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  1. Taking responsibility for the past: reparation and historical injustice.Janna Thompson - 2002 - Cambridge, UK: Polity.
    Injustices of the past cast a shadow on the present. They are the root cause of much harm, the source of enmity, and increasingly in recent times, the focus of demands for reparation. In this groundbreaking philosophical investigation, Janna Thompson examines the problems raised by reparative demands and puts forward a theory of reparation for historical injustices. The book argues that the problems posed by historical injustices are best resolved by a reconciliatory view of reparative justice and an approach that (...)
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    Studies in the theory of ideology.John B. Thompson - 1984 - Cambridge [Cambridgeshire]: Polity Press.
    Introduction Few areas of social inquiry are more exciting and important, and yet at the same time more marked by controversy and dispute, than the area ...
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  3. Hermeneutics and the Human Sciences. Essay on Language, Action and Interpretation.Paul Ricoeur & John B. Thompson - 1983 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 39 (3):342-342.
    This is a collection in translation of essays by Paul Ricoeur which presents a comprehensive view of his philosophical hermeneutics, its relation to the views of his predecessors in the tradition and its consequences for the social sciences. The volume has three parts. The studies in the first part examine the history of hermeneutics, its central themes and the outstanding issues it has to confront. In Part II, Ricoeur's own current, constructive position is developed. A concept of the text is (...)
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  4. Ideology and modern culture.John B. Thompson - 1993 - South African Journal of Philosophy 12 (1):12-18.
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  5. Studies in the Theory of Ideology.John B. Thompson - 1986 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 20 (2):179-181.
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  6. Historical injustice and reparation: Justifying claims of descendants.Janna Thompson - 2001 - Ethics 112 (1):114-135.
  7. Habermas, critical debates.John B. Thompson & David Held (eds.) - 1982 - Cambridge: MIT Press.
    The essays in this book - all of them published here for the first time - provide a long-overdue critical discussion of Jürgen Habermas's cascade of ideas. These are topped off by a freshet of original Habermas: in the final essay, he replies to the criticism developed in the preceding contributions and to other recent assessments of his work, provides an important clarification of his earlier views, and reveals the direction of his current thought.Each essay probes a particular theme in (...)
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  8. A Refutation of Environmental Ethics.Janna Thompson - 1990 - Environmental Ethics 12 (2):147-160.
    An environmental ethic holds that some entities in nature or in natural states of affairs are intrinsically valuable. I argue that proposals for an environmental ethic either fail to satisfy requirements which any ethical system must satisty to be an ethic or they fail to give us reason to suppose that the values they promote are intrinsic values. If my arguments are correct, then environmental ethics is not properly ethics at all.
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  9. Mediated Interaction in the Digital Age.John B. Thompson - 2020 - Theory, Culture and Society 37 (1):3-28.
    In The Media and Modernity, Thompson develops an interactional theory of communication media that distinguishes between three basic types of interaction: face-to-face interaction, mediated interaction, and mediated quasi-interaction. In the light of the digital revolution and the growth of the internet, this paper introduces a fourth type: mediated online interaction. Drawing on Goffman’s distinction between front regions and back regions, Thompson shows how mediated quasi-interaction and mediated online interaction create new opportunities for the leakage of information and symbolic content from (...)
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  10. Software piracy: Is it related to level of moral judgment?Jeanne M. Logsdon, Judith Kenner Thompson & Richard A. Reid - 1994 - Journal of Business Ethics 13 (11):849 - 857.
    The possible relationship between widespread unauthorized copying of microcomputer software (also known as software piracy) and level of moral judgment is examined through analysis of over 350 survey questionnaires that included the Defining Issues Test as a measure of moral development. It is hypothesized that the higher one''s level of moral judgment, the less likely that one will approve of or engage in unauthorized copying. Analysis of the data indicate a high level of tolerance toward unauthorized copying and limited support (...)
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    Beyond the scientific method: Model‐based inquiry as a new paradigm of preference for school science investigations.Mark Windschitl, Jessica Thompson & Melissa Braaten - 2008 - Science Education 92 (5):941-967.
  12. Habermas: Critical Debates.John B. Thompson & David Held - 1986 - Studies in Soviet Thought 31 (4):347-349.
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  13. Aesthetics and the Value of Nature.Janna Thompson - 1995 - Environmental Ethics 17 (3):291-305.
    Like many environmental philosophers, I find the idea that the beauty of wildernesses makes them valuable in their own right and gives us a moral duty to preserve and protect them to be attractive. However, this appeal to aesthetic value encounters a number of serious problems. I argue that these problems can best be met and overcome by recognizing that the appreciation of natural environments and the appreciation of great works of arts are activities more similar than many people have (...)
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  14. Intergenerational Justice: Rights and Responsibilities in an Intergenerational Polity.Janna Thompson - 2009 - New York: Routledge.
    In this timely study, Thompson presents a theory of intergenerational justice that gives citizens duties to past and future generations, showing why people can make legitimate demands of their successors and explaining what relationships between contemporary generations count as fair. What connects these various responsibilities and entitlements is a view about individual interests that both argues that individuals are motivated by intergenerational concerns, and that a polity that appropriately recognizes these interests must support and accept intergenerational responsibilities. The book ranges (...)
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  15. The apology paradox.Janna Thompson - 2000 - Philosophical Quarterly 50 (201):470-475.
  16. Business Ethics Journal Rankings as Perceived by Business Ethics Scholars.Chad Albrecht, Jeffery A. Thompson, Jeffrey L. Hoopes & Pablo Rodrigo - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 95 (2):227-237.
    We present the findings of a worldwide survey that was administered to business ethic scholars to better understand journal quality within the business ethics academic community. Based upon the data from the survey, we provide a ranking of the top 10 business ethics journals. We then provide a comparison of business ethics journals to other mainstream management journals in terms of journal quality. The results of the study suggest that, within the business ethics academic community, many scholars prefer to publish (...)
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    Using Video Game Telemetry Data to Research Motor Chunking, Action Latencies, and Complex Cognitive‐Motor Skill Learning.Joseph J. Thompson, C. M. McColeman, Ekaterina R. Stepanova & Mark R. Blair - 2017 - Topics in Cognitive Science 9 (2):467-484.
    Many theories of complex cognitive-motor skill learning are built on the notion that basic cognitive processes group actions into easy-to-perform sequences. The present work examines predictions derived from laboratory-based studies of motor chunking and motor preparation using data collected from the real-time strategy video game StarCraft 2. We examined 996,163 action sequences in the telemetry data of 3,317 players across seven levels of skill. As predicted, the latency to the first action is delayed relative to the other actions in the (...)
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  18. The New Visibility.John B. Thompson - 2005 - Theory, Culture and Society 22 (6):31-51.
    This article examines the characteristics of a new form of visibility which has become a pervasive feature of the modern world and which is linked to the development of communication media. With the development of the media, the visibility of individuals, actions and events is severed from the sharing of a common locale: one no longer has to be present in the same spatial-temporal setting in order to see the other or to witness an action or event. The rise of (...)
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  19. Collective responsibility for historic injustices.Janna Thompson - 2006 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 30 (1):154–167.
    The article presents critical examination of theories about collective responsibility attempting to cover responsibility for historic injustices. The author will also try to establish the possibility of collective responsibility for the present members of the group to make recompense for the injustices committed by their ancestors depending on two factors expounded in the article.
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    Groups as intergenerational agents: Responsibility through time and change.Janna Thompson - 2022 - Journal of Social Philosophy 53 (1):8-20.
    Journal of Social Philosophy, Volume 53, Issue 1, Page 8-20, Spring 2022.
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    Why agronomy in the developing world has become contentious.James Sumberg, John Thompson & Philip Woodhouse - 2013 - Agriculture and Human Values 30 (1):71-83.
    In this paper we argue that over the last 40 years the context of agronomic research in the developing world has changed significantly. Three main changes are identified: the neoliberal turn in economic and social policy and the rise to prominence of the participation and environmental agendas. These changes have opened up new spaces for contestation around the goals, priorities, methods, results and recommendations of agronomic research. We suggest that this dynamic of contestation is having important effects on how agronomic (...)
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    Signature Limits in Mindreading Systems.J. Robert Thompson - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (7):1432-1455.
    Recent evidence that young children seem to both understand false belief in one sense, but not in another, has led to two-systems theorizing about mindreading. By analyzing the most detailed two-systems approach in studying social cognition—the theory of mindreading defended by Ian Apperly and Stephen Butterfill—I argue that that even when dutifully constructed, two-systems approaches in social cognition struggle to adequately define the mindreading systems in terms of signature processing limits, an issue that becomes most apparent when investigating mindreading in (...)
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  23. Critical Hermeneutics: A Study in the Thought of Paul Ricoeur and Jürgen Habermas.John B. Thompson - 1981 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Paul Ricœur & Jürgen Habermas.
    This is a study in the philosophy of social science. It takes the form of a comparative critique of three contemporary approaches: ordinary language philosophy, hermeneutics and critical theory, represented here respectively by Ludwig Wittgenstein, Paul Ricoeur and Jürgen Habermas. Part I is devoted to an exposition of these authors' views and of the traditions to which they belong. Its unifying thread is their common concern with language, a concern which nonetheless reveals important differences of approach. For whereas ordinary language (...)
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  24. The Universe:a Philosophical derivation of a Final Theory.John F. Thompson - manuscript
    The reason for physics’ failure to find a final theory of the universe is examined. Problems identified are: the lack of unequivocal definitions for its fundamental elements (time, length, mass, electric charge, energy, work, matter-waves); the danger of relying too much on mathematics for solutions; especially as philosophical arguments conclude the universe cannot have a mathematical basis. It does not even need the concept of number to exist. Numbers and mathematics are human inventions arising from the human predilection for measurement. (...)
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  25. Meaning and Mindreading.J. Robert Thompson - 2014 - Mind and Language 29 (2):167-200.
    In this article, I defend Neo-Gricean accounts of language and communication from an objection about linguistic development. According to this objection, children are incapable of understanding the minds of others in the way that Neo-Gricean accounts require until long after they learn the meanings of words, are able to produce meaningful utterances, and understand the meaningful utterances of others. In answering this challenge, I outline exactly what sorts of psychological states are required by Neo-Gricean accounts and conclude that there is (...)
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  26. Psychological Contracts: A Nano-Level Perspective on Social Contract Theory.Jeffery A. Thompson & David W. Hart - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 68 (3):229-241.
    Social contract theory has been criticized as a “theory in search of application.” We argue that incorporating the nano, or individual, level of analysis into social contract inquiry will yield more descriptive theory. We draw upon the psychological contract perspective to address two critiques of social contract theory: its rigid macro-orientation and inattention to the process of contract formation. We demonstrate how a psychological contract approach offers practical insight into the impact of social contracting on day-to-day human interaction. We then (...)
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  27. Identity and Obligation in a Transgenerational Polity.Janna Thompson - 2009 - In Axel Gosseries & Lukas H. Meyer (eds.), Intergenerational Justice. Oxford, Royaume-Uni: Oxford University Press.
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    The practice of corporate social performance in minority- versus nonminority-owned small businesses.Judith Kenner Thompson & Jacqueline N. Hood - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (3):197 - 206.
    This study compares corporate social performance in terms of charitable contributions of minority-owned and nonminority-owned small businesses. In this sample, minority-owned small businesses are younger, have less full-time employees, and lower annual sales. Minority-owned small businesses donate more funds to religious organizations than nonminority-owned small businesses. When annual sales are accounted for, minority-owned businesses contribute more total dollars to all charitable organizations than nonminority-owned firms. Suggestions for future research in this area are delineated.
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    Critique, Resistance, and Action: Working Papers in the Politics of Nursing.Janice L. Thompson, David Allen & Lorraine Rodrigues-Fisher - 1992 - Jones & Bartlett Learning.
    This provocative book paved the way for nursing research informed by f eminist scholarship, critical theory, and post-modern thought. Controv ersial then, relevant today.
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  30. Untangling Employee Loyalty: A Psychological Contract Perspective.David W. Hart & Jeffery A. Thompson - 2007 - Business Ethics Quarterly 17 (2):297-323.
    ABSTRACT:Although business ethicists have theorized frequently about the virtues and vices of employee loyalty, the concept of loyalty remains loosely defined. In this article, we argue that viewing loyalty as a cognitive phenomenon—an attitude that resides in the mind of the individual—helps to clarify definitional inconsistencies, provides a finer-grained analysis of the concept, and sheds additional light on the ethical implications of loyalty in organizations. Specifically, we adopt the psychological contract perspective to analyze loyalty's cognitive dimensions, and treat loyalty as (...)
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    Affective Images of Climate Change.Betsy Lehman, Jessica Thompson, Shawn Davis & Joshua M. Carlson - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Shifting Boundaries of Public and Private Life.John B. Thompson - 2011 - Theory, Culture and Society 28 (4):49-70.
    High-profile political scandals are symptomatic of a profound transformation of the relations between public and private life that has accompanied and helped to shape the development of modern societies. While the distinction between public and private life is not unique to modern societies, the emergence of new media of communication, from print to radio, television and the internet, has altered the very nature of the public, the private and the relations between them. Both the public and the private have been (...)
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  33. Historical obligations.Janna Thompson - 2000 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 78 (3):334 – 345.
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    Middle Childhood and Modern Human Origins.Jennifer L. Thompson & Andrew J. Nelson - 2011 - Human Nature 22 (3):249-280.
    The evolution of modern human life history has involved substantial changes in the overall length of the subadult period, the introduction of a novel early childhood stage, and many changes in the initiation, termination, and character of the other stages. The fossil record is explored for evidence of this evolutionary process, with a special emphasis on middle childhood, which many argue is equivalent to the juvenile stage of African apes. Although the “juvenile” and “middle childhood” stages appear to be the (...)
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  35. Ideology and the social imaginary.JohnB Thompson - 1982 - Theory and Society 11 (5):659-681.
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    Historical justice and memory.Klaus Neumann & Janna Thompson (eds.) - 2015 - Madison, Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press.
    Historical Justice and Memory highlights the global movement for historical justice—acknowledging and redressing historic wrongs—as one of the most significant moral and social developments of our times. Such historic wrongs include acts of genocide, slavery, systems of apartheid, the systematic persecution of presumed enemies of the state, colonialism, and the oppression of or discrimination against ethnic or religious minorities. The historical justice movement has inspired the spread of truth and reconciliation processes around the world and has pushed governments to make (...)
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    Justice and World Order: A Philosophical Inquiry.Janna Thompson - 1992 - New York: Routledge.
    The political changes of recent years and the problems of poverty, the environment and nationalism have led to calls for the establishment of a just world order. But what would such a world be like? This book considers the concept of international justice as it has developed in traditional political theory from Hobbes to Marx and in contemporary writing on the subject. It develops a theory of international justice designed to take account of both individual freedom and the differences among (...)
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    How the collaborative work of farm to school can disrupt neoliberalism in public schools.Andrea Bisceglia, Jennifer Hauver, David Berle & Jennifer Jo Thompson - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (1):59-71.
    Farm to school is a popular approach to food systems education in K-12 schools across the United States. FTS programs are highly heterogeneous, but generally include serving locally grown fruits and vegetables in school nutrition programs, planting and maintaining school gardens, and engaging students in garden and food-based learning across the school curriculum. While FTS has been promoted as a “win–win–win” for children, farmers, and communities, it has also been critiqued for reinscribing neoliberal trends that exacerbate social inequalities. Through a (...)
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    Of Huge Mice and Tiny Elephants: Exploring the Relationship Between Inhibitory Processes and Preschool Math Skills.Rebecca Merkley, Jodie Thompson & Gaia Scerif - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The ethics of intergenerational relationships.Janna Thompson - 2017 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 47 (2-3):313-326.
    According to the relational approach we have obligations to members of future generations not because of their interests or properties but because, and only because, they are our descendants or successors. Common accounts of relational duties do not explain how we can have obligations to people who do not yet exist. In this defence of the relational approach I examine three sources of intergenerational obligations: the concern of parents for their children, including their future children; the desire of community members (...)
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    Women and human development: The capabilities approach.J. Thompson - 2002 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 80 (1):111 – 113.
    Book Information Women and Human Development: The Capabilities Approach. By Martha C. Nussbaum. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge/New York. 2000. Pp. xxi + 312.
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  42. Justice for Here and Now.James P. Sterba & Janna Thompson - 2000 - Philosophical Quarterly 50 (199):272-274.
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  43. A direct test of E=mc 2.S. Rainville, E. G. Kessler Jr, M. Jentschel, P. Mutti, J. K. Thompson, E. G. Myers, J. M. Brown, M. S. Dewey, R. D. Deslattes, H. G. Börner & D. E. Pritchard - 2005 - Nature 438 (22):1096-1097.
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  44. Paul Ricoeur: Hermeneutics and the Human Sciences.Paul Ricoeur & John B. Thompson - 1983 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 16 (4):272-275.
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    Environment as Heritage.Janna Thompson - 2000 - Environmental Ethics 22 (3):241-258.
    Arguments for the preservation of natural objects and environments sometimes appeal to the value of those objects as cultural heritage. Can something be valuable because of its relation to the historical past? I examine and assess arguments for preservation based upon heritage value and defend the thesis that we have an obligation to appreciate what our predecessors valued and to value those thingsthat have played an important role in our history. I show how this conception of our obligations can be (...)
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  46. Obligations of Justice and the Interests of the Dead.Janna Thompson - 2016 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 30 (2):289-300.
    Intergenerational justice gives present citizens obligations to past as well as future generations. Present members of a political society have an obligation to respect the contributions of their predecessors. But respect for past generations also means taking their intergenerational objectives into account in political decision-making—giving them weight in determining intergenerational policies—and thus treating past generations as participants in intergenerational policymaking. Neither the inability of the dead to have experiences, nor epistemological difficulties in determining their interests, nor the entitlement of present (...)
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    Multiple faces elicit augmented neural activity.Aina Puce, Marie E. McNeely, Michael E. Berrebi, James C. Thompson, Jillian Hardee & Julie Brefczynski-Lewis - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  48.  9
    Collaboration for Social Problem Solving: A Process Model.Jacqueline N. Hood, Jeanne M. Logsdon & Judith Kenner Thompson - 1993 - Business and Society 32 (1):1-17.
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  49. Feminist Perspectives on Ethics.Elizabeth Porter, James Sterba & Janna Thompson - 2004 - Hypatia 19 (2):201-208.
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    Is apology a sorry affair? Derrida and the moral force of the impossible.Janna Thompson - 2010 - Philosophical Forum 41 (3):259-274.
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