Results for 'Jeffrey A. Stickney'

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  1.  28
    Seeing Trees: Investigating Poetics of Place‐Based, Aesthetic Environmental Education with Heidegger and Wittgenstein.Jeffrey A. Stickney - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 54 (5):1278-1305.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 54, Issue 5, Page 1278-1305, October 2020.
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    Quantum Randomness and Underdetermination.Jeffrey A. Barrett & Simon M. Huttegger - 2020 - Philosophy of Science 87 (3):391-408.
    We consider the nature of quantum randomness and how one might have empirical evidence for it. We will see why, depending on one’s computational resources, it may be impossible to determine whether...
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  3.  42
    Sodium amobarbital, the hippocampal theta rhythm, and the partial reinforcement extinction effect.Jeffrey A. Gray - 1970 - Psychological Review 77 (5):465-480.
  4.  57
    Kierkegaard and the Life of Faith: The Aesthetic, the Ethical, and the Religious in Fear and Trembling.Jeffrey A. Hanson - 2017 - Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
    Soren Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling is one of the most widely read works of Continental philosophy and the philosophy of religion. While several commentaries and critical editions exist, Jeffrey Hanson offers a distinctive approach to this crucial text. Hanson gives equal weight and attention to all three of Kierkegaard’s "problems," dealing with Fear and Trembling as part of the entire corpus of Kierkegaard's production and putting all parts into relation with each other. Additionally, he offers a distinctive analysis of (...)
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  5. Are our best physical theories (probably and/or approximately) true?Jeffrey A. Barrett - 2003 - Philosophy of Science 70 (5):1206-1218.
    There is good reason to suppose that our best physical theories are false: In addition to its own internal problems, the standard formulation of quantum mechanics is logically incompatible with special relativity. I will also argue that we have no concrete idea what it means to claim that these theories are approximately true.
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  6.  21
    A Structural Interpretation Of Pure Wave Mechanics.Jeffrey A. Barrett - 2010 - Humana Mente 4 (13).
  7.  5
    Reinforcement with iterative punishment.Jeffrey A. Barrett & Nathan Gabriel - 2022 - Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 36 (7):1361-1383.
    We consider the efficacy of various forms of reinforcement learning with punishment in evolving linguistic conventions in the context of Lewis-Skyrms signalling games. We show that the learning strategy of reinforcement with iterative punishment is highly effective at evolving optimal conventions in even complex signalling games. It is also robust and can be easily extended to a self-tuning variety of reinforcement learning. We briefly discuss some of the virtues of reinforcement with iterative punishment and how it may be related to (...)
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    Towards a Critical Existentialism: Truth, Relevance and Politics.Jeffrey A. Bell - 2022 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Introduction -- Making sense of life -- communication problems -- Making sense of politics -- Stop making sense -- Towards a critical existentialism.
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    Deleuze and Guattari's What is Philosophy?: A Critical Introduction and Guide.Jeffrey A. Bell - 2016 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Machine generated contents note: 1.What is a Concept? -- 2.Why Philosophy? -- 3.How to Become a Philosopher -- 4.Putting Philosophy in its Place -- 5.Philosophy and Science -- 6.Philosophy and Logic -- 7.Philosophy and Art.
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  10.  55
    The Evolution of Simple Rule-Following.Jeffrey A. Barrett - 2013 - Biological Theory 8 (2):142-150.
    We are concerned here with explaining how successful rule-following behavior might evolve and how an old evolved rule might come to be successfully used in a new context. Such rule-following behavior is illustrated in the transitive judgments of pinyon and scrub-jays (Bond et al., Anim Behav 65:479–487, 2003). We begin by considering how successful transitive rule-following behavior might evolve in the context of Skyrms–Lewis sender–receiver games (Lewis, Convention. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1969; Skyrms, Philos Sci 75:489–500, 2006). We then consider (...)
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  11.  33
    On the difference between pain and fear.Jeffrey A. Gray - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (2):310-310.
  12.  18
    Polynomials and equations in arabic algebra.Jeffrey A. Oaks - 2009 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 63 (2):169-203.
    It is shown in this article that the two sides of an equation in the medieval Arabic algebra are aggregations of the algebraic “numbers” (powers) with no operations present. Unlike an expression such as our 3x + 4, the Arabic polynomial “three things and four dirhams” is merely a collection of seven objects of two different types. Ideally, the two sides of an equation were polynomials so the Arabic algebraists preferred to work out all operations of the enunciation to a (...)
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  13. Synesthesia: A window on the hard problem of consciousness.Jeffrey A. Gray - 2005 - In Robertson, C. L. & N. Sagiv (eds.), Synesthesia: Perspectives From Cognitive Neuroscience. Oxford University Press. pp. 127-146.
  14.  51
    Wittgenstein at Cambridge: Philosophy as a way of life.Michael A. Peters & Jeff Stickney - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (8):767-778.
    Ludwig Wittgenstein was a reclusive and enigmatic philosopher, writing his most significant work off campus in remote locations. He also held a chair in the Philosophy Department at Cambridge, and is one of the university’s most recognized even if, as Ray Monk says, ‘reluctant professors’ of philosophy. Paradoxically, although Wittgenstein often showed contempt for the atmosphere at Cambridge and for academic philosophy in particular, it is hard to conceive of him making his significant contributions without considerable support from his academic (...)
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  15. Relativistic Quantum Mechanics through Frame‐Dependent Constructions.Jeffrey A. Barrett - 2005 - Philosophy of Science 72 (5):802-813.
    This paper is concerned with the possibility and nature of relativistic hidden-variable formulations of quantum mechanics. Both ad hoc teleological constructions of spacetime maps and frame-dependent constructions of spacetime maps are considered. While frame-dependent constructions are clearly preferable, they provide neither mechanical nor causal explanations for local quantum events. Rather, the hiddenvariable dynamics used in such constructions is just a rule that helps to characterize the set of all possible spacetime maps. But while having neither mechanical nor causal explanations of (...)
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  16. Numerical simulations of the Lewis signaling game: Learning strategies, pooling equilibria, and the evolution of grammar.Jeffrey A. Barrett - unknown
    David Lewis (1969) introduced sender-receiver games as a way of investigating how meaningful language might evolve from initially random signals. In this report I investigate the conditions under which Lewis signaling games evolve to perfect signaling systems under various learning dynamics. While the 2-state/2- term Lewis signaling game with basic urn learning always approaches a signaling system, I will show that with more than two states suboptimal pooling equilibria can evolve. Inhomogeneous state distributions increase the likelihood of pooling equilibria, but (...)
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  17.  73
    On the nature of measurement records in relativistic quantum field theory.Jeffrey A. Barrett - unknown
    A resolution of the quantum measurement problem would require one to explain how it is that we end up with determinate records at the end of our measurements. Metaphysical commitments typically do real work in such an explanation. Indeed, one should not be satisfied with one's metaphysical commitments unless one can provide some account of determinate measurement records. I will explain some of the problems in getting determinate records in relativistic quantum field theory and pay particular attention to the relationship (...)
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  18.  13
    Situated observation in Bohmian mechanics.Jeffrey A. Barrett - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 88 (C):345-357.
  19.  37
    Don't leave the “psych” out of neuropsychology.Jeffrey A. Gray & Ilan Baruch - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (2):215-217.
  20.  6
    Food.Jeffrey A. Gauthier (ed.) - 2014 - Charlottesville, Virginia: Philosophy Documentation Center.
    This volume of Social Philosophy Today contains a selection of papers presented at the 30th International Social Philosophy Conference (2013), an annual event sponsored by the North American Society for Social Philosophy. The theme of the conference was "Food". This volume invites wider discussion of the issues explored at the conference, including food production, distribution, and consumption. Contributors include Susan Dielman, Erinn Gilson, Joan McGregor, José Medina, Andrew Pierce, and Sally Scholz.
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  21.  35
    Is there any need for conditioning in Eysenck's conditioning model of neurosis?Jeffrey A. Gray - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (2):169-171.
  22.  20
    A virtue ethics critique of ethical dimensions of behavioral economics: Comments from a behavioral economist.Jeffrey A. Livingston - 2020 - Business and Society Review 125 (2):261-268.
    In “A Virtue Ethics Critique of Ethical Dimensions of Behavioral Economics,” Professor Daryl Koehn criticizes the field of behavioral economics. She argues that behavioral economists ignore many important factors that affect how people make decisions, that their results are derived from experiments where subjects make choices in overly restrictive, artificial, and thin contexts that do not capture the richness of reality, and that the approach brings up psychological motivations that affect behavior in a piecemeal, ad hoc way that does not (...)
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    Creeping up on the hard question of consciousness.Jeffrey A. Gray - 1998 - In Stuart R. Hameroff, Alfred W. Kaszniak & Alwyn Scott (eds.), Toward a Science of Consciousness II: The Second Tucson Discussions and Debates. MIT Press.
  24.  79
    The evolution, appropriation, and composition of rules.Jeffrey A. Barrett - 2018 - Synthese 195 (2):623-636.
    This paper concerns how rule-following behavior might evolve in the context of a variety of Skyrms–Lewis signaling game, how such rules might subsequently evolve to be used in new contexts, and how such appropriation allows for the composition of evolved rules. We will also consider how the composition of simpler rules to form more complex rules may be significantly more efficient than evolving the complex rules directly. And we will review an example of rule following by pinyon and scrub jays (...)
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  25.  19
    The Kamin effect as a function of time of training and associative-nonassociative processes.Jeffrey A. Seybert, Mark A. Wilson & Alan L. Archer - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 19 (4):227-230.
  26.  43
    Not to harm a fly: our ethical obligations to insects.Jeffrey A. Lockwood - 1988 - Between the Species 4 (3):12.
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  27.  33
    The Fading Affect Bias shows healthy coping at the general level, but not the specific level for religious variables across religious and non-religious events.Jeffrey A. Gibbons, Jennifer K. Hartzler, Andrew W. Hartzler, Sherman A. Lee & W. Richard Walker - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 36:265-276.
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    The fading affect bias shows positive outcomes at the general but not the individual level of analysis in the context of social media.Jeffrey A. Gibbons, Kyle A. Horowitz & Spencer M. Dunlap - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 53:47-60.
  29.  17
    Positive and negative contrast effects as a function of shifts in percentage of reward.Jeffrey A. Seybert - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (1):19-22.
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  30. The distribution postulate in Bohm's theory.Jeffrey A. Barrett - 1995 - Topoi 14 (1):45-54.
    On Bohm''s formulation of quantum mechanics particles always have determinate positions and follow continuous trajectories. Bohm''s theory, however, requires a postulate that says that particles are initially distributed in a special way: particles are randomly distributed so that the probability of their positions being represented by a point in any regionR in configuration space is equal to the square of the wave-function integrated overR. If the distribution postulate were false, then the theory would generally fail to make the right statistical (...)
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  31.  31
    Elicitation and habituation of the orienting response as a function of instructions, order of stimulus presentation, and omission.Jeffrey A. Gliner, J. Preston Harley & Pietro Badia - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 89 (2):414.
  32. The mind-brain identity theory as a scientific hypothesis.Jeffrey A. Gray - 1971 - Philosophical Quarterly 21 (July):247-254.
  33.  73
    Civic virtues, divided societies, and democratic dilemmas.Jeffrey A. Gauthier (ed.) - 2013 - Charlottesville, Va.: Philosophy Documentation Center.
  34.  11
    Tamed Affect: A Deleuzian Theory of Moral Sentiments.Jeffrey A. Bell - 2021 - In Casey Ford, Suzanne McCullagh & Karen Houle (eds.), Minor ethics: Deleuzian variations. Chicago: McGill-Queen's University Press. pp. 82-104.
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  35. The suggestive properties of quantum mechanics without the collapse postulate.Jeffrey A. Barrett - 1994 - Erkenntnis 41 (2):233 - 252.
    Everett proposed resolving the quantum measurement problem by dropping the nonlinear collapse dynamics from quantum mechanics and taking what is left as a complete physical theory. If one takes such a proposal seriously, then the question becomes how much of the predictive and explanatory power of the standard theory can one recover without the collapse postulate and without adding anything else. Quantum mechanics without the collapse postulate has several suggestive properties, which we will consider in some detail. While these properties (...)
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  36.  21
    Gender in the culture of mexican american conjunto music.Jeffrey A. Halley & Avelardo Valdez - 1996 - Gender and Society 10 (2):148-167.
    This article examines the role of gender in the culture of conjunto music, a Mexican American musical genre. It describes how gender is articulated with factors of ethnicity and class in the context of the conjunto setting and performance. The authors examine the structure of gender relations, socialization, and resistance, and they attempt to identify the effects within patriarchy on the forms of adaptation and power available to women in conjunto settings. Conjunto is an arena in which conventional gender identity (...)
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  37.  49
    Typical worlds.Jeffrey A. Barrett - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 58:31-40.
  38.  35
    German women in chemistry, 1895–19251 (part I).Jeffrey A. Johnson - 1998 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 6 (1):1-21.
    The paper traces the entrance of German women into the chemistry profession from the 1890s to 1925, examining how they first overcame social and cultural conservatism to obtain access to opportunities for a chemical education during the later Kaiserreich, then began to seek academic and industrial careers and to establish a professional organization in the face of resistance from the established Verein Deutscher Chemiker. The paper examines the effect of World War I and the advent of the Weimar Republic in (...)
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  39.  50
    Oracles, Aesthetics, and Bayesian Consensus.Jeffrey A. Barrett - 1996 - Philosophy of Science 63 (Supplement):273-280.
    In order for Bayesian inquiry to count as objective, one might argue that it must lead to a consensus among those who use it and share evidence, but presumably this is not enough. It has been proposed that one should also require that the consensus be reached from very different initial opinions by conditioning only on basic experimental evidence, evidence free from subjective, social, or psychological influence. I will argue here, however, that this notion of objectivity in Bayesian inquiry is (...)
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  40.  28
    Bernard Lonergan's Critique of Knowing as Taking a Look.Jeffrey A. Allen - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (3):451-460.
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  41. The single-mind and many-minds versions of quantum mechanics.Jeffrey A. Barrett - 1995 - Erkenntnis 42 (1):89-105.
    There is a long tradition of trying to find a satisfactory interpretation of Everett's relative-state formulation of quantum mechanics. Albert and Loewer recently described two new ways of reading Everett: one we will call the single-mind theory and the other the many-minds theory. I will briefly describe these theories and present some of their merits and problems. Since both are no-collapse theories, a significant merit is that they can take advantage of certain properties of the linear dynamics, which Everett apparently (...)
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  42.  9
    How much is control knowledge worth?Jeffrey A. Barnett - 1984 - Artificial Intelligence 22 (1):77-89.
  43. Beyond postmodernism: reflections on Richard Kearney's trilogy.Jeffrey A. Barash - 2007 - In Peter Gratton & John Panteleimon Manoussakis (eds.), Traversing the Imaginary: Richard Kearney and the Postmodern Challenge. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
  44. "The World is an Egg": Realism, Mathematics, and the Thresholds of DIfference.Jeffrey A. Bell - 2013 - Speculations:65-70.
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  45.  26
    Hegel and Feminist Social Criticism: Justice, Recognition, and the Feminine.Jeffrey A. Gauthier (ed.) - 1997 - State University of New York Press.
    Bringing Hegelian texts into a critical dialogue with the work of a number of important feminists, h.
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    Testing the cognitive catalyst model of depression: Does rumination amplify the impact of cognitive diatheses in response to stress?Jeffrey A. Ciesla, Julia W. Felton & John E. Roberts - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (8):1349-1357.
  47.  46
    Michael H. v. Gerald D.: A Case Study of Political Ideology Disguised in Legal Thought.Jeffrey A. Ellsworth - 2009 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 22 (1):105-122.
    The author attempts to apply semiotic analysis to a question of family law. By examining the language used by the Supreme Court in the title case, Michael H. v. Gerald D., along with the case briefs, lower court opinions, other Supreme Court cases and prior legal scholarship, the author attempts to determine the requisite relationships between father–child and father–mother in order for a legal tie to exist between a father and his biological child. The author tries to not only determine (...)
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  48. Teaching Applied Ethics in Fire & Emergency Medical Services.Jeffrey A. Thomas - 2011 - Teaching Ethics 11 (2):7-13.
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  49.  28
    Sequential effects in discrete-trials instrumental escape conditioning.Jeffrey A. Seybert, Roger L. Mellgren, Jared B. Jobe & Ed Eckert - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 102 (3):473.
  50.  32
    Quantum Mechanics and Dualism.Jeffrey A. Barrett - 2014 - In Antonella Corradini & Uwe Meixner (eds.), Quantum Physics Meets the Philosophy of Mind: New Essays on the Mind-Body Relation in Quantum-Theoretical Perspective. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 65-82.
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