Results for 'Jan Erkens'

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  1.  39
    Boekbesprekingen.W. Beuken, J.-M. Tison, J. Lambrecht, D. Kinet, B. Van Dorpe, Jos Vercruysse, P. Fransen, E. De Strycker, P. Grootens, S. Trooster, J. Hansen, Jan Erkens, J. Van Torre, P. Van Doornik, C. Traets, M. De Wachter, A. Van Kol, J. Mulders, H. Robbers, A. Poncelet, H. Van Luijk, J. H. Nota, M. De Tollenaere, R. Hostie, J. Kijm, W. Heyvaert, J. De Gendt, G. Neefs, R. D'hondt, Fr Verleysen, J. Vanneste, M. Dierickx & N. Sprokel - 1968 - Bijdragen 29 (1):83-112.
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    Filozoficzna Szkoła Lwowsko-Warszawska.Jan Woleński (ed.) - 1985 - Warszawa: Pwn.
  3.  37
    The Theory of Practice and the Practice of Theory: Sociological Approaches in the History of Science.Jan Golinski - 1990 - Isis 81 (3):492-505.
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    Back to WHAT? The role of research ethics in pandemic times.Jan Helge Solbakk, Heidi Beate Bentzen, Søren Holm, Anne Kari Tolo Heggestad, Bjørn Hofmann, Annette Robertsen, Anne Hambro Alnæs, Shereen Cox, Reidar Pedersen & Rose Bernabe - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (1):3-20.
    The Covid-19 pandemic creates an unprecedented threatening situation worldwide with an urgent need for critical reflection and new knowledge production, but also a need for imminent action despite prevailing knowledge gaps and multilevel uncertainty. With regard to the role of research ethics in these pandemic times some argue in favor of exceptionalism, others, including the authors of this paper, emphasize the urgent need to remain committed to core ethical principles and fundamental human rights obligations all reflected in research regulations and (...)
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  5. (1 other version)Morality and Utility.Jan Narveson - 1969 - Philosophy 44 (168):162-163.
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  6. Strong and Weak Regress Arguments.Jan Willem Wieland - 2013 - Logique and Analyse 224:439-461.
    In the literature, regress arguments often take one of two different forms: either they conclude that a given solution fails to solve any problem of a certain kind (the strong conclusion), or they conclude that a given solution fails to solve all problems of a certain kind (the weaker conclusion). This gives rise to a logical problem: do regresses entail the strong or the weaker conclusion, or none? In this paper I demonstrate that regress arguments can in fact take both (...)
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    Beyond Greek “Sacred Laws”.Jan-Mathieu Pirenne-Delforge Carbon - 2012 - Kernos 25:163-182.
    La recherche récente a régulièrement remis en cause la catégorie moderne de « lois sacrées » désignant des inscriptions grecques qui forment un ensemble mal défini. Cet article entend dépasser le corpus traditionnel des « lois sacrées » en présentant un projet de recueil alternatif de « Normes rituelles grecques » (CGRN pour l’acronyme anglais), qui s’appuie sur des critères plus sélectifs et sera publié en ligne.
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    Non-Locality or Non-Separability?Jan Faye - 1993 - In Jan Faye & Henry J. Folse (eds.), Niels Bohr and Contemporary Philosophy. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 97--118.
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    A problem for extensional theories of time-consciousness.Jan Almäng - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):14865-14880.
    Extensionalist theories of the specious present suggest that every perceptual experience is extended in time for a short while, such that they are co-extensive in time with the time experienced in them. Thus, there can be no experience of time, unless the experience itself is extended in time. Accordingly, there must be something that unites the temporal parts of a perceptual experience into temporally extended wholes. I call this the “glue-problem for extensionalism”. In this paper I suggest three desiderata that (...)
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    How Experts Solve a Novel Problem in Experimental Design.Jan Maarten Schraagen - 1993 - Cognitive Science 17 (2):285-309.
    Research on expert‐novice differences has mainly focused on how experts solve familiar problems. We know far less about the skills and knowledge used by experts when they are confronted with novel problems within their area of expertise. This article discusses a study in which verbal protocols were taken from subjects of various expertise designing an experiment in an area with which they were unfamiliar. The results showed that even when domain knowledge is lacking, experts solve a novel problem within their (...)
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    Focus on form: foregrounding devices in football reporting.Jan Chovanec - 2008 - Discourse and Communication 2 (3):219-242.
    This article documents some foregrounding devices that the media use to attract readers' attention to linguistic forms, all identified in sports reports relating to the Euro 2004 Football Championship published in various British newspapers. A functional explanation is offered in terms of the poetic and interactive character of such devices and their role in simulating friendship and encouraging `bonding' between the writers and readers. Their omnipresence in the British media is linked with structural characteristics of the English language, the readiness (...)
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  12.  18
    Alfred Tarski and the Vienna Circle: Austro-Polish Connections in Logical Empiricism.Jan Wolenski & Eckehart Köhler (eds.) - 1998 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    The larger part of Yearbook 6 of the Institute Vienna Circle constitutes the proceedings of a symposium on Alfred Tarski and his influence on and interchanges with the Vienna Circle, especially those on and with Rudolf Carnap and Kurt Gödel. It is the first time that this topic has been treated on such a scale and in such depth. Attention is mainly paid to the origins, development and subsequent role of Tarski's definition of truth. Some contributions are primarily historical, others (...)
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  13.  48
    Observing fearful faces leads to visuo-spatial perspective taking.Jan Zwickel & Hermann J. Müller - 2010 - Cognition 117 (1):101-105.
  14.  23
    An asymmetric view of brain laterality.Jan Bureš, O. Burešová & J. Krivánek - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (1):22-23.
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    Education and globalisation.Jan Masschelein - 2002 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 36 (4):565-584.
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    Propositions in Prepositional Logic Provable Only by Indirect Proofs.Jan Ekman - 1998 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 44 (1):69-91.
    In this paper it is shown that addition of certain reductions to the standard cut removing reductions of deductions in prepositional logic makes prepositional logic non-normalizable. From this follows that some provable propositions in prepositional logic has no direct proof.
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  17. Inferring from topics.Jan Kuppevelt - 1996 - Linguistics and Philosophy 19 (4):393 - 443.
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  18.  24
    Mathematising the limit of time: Heidegger, Derrida, and the topology of temporality.Jan Cao - 2020 - Journal for Cultural Research 24 (1):28-41.
    ‘The mathematisation of time has limits,’ writes Derrida in ‘Ousia and Gramme.’ Taking this quote in all possible senses, this paper considers Derrida’s definition of limit as gramme, trace, and ap...
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  19. Nature and creature: Thomas Aquinas's way of thought.Jan Aertsen - 1988 - New York: E.J. Brill.
    INTRODUCTION This study arose from involvement with the works of Thomas Aquinas (/5-) that was not only intensive, but also extensive in the time devoted to ...
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  20.  27
    Carnapian Modal and Epistemic Logic and Arithmetic with Descriptions.Jan Heylen - 2009 - Dissertation, Ku Leuven
    In the first chapter I have introduced Carnapian intensional logic against the background of Frege's and Quine's puzzles. The main body of the dissertation consists of two parts. In the first part I discussed Carnapian modal logic and arithmetic with descriptions. In the second chapter, I have described three Carnapian theories, CCL, CFL, and CNL. All three theories have three things in common. First, they are formulated in languages containing description terms. Second, they contain a system of modal logic. Third, (...)
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    Intuitivní zahradník: Epistemický status morálních intuic.Jan Horský - 2014 - Pro-Fil 2014 (S1):15-35.
    Cílem článku je prozkoumat otázku po epistemickém statusu morálních intuic. Empirické výzkumy na poli morální psychologie ukazují, že intuice hojně využíváme při morálním hodnocení. Spoléháme se na ně však i jako morální filosofové při testování našich teorií – má-li některá normativní teorie proti-intuitivní důsledky, chápeme to jako její vadu a vice versa. V článku se snažím zodpovědět otázku, zda je taková praxe odvolávání se na morální intuice jako na evidenci ospravedlnitelná – je morální intuice spolehlivým epistemickým kanálem? Nejprve se budu (...)
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    Dyskusja po referatach prof. W. Degi i dr. J. Hołówki.Jan Szczepański, Bolesław Górnicki, Marek Fritzhand, Tadeusz Kielanowski, Zygmunt Ziembiński, Jan Jaroszyński, Magdalena Sokołowska, Wiktor Dega, Jacek Hołówka & Henryk Jankowski - 1975 - Etyka 14:173-184.
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    The Utilitarian Stigma of Environmental Protection.Jan R. Wawrzyniak - 2019 - Conatus 3 (1):89.
    In this paper I want to point out the multifaceted impact of utilitarianism as well as pragmatism, applied as the unified philosophy of environmental protection. Special attention is paid to the utilitarian aspect of Marxism, and a continuous, comprehensive case study from Poland – in the context of European economic realities – serves as an example of social receptionof the utilitarian paradigm in contemporary environmental protection policy.
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  24.  21
    Derrida and/to Žižek on the Spectral Victim of Human Rights in Anil’s Ghost.Jan Gresil de los Santos Kahambing - 2019 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 13 (3).
    There is a wide spectrum in reading Michael Ondaatje’s novel Anil’s Ghost, ranging from thinkers who explore literary, historical, to ethico-ontological and political aspects. I confine the study by strictly retrieving the subjectivity of the human rights victim as not rested in its being a subject and victim, hence as a specter that haunts or ‘retaliates’ into exposing its victimization. This article attempts to read the spectral nature of this victim using Derrida and Žižek. The Derridean reading grounds the central (...)
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  25.  47
    Emergent quantum mechanics : David Bohm Centennial perspectives.Jan Walleczek, Gerhard Grössing, Paavo Pylkkänen & Basil Hiley - 2019 - Entropy 21 (2).
    Emergent quantum mechanics (EmQM) explores the possibility of an ontology for quantum mechanics. The resurgence of interest in realist approaches to quantum mechanics challenges the standard textbook view, which represents an operationalist approach. The possibility of an ontological, i.e., realist, quantum mechanics was first introduced with the original de Broglie-Bohm theory, which has also been developed in another context as Bohmian mechanics. This Editorial introduces a Special Issue featuring contributions which were invited as part of the David Bohm Centennial symposium (...)
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  26.  31
    Things, Facts and Events.Jan Faye, Uwe Scheffler & Max Urchs (eds.) - 2000 - Rhodopi.
    Some modern philosophers have retrieved the old idea that the identification of facts and events is dependent on language. For instance, Davidson holds that ...
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  27. Filling a Typical Gap in a Regress Argument.Jan Willem Wieland - 2011 - Logique and Analyse 54 (216):589-–597.
    In this paper I fix a typical regress argument, locate a typical gap in the argument, and try to supply a number of gap-filling readings of its first premise.
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    Gestures of resistance: the nurse's body in contested space.Jan Savage - 1997 - Nursing Inquiry 4 (4):237-245.
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    Apropos of A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence: Volumes 1–3.Jan Woleński - 2007 - Ratio Juris 20 (1):136-143.
  30. Gestures in historv: a select biblio g ra p h y.Jan Bremmer & Herman Roodenburg - 1986 - Semiotica 62:3-28.
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  31. Husserl and the development of semantics.Jan Wolenski - 1997 - Philosophia Scientiae 2 (4):151-158.
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  32. O metodę w filozofii.Jan Łukasiewicz - 1988 - Studia Filozoficzne 270 (5).
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  33.  23
    Heidegger and the Affective Grounding of Politics.Jan Slaby & Gerhard Thonhauser - 2019 - In Christos Hadjioannou (ed.), Heidegger on Affect. Palgrave. pp. 265-289.
    Heidegger’s ontological account of affectivity provides an interesting angle to consider questions of politics. On the one hand, one might take some of what Heidegger wrote on affectivity in the late 1920s and early 1930s—usually couched in the idiom of Stimmungen and Befindlichkeit—as a foreshadowing of his involvement with Nazi politics, culminating in his time as Führer-Rektor of Freiburg University. On the other hand, Heidegger’s views on affectivity might be taken as a starting point for an ontological perspective on the (...)
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    Erasmus Mundus Master of Bioethics: a case for an effective model for international bioethics education.Jan Piasecki, Kevin Dirksen & Hamilton Inbadas - 2018 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 21 (1):3-10.
    Designing bioethics curriculum for international postgraduate students is a challenging task. There are at least two main questions, which have to be resolved in advance: (1) what is a purpose of a particular teaching program and (2) how to respectfully arrange a classroom for students coming from different cultural and professional backgrounds. In our paper we analyze the case of the Erasmus Mundus Master of Bioethics program and provide recommendations for international bioethics education. In our opinion teaching bioethics to postgraduate (...)
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    Toward an epistemology of nano-technosciences.Jan C. Schmidt - 2011 - Poiesis and Praxis 8 (2-3):103-124.
    This paper aims to contribute to the attempts to clarify and classify the vague notion of “technosciences” from a historical perspective. A key question that is raised is as follows: Does Francis Bacon, one of the founding fathers of the modern age, provide a hitherto largely undiscovered programmatic position, which might facilitate a more profound understanding of technosciences ? The paper argues that nearly everything we need today for an ontologically well-informed epistemology of technoscience can be found in the works (...)
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  36. Bibliography.Jan Philipp Reemtsma - 2012 - In Trust and Violence: An Essay on a Modern Relationship. Princeton University Press. pp. 359-380.
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  37. New Dimensions of Deep Analysis: A Study of Telepathy in Interpersonal Relationships.JAN EHRENWALD - unknown
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  38. Truth as transcendental in Thomas Aquinas.Jan A. Aertsen - 1992 - Topoi 11 (2):159-171.
    Aquinas presents his most complete exposition of the transcendentals inDe veritate 1, 1, that deals with the question What is truth?. The thesis of this paper is that the question of truth is essential for the understanding of his doctrine of the transcendentals.The first part of the paper (sections 1–4) analyzes Thomas''s conception of truth. Two approaches to truth can be found in his work. The first approach, based on Aristotle''s claim that truth is not in things but in the (...)
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  39. Hannah Arendt and the languages of global governance.Jan Klabbers - 2012 - In Marco Goldoni & Christopher McCorkindale (eds.), Hannah Arendt and the law. Portland, Or.: Hart Pub.2.
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    A note on direct products and ultraproducts of logical matrices.Jan Zygmunt - 1974 - Studia Logica 33 (4):349 - 357.
    In this contribution we shall characterize matrix consequence operation determined by a direct product and an ultraproduct of a family of logical matrices. As an application we shall describe finite consequence operations with the help of ultrapowers.
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  41. Direct product of consequence operations.Jan Zygmunt - 1972 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 1 (4):61-64.
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  42. Maccoll On Modalities.Jan Woleński - 1998 - Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic 3:133-140.
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  43. Perception, Non-Propositional Content and the Justification of Perceptual Judgments.Jan Almäng - 2014 - Metaphysica 15 (1):1-23.
    It is often argued that for a perceptual experience to be able to justify perceptual judgments, the perceptual experience must have a propositional content. For, it is claimed, only propositions can bear logical relations such as implication to each other. In this paper, this claim is challenged. It is argued that whereas perceptions and judgments both have intentional content, their contents have different structures. Perceptual content does not have a propositional structure. Perceptions and judgments can nevertheless have the same cognitive (...)
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  44. In Search of the Truth. Academic Tendencies in Middle Platonism.Jan Opsomer - 2000 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 62 (3):586-586.
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    Christianity and Ecological Ethics: The Significance of Process Thought and a Panexperientialist Critique of Strong Anthropocentrism.Jan Deckers - 2004 - Ecotheology 9:359-387.
    Christianity has contributed to the development of a strong anthropocentric ethic. Christian theologians have developed new ways of thinking about the place of humans in nature, often by focussing on the Godhumanity relationship. Thinking about the third component of the metaphysical trinity, nature, has largely remained unchanged. Christian theology needs to make an ontological detour or tour de force to overcome lingering materialist and dualist conceptions of nature, and to embrace key aspects of process thought, most notably panexperientialism. This will (...)
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  46.  31
    Hélène Metzger and the Interpretation of Seventeenth Century Chemistry.Jan Golinski - 1987 - History of Science 25 (1):85-97.
  47.  15
    Towards Reunion in Ethics.Jan Österberg - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This posthumous publication attempts to answer the question of what moral code is the most reasonable. Philosophers often turn to consequentialism or deontological ethics to address this issue. As the author points out, each has valid arguments but each is unable to get the other side to agree. To rectify this, he proposes a third way. Inside, readers will discover a theory that tries to do justice to both sides. The author first details consequentialism and deontological ethics. He also explains (...)
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  48.  13
    Über Freiheit und Recht: rechtsphilosophische Aufsätze 1992-2007.Jan Schapp - 2008 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Er bleibt in der juristischen Diskussion aber doch weitgehend ohne scharfere Konturen. Jan Schapp hat sich dieser Thematik seit 1992 in einer Reihe rechtsphilosophischer Aufsatze angenommen, die er hier in einer Sammlung zuganglich macht.
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  49. Russellian Propositions and Properties.Jan Almäng - 2012 - Metaphysica 13 (1):7-25.
    This paper discusses a problem for Russellian propositions. According to Russellianism, each word in a sentence contributes its referent to the proposition expressed by the sentence. Russellian propositions have normally been conceived of as problematic for two reasons, viz. they cannot account for the unity of the proposition and they have problems with non-referring singular names. In this paper, I argue that Russellianism also faces a problem with respect to properties. It is inconsistent with both traditional realism and trope-theories. The (...)
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  50.  19
    Civic Education and the Reasonable Religious Citizen.Jan Harald Alnes - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 20 (3).
    El propósito de este artículo es refutar las objeciones de Marc Ramsey a los principios de educación cívica del liberalismo político. Argumento que Ramsey malinterpreta la distinción entre la esfera pública y la esfera privada que emana del liberalismo político, y que su opinión de que, cuando es escrutado, el liberalismo político deriva en un liberalismo comprehensivo o de la «autonomía» carece de fundamento. La relevancia del tema es que la educación de acuerdo con el liberalismo político es más tolerante (...)
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