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James Chamberlain [15]James A. Chamberlain [9]James P. Chamberlain [3]
  1. Hume's emotivist theory of moral judgements.James Chamberlain - 2019 - European Journal of Philosophy 28 (4):1058-1072.
    Hume is believed by many to hold an emotivist thesis, according to which all expressions of moral judgements are expressions of moral sentiments. However, most specialist scholars of Hume either deny that this is Hume's position or believe that he has failed to argue convincingly for it. I argue that Hume is an emotivist, and that his true arguments for emotivism have been hitherto overlooked. Readers seeking to understand Hume's theory of moral judgements have traditionally looked to the first section (...)
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  2. Hume's "General Rules".James Chamberlain - forthcoming - Philosophers' Imprint.
    In this paper, I examine Hume’s account of an important class of causal belief which he calls “general rules”. I argue that he understands general rules, like all causal beliefs, as lively ideas which are habitually associated with our impressions or memories. However, I argue, he believes that they are unlike any reflectively produced causal beliefs in that they are produced quickly and automatically, such that they occur independently of any other processes of reasoning. Given this, I argue, Hume appears (...)
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  3. The Evolutionary Debunking of Quasi-Realism.Neil Sinclair & James Chamberlain - 2023 - In Diego E. Machuca (ed.), Evolutionary Debunking Arguments: Ethics, Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Mathematics, Metaphysics, and Epistemology. New York: Routledge. pp. 33-55.
    In “The Evolutionary Debunking of Quasi-Realism,” Neil Sinclair and James Chamberlain present a novel answer that quasi-realists can pro-vide to a version of the reliability challenge in ethics—which asks for an explanation of why our moral beliefs are generally true—and in so doing, they examine whether evolutionary arguments can debunk quasi-realism. Although reliability challenges differ from EDAs in several respects, there may well be a connection between them. For the explanatory premise of an EDA may state that a particular theory (...)
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    Minoritarian Democracy: The Democratic Case for No Borders.James A. Chamberlain - 2017 - Constellations 24 (2):142-153.
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    Responsibility for Migrants: From Hospitality to Solidarity.James A. Chamberlain - 2020 - Political Theory 48 (1):57-83.
    Critics of exclusionary borders might be tempted to appeal for more hospitality, but this essay argues that such an approach is misguided and develops an alternative framework called solidarity borders. The ongoing legacies of imperialism, the functioning of global capitalism, and insights from democratic theory show that we need to problematize two key presuppositions of hospitality: a clear distinction between hosts and guests, and the exclusive right of the former to impose conditions. Moreover, Jacques Derrida provides limited guidance as to (...)
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    Implicit Bias, Intersectionality, Compositionality.Jules Holroyd, James Chamberlain, Robin Scaife & Ben Jenkins - 2023 - Philosophical Psychology.
    Recent empirical work attempts to investigate how implicit biases target those facing intersectional oppression. This is welcome, since early work on implicit biases focused on single axes of discrimination, such as race, gender, or age. However, the success of such empirical work on how biases target those facing intersectional oppressions depends on adequate conceptualizations of intersectionality and empirical measures that are responsive to these conceptualizations. Surveying prominent recent empirical work, we identify failures in conceptualizations of intersectionality that inform the design (...)
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    (2 other versions)Challenging borders: The case for open borders with Joseph Carens and Jean-Luc Nancy.James A. Chamberlain - forthcoming - Sage Publications: Journal of International Political Theory.
    Journal of International Political Theory, Ahead of Print. Joseph Carens develops one of the most prominent cases for open borders in the academic literature on the basis of freedom and equality. Yet the implementation of his social membership theory would mean that immigrants who have not yet lived in a country long enough to become members would be excluded from political and social rights, thus raising the possibility of their domination and subordination by citizens. Given that these problems arise because (...)
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  8. Hume on Calm Passions, Moral Sentiments, and the "Common Point of View".James Chamberlain - 2022 - Hume Studies 47 (1):79-101.
    I argue for a thorough reinterpretation of Hume’s “common point of view” thesis, at least within his moral Enquiry. Hume is typically understood to argue that we correct for sympathetically produced variations in our moral sentiments, by undertaking an imaginative exercise. I argue that Hume cannot consistently claim this, because he argues that we automatically experience the same degree of the same moral sentiment towards all tokens of any one type of character trait. I then argue that, in his Enquiry (...)
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  9. Moral realism, quasi‐realism and moral steadfastness.James Chamberlain - 2021 - Ratio 35 (1):1-12.
    Some moral propositions are so obviously true that we refuse to doubt them, even where we believe that many people disagree. Following Fritz and McPherson, I call our behaviour in such cases ‘moral steadfastness’. In this paper, I argue for two metaethical implications of moral steadfastness. I first argue that morally steadfast behaviour is sufficiently prevalent to present an important challenge for some prominent analogies between moral epistemology and non-moral forms of epistemology. These analogies are often pressed by moral realists. (...)
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  10. Justice and the Tendency towards Good: The Role of Custom in Hume's Theory of Moral Motivation.James Chamberlain - 2017 - Hume Studies 43 (1):117-137.
    Given the importance of sympathetic pleasures within Hume’s account of approval and moral motivation, why does Hume think we feel obliged to act justly on those occasions when we know that doing so will benefit nobody? I argue that Hume uses the case of justice as evidence for a key claim regarding all virtues. Hume does not think we approve of token virtuous actions, whether natural or artificial, because they cause or aim to cause happiness in others. It is sufficient (...)
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    Philosophical Conversations in Prisons.Michael Coxhead & James Chamberlain - 2022 - The Philosophers' Magazine 97:88-92.
    Mike Coxhead and James Chamberlain on the transformative potential of philosophical conversations in prison.
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    Bending over Backwards: Flexibility, Freedom, and Domination in Contemporary Work.James A. Chamberlain - 2015 - Constellations 22 (1):91-104.
  13.  46
    Capitalism: A conversation in critical theory.James A. Chamberlain - 2020 - Contemporary Political Theory 19 (2):153-156.
  14.  24
    From the freedom of the seas to No Borders: Reading Grotius with Deleuze and Nancy.James A. Chamberlain - 2018 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (6):682-700.
    Taking inspiration from the legal doctrine of the freedom of the seas, this paper makes the case for No Borders. To do so, it revisits Grotius’s arguments for the freedom of the seas. Analysis of contemporary bordering practices in the Mediterranean Sea reveals the weakness of what appears to be Grotius’s most plausible argument, namely that the ocean cannot be occupied and should therefore be free. While Grotius’s argument for the freedom of the seas based on the idea of divinely (...)
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    Motivating cosmopolitanism: Jürgen Habermas, Jean-Luc Nancy, and the case for cosmocommonism.James A. Chamberlain - 2020 - Contemporary Political Theory 19 (1):105-126.
    Tackling global injustice requires appropriate and effective institutions as well as cosmopolitan solidarity. This paper assumes that the ‘constitutionalized world society’ theorized by Habermas offers a viable proposal to make the protection and promotion of human rights more feasible. His account of solidarity, however, reveals a conundrum: If strong forms of solidarity grow out of shared political institutions and a related collective identity, but it is precisely those institutions that we need to enhance at the global level, then how can (...)
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  16. Moral Testimony and Epistemic Privilege.James Chamberlain - forthcoming - Metaphilosophy.
    How should we, as philosophers, respond to the pure moral testimony of people in marginalized positions? Some philosophers argue that marginalized people have an epistemic advantage concerning their experiences of marginalization, such that, if we are non-marginalized, then we should defer to their moral testimony concerning these experiences. We might accept this as a requirement for ordinary conversation but doubt that any such requirement obtains when we do philosophy, since philosophy requires a critical stance. This paper argues that philosophers should (...)
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    (1 other version)Methamphetamine: Tools and Partnerships to Fight the Threat.James Chamberlain, Sherri McDonald, Kirk Torgensen & Fay W. Boozman - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (s4):104-105.
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    Book Review: Hume on the Nature of Morality, by Elizabeth S. Radcliffe. [REVIEW]James Chamberlain - 2023 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 21 (3):293-297.
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    Book Review: The Great Guide: What David Hume Can Teach Us about Being Human and Living Well by Julian Baggini. [REVIEW]Elizabeth C. Shaw, Staff & James Chamberlain - 2022 - Review of Metaphysics 75 (4):809-810.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Summaries and CommentsElizabeth C. Shaw, Staff*, and James ChamberlainBAGGINI, Julian. The Great Guide: What David Hume Can Teach Us about Being Human and Living Well. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2021. 319 pp. Cloth, $24.95; paper, $19.95Throughout this engaging and accessible book, Julian Baggini encourages his readers to treat the life and works of David Hume as a "model of how to live." Baggini presents summaries of Hume's most (...)
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    Book Review: Capitalism on Edge: How Fighting Precarity Can Achieve Radical Change Without Crisis or Utopia. [REVIEW]James Chamberlain - 2020 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 46 (4):452-464.
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    James A. Chamberlain, Undoing Work, Rethinking Community: A Critique of the Social Function of Work (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2018). [REVIEW]James Chamberlain, Rachel H. Brown, Maria Rosales, David Frayne, Samuel Arnold & Marek D. Steedman - 2019 - Critical Horizons 20 (4):366-387.
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    (2 other versions)Race, IQ and Jensen. [REVIEW]James P. Chamberlain - 1981 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 28:416-418.