techné.Judith Lochhead - 2018 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 22 (1):126-134.
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  12. Some Questions about Responsibility.J. Lochhead - 2014 - Constructivist Foundations 9 (2):275-276.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Ethics: A Radical-constructivist Approach” by Andreas Quale. Upshot: Radical constructivism views ethics as an individual responsibility. What are the limits of that responsibility? I pose some questions but do not accept the responsibility to answer them. Radical constructivism may be neutral but it need not be indifferent. An ethically neutral constructivism need not construct an ethically neutral constructivist.
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  13. Intra-active soundings.Sally Macarthur & Judy Lochhead - 2016 - In Sally Macarthur, Judith Irene Lochhead & Jennifer Robin Shaw (eds.), Music's immanent future: the deleuzian turn in music studies. Burlington, VT, USA: Ashgate.
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    Music's immanent future: the deleuzian turn in music studies.Sally Macarthur, Judith Irene Lochhead & Jennifer Robin Shaw (eds.) - 2016 - Burlington, VT, USA: Ashgate.
    The conversations generated by the chapters in Music's Immanent Future grapple with some of music's paradoxes: that music of the Western art canon is viewed as timeless and universal while other kinds of music are seen as transitory and ephemeral; that in order to make sense of music we need descriptive language; that to open up the new in music we need to revisit the old; that to arrive at a figuration of music itself we need to posit its starting (...)
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