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James Trafford [32]James L. Trafford [1]
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    Editorial introduction.James Trafford & Pete Wolfendale - 2019 - Angelaki 24 (1):4-13.
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    Reason and power: Difference, structural implication, and political transformation.James Trafford - 2019 - Contemporary Political Theory 18 (2):227-247.
    One of the central issues facing contemporary political theory is the problem of difference. This problem is perhaps clearest in disagreements regarding the role of pluralism between advocates of deliberative, and agonistic, approaches to democracy. According to agonists, deliberative democracy has only paid lip-service to pluralism, emphasising agreement, consensus, and universalism. Instead, agonists argue that we should accommodate incommensurable difference as central to political organisation. But this shift threatens to emphasise particularity at the expense of commonality, so preventing the transformation (...)
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  3. Is ‘No’ a Force-Indicator? Yes, Sooner or Later!Fabien Schang & James Trafford - 2017 - Logica Universalis 11 (2):225-251.
    This paper discusses the philosophical and logical motivations for rejectivism, primarily by considering a dialogical approach to logic, which is formalized in a Question–Answer Semantics. We develop a generalized account of rejectivism through close consideration of Mark Textor's arguments against rejectivism that the negative expression ‘No’ is never used as an act of rejection and is equivalent with a negative sentence. In doing so, we also shed light upon well-known issues regarding the supposed non-embeddability and non-iterability of force indicators.
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  4. Inference and Rational Commitment.James Trafford - 2013 - Prolegomena 12 (1):5-20.
    This peer-reviewed paper intervenes in debates relating to overarching themes that impact upon mass media studies, communication theory and theories of cognition more generally. In particular, the paper discusses issues involving how our ordinary psychological thinking relates to norms of rationality (and how these latter are conceived). In essence, I argue against a dominant approach taken by Christopher Peacocke, that rationality can be grounded in the possession of certain concepts. The article makes a new contribution to the field by arguing (...)
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    Structuring Co-constructive Logic for Proofs and Refutations.James Trafford - 2016 - Logica Universalis 10 (1):67-97.
    This paper considers a topos-theoretic structure for the interpretation of co-constructive logic for proofs and refutations following Trafford :22–40, 2015). It is notoriously tricky to define a proof-theoretic semantics for logics that adequately represent constructivity over proofs and refutations. By developing abstractions of elementary topoi, we consider an elementary topos as structure for proofs, and complement topos as structure for refutation. In doing so, it is possible to consider a dialogue structure between these topoi, and also control their relation such (...)
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  6. Logical Rules in Dialogue.James Trafford - unknown - Australasian Journal of Logic 18 (4).
    This paper tackles foundational issues regarding the justification of logical rules. It is argued that standard accounts from both proof-theoretical and semantical points of view do not su ffi ce to account for the justification of basic logical rules. By way of response, an analysis of logical inference as acts taking place in dialogical situations is provided. In turn, this makes way for an internal justification of logical rules at the termination of dialogue, that can be formalized in terms of (...)
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    Duality and Inferential Semantics.James Trafford - 2015 - Axiomathes 25 (4):495-513.
    It is well known that classical inferentialist semantics runs into problems regarding abnormal valuations. It is equally well known that the issues can be resolved if we construct the inference relation in a multiple-conclusion sequent calculus. The latter has been prominently developed in recent work by Restall, with the guiding interpretation that the valid sequent says that the simultaneous assertion of all of Γ with the denial of all of Δ is incoherent. However, such structures face significant interpretive challenges, and (...)
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  8. (1 other version)The shadow of a puppet dance: Metzinger, Ligotti and the illusion of selfhood.James Trafford - 2008 - Collapse: Philosophical Research and Development 4:185-207.
    This peer-reviewed essay is an intervention into the emerging field of 'Speculative Realism', which has links to the field of Speculative Aesthetics. The work is essentially an attempt to develop a theory of perception (and more broadly consciousness) that is not at odds with the scientific worldview. In this respect, the dominant views of aesthetic perception (Kantian / neo-Kantian phenomenology) are critiqued in favour of neurophilosophical views stemming from Thomas Metzinger. In order to position myself, I go on to analyse (...)
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    Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Mind.James Trafford - 2011 - Philosophical Psychology 24 (1):139-143.
  10.  35
    (1 other version)Empire’s New Clothes.James Trafford - 2019 - Angelaki 24 (1):37-54.
    This article considers neoliberalism through the “peaceful violence” of its social spaces that are stratified and ordered around raciality whilst abjuring the explicit presence of racialised power. Many dominant analyses of neoliberalism in the social science have figured racial injustices as ideological fossils to be swept away by a fundamentally neutral political economy that has shaped all human activity according to market principles. As such, racial injustices are understood as material deviations from conditions of economic power on the one hand, (...)
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    Foreword.James Trafford & Pete Wolfendale - 2019 - Angelaki 24 (1):1-3.
    This article considers neoliberalism through the “peaceful violence” of its social spaces that are stratified and ordered around raciality whilst abjuring the explicit presence of racialised power. Many dominant analyses of neoliberalism in the social science have figured racial injustices as ideological fossils to be swept away by a fundamentally neutral political economy that has shaped all human activity according to market principles. As such, racial injustices are understood as material deviations from conditions of economic power on the one hand, (...)
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  12. Inferentialism and Its Discontents.James Trafford - 2016 - In Meaning in Dialogue: An Interactive Approach to Logic and Reasoning. New York: Springer.
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  13. Introduction: Reasoning in Time and Space.James Trafford - 2016 - In Meaning in Dialogue: An Interactive Approach to Logic and Reasoning. New York: Springer.
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  14. Modal Rationalism and the Transference of Meaning.James L. Trafford - 2010 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 10 (2):97-107.
    The lesson is familiar. Kripke’s arguments in favor of a posteriori necessary truths annul the idea that conceivability is a guide to metaphysical possibility because determining that which is a priori is a separate issue from determining that which is necessary. Modal rationalists do not completely agree with this conclusion. Following recent work on two-dimensional semantics, David Chalmers suggests that two distinct semantic values can be assigned to a statement, depending on whether we consider possible worlds as counterfactual or counteractual. (...)
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  15. Paradox, Paraconsistency and Logical Revision.James Trafford - 2016 - In Meaning in Dialogue: An Interactive Approach to Logic and Reasoning. New York: Springer.
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  16. Rules in Dialogue.James Trafford - 2016 - In Meaning in Dialogue: An Interactive Approach to Logic and Reasoning. New York: Springer.
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