Results for 'J. Vena'

949 found
  1.  79
    The impact of reporting magnetic resonance imaging incidental findings in the Canadian alliance for healthy hearts and minds cohort.Rhian Touyz, Amy Subar, Ian Janssen, Bob Reid, Eldon Smith, Caroline Wong, Pierre Boyle, Jean Rouleau, F. Henriques, F. Marcotte, K. Bibeau, E. Larose, V. Thayalasuthan, A. Moody, F. Gao, S. Batool, C. Scott, S. E. Black, C. McCreary, E. Smith, M. Friedrich, K. Chan, J. Tu, H. Poiffaut, J. -C. Tardif, J. Hicks, D. Thompson, L. Parker, R. Miller, J. Lebel, H. Shah, D. Kelton, F. Ahmad, A. Dick, L. Reid, G. Paraga, S. Zafar, N. Konyer, R. de Souza, S. Anand, M. Noseworthy, G. Leung, A. Kripalani, R. Sekhon, A. Charlton, R. Frayne, V. de Jong, S. Lear, J. Leipsic, A. -S. Bourlaud, P. Poirier, E. Ramezani, K. Teo, D. Busseuil, S. Rangarajan, H. Whelan, J. Chu, N. Noisel, K. McDonald, N. Tusevljak, H. Truchon, D. Desai, Q. Ibrahim, K. Ramakrishnana, C. Ramasundarahettige, S. Bangdiwala, A. Casanova, L. Dyal, K. Schulze, M. Thomas, S. Nandakumar, B. -M. Knoppers, P. Broet, J. Vena, T. Dummer, P. Awadalla, Matthias G. Friedrich, Douglas S. Lee, Jean-Claude Tardif, Erika Kleiderman & Marcotte - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-15.
    BackgroundIn the Canadian Alliance for Healthy Hearts and Minds (CAHHM) cohort, participants underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain, heart, and abdomen, that generated incidental findings (IFs). The approach to managing these unexpected results remain a complex issue. Our objectives were to describe the CAHHM policy for the management of IFs, to understand the impact of disclosing IFs to healthy research participants, and to reflect on the ethical obligations of researchers in future MRI studies.MethodsBetween 2013 and 2019, 8252 participants (...)
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    Theoretical foundations of the intercultural communicative competence in English.Midalys Román Betancourt & Vena Robaina - 2015 - Humanidades Médicas 15 (1):70-87.
    La formación del profesional de la salud de perfil amplio constituye uno de los objetivos principales en la educación médica superior. Sobre la base de este planteamiento se desarrolló una investigación en la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas "Carlos J. Finlay", de Camagüey, con el objetivo de exponer los fundamentos teóricos en los que se sustenta la competencia comunicativa intercultural en la enseñanza-aprendizaje del idioma Inglés. Se utilizaron diferentes métodos de investigación de los niveles teórico (...)
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    El estadio ético de Kierkegaard en las categorías lógicas de Hegel: posibilidad, realidad y necesidad actuales.María J. Binetti - 2007 - Cosmos and History 3 (2-3):370-383.
    Durante deacute;cadas, la historia de la filosofiacute;a ha separado a Kierkegaard de Hegel y a Hegel de Kierkegaard, en detrimento tanto de la grandeza especulativa del pensamiento kierkegaardiano como de la vena existencial del sistema de Hegel. En oposicioacute;n a esta desafortunada lectura, el presente artiacute;culo intenta mostrar la profunda convergencia que une internamente el estadio eacute;tico de Kierkegaard con las maacute;s importantes categoriacute;as loacute;gicas de Hegel. Ambos pensadores conciben la idea como el poder real del devenir subjetivo y (...)
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    Consciousness.J. Allan Hobson - 2000 - W.
    Where does consciousness come from and how does it work? Is it a purely biological thing? Where does the brain leave off and the mind begin? These questions, once viewed as ethereal and impossible to study empirically, are now being addressed by science in bold and startling new ways.In Consciousness, world-renowned neuropsychiatrist J. Allan Hobson presents a witty and introspective consideration of this mysterious concept, connecting it to specific areas of the brain and their chemical and physical states. Hobson guides (...)
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  5. Synaesthesia: The prevalence of atypical cross-modal experiences.J. Simner, C. Mulvenna, N. Sagiv, E. Tsakanikos, S. A. Witherby, C. Fraser, K. Scott & J. Ward - 2006 - Perception 35 (8):1024-33.
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  6.  89
    Nonfinitizability of classes of representable cylindric algebras.J. Donald Monk - 1969 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 34 (3):331-343.
  7.  76
    A theorem in 3-valued model theory with connections to number theory, type theory, and relevant logic.J. Michael Dunn - 1979 - Studia Logica 38 (2):149 - 169.
    Given classical (2 valued) structures and and a homomorphism h of onto , it is shown how to construct a (non-degenerate) 3-valued counterpart of . Classical sentences that are true in are non-false in . Applications to number theory and type theory (with axiom of infinity) produce finite 3-valued models in which all classically true sentences of these theories are non-false. Connections to relevant logic give absolute consistency proofs for versions of these theories formulated in relevant logic (the proof for (...)
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  8.  18
    A Response to Our Theatre Critics.J. A. Hobson & K. J. Friston - 2016 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 23 (3-4):245-254.
    We would like to thank Dolega and Dewhurst for a thought-provoking and informed deconstruction of our article, which we take as applause from valued members of our audience. In brief, we fully concur with the theatre-free formulation offered by Dolega and Dewhurst and take the opportunity to explain why we used the Cartesian theatre metaphor. We do this by drawing an analogy between consciousness and evolution. This analogy is used to emphasize the circular causality inherent in the free energy principle. (...)
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  9.  48
    William J. Morgan on Fair Play, Treatment versus Enhancement and the Doping Debates in Sport.Angela J. Schneider - 2018 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 12 (4):386-400.
  10.  62
    Recursive isomorphism types of recursive Boolean algebras.J. B. Remmel - 1981 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 46 (3):572-594.
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  11.  12
    Rights.J. M. Bernstein - 2020 - In Ann Laura Stoler, Stathis Gourgouris & Jacques Lezra (eds.), Thinking with Balibar: A Lexicon of Conceptual Practice. New York: Fordham University Press. pp. 230-252.
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    Critical Reflections on Conventional Concepts and Beliefs in Bioethics.J. Clint Parker - 2019 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 44 (1):1-9.
    An important role of the philosopher is to critically reflect on what is often taken for granted, using the tools of argument and analysis. This article engages with six different papers that offer critical reflections on conventional concepts and beliefs in bioethics regarding informed consent, continuous deep sedation, traditional moral theories underlying bioethical thinking, the definition of mental disease, and codes of ethics for particular medical specialties.
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  13.  92
    The reductio argument and transmission of warrant.J. Brown - 2003 - In Susana Nuccetelli (ed.), New Essays on Semantic Externalism and Self-Knowledge. MIT Press.
  14.  25
    Contradictory Information: Better Than Nothing? The Paradox of the Two Firefighters.J. Michael Dunn & Nicholas M. Kiefer - 2019 - In Can Başkent & Thomas Macaulay Ferguson (eds.), Graham Priest on Dialetheism and Paraconsistency. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag. pp. 231-247.
    Prominent philosophers have argued that contradictions contain either too much or too little information to be useful. We dispute this with what we call the “Paradox of the Two Firefighters.” Suppose you are awakened in your hotel room by a fire alarm. You open the door. You see three possible ways out: left, right, straight ahead. You see two firefighters. One says there is exactly one safe route and it is to your left. The other says there is exactly one (...)
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  15.  8
    Studies on Babylonian goal-year astronomy I: a comparison between planetary data in Goal-Year Texts, Almanacs and Normal Star Almanacs.J. M. Steele & J. M. K. Gray - 2008 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 62 (5):553-600.
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  16.  69
    A divided mind: Observations of the conscious properties of the separated hemispheres.J. E. LeDoux, David H. Wilson & Michael S. Gazzaniga - 1977 - Annals of Neurology 2:417-21.
  17.  79
    Energy and entropy as real morphisms for addition and order.J. J. Duistermaat - 1968 - Synthese 18 (4):327 - 393.
  18. Parfit and the sorites paradox.J. M. Goodenough - 1996 - Philosophical Studies 83 (2):113-20.
    This paper aims to establish that Sorites reasoning, a fundamental part of Parfit's work, is more destructive that he intends. I establish the form that Parfit's arguments take and then substitute premises whose acceptability to Parfit I show. The new argument demonstrates an eliminativism or immaterialism concerning persons which Parfit must find repugnant.
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  19.  42
    Axiom schemes for m-valued propositional calculi.J. B. Rosser & A. R. Turquette - 1945 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 10 (3):61-82.
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  20. Judicial review and the conditions of democracy.J. Waldron - 1998 - Journal of Political Philosophy 6 (4):335–355.
  21.  28
    J S Semler se beskouing van geskiedenis, kerkgeskiedenis en heils-geskiedenis - 'n Verkenning.Christo Pretorius & S. J. Botha - 1998 - HTS Theological Studies 54 (1/2).
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  22.  40
    (1 other version)Completeness of the functional calculus of first order.J. Reichbach - 1955 - Studia Logica 2 (1):245-250.
  23. Further remarks on sensations and brain processes.J. J. C. Smart - 1961 - Philosophical Review 70 (July):406-407.
  24.  42
    D. J. Snider's "a walk in hellas".D. J. Snider & W. T. H. - 1882 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 16 (1):96 - 97.
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  25.  11
    Cheating and Deception.J. Bowyer Bell & Barton Whaley - 1991 - Routledge.
    Cheating and deception are terms often used but rarely defined. They summon up unpleasant connotations; even those deeply involved with cheating and deception rationalize why they have been driven to it. Particularly for Americans and much of Western civilization, official cheating, government duplicity, cheating as policy, and conscious, contrived deception, are all unacceptable except as a last resort in response to threat of extinction. As a distasteful tool, deception is rarely used to achieve national interests, unless in relation to the (...)
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  26.  28
    Prof. Dr P.J. Muller as Dogmatikus.B. J. Engelbrecht - 1953 - HTS Theological Studies 9 (3/4).
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    Prof dr J H Koekemoer as kerkman en akademikus.P. J. Van der Merwe - 2000 - HTS Theological Studies 56 (2/3).
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  28. A closer look at Danto's account of art and perception.J. Margolis - 2000 - British Journal of Aesthetics 40 (3):326-339.
  29.  9
    The Nature of Laughter.J. C. Gregory - 1999 - Routledge.
    First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    T. Lucreti Cari De Rerum Natura Libri Sex.J. P. Elder & J. Martin - 1956 - American Journal of Philology 77 (2):191.
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  31.  8
    Newton's Propositions on Comets: Steps in Transition, 1681–84.J. A. Ruffner - 2000 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 54 (4):259-277.
    Isaac Newton's closest approach to a system of the world in the critical period 1681–84 is provided in a set of untitled propositions concerning comets. They drastically revise his position maintained against Flamsteed in 1681 and may signal his adoption of a single comet solution for the appearances of 1680/1. Points of agreement and difference with the key pre-Principia texts of 1684–85 are analysed. He shows substantial control of the phenomena of tails which change very little in mechanical detail throughout (...)
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  32. British Empirical Philosophers : Locke, Berkeley, Hume, Reid and J. S. Mill. [An Anthology].A. J. Ayer & Raymond Winch (eds.) - 1952 - London,: Routledge.
    First published in 1952, British Empirical Philosophers is a comprehensive picture of one of the most important movements in the history of philosophic thought. In his introduction, Professor A. J. Ayer distinguishes the main problems of empiricism and gives a critical account of the ways in which the philosophers whose writings are included in this volume attempted to solve them. Editors Ayer and Raymond Winch bring together an authoritative abridgement of John Locke’s Essay Concerning Human Understanding ; Bishop George Berkeley’s (...)
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  33.  23
    Agnes Heller: A Philosopher for Today.J. F. Dorahy - 2020 - Critical Horizons 21 (4):303-317.
    ABSTRACT On 19 July 2019, Agnes Heller died whilst swimming in Lake Balaton outside Budapest. With her passing, the culture of humanity lost one of its most remarkable representatives. So too, contemporary critique lost a philosophical sensibility that is, today, within the neoliberal university, increasingly rare. It is this philosophical sensibility with which this essay is concerned. Through a critical reconstruction of Heller’s reading of three key figures from the philosophical tradition (Marx, Pascal and Kierkegaard), this essay both charts the (...)
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  34.  10
    Antropologie tussen wetenschap en kunst: essays over Clifford Geertz.J. W. Bakker, Y. Kuiper & Jelle Miedema - 1987
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  35.  37
    Encounter with Nothingness.J. D. Bastable - 1952 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 2:158-159.
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    Philosophy in the Middle Ages.J. D. Bastable - 1961 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 11:305-306.
  37.  31
    Theories of Scientific Method.J. D. Bastable - 1961 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 11:294-295.
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  38.  37
    A Psychocultural Perspective.J. W. Berry - 1974 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 23:172-178.
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  39.  33
    Christ and the Cosmos.J. F. Bonnefoy - 1966 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 15:315-315.
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  40.  6
    Kritische Bemerkungen Zu Fischarts Übersetzung von Rabelais’ Gargantua.J. J. A. A. Frantzen - 1892 - De Gruyter.
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    The Archive for History of Exact Sciences expands its scope to include the history of modern biology.J. J. Gray & J. Z. Buchwald - 2008 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 62 (6):601-602.
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  42.  11
    The Gospel According to St. Matthew, in Anglo-Saxon, Northumbrian, and Old Mercian Versions.J. M. G. & Walter W. Skeat - 1888 - American Journal of Philology 9 (1):101.
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  43.  16
    Evangeliorum Versio Antehieronymiana ex codice Usseriano.J. Rendel Harris & T. K. Abbott - 1885 - American Journal of Philology 6 (2):223.
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  44.  28
    Anselm and Talking about God.J. McEvoy - 1980 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 27:336-338.
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    La bibliothèque du philosophe médiéviste.J. McEvoy - 1975 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 24:256-257.
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    The Greek Concept of Justice.J. J. Tierney - 1980 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 27:319-322.
  47. Linguistic pragmatics and semiotics/Verschueren J.J. Verschueren - 1995 - Semiotica. Journal of the International Association for Semiotic Studies 104:33.
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    Die semantische Differential-Technik in der religionspsychologischen Forschung.J. Weima Von - 1967 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 9 (1):93-97.
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  49. David I. Anderson, Joseph J. Campos, and Marianne A. Barbu-Roth.Joseph J. Campos - 2003 - In Gavin Bremner & Alan Slater (eds.), Theories of Infant Development. Blackwell. pp. 30.
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  50.  11
    The Enactment Of Cognitive Science Informed Approaches In The Classroom - Teacher Experiences And Contextual Dimensions.Clara Rübner Jørgensen, Thomas Perry & Rosanna Lea - 2024 - British Journal of Educational Studies 72 (1):43-62.
    Cognitive science-informed approaches have gained considerable influence in education in the UK and internationally, but not much is known about how teachers perceive cognitive science-informed strategies or enact them within the contexts of their everyday classrooms. In this paper, we discuss the perceptions and experiences of cognitive science-informed strategies of 13 teachers in England. The paper critically explores how the teachers understood and used cognitive science-informed strategies in their teaching, their views of the benefits and challenges for different subjects and (...)
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