Results for 'John Lundy'

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    Report about a conversation with Ian Boyd.John Lundy - 1991 - The Chesterton Review 17 (2):246-249.
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  2. (1 other version)On liberty.John Stuart Mill - 2000 - In Steven M. Cahn (ed.), Exploring Philosophy: An Introductory Anthology. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press USA. pp. 519-522.
    This was scanned from the 1909 edition and mechanically checked against a commercial copy of the text from CDROM. Differences were corrected against the paper edition. The text itself is thus a highly accurate rendition. The footnotes were entered manually.
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    Kant, Herder, and the Birth of Anthropology.John Zammito - 2002 - University of Chicago Press.
    Most scholars think not. But in this pioneering book, John H. Zammito challenges that view by revealing a precritical Kant who was immensely more influential than the one philosophers think they know.
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  4. (1 other version)Autobiography.John Stuart Mill - 1925 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 5 (5):140-141.
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    Transformations of the Confucian way.John Berthrong - 1998 - Boulder, Colo: Westview Press.
    From its beginnings, Confucianism has vibrantly taught that each person is able to find the Way individually in service to the community and the world. For over 2,600 years, Confucianism has sustained a continual process of transformation and growth. In this comprehensive new work, John Berthrong examines the vitality and expansion of the Confucian tradition throughout East Asia and into the entire modern world.Confucianism has been credited with being the dominant social and intellectual force shaping the enduring civilizations of (...)
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  6. The Existence of Mind.John Beloff - 1964\ - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 14 (56):366-368.
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  7. Auditory perspectives.John Kulvicki - 2016 - In Bence Nanay (ed.), Current Controversies in Philosophy of Perception. New York: Routledge. pp. 83-94.
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    Themes in Neoplatonic and Aristotelian logic: order, negation, and abstraction.John N. Martin - 2004 - Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
    This book shows otherwise. John Martin rehabilitates Neoplatonism, founded by Plotinus and brought into Christianity by St. Augustine.
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  9. The Control of Scientific Research: The Case of Nanotechnology.John Weckert - 2001 - Australian Journal of Professional and Applied Ethics 3 (2).
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  10. The Making of Moral Theology: A Study of the Roman Catholic Tradition.John Mahoney - 1988 - Religious Studies 24 (4):543-544.
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    Law and Philosophy: The Practice of Theory : Essays in Honor of George Anastaplo.John Albert Murley, Robert L. Stone & William Thomas Braithwaite - 1992
    This collection reflects the extraordinary career of the man it honors in its variety of subjects and range of scholarship. Mortimer Adler proposes six amendments to the Constitution. Paul Eidelberg surveys the rise of secularism from Socrates to Machiavelli. Hellmut Fritzsche, a physicist, catalogs some famous scientific mistakes. David Grene (Anastaplo's dissertation advisor) looks at Shakespeare's Measure for Measure as "mythological history." Harry V. Jaffa continues a running debate with Anastaplo on how to read the Constitution, James Lehrberger examines Aquinas's (...)
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    Consciousness, Dreams, and Self: A Transdisciplinary Approach.John Boghosian Arden - 1996 - Psychosocial Press.
    In this much-needed contribution toward an understanding of the complexity of human consciousness, John Boghosian Arden, Ph.D., demonstrates that within the three broad subsystems - biophysiology, sociocultural dynamics, and intrapsychic aspects - not only do further subsystems exist, but so does a great degree of interconnectivity. Biophysiological processes cannot be conceptualized without considering individual psychological and sociocultural factors. To understand the evolution of human consciousness, one must take into account the systemic co-evolutionary nature of all aspects of consciousness. In (...)
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    Rand's Aesthetics: A Personal View.John Hospers - 2001 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 2 (2):311 - 334.
    John Hospers endeavors to relate his thoughts on phñosophy of art to those of Ayn Rand, both in her published work and in discussions he had with her. In such areas as artistic creativity, artistic expression, representation, the role of feelings in art, truth and knowledge in the arts, sense of life, beauty, and aesthetic value, Hospers describes his agreements and disagreements with Rand.
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  14. Kant and his English Critics.John Watson - 1881 - Mind 6 (24):557-563.
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  15. Competing for the Human: Nietzsche and the Christians.John F. Owens - 2011 - The Australasian Catholic Record 88 (2):191.
    Owens, John F It is about sixty years since Frederick Copleston was required by the ecclesiastical censor to insert 'some unambiguous condemnation of Nietzsche' into a new edition of his 'Friedrich Nietzsche, Philosopher of Culture.' Copleston thought the work 'disfigured' as a result, sensing perhaps that the addition would reinforce crude misunderstandings of his subject. He was aware of something that probably passed the ecclesiastical censor by, that whatever is to be said of Nietzsche's relation to Christianity, it is (...)
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  16. (1 other version)Nanoethics.John Weckert - 2012 - In Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen Friis, Stig Andur Pedersen & Vincent F. Hendricks (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Technology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Modify Your Body!John Tillson - 2012 - Philosophy Now 91:53-54.
    Fiction. John Tillson watches a world going mad.
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  18. God as social glue.John Ness - forthcoming - Australian Humanist, The 123:18.
    Ness, John We are now well into the second century since scientific knowledge has advanced such that a belief in a god or gods to explain the universe, life, humans and morality, is entirely unnecessary. It contradicts all evidence and is even patently absurd. Over the last 100 years, most western countries have witnessed a decline in the god belief of around 2-5% per decade from an almost 100% rate in 1900. Nevertheless the belief persists amongst all levels of (...)
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    Un inédit de John Dewey : Spencer et Bergson.Gérard Deledalle & John Dewey - 1965 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 70 (3):325 - 333.
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    Introduction to the Theological Summa of St. Thomas: By John S. Zybura..Martin Grabmann & John Stanislaus Zybura - 1930 - B. Herder Book Co.
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    Japanese philosophy in the making.John C. Maraldo - 2017 - Nagoya, Japan: Chisokudō.
    Volume 2. The second of three volumes of essays that engage Japanese philosophers as intercultural thinkers, this collection critically probes seminal works for their historical significance and contemporary relevance. It shows how the relational ethics of Watsuji Tetsurō serves as a resource for new conceptions of trust, dignity, and human rights; how forgiveness empowers the repentance and the sense of responsibility advocated by Tanabe Hajime, and how Kuki Shūzō’s philosophy of contingency puts a fortuitous twist on normative ethics. The author (...)
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  22. New evangelisation: Some prophetic voices.John Thornhill - 2013 - The Australasian Catholic Record 90 (2):207.
    Thornhill, John It is not difficult to recognise that the 'new evangelisation' being undertaken by today's Church presents a considerable challenge. How many in today's Church, even among our leaders, have a clear idea of what it should involve in practice?
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    IX—Rules Automata and Mathematics.John Tucker - 1970 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 70 (1):161-180.
    John Tucker; IX—Rules Automata and Mathematics, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 70, Issue 1, 1 June 1970, Pages 161–180,
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    Disunity of personal taste.John Collins - forthcoming - Mind and Language.
    The article argues that, linguistically speaking, there is no uniform class of personal taste predicate. There is an F(un)‐type PPT that takes infinitive complements expressing events. In effect, these PPTs are predicates of events involving participants. There is also a T(asty)‐type that cannot take an infinitive complement and does not enter into the alternation pattern of the F‐type predicates. These predicates express dispositions of objects to generate experiences or responses. Some experiencer/judge is involved in the truth of the respective kinds (...)
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  25. 1 Nietzsche, Christianity, and the legitimacy of tradition.John Walker - 1991 - In Keith Ansell-Pearson (ed.), Nietzsche and Modern German Thought. New York: Routledge. pp. 10.
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    6. Reflections on Biology and Culture.John Dupré - 1991 - In James J. Sheehan & Morton Sosna (eds.), The Boundaries of Humanity: Humans, Animals, Machines. University of California Press. pp. 125-132.
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    Tolerance among the virtues.John R. Bowlin - 2016 - Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
    In a pluralistic society such as ours, tolerance is a virtue -- but it doesn't always seem so. Some suspect that it entangles us in unacceptable moral compromises and inequalities of power, while others dismiss it as mere political correctness or doubt that it can safeguard the moral and political relationships we value. Tolerance among the Virtues provides a vigorous defense of tolerance against its many critics and shows why the virtue of tolerance involves exercising judgment across a variety of (...)
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    Standing for reason: the university in a dogmatic age.John Edward Sexton - 2019 - London: Yale University Press.
    A powerful case for the importance of universities as an antidote to the “secular dogmatism” that increasingly infects political discourse John Sexton argues that over six decades, a “secular dogmatism,” impenetrable by dialogue or reason, has come to dominate political discourse in America. Political positions, elevated to the status of doctrinal truths, now simply are “revealed.” Our leaders and our citizens suffer from an allergy to nuance and complexity, and the enterprise of thought is in danger. Sexton sees our (...)
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  29. (1 other version)THE ANALOGUE-DIGITAL DISTINCTION AND THE COGENCY OF KANT'S TRANSCENDENTAL ARGUMENTS.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2006 - Existentia: An International Journal of Philosophy (3-4):279-320.
    Hume's attempt to show that deduction is the only legitimate form of inference presupposes that enumerative induction is the only non-deductive form of inference. In actuality, enumerative induction is not even a form of inference: all supposed cases of enumerative induction are disguised cases of Inference to the Best Explanation (IBE), so far as they aren't simply cases of mentation of a purely associative kind and, consequently, of a kind that is non-inductive and otherwise non-inferential. The justification for IBE lies (...)
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  30. (1 other version)A hundred years of philosophy.John Arthur Passmore - 1957 - London,: Duckworth.
    “The critical acclaim which greeted the first edition of A Hundred Years of Philosophy showed that John Passmore had achieved what was long thought impossible – a history of modern ideas in knowledge, logic and metaphysics which was both stimulating to the specialist and intelligible to the general reader. This edition contains much new material, including expanded discussions of Ayer, Popper, Wittgenstein and Sartre, enlarged sections on Austin, Jaspers and Heidegger, an examination of Merleau – Ponty’s phenomenology and a (...)
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  31. A way of picturing God.John Leslie - 2016 - In Andrei A. Buckareff & Yujin Nagasawa (eds.), Alternative Concepts of God: Essays on the Metaphysics of the Divine. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
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    The intelligent nation: how to organise a country.John Beckford - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The Intelligent Nation proposes a systemic and radical transformation of the organisation, management, ownership and performance of the services of the state by capitalising on the potential offered by contemporary information capability and fulfilling the rights and obligations both to and of citizens. In this book, John Beckford shows how, by adopting the principles of an intelligent organisation, the state can thrive and meet the needs of its citizens. He proposes a complete rethink of the state as the enabler (...)
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  33. A Critique of Sartrian Authenticity.John D. Arras - 1976 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 57 (2):171.
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    A Community of Individuals.John Lachs - 2002 - Routledge.
    First published in 2003. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Ethically Required Existence.John Leslie - 1972 - American Philosophical Quarterly 9 (3):215 - 224.
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  36. Paying their Way: Dissident Opinion, Advertising and Access to the Public Sphere.John Hadley - 2010 - Australian Journal of Professional and Applied Ethics 10 (1-2).
    In this paper I suggest practical measures that can address some familiar, and some not so familiar, commercial obstacles to increasing media coverage of dissident opinion.The kernel of my proposal is for media codes of practice and workplace norms to reflect an ethical distinction between different kinds of commercial speech.
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  37. Revolution and Discontinuity.John Krige - 1979 - Radical Philosophy 22:3-14.
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    Anxiety in Eden: A Kierkegaardian Reading of Paradise Lost.John S. Tanner - 1992 - Oup Usa.
    Tanner uses Kierkegaard's thought, in particular his theory of anxiety, to enrich a bold new reading of Milton's Paradise Lost. He argues that for Milton and Kierkegaard, the path to sin and to salvation lies through anxiety, and that both writers include anxiety within the compass of paradise. The first half of the book explores anxiety in Eden before the Fall, original sin, the aetiology of evil, and prelapsarian knowledge. The second half examines anxiety after the Fall, offering original insights (...)
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  39. Gestalt and Gehalt: The 'basic structure' of the mass.John Hill - 2014 - The Australasian Catholic Record 91 (3):292.
    Hill, John As Manfred Hauke has pointed out in a recent article, the question of whether the priest should face the people or not during Mass is more than a matter of personal taste or liturgical prejudice. If the Mass is a meal, then the participants should in some way surround what is a table; if it is a sacrifice, then the priest should lead the people in prayer, facing the east across what is an altar. This is a (...)
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    Philosophic backgrounds of recent American political theory: a study in deterioration.John T. Amendt - 1950 - Washington,: Washington.
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    Mathematics, the language concepts.John Alfred Henry Anderson - 1974 - London: Stanley Thornes (Publishers).
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    On the Status of 'Lexical Formatives'.John Anderson - 1968 - Foundations of Language 4 (3):308-318.
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  43. Thrax", "Dytinos", "Katarráktes.John K. Anderson - 1972 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 92:171-172.
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    The ghost of times past.John Anderson - 1973 - Foundations of Language 9 (4):481-491.
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  45. The ethics of african religious tradition.John K. Ansah - 1989 - In Kenneth Keulman (ed.), Review: World Religions and Global Ethics. New York: Paragon House Publishers.
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  46. Um capítulo esquecido da história intelectual brasileira: o caso do ISEB.John Karley de Sousa Aquino - 2023 - In Paulo Roberto Margutti Pinto (ed.), VII Colóquio Pensadores Brasileiros: coletânea de textos. Porto Alegre: Editora Fi.
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    Religion as anxiety and tranquillity.John Geeverghese Arapura - 1973 - The Hague,: Mouton.
  48. Lawrence Durrell's Gnosticism.John Arthos - 1962 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 43 (3):360.
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    Shakespeare's Use of Dream and Vision.John Arthos - 1977 - Vintage.
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  50. A plea for excuses.John Austin - 1956 - In James Urmson & Geoffrey Warnock (eds.), Austin’s philosophical papers, 3rd ed. (1979). Oxford University Press. pp. 175-204.
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