63 found
  1. Stoic Philosophy.John M. Rist - 1969 - London: Cambridge University Press.
    Literature on the Stoa usually concentrates on historical accounts of the development of the school and on Stoicism as a social movement. In this 1977 text, Professor Rist's approach is to examine in detail a series of philosophical problems discussed by leading members of the Stoic school. He is not concerned with social history or with the influence of Stoicism on popular beliefs in the Ancient world, but with such questions as the relation between Stoicism and the thought of Aristotle, (...)
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  2. Augustine: Ancient Thought Baptized.John M. Rist - 1994 - Cambridge University Press.
    This major work constitutes a significant attempt to provide a detailed and accurate account of the character and effects of Augustine's thought as a whole. It describes the transformation of Greco-Roman philosophy into the version that was to become the most influential in the history of Western thought. Augustine weighed some of the major themes of classical philosophy and ancient culture against the truth he found in the Bible and Catholic tradition, and reformulated these in Christian dress.
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  3. Augustine: Ancient Thought Baptized.John M. Rist - 1994 - Religious Studies 31 (4):542-544.
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    The Mind of Aristotle: A Study in Philosophical Growth.John M. Rist - 1989 - Toronto; Buffalo: University of Toronto Press.
    The author attempts to chart Aristotle's philosophical progress, using the techniques of both philology and philosophical analysis. His aim is to see where Aristotle came from philosophically and what impelled him to develop his ideas in particular directions. The first chapter is an overall account of Aristotle's philosophical activities as his life progressed; the remaining sections discuss in detail the development of such key themes as the possibility of metaphysics, activity and potentiality, categories, mind, substance, God, human nature and happiness, (...)
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    Plotinus: the road to reality.John M. Rist - 1967 - Cambridge,: Cambridge University Press.
    The Road to Reality John M. Rist. 13 THE ORIGINALITY OF PLOTINUS ' It is necessary to take the notable opinions of the ancients and consider whether any of them agree with ours.' (Enneads It will not have escaped the reader's  ...
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    Plotinus on Matter and Evil.John M. Rist - 1961 - Phronesis 6 (1):154-166.
  7. Real Ethics: Reconsidering the Foundations of Morality.John M. Rist - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    John Rist surveys the history of ethics from Plato to the present and offers a vigorous defence of an ethical theory based on a revised version of Platonic realism. In a wide-ranging discussion he examines well-known alternatives to Platonism, in particular Epicurus, Hobbes, Hume and Kant as well as contemporary 'practical reasoners', and argues that most post-Enlightenment theories of morality depend on an abandoned Christian metaphysic and are unintelligible without such grounding. He also argues that contemporary choice-based theories, whether they (...)
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  8.  13
    Eros and Psyche.John M. Rist - 1964 - [Toronto]: University of Toronto Press.
    This study makes a substantial contribution to our understanding of the development of ancient Platonism and of the influence of Greek philosophy on Christian thought. The author examines a number of themes such as Eros, Virtue, and Knowledge in the writings of Plato.
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  9. Reading Neoplatonism: Non-Discursive Thinking in the Texts of Plotinus, Proclus and Damascius.John M. Rist - 2001 - Mind 110 (438):537-539.
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    (1 other version)Augustine: Ancient Thought Baptized.Gareth B. Matthews & John M. Rist - 1996 - Philosophical Review 105 (1):110.
    As John Rist presents Augustine, he was a man who “lived on the frontier between the ancient world and mediaeval Western Europe”. Among the the many who tried to transform ancient thought, Rist tells us, Augustine was “the most radical and the most influential”.
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  11.  35
    Seneca and Stoic Orthodoxy.John M. Rist - 1987 - In Wolfgang Haase (ed.), Philosophie, Wissenschaften, Technik. Philosophie. De Gruyter. pp. 1993-2013.
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    (1 other version)The Indefinite Dyad and Intelligible Matter in Plotinus.John M. Rist - 1918 - Classical Quarterly 12 (1):99-107.
    The role and precise significance of Intelligible Matter in the philosophy of Plotinus has been neglected or dismissed with many questions unanswered. In view of the fact that, unless this role can be properly understood, the whole doctrine of the procession of the Second Hypostasis must remain mysterious, this paper is intended to shed light on two important aspects of that Hypostasis: the nature of Intelligible Matter itself and the relation of that Matter to the Forms.
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    Epicurus.John M. Rist - 1972 - Cambridge [Eng.]: University Press.
    EPICURUS AND HIS FRIENDS Every philosopher has a personal history, and it is often helpful to understand his history if we want to understand his philosophy ...
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    Back to the mysticism of plotinus: Some more specifics.John M. Rist - 1989 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 27 (2):183-197.
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    Man, soul, and body: essays in ancient thought from Plato to Dionysius.John M. Rist - 1996 - Brookfield, Vt., USA: Variorum.
    This second set of papers by John Rist is concerned with attempts by (mostly pagan) thinkers in Greco-Roman antiquity to understand the nature of morality against a background of wide-ranging debate about the relationship between soul and body and the necessity for a correct psychology and physiology if the 'good life for man' is to be revealed. Three papers are on Plato, whose elaborate mix of ethics, psychology and metaphysics sets the stage for most of the debate; one is on (...)
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    Platonism and its Christian heritage.John M. Rist - 1985 - London: Variorum Reprints.
    This collection of essays by John M. Rist deals with Platonism in the Imperial Roman age and with its various and complicated relationships with the growing Christian recognition of the necessity to think.
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    The Stoics.John M. Rist (ed.) - 1978 - University of California Press.
    This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press’s mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1978.
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    Al-Kindī's Discussion of Divine Existence and Oneness.Michael E. Marmura & John M. Rist - 1963 - Mediaeval Studies 25 (1):338-354.
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    Integration and the Undescended Soul in Plotinus.John M. Rist - 1967 - American Journal of Philology 88 (4):410.
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    (1 other version)La signification des images et des metaphores dans la pensee de Plotin.John M. Rist & Rein Ferwerda - 1968 - American Journal of Philology 89 (1):127.
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  21. On Tracking Alexander of Aphrodisias.John M. Rist - 1966 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 48 (1):82.
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  22.  14
    Platonic Love.John M. Rist & Thomas Gould - 1965 - American Journal of Philology 86 (3):333.
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    Theos and the One in some texts of Plotinus.John M. Rist - 1962 - Mediaeval Studies 24 (1):169-180.
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    The End of Aristotle's on Prayer.John M. Rist - 1985 - American Journal of Philology 106 (1):110.
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    Neopythagoreanism and 'Plato's' second letter.John M. Rist - 1965 - Phronesis 10 (1):78-81.
  26. De Jamblique À Proclus Neuf Exposés Suivis de Discussions.Bent Dalsgaard Larsen, R. E. Witt, Edouard Des Places, John M. Rist & H. J. Blumenthal - 1975 - Fondation Hardt.
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    American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 750.Riccardo Pozzo, Alice M. Ramos & John M. Rist - 2012 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 86 (4):749-750.
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    Augustine Deformed: Love, Sin and Freedom in the Western Moral Tradition.John M. Rist - 2014 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Augustine established a moral framework that dominated Western culture for more than a thousand years. His partly flawed presentation of some of its key concepts, however, prompted subsequent thinkers to attempt to repair this framework, and their efforts often aggravated the very problems they intended to solve. Over time, dissatisfaction with an imperfect Augustinian theology gave way to increasingly secular and eventually impersonal moral systems. This volume traces the distortion of Augustine's thought from the twelfth century to the present and (...)
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    Colloquium 3.John M. Rist - 1998 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 14 (1):53-72.
  30.  8
    Confusion in the West: Retrieving Tradition in the Modern and Post-Modern World.Anna Rist & John M. Rist - 2022 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. Edited by John M. Rist.
    In their trenchant panoramic overview – ranging from antiquity to the present-day – John and Anna Rist write with authority and ennui about nothing less than the loss of the foundational culture of the West. The authors characterize this culture as the 'original tradition', viewing its erosion as one which has led to anxiety about the entire value of Western thought. The causes of the disintegration are discussed with an intensity rare in academe. Critics of modernity ordinarily concentrate on the (...)
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  31.  32
    Determinism and Freedom in Stoic Philosophy.John M. Rist - 2000 - International Philosophical Quarterly 40 (3):378-379.
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    Democracy and Religious Values.John M. Rist - 1998 - Augustinian Studies 29 (1):7-24.
  33. Freedom and would-be persons.John M. Rist - 2007 - In Richard Velkley (ed.), Freedom and the human person. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press.
  34.  8
    From Dreamland “Humanism” to Christian Political Reality, or From Nusquama to Utopia.John M. Rist - 2016 - Review of Metaphysics 69 (4):739-785.
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    Human value: a study in ancient philosophical ethics.John M. Rist - 1982 - Leiden: E.J. Brill.
    INTRODUCTION The Problem of Human Value in Ancient Philosophy All of us have heard it said, at some time or another, that every man is born with certain ...
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  36. Ideas of Individuals in Plotinus: A reply to Dr. Blumenthal.John M. Rist - 1970 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 24 (2):299.
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    Margaret E. Reesor: The Nature of Man in Early Stoic Philosophy. Pp. ix + 179. London: Duckworth, 1989. £24.00.John M. Rist - 1990 - The Classical Review 40 (2):500-500.
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    Notes on Anselm's aims in the proslogion.John M. Rist - 1973 - Vivarium 11 (1):109-118.
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    On ethics, politics and psychology in the twenty-first century.John M. Rist - 2018 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    What's a one-time bishop of Hippo got to do with the third millennium? -- The foundations of Augustine's moral Empiricism: truth, love and sin -- Scientific philosophy and first-person confession -- Against autonomy: ought and can -- The state: persecution, war, justice and regret -- Against political panaceas -- Utilitarians and Kantians: a parallel journey to triviality -- Rights theory -- The inevitable irrelevance of most contemporary theology -- Austin's brag: conventional relativism, nihilism or the Catholic tradition -- Transcript of (...)
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    Plutarch’s Amatorius: A Commentary on Plato’s Theories of Love?John M. Rist - 2001 - Classical Quarterly 51 (2):557-575.
  41. Plotino, Ficino e noi stessi: alcuni riflessi etici.John M. RiST & E. Peroli - 1994 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 86 (3):448-467.
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    Stoicism: Some reflections on the state of the art.John M. Rist - 1984 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 23 (S1):1-11.
  43.  17
    Truth and Faith in Ethics – Edited by Hayden Ramsay.John M. Rist - 2012 - Philosophical Investigations 35 (3-4):383-386.
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    The Aviary Model in the Theaetetus.John M. Rist - 1963 - Dialogue 1 (4):406-409.
  45.  50
    Theurgy and the Soul: The Neoplatonism of lamblichus.John M. Rist - 1997 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 35 (2):296-297.
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    The Golden Chain: Studies in the Development of Platonism and Christianity.John M. Rist - 1994 - Ancient Philosophy 14 (2):467-468.
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    The One of Plotinus and the God of Aristotle.John M. Rist - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 27 (1):75 - 87.
    All this might be of only antiquarian interest, the ramifications of a supposedly long-outworn metaphysic. But Plotinus’ critique of Aristotle and consequent development of his own position present a number of features of wider interest. First of all, in contrast to much preceding Greek "theology," Plotinus’ One may not be anthropomorphic. Early Greek philosophers, like Xenophanes, had criticized the poets and mythologists on this score, but Plato and Aristotle, in their different ways, are similarly open to attack. For Aristotle mind (...)
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    What is a Person?: Realities, Constructs, Illusions.John M. Rist - 2019 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    In this book, John M. Rist offers an account of the concept of 'person' as it has developed in the West, and how it has become alien in a post-Christian culture. He begins by identifying the 'mainline tradition' about persons as it evolved from the time of Plato to the High Middle Ages, then turns to successive attacks on it in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, then proceeds to the 'five ways' in which the tradition was savaged or distorted in (...)
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  49. What is Truth?: From the Academy to the Vatican.John M. Rist - 2008 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book studies the nature, growth and prospects of Roman Catholic culture, viewed as capable of appropriating all that is noble both from internal and external sources. John Rist tests his argument via a number of avenues: man's creation in the image of God and historical difficulties about incorporating women into that vision; the relationship between God's mercy and justice; the possibility of Christian aesthetics; the early development of the see of Rome as the source of an indispensable doctrinal unity (...)
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  50.  31
    Pagans and Philosophers: The Problem of Paganism from Augustine to Leibniz. [REVIEW]John M. Rist - 2016 - Review of Metaphysics 70 (1):141-144.
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