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Janet Malek [31]Janet Irene Malek [1]
  1.  48
    From Bridge to Destination? Ethical Considerations Related to Withdrawal of ECMO Support over the Objections of Capacitated Patients.Andrew Childress, Trevor Bibler, Bryanna Moore, Ryan H. Nelson, Joelle Robertson-Preidler, Olivia Schuman & Janet Malek - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (6):5-17.
    Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is typically viewed as a time-limited intervention—a bridge to recovery or transplant—not a destination therapy. However, some patients with decision-making capacity request continued ECMO support despite a poor prognosis for recovery and lack of viability as a transplant candidate. In response, critical care teams have asked for guidance regarding the ethical permissibility of unilateral withdrawal over the objections of a capacitated patient. In this article, we evaluate several ethical arguments that have been made in favor of (...)
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  2.  36
    What the HEC-C? An Analysis of the Healthcare Ethics Consultant-Certified Program: One Year in.Janet Malek, Sophia Fantus, Andrew Childress & Claire Horner - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (3):9-18.
    Efforts to professionalize the field of bioethics have led to the development of the Healthcare Ethics Consultant-Certified (HEC-C) Program intended to credential practicing healthcare ethics consultants (HCECs). Our team of professional ethicists participated in the inaugural process to support the professionalization efforts and inform our views on the value of this credential from the perspective of ethics consultants. In this paper, we explore the history that has led to this certification process, and evaluate the ability of the HEC-C Program to (...)
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    The Appropriate Role of a Clinical Ethics Consultant’s Religious Worldview in Consultative Work: Nearly None.Janet Malek - 2019 - HEC Forum 31 (2):91-102.
    Ethical reasoning is an integral part of the work of a clinical ethics consultant. Ethical reasoning has a close relationship with an individual’s beliefs and values, which, for religious adherents, are likely to be tightly connected with their spiritual perspectives. As a result, for individuals who identify with a religious tradition, the process of thinking through ethical questions is likely to be influenced by their religious worldview. The connection between ethical reasoning and one’s spiritual perspective raises questions about the role (...)
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  4. The Case for a Parental Duty to Use Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis for Medical Benefit.Janet Malek & Judith Daar - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (4):3-11.
    This article explores the possibility that there is a parental duty to use preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) for the medical benefit of future children. Using one genetic disorder as a paradigmatic example, we find that such a duty can be supported in some situations on both ethical and legal grounds. Our analysis shows that an ethical case in favor of this position can be made when potential parents are aware that a possible future child is at substantial risk of inheriting (...)
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  5.  26
    Comprehensive Quality Assessment in Clinical Ethics.Joshua S. Crites, Flora Sheppard, Mark Repenshek, Janet Malek, Nico Nortjé, Matthew Kenney, Avery C. Glover, John Frye, Kristin Furfari, Evan G. DeRenzo, Cynthia Coleman, Andrea Chatburn & Thomas V. Cunningham - 2019 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 30 (3):284-296.
    Scholars and professional organizations in bioethics describe various approaches to “quality assessment” in clinical ethics. Although much of this work represents significant contributions to the literature, it is not clear that there is a robust and shared understanding of what constitutes “quality” in clinical ethics, what activities should be measured when tracking clinical ethics work, and what metrics should be used when measuring those activities. Further, even the most robust quality assessment efforts to date are idiosyncratic, in that they represent (...)
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    Building Effective Mentoring Relationships During Clinical Ethics Fellowships: Pedagogy, Programs, and People.Trevor M. Bibler, Ryan H. Nelson, Bryanna Moore, Janet Malek & Mary A. Majumder - 2024 - HEC Forum 36 (1):1-29.
    How should clinical ethicists be trained? Scholars have stated that clinical ethics fellowships create well-trained, competent ethicists. While this appears intuitive, few features of fellowship programs have been publicly discussed, let alone debated. In this paper, we examine how fellowships can foster effective mentoring relationships. These relationships provide the foundation for the fellow’s transition from novice to competent professional. In this essay, we begin by discussing our pedagogical commitments. Next, we describe the structures our program has created to assist our (...)
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  7. What Really Is in a Child’s Best Interest? Toward a More Precise Picture of the Interests of Children.Janet Malek - 2009 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 20 (2):175-182.
  8.  16
    Reconceptualizing Identity and Ethics in the Context of Conception.Janet Malek - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (9):42-44.
    Robert Sparrow’s argument that, for the foreseeable future, genome editing will be an identity-affecting intervention subject to the critique of the nonidentity problem (Sparrow 2022) is convincing...
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    Why Families Get Angry: Practical Strategies for Clinical Ethics Consultants to Rebuild Trust Between Angry Families and Clinicians in the Critical Care Environment.Ashley L. Stephens, Courtenay R. Bruce, Andrew Childress & Janet Malek - 2019 - HEC Forum 31 (3):201-217.
    Developing a care plan in a critical care context can be challenging when the therapeutic alliance between clinicians and families is compromised by anger. When these cases occur, clinicians often turn to clinical ethics consultants to assist them with repairing this alliance before further damage can occur. This paper describes five different reasons family members may feel and express anger and offers concrete strategies for clinical ethics consultants to use when working with angry families acting as surrogate decision makers for (...)
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  10. Use or refuse reproductive genetic technologies: Which would a 'good parent' do?Janet Malek - 2011 - Bioethics 27 (2):59-64.
    A number of authors have objected to potential parents' use of reproductive genetic technologies on the grounds that the use of these technologies reflects a morally problematic attitude toward parenting. More specifically, proponents of this view have argued that such a choice is inconsistent with the unconditional acceptance that lies at the heart of praiseworthy parental attitudes. This paper offers a rebuttal of this view by arguing that it is possible for a parent to exhibit unconditional acceptance of the child (...)
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  11. Identity, harm, and the ethics of reproductive technology.Janet Malek - 2006 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 31 (1):83 – 95.
    The controversial question of whether a future child can be harmed by the use of reproductive technology turns on the way that the future child's identity is understood. As a result, analysis of the ethical and legal obligations to the children of reproductive technology that are based upon the possibility of such harm depends upon the conception of identity that is used. This paper reviews the contributions of two recent books, David DeGrazia's Human Identity and Bioethics (2005) and Philip Peters' (...)
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  12.  25
    Reed on expressivism at the end of life: a bridge too far.Janet Malek - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (8):552-552.
    In his thought-provoking piece, ‘Expressivism at the Beginning and End of Life’, Philip Reed contrasts the application of the expressivist objection to the use of reproductive technologies (such as prenatal testing and preimplantation diagnosis) with its application to interventions that bring about death (such as physician aid in dying and euthanasia). In the process of supporting his comparative conclusion, that ‘expressivism at the end of life is a much greater concern than at the beginning’, he makes some interesting observations and (...)
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  13.  28
    Clinical Ethics Expertise: Beyond Justified Normative Recommendations?Janet Malek & Ryan H. Nelson - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (11):82-84.
    Volume 19, Issue 11, November 2019, Page 82-84.
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    Routine Paternity Testing: Finding the Right Ethical Paradigm.Janet Malek - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (5):44-45.
  15.  25
    The Non-Identify Non-Problem: Constructing Continuity of Identity among Possible Persons.Janet Malek - 2019 - Law, Ethics and Philosophy 7.
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    The well-being of subjects and other parties in genetic research and testing.Janet Malek & Loretta M. Kopelman - 2007 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 32 (4):311 – 319.
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  17.  29
    Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice: Philosophy Through a Wide-Angle Lens.Janet Malek - 2018 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 43 (1):1-7.
    Philosophers who specialize in bioethics face a distinctive set of challenges in our work: to bring the theoretical insights of philosophical work and methodology to practical dilemmas affecting a diverse group of stakeholders every day. This article describes some of the key contributions that philosophy can make to the field of bioethics. It also identifies some of the pitfalls that can undermine the value of a philosophical approach when used to analyze questions arising in the real world. Recognition of the (...)
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  18.  26
    The Right to Refuse Obstetrical Interventions: In Principle, in Practice.Janet Malek, Alireza A. Shamshirsaz, Abigail Wilpers, Ashish Premkumar & Mert Ozan Bahtiyar - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (2):44-45.
    Minkoff, Vullikanti, and Marshall (2024) worry that assumptions about fetal personhood used to justify states’ restrictions on a pregnant person’s right to request certain interventions (i.e. abort...
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  19.  42
    Parental Obligations Regarding Fetal Risk: Finding the Appropriate Analogy.Janet Malek - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (2):27-28.
  20.  31
    Uninformed Origins: Should We Be Advising Parents on the Source of Medicines and Therapies?Tara E. Ness, Zachary J. Tabb, Janet Malek & Frank X. Placencia - 2023 - Health Care Analysis 31 (3):186-195.
    Respecting patient autonomy through the process of soliciting informed consent is a cornerstone of clinical ethics. In pediatrics, until a child becomes an adult or legally emancipated, that ethical tenet takes the form of respect for parental decision-making authority. In instances of respecting religious beliefs, doing so is not always apparent and sometimes the challenge lies not only in the healthcare provider’s familiarity of religious restrictions but also their knowledge of medical interventions themselves which might conflict with those restrictions. We (...)
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    Whether to Offer Interventions at the End of Life: What Physicians Consider and How Clinical Ethicists Can Help.Joelle Robertson-Preidler, Mikaela Kim, Sophia Fantus & Janet Malek - forthcoming - AJOB Empirical Bioethics.
    Background Advances in life-prolonging technologies increasingly create dilemmas for physicians who must decide whether to offer various interventions to patients nearing the end of life. Clinical ethicists are often consulted to support physicians in making these complex decisions and can do so most effectively if they understand physicians’ reasons for making recommendations in this context.Methods Semi-structured interviews were conducted with surgeons, nephrologists, intensivists, emergency physicians, and oncologists regarding the considerations they have used to make decisions about offering interventions for patients (...)
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    Cultivating Administrative Support for a Clinical Ethics Consultation Service.Amy McGuire, Janet Malek, Ashley Stephens, Mary A. Majumder & Courtenay R. Bruce - 2016 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 27 (4):341-351.
    Hospital administrators may lack familiarity with what clinical ethicists do (and do not do), and many clinical ethicists report receiving inadequate financial support for their clinical ethics consultation services (CECSs). Ethics consultation is distinct in that it is not reimbursable by third parties, and its financial benefit to the hospital may not be quantifiable. These peculiarities make it difficult for clinical ethicists to resort to tried-and-true outcome-centered evaluative strategies, like cost reduction or shortened length of stay for patients, to show (...)
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  23.  30
    Do we have to replace the balloon pump when it fails?Trevor M. Bibler, Jamie M. Crist, Janet Malek & Andrew M. Childress - 2020 - Hastings Center Report 50 (1):10-13.
    Mrs. Duong had coronary artery disease, ischemic cardiomyopathy, and mildly altered mental status when her case was presented before an advanced heart therapy medical review board. She was accepted for left ventricular assist device placement pending additional insight into her cognitive state. Before the LVAD could be implanted, however, Mrs. Duong went into cardiogenic shock, and her heart failure team placed an intra‐aortic balloon pump in her subclavian artery. Within two weeks, Mrs. Duong became IABP dependent and deconditioned. The attending (...)
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  24.  27
    A Call for Evidence-Based Clinical Ethics Consultation.Janet Malek - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (4):40-42.
    Fox, Danis, Tarzian, and Duke have made a substantial contribution to the field of bioethics through the project described in this issue’s target articles (Fox, Tarzian, et al. 2022; Fox, Danis, et...
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  25.  29
    Defending the Inclusion of Categorical Exclusion Criteria in Crisis Standard of Care Frameworks.Janet Malek - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (7):156-158.
    Volume 20, Issue 7, July 2020, Page 156-158.
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  26.  70
    Introduction.Janet Malek - 2006 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 31 (5):441 – 446.
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    Throwing the baby out with the bathwater? Moral status and rights-based moral obligations.Janet Malek - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (7):46 – 47.
  28.  27
    Uniqueness, Exploitation, and Relative Risk Standards in Adolescent Research.Janet Malek - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (6):23 - 25.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 11, Issue 6, Page 23-25, June 2011.
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  29.  48
    Understanding risks and benefits in research on reproductive genetic technologies.Janet Malek - 2007 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 32 (4):339 – 358.
    Research protocols must have a reasonable balance of risks and anticipated benefits to be ethically and legally acceptable. This article explores three characteristics of research on reproductive genetic technologies that complicate the assessment of the risk-benefit ratio for such research. First, a number of different people may be affected by a research protocol, raising the question of who should be considered to be the subject of reproductive genetic research. Second, such research could involve a wide range of possible harms and (...)
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  30.  14
    The Top 10 Questions Facing the Field of Clinical Ethics in 2020: Reflections on the Evolving Clinical Ethics UnConference. [REVIEW]Claire Horner & Janet Malek - 2020 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 31 (3):233-240.
    Evolving Clinical Ethics: A Working UnConference, held 5 through 7 February 2020 in Houston, Texas, brought together 91 participants from a variety of institutions, many of whom are engaged in clinical ethics work. The event followed the success of the first Clinical Ethics UnConference hosted by the Cleveland Clinic Center for Bioethics in 2018, and offered an opportunity for ethicists to share both their challenges and their solutions to clinical ethics issues. In this article we explore the emerging themes of (...)
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    No Easy Choice: A Story of Disability, Parenthood, and Faith in an Age of Advanced Reproduction: Ellen Painter Dollar, 2012, Westminster John Knox Press. [REVIEW]Janet Malek - 2013 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 10 (2):257-259.